I've been ready for almost 10 years. When the day comes they'll be sorry they didn't believe me
Exactly. Its been almost 10 years so its gotta happen at some point
You'd think so. But one day cartoons shall become real cuz scarily some of my dreams come true in one way or another and years ago I dreamt that...
Just have my creator draw a new wall
If I was a cartoon it wouldn't be though cuz cartoons can do just about anything they want
One day I shall be the craxy cat lady from the simpsons. But I won't carry them around in a bag and throw them at people cuz km not a cartoon....
Lol shes about 10 yrs. old. Far from kitten. She's just a strange cat. But then agsin, they're all weird
I'll take what I can get with it still being legal. Vegance for my kitty! But right now as far as I know she's being good and staying in the back
I don't think I have enough strength to literally rip their head off but I'll be typing a lot cuz I'll have no voice left when I'm done screaming...
Well for now. If I have to chase down a car and rip someones head off, I'll let ya know
So glad I don't live on a very busy street. Otherwise if someone ran her over, someone is gonna wish they were never born
I have more than one cat. This time she ran across the street. She's not the smartest cat so I can see her just kinda rolling around in the middle...
Ok so my cat almost gave me a heart attack
I just clear my mind and write
A lot of ky songs are kinda emotional like that. In rl I'm very shy and quiet and don't talk much and don't have many peple I can tell things to...
I pmed you the first song. Still working on the journey. I didn't think it was possible to not think of anything that's not in the other songs
But of course Sir Nas.after all, you're the help for the one and the inspiration for the other
Ill pm both when they're done
Its just an outline atm really. If I have the idea like you gave me, sometimes it'll almost write itself. Working on the 2nd song about you...
Here's the chorus... could change as I work more on the rest of the song I must be dreaming There's no other explantion Seems like luck is...