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  1. Ienzo
    I would expect this, the painting is very good but very few people would properly pay attention to her jeans. It's not the fact New Yorkers aren't observant, it's the fact that we've grown up to filter out people's clothing choices (unless they really stand out) because otherwise our brains would be overloaded with info every second of the day. It's not a fault in human perception, it's a good thing that we can filter out useless information like what people are wearing. Our attention spans just aren't that big to concentrate on everything. I recon a similar thing would happen with less well painted on jeans.

    Having said that, I love this experiment : D
    Post by: Ienzo, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ienzo
    The grumpiness of Sephiroth is unreal : D
    Post by: Ienzo, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ienzo
    So does your butt >:3
    Post by: Ienzo, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ienzo
    Why do you need to study more maths?
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Oct 28, 2014
  5. Ienzo
  6. Ienzo
    Thank you, and to you too >: 3 Whenever that may be!
    Post by: Ienzo, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Ienzo
    Thos explosions are actually the best xD
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Oct 17, 2014
  8. Ienzo
  9. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Oct 17, 2014
  10. Ienzo
    I know right? I am old now ;-; And thank you very much! : D I feel so much wiser right now.

    I am very happy with this waffle iron : D

    But the physical gifts were the best thing in the world ever! And I am so happy right now : D I even have a fun box to play with.

    Woo! I am excited : D and thank you very much you sexy best >:3

    Thank you : D I will make sure to share all the cake I get!

    No you are :D thank you very much.
    Post by: Ienzo, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ienzo
  12. Ienzo
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ienzo
  14. Ienzo
    Every weird thing was given 2 explanations, the normal one and the weirdy "hiding monster" one. I recon everything was simply explained via the normal one. ORRRRRR it was some alien that popped down to earth but actually ahd nothing to do with the "Listen" monsters which I think would be quite funny xD
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 22, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Ienzo
    You called? I am here, but preparing to move away to uni as well as stopping work as well as meeting up with lots of my friends to say goodbye as well as spending as much time as possible with my boyfriend before I leave and move away from him.
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Ienzo
    THIS IS SO FABULOUS I COULD CRY : D besides the fact that the story is awesome and I am intrigued as well as the fact you got everyone spot on, I am joyful to now have the concept of a dragon-bun in my head xD
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: Archives
  17. Ienzo
    I was eating ice cream while watching it, how could I possibly forget my spoon >:3
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Ienzo
    : D Oh always, I am so ready for this episode.
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Sep 2, 2014
  20. Ienzo
    This is an interesting idea, it would be weird if he did this subconsciously. I always thought that he was a bit of a mix between Rory and Amy- looks like an older Rory but is Socttish like Amy xD I doubt that's the case at all but it would be cool.

    I had a bit of a theory which relates to who Missy is, firstly I don't think we've met her, I think she is a brand new character. Well, my mum had this idea and I quite like it: When the Doctor dies before he regenerates he goes to this 'heaven' and Missy chooses his new face and then when he wakes up he can't remember encountering her but for some reason she she is collecting people in the Doctor's path. It is assumed that she is evil, but she may not be, she may be trying to help the Doctor in some way... or she may be generally evil. I look forward to finding out.

    And on the new episode:

    I have rewatched it a few times and definitely enjoyed it, I loved the concept and the way they built up the characters and killed them with little mercy. I thought it was well balanced between story, character development and monsters. They really did do something new with the daleks which is always welcome and the Doctor's unflexible reaction to them was great- that he was happy that he was right, that he is justified to hating all the daleks if they are all evil and incapable of good. Also, the slap, I loved it. Don't know why, but I wanted to high five Clara xD it was just a brilliant moment of companion strength.

    I thought the "turning the memories back on" this was a bit weird and easily figured out but even with that, I adore this episode.
    Post by: Ienzo, Sep 2, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media