[Mood: Worried/somehow relieved... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] It was a huge relief now that she was back in her own body (and we'll skip all the stuff that happened inbetween the switch and now just due to ease). Finally... her chest felt right again. Just the right weight she had become accustomed too. Her balance was back perfectly, and she just felt... right again. Relieved. Albeit now she was freezing cold. She was literally shivering. The guy with a gun who was 'his' room-mate was making a lot of sense though about why he was keeping it cold. Zoey would have been freaked out that he had a gun if she wasn't so pleased that he had just saved their lives. She decided though... the day had been long and she was tired and cold... Of course, this might be a uncomfortable sleep... for one, she couldn't strip down out of decency issues, and two... it was so cold even she wasn't stupid enough to strip down for this. She looked over to the other bed which she realised was 'his'; Tyler's. She looked at the others and then spoke. "Right, girl's bed is this one here. I'm sure you gentlemen wouldn't want us sleeping on the floor. So I hope you don't mind if I claim this one for us." She told the boys, offering them a cheeky wink. "Um... Heidi? Just... feel free to hop in whenever you feel like. Don't worry about disturbing me. Us girls gotta stick together, right?" she commented with a reassuring smile to the girl. Then, she crawled into the bed and underneath the covers. ...It was still cold even under there, and there was a faint smell which reminded Zoey just who the bed belonged to. She wasn't about to feel awkward about it this time though. The situation demanded that she be adaptable, and she was certainly not a wimp to just skip out on a comfy bed due to slight awkwardness. Regardless... she rested her head on the pillow and wondered whether Matt was okay and where he would be right now. He had clearly switched back too since Casey (the real one) was with them. She sighed softly and then closed her eyes.
[Tumblr ~ Mood: Groggy... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] ...His body was heavy. So so heavy... But wait? 'His body?' HIS BODY! His body was his! ...No wait. 'This body was his!' YES! Huh? What were these things on the front of his face? ...Sunglasses? Tyler sat up to the sight of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Harley being among one of the ones he knew, and he recognised... Allison was it? ...He took off the sunglasses, still feeling dizzy for some reason. So he'd been switched back. Had the switch effected him? He tried to speak, but still found it hard for some reason, but the others had noticed he was awake right now, When... Vbbbbrrrr Vbbbbbrrrrrr... His phone vibrated. Had Harley had the sense to take Tyler's phone? ...Oh wait... of course, Tyler had kept it in his jeans and Harley had put on his jeans. Right... It was a miracle the thing still had charge, kinda like it was plot related convenience. He took the phone out, suddenly very aware that eyes were on him, and he put it to his ear before accepting the phone call. "Hello? Are you Mrs. Ashes next of kin? ...Hello? Anyone there?" Tyler gulped for a second, finally able to force his voice out. "...Uh-huh... I'm her son, Tyler Ashes." "Please, make sure you have a seat... I have some bad news." The look on Tyler's face was evident... his face was pale and he felt sick. That was the last thing anyone wanted to hear. "Your mother was bitten by an Ugalavine Stalking Snake as has been recently seen on the news. She is currently unconscious but we have her in a stable condition at least for now. I won't lie to you Mr. Ashes, these bites are usually lethal, she isn't in the clear yet. We wanted to inform you as procedure since you're the only family member we can find in the area." Tyler's voice was lost again, but for completely different reasons. "Mr. Ashes? are you still there?" "W-which hospital?" And so... he got the details and then the phone was hung up. He looked round at the others who were staring at him oddly. "M-mother... M-mom... she was... bitten by... a-a sn-s-s-snake..." he stuttered, feeling weak for a moment before standing suddenly. "...I'm sorry, I've gotta go... now." He told them, before he finally started leaving without another word.
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: ??????? ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body.~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Waking up...~ OOC: Since I don't know what to do since I'm still with Mid for now. Let's prepare for some filler tastic posts! XD ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne Zoey found her eyes slowly opening in the morning... She was still in Heidi's body as far as her RPer was aware as he couldn't read the thread properly as stated before. ...She looked over and the pink hair girl who actually 'apparently' had Matt inside her was on the floor next to her. ...How long had she slept for, she'd exhausted herself one night and then sleep completely through the next day and night. ...Everything was a state of confusion. She kept her eyes closed because it was easier and finally, the voice that wasn't hers came out. Asking Matt something that was bothering her. "...Even if we ever get our own bodies back... we're still gonna die eventually... In such a short amount of time because of this game... You know? ...There are so many things we've not had the chance to do yet. I'll never get to try that cake I saw back home... I'll never see my mother again maybe... I'll never get the chance to become one myself... I'll never even have my first kiss." She shrugged as she made a list of minor petty things to more major and back down to minor. "So many things... we're meant to have our whole lives ahead of us. But that's been taken away." She still didn't open her eyes even now, as if closing them rejected the current reality. "What about you. What do you think about all this? About the email? About the future? Everything. ...Matt. You say you'll protect me... but is there really anything we can do?" She asked, showing a weaker side to him than she was used to showing.
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: Unsure... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body.~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Calmness... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne So Bushy was in a dilemna. He had to post in 100Days... but the fact was, he was tired from having travelled for over 12 hours due to coach delays and the like due to the blizzard that had hit britain... So... This is how he's gonna get around the situation... Zoey was so tired from not having slept at all in the night due to awkwardness and being clothed, that she finally fell asleep due to exhaustion. Honestly... Bushy had no other ideas for his other two, but with all due respect is operating on 3 hours sleep and again... He'll express... he has travelled a long way in terrible conditions. So with that Bushy wants to leave a message and that is... HE LOVES YOU ALL! AND GOODNIGHT!
Name: Renton Thurston Description: (Wiki) Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Eureka Seven Other: Name: Eureka Description: (Wiki) Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Eureka Seven Other: Name: Shu Ouma Description: (Wiki) Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Guilty Crown Other: Name: Inori Yuzuriha Description: (Wiki) Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Guilty Crown Other: Name: Misaka MikotoDescription: (Wiki)Occupation: StudentSeries Character is from: A Certain Magical Index/A Certain Scientific RailgunOther:
OOC: Short post is short, but this needs to be done. XD Alexis was still waiting when the unbelievable happened. While she couldn't listen from here which was perfect, she unfortunately was still rather capable of seeing. From nowhere... Scott and Luce were kissing. Alexis put effort into her back and stopped leaning against the wall. "About time." she mumbled before walking around the corner to get away from the sight and give them yet more privacy.
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: Unsure... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body.~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Calmness... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne So after everything was agreed... even the random pink haired stranger... Harley made a startling announcement: " I claim this bed, and the only person that is free to sleep with me if she so desires is Heidi. Zoey, I assume you're going to take the other bed, so you're free to . . . do whatever you want, I guess? I don't want any shenanigans tonight, please, if you're going to go anywhere, and you've swapped bodies with someone in this room, please, for the love of whatever higher deity you believe in, leave a note. " Zoey suddenly felt really uncomfortable... Heidi was in her body... Harley was in 'his'... In Tyler's... ...Their bodies in bed together. Instantly, Zoey turned a deep shade of crimson, but hid it by jumping onto her bed and burying her face in her pillow. She couldn't object to such a thing of course. They'd then ask questions. Well... it could be natural she felt awkward about 'her' body being in bed with anyone... but... she somehow knew this wasn't negotiable... the girl occupying Zoey's body probably needed the support of someone like Harley which is why- Wait... she'd woken up in the same room as Harley's body... did these two have that 'type' of relationship? ...It was none of her business, but either way... tonight was gonna be extremely uncomfortable, and not just because she couldn't sleep naked. It felt like her skin was crawling from the thought of the sudden turn of events... Nope... tonight was gonna be a long night. In the end... she closed her eyes, face still deep in the pillow and pretended she was already asleep to try and avoid any more awkwardness. Tyler agreed with the proposal and simply shrugged when he realized he'd have to take the floor. It's not like he minded anyway, and this worked out for everyone. "Um... is there anything we can use as pillows and such?" Zoey simply gestured to a cupboard before going back to her apparent pretending. Tyler got the appropriate stuff and tossed some to uh... the person in Casey's body. Then he grabbed some for himself and found a spot on the floor where there was space. And with that... it seemed to be goodnight for everyone.
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: Unsure... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body.~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Calmness... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne "Um. . .Zoey? Is my uh. . .phone, is it still in Harley's room?" "Huh?" Zoey thought about it for a second, and then checked Heidi's pockets quickly. "It must be... Harley rushed us out of there pretty fast so I have no idea." She looked at the girl apologetically. " You had better not let me down, kid. " Harley told him, taking his hand."You can count on me." Tyler told him determined. "I'm not gonna just stand by and let anything happen to you, and besides, Quin wouldn't forgive me if I didn't help you and I was able to." Some girl with pink hair had arrived from nowhe- ...Nope... it was a guy. And then apparantly, it was someone who had been body swapped too according to Harley. Harley explained things and the confusion to the guy and then left to head in. Tyler realised this was the guy who had found the bodies that time. That's how he knew about the time Tyler had done his last deed for Temperance and M. ...Of course. This guy was looking for Zoey. Zoey had been there too! Tyler knew the girl had seemed familiar. He'd seen them both at the hotsprings. "Hey. Do we follow him in or not?"Huh? Oh. "I guess so. No point waiting out here." He told the guy/girl, and walked in soon after. " How's it going?Everything alright? " "Yeah. I think Heidi is feeling better now at least." Zoey told him, her arms folded. It felt odd not having a chest to get in the way. Well... Heidi wasn't flat... at best guess... Zoey would say an A... 32-34 maybe? She imagined Heidi would need to get used to the extra weight in front too. Regardless, Zoey looked out of the window as people walked in, including some other girl with pink hair. ...So many people in her room. This was awkward. "Right... I suggest that we all stick together especially while crazy stuff is happening. It's getting late, so providing people don't mind, shall we all stay in my room tonight? I know it's small, but I think things are too dangerous right now." She suggested. "Besides, considering we all have each other's bodies, it's probably more the reason for us all to stay together."
So... I'll confess. I've bought the game. I said I wasn't gonna but I decided to watch some of the Let's Play's. Regardless of that, here is my take on all this: Gameplay wise, this game seems good. The thing I don't like is that they've made a completely different story and the characters are so different to the original, that they've then slapped on the Devil May Cry name to it etc to like capitalize from a great series. If they had simply made this a new stand alone series that had no connection to Devil May Cry (so... change the names of the characters etc and that would be it, near enough nothing accept the fact it has demons and stuff in it would have connected it), it would probably have avoided a lot of the hate. People might have said, "Oh it's similar to Devil May Cry" but it would have been taken as what it was since since other games have similar game play systems, and it would have been taken as something different. As an example (Admittedly exaggerated and silly, but it's to try and show a point), look at Bayonetta. Made by the same people and similar game play in a way, blah. If they had suddenly said "So yeah, we're calling this Devil May Cry: The Witch files. Where you can play as a gender swapped Dante called Dantelina." Everyone would have raged. But no, Bayonetta (as well as actually having a different story that was really good) was original and made to 'be' original. (And god damn it was awesome)... The thing with the original games is that they had that familiar feeling to them like wearing a pair of slippers you've owned for a year or two. They're good, they're nostalgic and they're comfortable with their own sort of charm. It's not so much that alone this game would have been bad if it were standing alone, but because of the name people naturally are like. "Oh no! The first games were much better!" This game has a more... dirty and gritty feel with it. It's not a bad thing to try and tackle, but it doesn't suit the other 'charm' that the original games had. It's just a radical difference. Next up are the characters. Again... New Dante will naturally be compared to old Dante because of the fact they're 'meant to be' the same character with the same name, but just... aren't. If Donte as people call him had been some other new protagonist with a name of his own regardless of his tendency to swear too much, then he probably would have been fine and people would have just taken him as... "This guy is a dick." But that's all they would have had to say on the matter then. He might still have gotten hate for reasons stated above like just being a ****** or whatever it was (I can't be bothered to find quotes for specific examples), but a big chunk of the hate comes from people saying "He's not Dante." Which I completely agree. He isn't and shouldn't be. (and that wig scene was frankly just stupid). The fact is Dante was badass in his own way and you might notice, he didn't even swear that much at all while Donte's main vocabulary seems to only consist of the words "Fúck off/Fúck you." They have their own unique types of wit to them, but they're at least in my opinion, different from each other. (TLDR?)In short... Devil May Cry (the first games I mean) was epic and earned it's place. ...DMC... It should have been it's own thing and then nobody probably would have noticed such a difference to hate it as much as it has been in the first place.
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: Shock... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body.~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Shock... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne So to begin. Tyler knew better than to do anything with Harley in such a situation. It wasn't his style, so he refrained. The fact is that at the moment, they had to work together. They might not be 'friendly' to each other, but they both weren't stupid. The fact was, while Tyler might have his doubts about Harley, he knew the git was reliable to a degree, and so he confirmed that he was indeed Tyler but swapped into Harley's body without any complaint. Heidi naturally seemed very distressed, so right now the priority was seeing that she was okay. Meanwhile... Zoey hadn't been curious about Heidi's body at all. As uncomfortable as she was wearing so many layers of clothing, she knew this wasn't her body and that removing anything at all wasn't her call to make. Even though she was freaked out enough about the situation, she did begrudgingly feel a tad upset from Harley's comment like he had just expected her to strip down without a care. She had nearly yelled at him 'What do you take me for?!' or something, but she had refrained for reasons known only to her. Meanwhile, Heidi seemed to have some news... she had encountered Crestatia? There were at last some answers? So the other two sat on the bed, and for the first time, Zoey found herself facepalming in Heidi's body. She might have felt uncomfortable with the situation, but some of her old confidence and vigor came back to her. "Nahah you two! First of all-" Heidi's weak voice came out, but filled with Zoey's attitude, it was an odd combination, but Zoey didn't falter. "I know the situation is not good, but I want to remind you that you're in the presence of a girl who is currently nude. Now while I may not have that many qualms about my own body to a degree, you're both boys and even I feel uncomfortable with that." And admittedly... regardless of them both being boys... there was one in particular she felt especially awkward with seeing her body. That was just... 'wrong'... So, Zoey had at this point tapped their shoulders and made them stand up before pushing them by their backs to the door. "Secondly, even though it's not her body, I imagine Heidi herself feels uncomfortable in such a situation. So yeah. I'm sure you catch my drift." And with that, she had gotten them outside the door. "You can come back in in a few minutes." She told the two, before closing the door on them. She turned around to look at hersel- Heidi. "Sorry about that... this situation is weird..." she made a slight giggle that sounded odd with Heidi's voice. "Um... I'll uh... introduce myself again. I'm Zoey Quill. You might remember the other day that I nearly um... landed on top of you during my run. I'm still really sorry about that." She murmured, while scratching at the back of her... um... Heidi's head which was Zoey's usual habit. "Listen... I can tell you feel uncomfortable but, ...I want to assure you that I've done nothing disrespectful at all with your body. I promise. I didn't even need Harley to tell me not to. I just wouldn't have..." She tried to offer the girl a reassuring smile. Realizing she couldn't keep the guys outside too long, she next set to work and headed over to a drawer. "Um... I've got some clothes here. So yeah. I'm sure we'll both feel more comfortable once you are wearing something, and trust me, I never thought I'd be saying a sentence like that." This time, it was more genuine laughter that came from Zoey (Heidi's mouth) as she picked out some clothes and gently handed them to Heidi. "Look... I know we've only just met, but we're in a situation where I guess, we need to put trust in one another. I know it's not easy, but... I feel I can trust you with my body. Well, I have to, but I also want to be able to if that makes sense. So... well, I just hope you know you can trust me with yours too. I'll stick with you, I promise." She told the girl who was herself but not. Zoey then realized Heidi might not feel comfortable with her looking in her direction while she changed. So she turned around, which felt weird since it would only have been her own body, but she knew it could make a difference psychologically to a girl like Heidi, and so she did. Meanwhile... Tyler and Harley were waiting outside. Tyler felt awkward but understood that Zoey had made a very valid and good point. More so though, he felt awkward being here like this with Harley. He scratched the back of this borrowed head for a second before speaking. "Look, Harley. I know we don't seem to get along for whatever reason." He started, his voice calm and and rational. "But I know you're not stupid, and neither am I. While there might be tension between us, we both know that right now there are bigger things to worry about. I can see you care about Heidi, and I respect that. The fact is, like you said earlier, I have no intention to ruin you. While we might not be friends or whatever... Right now the attitude between us two needs to stop too. For one, it'll probably make the girls uncomfortable if they think we'll explode at each other any second, and two, I know you know how many people have died from Crestatia's game as well as I do. We need to be able to put trust in each other right now so that if the time comes, there will be no hesitation no matter what happens. So yeah." And surprising himself, Tyler held out a hand towards the one occupying his body. "Do you agree?" He asked.
It's been confirmed that there was only one person in the helicopter. However, there have been reports of a sighting of somebody seen in the Thames. Speculation may lead to believe that the pilot jumped or something. Regardless, they have emergency services now doing a sweep of the river too. There was also an eye witness account from somebody who was nearly flattened along with two other work colleagues. They literally had to run for their lives or the helicopter would have landed where they were. The man did describe the event in great detail and was understandably in distress.
So... while we couldn't get him to admit his feelings for Cookiie (*please refer to the Wookiie ship), we finally got proof that What? is a foxbear. We are unsure about Hyuge's addition of Goat DNA, but we have made progress with getting What? to be true to himself. Next step?
~Tyler Ashes~[Tumblr ~ Mood: Shock... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Harley Jackson's body. ~Zoey Quill~[Mood: Shock... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] = Currently occupying Heidi Layne Suddenly someone burst into the room... and if Tyler wasn't in Harley's body currently, he wouldn't believed that he was looking at himself. More so, he wouldn't believe that he had grabbed himself by the shoulders and shoved himself up against the wall. " Who the hell are you? " Not-Tyler hissed up at Tyler in Tyler's own voice, " I'd answer honestly, if I were you - and I am. " Tyler wasn't about to get owned by... uh... 'himself', even if he was in Harley's body, and so he grabbed the intruder (god it's confusing trying to write this shít with all the swapping) back just as roughly. "Are you being a dumbass Harley?" Tyler asked having figured it out already. "You just asked who the hell I am, and then you just said that you were me while in my body." He shoved Harley away and stared at him, but then Harley directed a new question towards Heidi. Or... not Heidi. " And you, " he said to her, " I know you're not Heidi. Who are you? " Zoey was in shock, staring at 'him'. But... no. This wasn't 'him' . In fact, 'he' was... him? The guy she had just nearly slapped. ...Cráp. She'd been asked a question. "...Z-Zoey. Zoey Quill... I just woke up like this, I swear. I honestly have no clue what is going on." Tyler then intervened, thank god. "This is clearly down to that Crestatia. She's swapped us all around. All of us in the email." He told them, having arrived to the conclusion quickly, as this was the only thing that made sense. "This means, if I'm guessing right, judging from the fact that both me and Harley are swapped directly, then we need to find uh... Zoey?" Zoey nodded... So this was the second time 'he' had interacted with her... in albeit a weird way. "Yeah. Right. So you see, we need to find Zoey's body, and it's likely Heidi will be there." He scowled at himse- Harley... "Makes sense right?" Zoey felt awkward... being in someone elses body... being clothed... and... being near 'him' and someone who looked like 'him' on the other side of her. "I was last in my dorm. So... we'd be able to find 'me' there." She offered trying to be helpful.
I kingdom hearts forum.
YOU'RE SAFE!!(+1) 5 ...The first thing Tyler noticed when he got up was... These were not his bed sheets... A strange thing to notice... but, Tyler was observant about such things... Next... he sat up and found that his body wasn't working quite the same... He looked over the other side of the room. It definitely wasn't his room, but Heidi was still there... This was very odd. "Hei-..." That... was so not his voice. Tyler got out of bed instantly and looked for a mirror. ...Staring back at him was a face he knew well. Tyler gulped an unfamiliar gulp... A heart beat that was not his hammered away. It was the face of... Harley Jackson. ***************** YOU'RE SAFE!!(+1) 6 ...So constricted. So uncomfortable... So... NOT NAKED!Zoey was becoming tangled as she squirmed in bed. Her hand swiped away at the sheets, determined to escape, brushing against a smaller chest than she was familiar with. ...Wait. What?Zoey sat up... and looked down. Long sleeved top and pants... Clothing that wasn't even hers. Was this some sort of joke. ...Zoey looked around and noticed... she wasn't alone. "Hei-..." A guy was with her. "What the hell?!" She screamed out. Instantly she was out of bed, and her hand was heading towards the unfamiliar boy- ...Wait. She'd seen him before. Yes. When she had dropped in front of that girl, he'd spoken to her before leaving with her. And then... Zoey's eyes (not her eyes) glanced at the mirror....Stood in her spot was... The girl she had seen the other day. ******************* YOU'RE SAFE!!(+1) 7 Dylan woke up in darkness... He couldn't feel the presence of Marina anymore, but that wasn't the oddest thing. She might have had to go for a client or... family or something.His body felt odd. Dylan knew his body. His own limits... but he put it down to tiredness and from the exhaustion of great séx from before. ...No. Instead... he went back to sleep. It wasn't important right now.
[Tumblr ~ Mood: Defeated but determined... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Tyler felt bad. Heidi was clearly worried, and despite their best efforts and hours of walking and searching, there had been no sign of Altair. He felt the girl cling to his arm as they went on, but soon... the sun was starting to set. "Listen... maybe we should call it a day. I'm sure he's fine wherever he is. Altair is a tough guy. If it helps... I'll help you search again tomorrow. That's a promise." He told the girl. She weakly nodded her consent even though Tyler could tell she didn't want to give up just yet. "I'll tell you what. When we get in, I'll sort out some food for us. You've walked so much, you must be as hungry as I am." And so... they headed back, with Heidi still clinging onto his arm. They got home, ate food in the dorm room that Tyler had bought for them from the Academy's canteen area, and then easily found sleep (at least Tyler did) due to tiredness from having searched all day. [Mood: Grateful... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey was with Matt every step of the way home, making sure that he got back okay. They laughed and joked on the way back like normal, it was like Matt had never been out cold at all. Once she had seen him home, she headed back to her own room. It was weird... not that she minded cause it meant she could strip down freely, which she did the moment she got in, but... she had no room mate. She had thought students were meant to share rooms, but here she was... alone. Either way, nude and confortable, she slipped into bed and gratefully by cuddling into her pillow, entered a blissful sleep. [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Marina examined his hand with care, but evidently the results were not what she had hoped for. "It is the same. You see this, right here?" She tapped the spot on his palm. "This is the line. Everyone's should be different and yes it does get shorter everyday, but it should not be such a noticeable change unless one is dying rapidly. It is identical on everyone from that email I have encountered. Honestly, you should use the internet more often." "Not gonna happen." He commented back. He took his hand back from her slowly, and shrugged. "So Eighty Days left you're saying?" He asked rhetorically. "Makes no difference to me. I can only live life my own way. It's the only way I know how. The deadline to the end changes nothing." The two sat in silence for a moment before... xShe tapped her hand against his cheek lightly and began to move out of the kitchen. "Do you have much time before work? I thought we could watch a movie, or something." Marina winked and turned away, heading back to his bedroom. Dylan's eyes followed her before he stood up, hands in pockets. The irony was that he didn't have a TV in his room (and she knew that of course), but even if he did... something told him that there wouldn't be much watching of it anyway. Shrugging once more but evidently not having a complaint about her 'real plan' (...would any sane person with a beauty like Marina?), he started unbuttoning his jeans as he followed after her to his bedroom.
Know I'm late to this thread here, but I'm just gonna post this here as this kinda covers it (They go over to and include 2013) for relevancy too. lol http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/winter-2012-schedule-visual-guide.134533/
[Tumblr ~ Mood: Unsure... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Tyler thought deep... it was odd how Heidi, Altair's 'sister' knew so little about his whereabouts, but maybe Altair had his reasons... Needless to say though, whatever those reasons where did give Tyler reason to worry if he felt he had to keep it a secret from his sister. But Tyler kept that away from his face as he started walking. "There's nothing else for it then. We just walk wherever our feet take us and keep an eye out." He told her. [Mood: Mixed emotions... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] So Matt had been on the email for definite? But was it real... the seeming evidence that Matt himself just mentioned did suggest that such an impossible thing was actually happening. The thought did frighten Zoey, but then she heard Matt's reassurances and just suddenly felt... lighter. The joker was being serious... and that's how she knew he truly meant it. It just helped... knowing she wasn't all alone in this world. ...Because it was so easy to end up alone. She couldn't actually speak, so she just nodded at him, but a grin was clearly showing on her face. [Mood: Intrigued... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Dylan ate his own food quietly while listening to Marina. "There was one of those new Bellhurst students found dead in the Astronomy Tower two days ago. He was on this so called list. The email recipients-- and all those strange weather occurances lately. Things are amiss. I was drawn to the body, just as I was guided to a different one of the new students-- who also appeared to be on the list. Everyone that I have encountered so far had an identical life line. The same as I. And the cards...well, whenever I attempt to use the cards on myself...I get the same outcome." Dylan stayed quiet for a few moments as he went over what she had said, taking it seriously, because by god he knew Marina was so relaxed around him normally, that if she was being like this, it truly was something to think about. "Even with Elliot. I let him choose his cards, and the outcome was exact. It must be a big deal if Elliot is coming to see me."She added.Dylan's eyebrows rose for a moment, before his expression returned to it's usual monotised state. "Even Elliot? That stick in the mud actually came to you?" he asked her. ...he sighed a little before offering his hand to her. "Well, the only way to be sure is for you to take a look for yourself right? So go for it."
[Tumblr ~ Mood: Aware... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] Well... that was helpful. Tyler had no clue where to begin that meant. He thought about calling Mr. Heckles, or that Damn Old Man, Altair's grandfather, but he decided it'd be best to just look for now and if they have no luck, call them later. That still didn't help matters now though. "I don't know Brookridge... so this complicates things, and this place is too large to search everywhere. ...We need to try and narrow places down. ...Or is it even possible he went back to Coy City? Which would just further complicate things..." he mumbled as his keen deductive mind set to work. [Mood: Relieved... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey pulled away from Matt's hug and stared at his frowning face. "Wait what? Back up a bit, how long have I been out for? What happened? I actually don't know. Have I missed much?" he asked her. "From what I know, you've been out two days or so. I heard you hit your head pretty hard..." She mumbled. "I don't think you've missed anything from what I know... but... I was just so worried. I thought you might never wake up with this whole 100 Days thing going on..." And there it was. She'd finally bought up the email that they'd not really talked about. [Mood: Meh/Hungry... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Dylan let the hot water wash over him and clear his thoughts. One thing that he valued was hygiene. It was an important thing and he always took good care of himself. He didn't waste time in the shower knowing that Marina was waiting for him, so he got in, washed and got out. After drying himself off, he put on a pair of jeans and headed to the kitchen without a word, and... without a shirt. He didn't see a need to put on a shirt. ...It might be a good idea since he was gonna cook and stuff could spit at him, but he didn't really care. He looked in his fridge... He had a balanced diet normally, but he was running out of stuff from his fridge, besides what he had left worked well for Marina as she was a meat eater. He grabbed a few ingredients and started working at making a fried breakfast, of bacon, eggs, sausages and toast. It didn't take him long, and soon enough, he'd set down two plates in front of Marina and himself. Living alone for so long, he'd learned to cook from early on, and was pretty good. He'd also worked part time as a waiter and other things which just added to his experience. "Well dig in." He offered. This was a common thing for the two of them. Eating breakfast together, usually after a night of being together. Dylan knew how Marina liked things in the morning, in more than one sense.