: D It's good to see you again Tale, I wouldn't have recognised you except for the wonderful KEYBLADE MASTER tag still under your name xD How is it going? You can't control me >:3 I don't fit into any balls.
Well that was my interpretation of them >:3
It is weird when you put it like that, but I much prefer it. I think we're allowed to attack in self defense but that's it, weapons=bad.
My anxiety levels would get too high if I only got 40 percent xD my self esteem would disintegrate, but at the same time I can't motivate myself to work as hard as I normally would for an exam that counted passed getting a pass mark. So I want to do well but if I don't do the best I can then I won't cry because these exams don't count toward anything beside letting us progress to next semester. I think it's illegal in the UK, we are a lot more strict on our weapon laws than other places 0.o our self defense is our wit.
I will burn your little Dean. Yeah, apparently it's illegal here 0.o never met anyone with it, I came across someone setting off a stink bomb once but that's not that bad. I am good, going through the joy that is exams but I only need to get 40% to advance which is quite easy. How have you been? : D
I sometimes enjoy being overpowered in games but it does get boring quickly. I farmed for ages on Skyrim to get the best armour and weapons and enchanted them in such a way to make my health regenerate fast than I could lose it and so I could one hit kill anything. The game got old quickly but it was fun to start with. A game can be like a business like a book can be work when you have to read it for school. When it's your duty to do something, a lot less pleasure is taken from it because it's not something done of your own free will, it's done for a meaningful purpose.
It's cool, I only eat Cat's. Absolutely brilliant and incredibly depressing. Spoiler Totally loved how they FUCKING EXPLAINED NOTHING AND NOW WE HAVE TO WAIT AGES FOR SERIES 2! >.< In all seriousness, it was nice having a fantasy series where the warriors were incredibly terrified, it wasn't about being the best and being the strongest, it was about surviving and fighting your fears. Also, I'm quite glad we're top of the food chain.
Depression isn't cured, it's only managed and when you understand that then you can begin the battle of surviving. Mine is very mild and is accompanied strongly with anxiety and panic attacks but I was quite recently on these drugs that made it so much worse. I shut myself in my room and just cried, I have never felt so alone or so useless and I wanted nothing more than to not exist. My mind could not be distracted or satisfied with mere cheery comedies, that was only a temporary solution, the laughter was replaced by tears afterwards. Of course, this was more a physiological thing as when I stopped taking them I cheered up a bit, I still get it and can have it quite strongly but I know others have it much much worse. The problem is, I don't deal with it, it causes me many problems as I internalise it and hope it goes away, which is does but it'll manifest in other ways in my psych. I tend to go to sleep, that helps as i wake up feeling better but until I go to sleep, I try to watch and eat things that make me happy but that works less and less. The best cure I have currently found is company so I try to find someone who will come into my room just so I can talk with them. Of course, I haven't had any therapy but I know it would help as it alters your distorted view of your self, your world and your future which is part of what depression is: a distorted outlook on life. We blame our failures on our own shortcomings while our successes are down to luck and if this is something you see yourself doing then trying to convince yourself that you actually are good at things can help quite a lot. So, overall it's more an experiment until you find something that works for you but as long as you know that you have your dark days but they will pass, don't hide it as that'll make the strain worse, talk it through with someone you trust and then try to find an outlet. Also, if you manage to find what sets it off and what your thoughts are toward the origin then you can try to control and alter your ideas to stop your thought patterns from spiraling off into depression.
I feel like I am the complete opposite, I have had bad relationships, I have been rejected, but I still want that closeness because there really is nothing like it. I would say I have fallen in love for the first time and am in an adult relationship with someone who I feel could be my partner forever (wishful thinking? Well, it's the only relationship I have had where I've not only been scared to think of the future but can also believe it happening). If you are scared then you are missing out on so much. Human's are social creatures, we are meant to be together (some people aren't really meant for relationships, they find companionship in other ways) but we are born needing others. My friend has just gone through a horrendous break up and as my friends and I were comforting her she basically told us how relationships are poisonous and horrible, they only leave you broken. I knew it was the bad break up talking but it was shocking hearing someone who had been so in love say it. You can go into relationships fearing the worst and they can really shake your entire foundations but that really is just part of life. Failing, messing up, trying and trying again until you succeed. If you let the fear of messing up or the fear of embarrassment stop you from taking opportunities then you will miss out on so much. Relationships, commitment, they are scary things, it's hard to be so open and vulnerable to someone when you aren't used to it but if you stick with it then it'll make you feel better not always immediately but being vulnerable is part of life. It's honestly sad to miss out on something so nice as companionship when you fear it. I am in a relationship now, when he upsets me or I get scared there are negative emotions between us, I do get very scared, very upset, it bothers me greatly but I would rather have that fear, all those anxieties that nag at me constantly than to be alone. Relationships are not perfect, they should not be painted so, they are hard and need work but when you can make it work then it's amazing, you will have the best of times and if it ends badly then you can hold onto those memories and try again.
Don't read them in a flash. I hope they're super. I guess you'll be an ex-person when we have to avenge you for hoarding them. I hope the reading is fantastically amazing. Batman.
I am your long lost cousin's best friend's wife's aunt's tailor's son's friend's stranger's daughter : D Watch it you lil bitch before I eat you.
xD I really hope that last one isn't an actual quote from the actual show... oh God it is isn't it xD Also, I thought nub noises were awkward...
I finished Attack on Titan... shhh, I know I'm like a year late to the party but I got quite addicted and finished it within about 4 days. Also, I've been at uni for ages now and the main annoyance with it is the fire alarm constantly going off... especially in the middle of the night (happened once 3 times in one night... I could have cried). But yesterday I decided to attempt an early night which was quickly disturbed by loads of coughing outside my flat, I went out to see what was going on and they were complaining of something in the air making them cough, that was when the fire alarm went off. The guy claimed that there was a potential chemical spillage and so evacuated us and it could take up to an hour. The whole of my house (about 180 people) were then stuck outside in the cold at about 12:30 at night for a while. Thankfully I was back in bed by 1am as they found out it was just pepper spray but MOTHER OF GOD WHO HAS PEPPER SPRAY!? AND WHY WERE THEY USING IT D: So that's basically my life, how's everyone else doing? I haven't been around much as of late due to trying to settle into uni :3
~Moved to Kingdom hearts II as it feels like it fits better there. I assumed it was what Axel put there to start with in order to get back, or it was a biproduct of him teleporting away after the fight with Roxas and it just remained. I do think it was Axel's doing, he wanted Sora and everyone to get to TWTNW but whether that was intentional or not I don't know.
I dreamed it would be KH2 and BBS... I am going to assume it delivers on that : D until my PS3 returns home to me then I can't say.
Have a fantabulous day with life and presents and love and chocolate and balloons and slaughtering of goats : D
Oh yes : D he is totally awesome as well! Dp you watch doctor who?
Give it to me because I already have it therefore am the person who needs it most : D
I have to say McDonalds simply because it is the one I used to always be treated with as a child, I love their food as well and they're the only chips I can really properly enjoy. Wimpy, Burger King, KFC all have weird chips not to mention the chicken at KFC has made me nearly quite ill and so I feel weird eating there any more. We don't have Taco Bell or Tommy's (and there are other's I know aren't present over here) but I have always wanted to try them.
Busy, and hard. Things have been alright but it's all just been quite full on. How are you?