I have animals for that
Fine if there is someone who wouldn't gag the i don't wanna them
Maybe I don't need help
Just life
Not if they saw me in a bikini.... even the cats might have to gag
Slowly losing what's left of my mind
I don't need to do any dancing. It was bad enough when my granddad said I needed to walk around in a bikini to get a boyfriend. Any guy who's sees...
Its perfect dr. Cavitity.but I still.get to call you Sir Nas, k?
Nest struggle is gonna be getting money from my dad. The recovery discs didn't work so I have to replace the harddrive in my laptop.hopefully...
Dr. Cavitiy
Finally someone else who understands this
Fear of what though? Can't be her. I think I fear a praying mantis more than this cat. Ok fine if the mantis is far away from me. Cuz I am afraid...
I'm sorry. I think Trinity is trying to eat me though. She keeps licking my hand and purring...
*tries to shove it through the screen* did it work? It eithervwent to you or got swallowed up by the black hole that's taken over the floor of my...
Or the... Sweet Protector. No. The candy protector :D
I have regular solid milk chocolate bars and fruit roll ups and capt. Crunch...
Good cuz I finished them at like.... 10:30 last night ; p
You should cuz really, where's the proof? Just figure out the best way to get rid of cartoons that wanna take your candy and then its ok cuz u...
They're cartoons. I think it'd be perfectly in reason.