clean my room try not to hate my job so much if i make it through the day without wanting to rip off a customer's head, i'll have accomplished something so i guess i wanna be prouder of that
If it's the movie I have of it, it SUCKED. Animated 4evah!
cuz i was mad at my mom so i kinda just wrote whatever popped into my head not following any format or anything. it came out so sad like the other ~50 songs i've written in the past 4 and a half years. they all suck and are kinda sad cheer me up ppl? EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE waking up shaking from a nightmare/feeling so afraid and unsure/it felt so real but i’ll be ok/somehow i can’t help but feel like you should love me unconditionally/so why does it seem like you hate me?/why don’t i feel the love?/maybe it’s just not there//pre-chorus: you can’t pick your family/but i wish i had had a choice/with every word you say to me/they’re like knives cutting into me/getting down deep to make things worse/leaving scars you’ll never know about//chorus: you have three but you only see two/you’re unaware the emotionally unstable child is crying in her room/she might as well be crying blood/since it’d go unnoticed until she was gone/you and the others will be yelling at a still body/a smile on her face knowing she’s away from you now//words can hurt more than you think/i heard no one can make you feel insecure/unless they have your permission/but for someone like me it’s different/try and try every day/somehow finding courage to survive/then your mouth opens and the words come out/slowly destroying me inside//pre-chorus//CHORUS//luckily there’s so many reasons to keep fighting/it wasn’t an easy decision to make/but i decided no one was gonna ruin my life/it’s the smaller things in life that matter/i’m gonna stick around for them/they’re the reason i put up with all of it/if you take the time to look around you’ll see that//CHORUS// yay for my stupid/sad song? :D i also wrote one about being a kid and wanting to snow for christmas and i talked about dreaming about chocolate covered candy canes. that night i dreamt about evil spirits haunting me and work up shaking.... so ways to stop bad dreams would be nice. stupid dream catcher does nothing
One of my cats, Tiger, died almost a year ago. A few months after he died, I had to write a simile for Enlgish class. So I wrote one about him. I got a pretty good grade for it. I still haven't been able to read it to myself without tearing up. But I figured I'd share it and see what other people think cuz my english teacher was just happy that people actually tried and understood what a simile was. Your purr was like a lion’s roar Endless shedding was like the brush had a fur coat Coming in from the rain you were wet like perfect morning dew Missing you is like a piece of the world vanished Forever wishing you were still here is like wishing for the impossible Thinking about you was like a river of tears all through the first week that you were gone Wearing the bracelet is like knowing you’ll always be in my heart Pictures are like the forever memories hoping I’ll never forget Waiting to see you again is like an eternity that I know will have been worth the wait
i figured. i'm Em. or totally insane. whichever
So tomorrow is my sister's baby shower. I'm meeting her bf's family for the first time. I don't really like being all happy smilie social. If I have to, I will. Prob is, it's that time of the month. So I'm most likely going to be an emotional wreck tomorrow. So I pretty much need advice on how to keep mood swings under control, prevent cramps, be happy smilie for about 4 hours, and do it without being able to shove chocolate down my throat the entire time. If you're a girl, hopefully you get that it's almost impossible to keep mood swings under control. It was horrible when I was at school and would just break out crying. I had to be like "oh I accidentally jabbed myself with my pencil..." I love my sister but I don't know which one of us is gonna be more emotional. She's 7 and a half months pregnant. I have anxiety probs to begin with and that time of the month just makes it that much worse. I'm willing to try just about anything to make it through this. It's gonna be about a 2 hour drive to the place they're doing it btw. So I also have the ride there to add to making me nuts.
Very interesting.
I've never heard of that one before.[DOUBLEPOST=1374811637][/DOUBLEPOST] omg the pattern for it is sooo ugly
wow i feel so stupid. i have no idea who most of them are. i know just about all the 150 original pokemon + some from whatever the movie was called with Latios and Latias, Destiny Deoxys, and Jirachi.[DOUBLEPOST=1374810628][/DOUBLEPOST] no pattern found for roselia and only 1 for blaziken and it looks nothing like blaziken[DOUBLEPOST=1374810722][/DOUBLEPOST] umbreon pic is there and i found a pattern for zoroark. it's weird looking
i've been bored lately so i've been making more friendship bracelets. i've been doing some pokemon ones. so far i've done pikachu and umbreon. tomorrow i'll be starting snorlax. idk which one to do after so... opinions? what's ur fav!?
I'm up to anatomy and physiology, getting to kinesiology, and I have little chats of dogs and muscle parts but I'm not sure most of them are...
It's a class I'm taking this summer. Part is online, part is this huge binder and DVD, and then the last week of August I need to be in the...
Maybe this new guy should be my inspiration to do my work for my animal massage class that I'm not even sure a lot of it is real words.
I've missed the guy who said he wouldn't disappear on me.
long time no talk
*goes and gets my binder* can someone explain animal physiology to me!?
I tried. Got too boring too fast. NEXT![DOUBLEPOST=1373856404][/DOUBLEPOST] omg news!? Like... news? yeah no. i'd rather read through my animal anatomy and physiology muscles that i need to have memorized in a month
It's an idea. But first... mind posting step by step simply detailed instructions on how to do that without us getting bored?
Possibly because you are...?
They're covered in silly string that we gotta clean up :/