There's only 2 of them according to the dream. You can take them Sir Nas
I'm sorry but I also ate all my ham. But if you'd like, I shall be the nicest ever and share my mini kit kats with you. I RARELY share my...
Yeah I don't get that either. Maybe its like when I got the idea for one of my songs about someone waking up from a coma with amnesia while I was...
Of course it is cuz i say so. Awww so cute how even your thoughts are nice. I wish I could have nice thoughts.yeah now I can cuz I finally figured...
Well you gotta hide it where cartoons can't get to it cuz these are viloent cartoon characters that never seem to stay dead
Oooo elephant :0
Right you would just think it :p jus cuz you're not a jerj doesn't mean you can't say/think jerky things though. I'm usually so nice but recently...
Remeber me? *waits for omg not you again I thought I was fina,ly free!*
Awww I'm sorry you didn't have fun but according to my 2min dream, its gonna be the day ater halloween so eat all your candy before then
Its barely gonna be a day to you (Lol have fun)
Ok but if at night they come in a flying saucer and call me by my alien name and I feel like they're gonna take me to my home planet where a week...
No if there was they would've found me by now. I think to make sure nothing can be proved, theyre waiting for me to go to them
I have no way to get back to the home planet that for all I know, could be a trap that they set up because I became too smart for them to control...
If whoever created me forgot a few screws, that's not my fault
I'm not a famous person. I would know if I was. But I do believe I could be an alien. But you could be too. Think about it. Earth and humans can't...
I can't be the only one who's had a dream like that. You have to try to have a dream too. If its all up to me to save the candy, that'll be the...
Well I'll try but gotta remember that I'm trying to have a sjmilar dream to the one I had 10 years ago. Cuz I feels like it. I won't yet but I'll...
I'm the only one who knows exactly how so if I wanna steal your candy, I shall cuz I can but noone else can. Especially the cartoons. At least...
How they get back to their ownworld and how to stop them
Except for me, right? Cuz I'm the one who had the dream I know how its all gonna go down. How they get here, what they have to steal the candy...