Very possible. Maybe it can come to my ice cream warehouse and we can destroy it with ice cream :D Even though it blew up after singing to Charlie...
You asked/watched at your own risk. And I said don't hate me for it so.... And I just wanna know if it's a guy or a girl or an it. Talking about...
All that's in my mind atm... "I am a millipede I am a millipede..."
I feel like I'm high and now the millipede song is stuck in my head :(
I'll send you a piece of it... just don't hate me for it
OMG it's true... you can't escape. I watched something years ago and swore never again and just yesterday I was on youtube and what was there with...
Yeah but pudgy doesn't work too well with girls. My chest is larger and supposedly guys like when they're bigger but the pudginess doesn't help...
you're less than i am... im like 205. i feel so pudgy and dumdum was poking me on the bus today and i was like "i'm not the f*cking Pillsbury...
i think i gotta start working out. im so fat. i was losing and then i started going back up when the weather got cold. anything i can do to lose a...
Great... so what's been up with you?
Do you think it could be payback for never waking me up in the middle of the night crying?
she's not exactly a kid though. she's barely a toddler
So young and already changing moods in seconds.
I got a hug cuz I took her to see Aunt Nana :D
She hit me :/
I stole a hug :p
She just wants to snuggle with anyone but me. So I told her I won't share my food with her until she gives me a hug.
Not sure. She kinda just waved me away shouted "NO!"
my little freshman are like little brothers. and my niece wants nothing to do with me atm
is it boring? and yeah it's cute but they can be soooo annoying sometimes