Chorus is done for a toast to our long journey. The elderly thing is similar to emotianlly unstable, left me to burn, how I killed the thing,...
Not a bad idea but new beginning, lost, friends forever, too special, reaching out, shining star, one wrong move, can't go back, and possibly a...
Awesomesauce. There's a lot I can think of but I can't think of enough for a song about the stuff.... ooo maybe I'll write another one about u:D I...
Of course you didn't see it coming it was about 4 years ago that I wrote the one about you. I'll take a look but really I just need ideas about...
I'm so out of ideas too. I can't even write about you cuz I did years ago. It was I think the 3rd song I ever wrote. I need ideas Sir Nas.
I guess its an idea. I have a few I've shown some of my neofriends but those are some of the really not so good ones cuz I can't even * anything...
Well you will for this song if/when I write it. All but 2 of the others are all mine. One I wrote with an ex friend and another with my neighbor....
Yeah. Obviously I haven't a lot else going on. Prob is I'm running out of ideas for stuff to write about. I've written about 5 about my cats. I...
OMG! :0 I could write a song about that... Sir Nas you just gave me an awesome idea for song #135 without even trying
I don't have skype. I just want my laptop fixed :( eventually I'll just fight wiuyth my mom about it until she just let's me replace the...
Ya my laptop needs a new harddrive :p always something. Id rather not get into the texting thing
Cuz its been forever and I'm not all that rememberable...(?) Idk.if that's a real word or not. But I don't care because my life is still insane so...
Long time no chat. You prob don't even have any idea who I am anymore.
finally finished the song i was working on about hamlet. now i can stop making myself crazy over that, especially since i still don't like shakespeare but now idk what to write about next. i've written a song about pretty much everything i can think of at this point but my goal is 70 by the end of the month. i'm just 3 away :D i've also been writing songs for like... 4 years now so it's a lot but it's not a lot. especially since most of them suck give me some ideas to write about ppl!
Which I have never heard of :p[DOUBLEPOST=1391915839][/DOUBLEPOST] Thank you! I almost failed math that marking period cuz of box and whisker plots. Someone who actually understands it's pointless![DOUBLEPOST=1391916175][/DOUBLEPOST] I had similar probs. I was the best out loud reader all 4 years of english classes. But I had the same teacher junior and senior year and anytime I read out loud that class, I got m&ms :D
lol i've been out of school for months now. Shakespeare just might never make any sense to me. It's one of those things I doubt I'll ever actually use in life. Like box and whisker plots in math, or geometry.
My teacher sophomore year tried that with us. And we also watched the movie and had to take a test on it. If we didn't get to take the test while watching the movie, almost all of would've failed. Could've understand a word of any of it.
I was looking through the "No Fear Shakespeare" but it still doesn't make much sense. This is gonna one of those songs that takes me awhile to do... which I hate. I didn't find out about NFS until junior year cuz the teacher had all the plays as books but they were all NFS. Made it a lot easier, but still confusing.[DOUBLEPOST=1391913928][/DOUBLEPOST] ikr and yet he's famous for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1391914102][/DOUBLEPOST] Maybe it was because it the last one I did before graduating, but at that point it was just like... "can we skip to the end and find out who all dies and how? cuz I'm pretty sure most of the other stuff is just useless info that we won't remember by tomorrow"
I kinda liked Romeo and Juliet. We got to see the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio in it. It was also freshman year so it was was just easier I think. School really needs to stop trying to force us to read stuff we barely understand in modern english. I had to memorize part of Hamlet's To Be or Not To Be soliloquy last year for extra credit. I rocked it :D The teacher tried to record it and I was like "NO! Someone take her phone away! Hide me!!!" Never did "A midsummer's Night Dream". I did Romeo and Juliet freshman year, Macbeth sophomore year, Othello junior year, and then finally Hamlet senior year, which was last year. So glad I'm done with school. Now I have my retail job with customers that scare me :/
so don't ask why i'm trying to write a song about the play "Hamlet". prob cuz i'm trying to get to 70 songs by the end of the month. i need 3 more song ideas. i feel like i've written about just about everything i can think of. most songs are not happy. like my life.... keep me occupied while i think of more song ideas i haven't done yet and while i look through spark notes so i actually understand what they're saying so i can get ideas to put into the song. it's been almost a year since i had to read it for english class but even then most of it wasn't in modern enlgish so i was totally clueless. stupid thousand line soliloquy that could've been said in 2 sentences