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  1. Ienzo
    I love listening to really empowering songs as I walk down the street, people don't realise how empowered I feel as I stride past them >:3
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    Rude >:3

    Rude >:3
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Aug 30, 2014
  3. Ienzo
  4. Ienzo
  5. Ienzo
  6. Ienzo
    Well, this is well said and I couldn't agree more. I am going to add my spoiler filled view on the episode now after I have watched it a few more times.

    Firstly, I have seen many criticisms about the dinosaur being "pointless" or "just for show" but I have to disagree. Think of the episode without the dinosaur firstly, it doesn't seem right- I liked that big shock of the opening scene as well as giving the town something to ponder over (like Alfie and his wife talking conspiracy theories about it being part of the government) which is kind of representative of the human race- we may see stuff in front of us but deny the proof that's there. Secondly, it's to add something for us to get attached to for it to then be taken away- yes you could have done it with a human but that's over done, I think we feel a bit protective over dinosaurs because they are extinct or we know the horrible fate that they will succumb to. But the third and probably most important reason is that it shows you how long the clockwork droids have been rebuilding themselves for since they know the materials that are in a dinosaur's eye. The dinosaur is also great for kids and this is technically a family show which encomapsses children (people moan about calling it a kids show because it has a lot of adult humour in as well as dealing with important problems).

    Upon rewatching the title sequence I have grown to absolutely love it. I thought the tune was a bit weak to begin with but it's been given a different spacy feel which is quite cool. So I am very happy with it all in all : D I especially love the opening drum bit with all the clockwork- very steampunk.

    I also completely missed the HUGE mystery at the end about whether he was pushed or jumped when I first watched it and I don't know how, I love it and I can't decide which one was lying- we do know that the Doctor does murder people and he does lie (plus the whole "I've made many mistakes" spiel) but still, it could swing the other way, we don't know yet.

    They are obviously going to address the fact that Capaldi has other character's in the Whoniverse which I am incredibly excited for but by the way they have currently worded the question ("Who frowned with this face?" "I don't know where the faces come from.") it seems like there is a reason they pick the faces they do- perhaps they pick them off people they have met in their previous lives for some reason- it would explain why Colin Baker was in WHO before he was the Doctor and it would also give Timelords more backstory about regeneration because it is still a mystery. I mean, when Romana regenerates she picks the face of a woman they met in a previous adventure and the Doctor reacts disgusted ("You can't go about stealing other people's face's" Or something to that effect) and yet he's done it twice. But if it is the case that he picks the faces of people he's met previously then there would be a Tennant character and a Smith character somewhere in the Whoniverse which is where he got 10's, 11's and everyone else's faces from.

    One criticism that I have seen which has bothered me is people moaning about the "unnecessary Lesbian (or lizbian xD) kiss" and yet no one bats an eye when Jack Harkness made out with the Doctor, or the Doctor kissed Rory- is it that men kissing is more accepted than women? Also, it wasn't completely unnecessary as it helped Jenny hold her breath. I think it's also a great step forward in the world of accepting gay rights and incredibly brave on Moffat's behalf.

    Watching the episode again has given me a new light to Peter's Doctor, although he is a bit more "dark" (a word that Capaldi himself questioned but I use it just to encompass his relentless and harsher nature) he is still loving and warm, he loves the human race greatly but I think he has lost the ability to connect properly with them (like he's become more socially inept compared to Smith which must be quite difficult and probably scared him a lot because he thought he might scare Clara off and be left alone again) and isn't overly sensitive to their needs except for "they are dying, they need my help" sort of thing. He's a big softie on the inside I think >:3 He yells, shouts and insults but just because he is insecure, it makes me really want to hug him... but you know, not the best thing to do xD

    I have heard many great theories for who Missy is- my favourite has to be that she's a female Master but we still don't know and I suppose it'll all come out, I also hope they do sort out and explain the Valeyard. I am aware of the fact that if anyone is a mystery in Who then they are automatically connected to the Master xD but still I hope he returns.

    I could write down many more thoughts but I shall leave it at that for the moment- I think next week's episode should be brilliant : D so looking forward to it.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Ienzo
    Purple rain is like liquid sherbert. I love it so much <3 and I want to be bar trained just so I can learn to make it myself!

    It sucks D: sucks majorly, especially when you get to the point where you live expecting work to phone you up and call you in.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ienzo
    I think he's brilliant, I wasn't worried but I feel like the next episode will be a better judge of that because he was a bit of a mess in this episode, still hilarious though. Some Doctor's are funny, but I don't think they have been as funny as Capaldi : D but he just nails subtle humour in my opinion.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Ienzo

    I am happy to remember him for the great things he has done and even though he has gone, I hope he still continues to make us laugh.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I can currently see a great uprising in the understanding of depression as a serious illness and not as something to be taken lightly or something you can just snap out of.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Ienzo
    That saddens me just thinking about it D: I remember the time of doing the battle of the 1000 heartless with only 999 heartless. That was quite annoying but easily fixed... unlike this 0.o
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ienzo
    I love this song so much, when it comes on the radio I have to turn it up because it makes me feel happy inside.

    I agree, I have had 11 hour shifts before and I just die. I curl up and die.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Ienzo


    And that is why punctuation is so expressive.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ienzo
    This was always the plan. It was always how we wanted it >:3 This is how we take over.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ienzo
    So I work in a Wetherspoons kitchen (for those not in Britain, it's one of the biggest pub chains in the UK) which is fun but since I started 9 months ago 5 people have left and 2 have joined and with it being summer people are going on holidays or whatever else. Our kitchen can accomodate about 10 staff members... next week we have 3 fully trained kitchen staff. I will basically be living at work next week, I am going to be knackered ;-; and I will leave soon to go to uni, they are going to be screwed 0.o

    This is why I haven't been on much, so how goes everyone else's wonderful summers?
    Thread by: Ienzo, Aug 22, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    Allllll sorted : D thank you

    Allllll sorted : D thank you
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Aug 22, 2014
  16. Ienzo

    My Avatars

    That is a large collection of avatars : 3 a few of them do have floating head syndrome but besides from that, cool. (Floating head syndrome: where it's just their head in the avatar when it should at least show a bit more than that like at least to a shoulder or something)
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Ienzo



    Well that is basically rape.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Ienzo
    So much. Very much. Wow.

    Much much.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Ienzo
    I love the new TARDIS look, it's much homier-
    the new title sequence is a bit hit and miss though. I like it but the remix of the theme tune just didn't do it for me.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Ienzo
    This has been probably the first celebrity death that has truly affected me. I thought he was a brilliant and talented man, Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Aladdin were huge parts of my childhood. I can still watch and enjoy them but they have been tainted a bit with his death and it would sadden me greatly.
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Current Events