But we're still cleaning up from the silly string fight.
we sit next to each other and text each other...
Because I like to assume things. I know what yaoi is. Now you're assuming I don't know.
Mine isn't finished yet :( Can I borrow yours for now? *i ish a girl btw*[DOUBLEPOST=1373853177][/DOUBLEPOST] stfu and u first[DOUBLEPOST=1373853282][/DOUBLEPOST]omg she's trying to feed me peanut butter and i dun lyk it :(
so give me ideas on what we can do. this is so boring....
But this time there's no cookies... :/ Just giant kit kat bars and we each have our own. I'm kinda bored atm so I have nothing better to do than to post about it.
Yes but I'm starting out. Right now I drive my mom's van for practice but hopefully soon I'll get my full license and then get my own car.
Up until about a month ago, I didn't have her number to talk to her so I didn't find out about her pregnancy until she was due in about 6 months. Since we weren't able to hang out because of distance, I really don't know too much. Don't know who the dad was, if she was still with him, or anything like that. I can't see her not taking care of herself. She was always telling me about all the doctor appointments she had so it seemed like she was taking care of herself. But she's the kind of unlucky girl who could barely take care of herself. I cried to my mom when I told her and she said it might be better this way because I honestly don't know if my friend would be able to take care a baby. It's still sad though and I just feel so bad for her. If all I can do is try to set up a day when we can meet up again now that I have more of an idea of where she is and I should be able to get there (with a GPS or someone having someone with me who can read a map cuz I don't get it at all) and just be a friend, that's what I'm good at.
I think what got to me a bit more too, is that she's only 20. Part of me wanted to be like "well sometimes this is what happens when you're young and stupid and can barely take care of yourself as well as another tiny little life." About 2 years my friend who was about 17 at the time had a miscarriage. But at least she has her whole life ahead of her I guess and I hope she'll have another chance one day. It might be a bit hard to meet up but we are trying. I've started driving so if nothing else, I guess it could take a few months but when I can drive on my own, I'm sure I can borrow my mom's van in the summer and drive down to see her myself. Just hope she'll be ok for that long.
Thanks. I've already told her I'm here if she needs me and we're actually trying to set up something where we can meet and hang out again. I haven't seen her in a few months. Just wish she lived closer. I figured there wasn't much I could do but I was hoping.
She just texted me a few minutes ago. She was due to have a baby in July but her text said that she had the baby. I guess it was a preemie but I didn't wanna ask. At least not yet. She said the baby didn't make it unfortunately. I told her I was so sorry. I'm sitting here crying for her now and I don't even wanna image what she's like right now. I'd love to call her as soon as possible if she needs/wants to talk but honestly, I'm not even sure I'd be able to talk atm. And I get upset relatively easily. I can't even image how she's feeling right now. We could probably just cry on the phone together. So basically, if I call her at some point or she calls me, I'd really love some advice on what to say. I have this really bad habit of saying the wrong thing or not fully thinking about what I'm saying before I do with anything bad. I'm guessing the baby was a preemie because her text was "I had a pretty girl. She past away" but I don't feel comfortable asking her anymore info about it. Advice on what to say (if either of us will be able to talk) if/when one of us calls the other?
i ish luvin milk chocolate
idk how to do that either but i guess maybe i could try
idk where my album is now
I ish very fat.
I'm prob fatter than you though.
i wish i wasnt so fat
That sucks.
Any reason you can't get it?