No worries. Best of luck. XD And... oh dear. :( Hope you didn't get in trouble.
I endorse this thread bear.
Ah. That's good. And uni work as usual and looking for a job (Still...) etc. Got plenty to do, so any responses of mine could become delayed...
Busy like no one's business... but otherwise quite alright. Yourself?
It's possible I guess. Bare in mind there will also be Vergil around somewhere.
You combined our themes! XD I quite like them. They're both really good. I kinda like the first one better, but yeah. The second one has really good atmosphere with it. It reminds me of something that would be on the main menu of a video game before you hit new game or load. XD
That is correct. Yes.
[Mood: ~ OOC: Sorry... another short one as about to sleep... ~ ♪Listening to♪] After a day of doing school stuff. Zoey was tired. After showering... she dried and still naked, slipped into bed and fell asleep. [Mood: ~ OOC: Same as the above OOC... ~ ♪Listening to♪]Dylan had been doing Dylan stuff still, which included getting into fights which had somehow found him, and he won, naturally. Getting home, he showered, smoked a few cigarettes after dinner and got into bed. He felt a void next to him from where he had gotten familiar with Marina's weight and warmth being next to him. ...Just what had happened to her?
Bushy had been to a mass today for his late Uncle's one year anniversary. He is tired and emotionally exhausted, probably not helped by the fact that he had to watch half his family drink themselves into an alcohol induced stupor to drown their sorrows, and also had a fair few beers as well which didn't even get him typsy, but hey-ho! On top of that and coming home really late meaning he only has around an hour to make his post before the 48 hour time limit is up and he's kicked out... He suddenly learns that a time skip of extreme epic proportions has happened and that basically... He now has to come up with everything that happened in between now and Christmas - within this one single teeny tiny hour prior to which he's had an extremely long and hard emotionally trying day. Some of you may be able to see where Bushy is going with this extreme wall breaking post of his (that is also in the third person for some reason)... And so... ...With all due respect and much love to you all (and I really do love you guys despite the mood this post may be setting <3). Bushy really couldn't be *censored just because kids may be present* after the events of today. And thus... Presenting the following RP Post: Zoey did school stuff at school. Dylan... did Dylan stuff. *********** A note from Bushy: That's it for now. I'm sorry if that's not enough but yeah, if that's not good, then I guess I'm out of the RP sadly. And with that... Sayonara. I'll try and sort something proper tomorrow if I'm still actually in this thing. And if I'm not... then thank you all for the amazing and wild ride that has been this RP. It's been fun. Again, I love you all. <3 *collapses into a deep dark pit also known as my bed and curls up there for the next few hours*
Dark has given me permission to take Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry) after all. Updated reserve list: Bushy Brow Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven) Eureka (Eureka Seven) Ao Fukai (Eureka Seven: Ao) Holland Novac (Eureka Seven) Gekkostate (Eureka Seven) Truth (Eureka Seven: Ao) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crow) Inori (Guilty Crown) Madoka Kyouno (Rinne no Lagrange) Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box) Zenkichi Hitoyoshi (Medaka Box) Mufasa (Lion King) Kakashi Bowie (Naruto: The parody of the abridged) Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto/Naruto: Shippuuden) Menma Uzumaki (Naruto:Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja) Killer Bee (Naruto: Shippuuden) James Heller (Prototype 2) Tohsaka Rin (Fate Stay/Night) Kirei Kotomine (Fate Stay/Night) Petta (Disgaea) Asagi Asagiri (Disgaea) Rozalin (Disgaea 2) Fuka Kazamatsuri(Disgaea 4) Coop (MEGAS XLR) Emilia Percival (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Mika (Phantasy Star Portable 2) Commander Shepard (Femshep) - (Mass Effect) Tali's ass (Mass Effect) Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) Celty Sturluson (Durarara) Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) Haruyuki/Silver Crow (Accel World) Kuroyukihime/Black Lotus (Accel World) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Kusanagi Godou (Campione!) Nanami Takatsuki (Dog Days) Millefiori Firianno Biscotti (Dog Days) Eclair Martinozzi (Dog Days) Rebecca Anderson (Dog Days) Gaul Galette des Rois (Dog Days) Isuka Makishima (Dog Days) Valério Calvados (Dog Days) Shana (Shakugan no Shana) Aria Holmes Kanzaki (Hidan no Aria) Kinji Tōyama (Hidan no Aria) Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) Saito Hiraga (Zero no Tsukaima) Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Black★Devil Girl (Black★Rock Shooter) Great Black Sword (Black★Rock Shooter) Satan (Ao no Exorcist) Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Auron (Final Fantasy X) Braska (Final Fantasy X) Sin (Final Fantasy X) Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Amidamaru (Shaman King) Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie) BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) Pan (Dragonball GT) Koli (Dragonball series OC) Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou) Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Sophie (Tales of Graces) Cheria Barnes (Tales of Graces) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Super Eevee (Pokémon - Super Eevee Edition) White (Pokémon - Gen V) Alder (Pokémon - Gen V) Missingno (Pokémon) X-23//Laura Kinney (X-Men series) Dante (DMC: Devil May Cry)
[Mood: Unsure... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey was speechless frankly. It never occurred to her that someone else would buy her a present. Well... excluding Heidi who mentioned it earlier. She looked between Matt and the box repeatedly unsure of what to do. ...Was she meant to open it now? Slowly she took the box and started to unwrap it very carefully. Her face lit up when the contents were revealed after she had opened the box. It was a brand new pair of running shoes she'd been interested in the other week. This was just... amazing. How had Matt even known? "I... wow. I don't even know what to say. Thank you, Matt. Thank you." She stammered. "I really need to get you something good... but... I guess I'll have to really think about it." Anyway... because it was day 3/3 and Bushy didn't plan to post again tonight, but he still had to end Zoey's day... Some stuff happened involving Matt and more stuff, and then Zoey was in bed (naked obviously - not with Matt for the record) and asleep. [Mood: ... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Dylan surveyed the familiar room. He'd been in here a number of times, although it was more common for Marina to come to his, but he knew his way around well enough. His eye was drawn to a package on Marina's bedside table. Beautifully wrapped, he could tell the girl had put effort into it. He picked up the package and weighed it in his hands before opening it. Inside was a pair of boxing gloves. ...That's odd. Marina knew that Dylan never used boxing gloves. Why would he limit the power of his punches when a bare fist could do so much more damage? Suddenly, he found himself smirking. ...She really did know him too well, it's a good thing he knew her just as well. This was a typical joke from her. He pulled the gloves from the box and buried underneath some packaging, he found another much smaller box. He gently opened it and peered at the item inside (<-----click). He couldn't deny it... Marina certainly had taste, and he could tell this watch wasn't cheap. For her it'd just be a drop in the ocean considering her wealth, but still, even he couldn't deny it was a wonderful gift. He just wondered where the hell she was so he could give her the gift he'd gotten her. Normally she never left it this long without contacting him. She'd especially be calling him today of all days to brag about the present she'd gotten him and to inquire about what he'd gotten her. In fact, even normally, he couldn't get her to stop hounding him, not that he cared too much since he'd grown used to her company. He left the room and started to head home. ...Something in his gut told him something was amiss.And because Jayn nee-sama and Hyuge-nee etc were being poops (I love you guys)... Bushy HAD to ADD IN that Dylan got home and went to sleep in his bed.
[/url] Dragoness acknowledged the girl and what she said. This girl was punctual. She liked that very much so. "Likewise." She responded formally before glancing at the clock nearby. "Okay then. We'll be heading to Justice Central now where you will meet everyone else. Try to keep up as best you can." She informed Aerodaemon and suddenly flung herself off the roof again before zapping off to the next building with a jolt of electricity. She landed with practiced ease before jolting over to the next building and the one after. She slowed her pace so that the girl she was guiding could keep up, before she then proceeded forth again and again, deeper into the city. At last, their destination was in sight. "We'll enter from the rooftop entrance. We'll make less of a scene that way." And yet again she was off, boosting into the air before coming to a halt and guiding her fall to land square in the middle of the rooftop. A perfect landing.Waiting for her companion to land, she began to walk over to a nearby vent before placing her hand on a secret, near undetectable pressure pad that made a keypad appear nearby. Moving over to that, she placed her hand on it before letting her eye be scanned by a device which determined she was indeed cleared for entrance. The device might seem like a simple scanner, but this one in particular had been designed by her father of course. It was perfect and couldn't be tricked in anyway. Security at Justice Central was top notch. Nothing would get in or out unless it was meant to. A secret high security door, opened up granting the two access to the building. Dragoness started to lead Aerodaemon down the building when her keen Dragon ears heard familiar voices. Yes... their voices were recognizable before they came into sight. There they were. Oh good, everyone was getting along well. It seemed odd how everyone had come here by chance... but the young Dragon girl decided she wouldn't question it. It was a convenience she was grateful for. "Everyone." Dragoness spoke, revealing her presence. "This is Aerodaemon. She will be joining the Allies as well. Please give your best efforts in making her feel welcome." She told them, gesturing to the girl she had just guided here. "It's a good thing you're all here. That makes introductions much easier. Regardless, how is everyone? Are you all in good health?" She inquired, resisting the childish urge to run up to and hug Abigail. She had to remain professional and act how Dragoness would.
[/url] Amelia watched as her father informed her that something had come up and that she'd have to withhold her opinion for now until a later time. That was perfectly alright though, Amelia had another appointment to keep anyway. She locked up everything in the proper format before leaving his office and heading upstairs to the private bathrooms, locking the door behind her. This place would do nicely for now. She looked towards the mirror before pulling the ribbon from her hair and letting the former ponytail flow freely. The place she'd be heading to, she couldn't head to as Amelia Steel, no. She'd have to go as Dragoness. Of course though... there was one slight inconvenience. She'd have to change forms... and that meant... Amelia sighed as she stared down at her hand before starting to undress from her expensive suit, folding it neatly and then placing it in her own personal private locker that was meant for such a purpose. Sometimes being a Dragon could be problematic when you had to fit into a human society. Form changing into Dragoness meant that Amelia's body would change to a major degree. Between the increased mass, height and spikes that her body would gain, it would mean that any clothes she was wearing beforehand would be completely torn and ripped to shreds. It had happened a number of times to her before, and while she normally wouldn't care as her father assured her he'd be able to replace any clothing she ruined from her 'growth spurt' as he called it, if she could avoid ruining her attire then she would do so. Now was a more convenient time as she wasn't in a rush to transform and had the necessary privacy which would allow her to keep her identity concealed. Her father had taught her many things. Two of which were to keep her identity as Dragoness as secret as possible, and... to um... when in human form not reveal her naked body in public as that was apparently improper etiquette among humans. It was a natural learning process from when she'd been learning how to control her powers in her father's facilities. Dragons were very smart after all and learned very quickly, something Amelia had become proud of. She liked to please her father. She wanted to be a daughter he could be proud of. Only two people knew of her identity. Her father of course and the other being Abigail Grace who Amelia had met a few years ago and had grown very fond of. Her identities of Amelia Steel and Dragoness were her most important possessions according to her father. She had to protect them. Regardless, while transforming she wouldn't have to worry about such a thing as by the time her clothing was destroyed, she'd already be Dragoness, however reverting to her human form naturally meant that she'd have no clothing on her person when she did so. ...It did make things very awkward. For now though, she'd be okay. She'd have to be Dragoness for a while and by the time she needed to revert back, she'd be able to do so in the safety of her room or this bathroom most likely. She stared at herself in the mirror again before beginning the process. First of all... her pupils in her beautiful yellow eyes grew and then narrowed vertically into sharp points either end, like slits, giving her a rather animalistic and feral appearance. Her body started to become uncomfortable as the familiar pain she had become accustomed to took hold of her as her body started to adapt and morph. Her physiology changed as her body increased in mass and height and armored scales phased through from her skin and sharp Dragonic spikes erupted from various places among the scales. Her tail extended outwards from her lower body, also covered in the incredibly strong and tough armored scales. The muscles in her body seemed to tightly coil and then loosen as her Dragonic nature consumed her. Her fingers and toes gained sharp claws capable of cutting through even some of the strongest of metals and lastly her face morphed also, her teeth turning into sharp fangs. At last her transformation was complete. Because she'd been able to take it slow, thankfully the pain she felt wasn't as sharp as if she had quickly shifted forms as she had done in the past and would likely have to in future. She breathed deeply feeling oxygen pump through her lungs and around her mighty body. She was in full control. When younger, she'd had a tough time controlling her Dragonic impulses, but not anymore. Thanks to her maturity and the training her father had been able to give her, she was an elegant Dragon who could keep her nature in check, not some mindless beast. She was Dragoness. ~ Having left the private bathroom, unseen by anyone else, she had made her way to the roof of the building. Dragoness stared out over the vast city before taking a running leap off the edge, covering a lot of distance before she allowed a pulse of electrical energy to run through her body and shoot her like a shot of electricity from building to building at great speed. It didn't take her long to reach her destination. The roof of a building on the corner of the avenue. As she landed, the person she was meant to meet was already there. "Aerodaemon. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long." She announced to the feminine super being, despite actually having made it there five minutes before the meeting time. ...That was another thing about Dragons. They were apparently big believers in punctuality.
[Mood: In a rush!! ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey was rushing about her room after having seen Heidi's message on Tumblr. She'd quickly gotten herself dressed and rushed to her door. It was just as the knock came at her door that she'd started opening and barging through it, literally smashing into the guy on the other side and falling over with him. "Gah! Oh my god I'm so sorr-" She then noticed who it was. "Oh. It's only you Matt." She commented before pulling herself up. She turned to face the guy she had just bowled over."What you doing here?" she asked him as she helped him back up, and then she remembered why she had been rushing in the first place. "Wah! Sorry! I've really got to rush into town! Today is Christmas you see!" she explained like why her panic was obvious. "I COMPLETELY forgot! I've gotta buy stuff now!" ...That was if any shops were open... unlikely of course. [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Dylan was on campus. It was Christmas day, and the air was cold, so cold that Dylan's breath could be seen. Well... It wasn't so much breath as it was Cigarette smoke. Dylan didn't care for the cold, nor did he particularly care that he was breaking campus rules by smoking on it outside of a smoking area. His destination was a simple one. Marina's dorm room. He presumed she was there since she wasn't at her family home as far as he was aware. ...He probably shouldn't be at the girl's dorm rooms either, but again... he really couldn't care less. It was Christmas. 'Merry fúcking ho' to the rules. He approached the door, and knocked first as would be common courtesy. ...There was no answer. Despite knowing no one was there, because he knew Marina definitely would have been the type to answer, he instead reached into his pocket and pulled out a small key. Marina had given it to him with that cheeky smile of hers and told her he could drop by her room 'anytime'. He inserted the key into the lock, and with a turn and a satisfying click, the door opened and the young man entered closing the door behind him.
Yeah. This works fine. Cstar. You have my Skype already, so message me anytime you want to discuss how this will happen.
Can't reveal my source since there are other links on said site which judged by KHV's rules are inappropriate, but a lot of you will likely know where it's from anyway. Regardless... the sheer quality of anime will be... breathtakingly beautiful basically. EDIT: Sorry guys, I apparently can't seem to get the images working. They're not too important anyway, but yeah. My apologies.
[Mood: ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] It had been a while since Dylan had received that text. He'd pocketed his phone as usual, and continued about his business. But now, he was walking down the road, with a bag under his arm from a recent purchase. He didn't have work for the next few days. The club was shut down due to Miki-chan's grieving. Apparently an old friend of the Japanese guy had died in the hospital from a snake bite, and her son had been hit by a car all in the same timing. Dylan had once met the aforementioned and now deceased Ms. Ashes, and her son. They weren't bad people, so it was unfortunate that their deaths had come around so suddenly. ...It was just another way that the logic of this world was messed up. The good seemed to die early, while those who just existed day by day like himself continued to live on. Dylan felt the package under his arm and thought of Marina. ...It's not like he cared enough about her to buy her a Christmas present, but she'd apparently bought him one, so it was the least he could do. ...And well... besides the fact that he'd spent a fair bit on it and it was clearly something that suited her tastes, there was clearly no sign that he showed any care at all. Nope. Either way, with no work, Dylan decided to go home for an early night. It was Christmas day tomorrow, and he still had to wrap the gift he'd bought Marina. ...Oh joy. Wrapping. ...On the way home, Dylan somehow got into three separate fights. ...He won them all of course though. Once home, he did what he needed to do and then went to sleep, not particularly excited about Christmas tomorrow.
[Mood: Tired... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Even Bushy was starting to get annoyed at making short posts that constantly broke the fourth wall because he was so tired from various things... but he'd just travelled back from Mid's today so he was again exhausted and only had a few minutes left before he went over his deadline and got kicked from the RP. So... Zoey was in bed, unaware that instead of Heidi, it was Casey with her. The room was still cold, so Zoey found herself snuggling into the other person who she believed to be Heidi for extra warmth as she had noticed when the girl had done so the other night and hoped that Heidi herself wouldn't mind if she did the same in return. ...Of course yeah.. Zoey was unaware that this was NOT Heidi... Post over. Kay, I'm safe now. I'll try to get back into the swing of things properly now for later posts.
- [Tumblr ~ Mood: ... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] - ♪ Spoiler Time seemed to move in slow motion now. But... since when had time even moved normally ever since they had received that cryptic email? Tyler tried to think back, missing those old days where everything seemed so simple. Those days as a kid where he grew up along side Quin without a care in the world. Sure... things hadn't changed much even into his teenage years. That's just how it was. But... that was life, and Tyler was happy with such a thing. Living day after day without worrying about the hard stuff. Some might call it ignoring the problems of life, but for Tyler it was simple... He would have time to worry about that stuff later. ...Yes. TIME Time. That had been true. Then it had come; The email, and thus time became so limited. One Hundred Days to live. And Tyler's fate had therefore been sealed along with so many others. ...Or maybe his fate - no... Everyone's fate had already been sealed long ago. Maybe this had been formulated well in advance and was the workings of some even bigger game. This was just a small piece of the puzzle, and all Tyler and everyone else amounted to were pieces in said game. Pawns. Step. Step. Step. Thoughts of his mother came to him. Tyler had been raised well by the woman. She'd raised him all alone and frankly, whether he be considered biased or not, he thought she had done a brilliant job considering. After all... his father had just abandoned his mother before he was born. Demanding she get an abortion, and attacking her when she refused. ...Tyler had never met the man, but wondered what he would have said or done if he ever did. ...Would he have hit him? Just cursed at him? ...Been hopeless? ...Whatever right? It didn't matter anyway. That's just how Tyler had worked through things. Not worrying about the things you couldn't control. Worrying wouldn't help change something you couldn't control. So why worry? It worked right? Enough of his father though... Right now, The boy was walking to see his mother. ...This was his fault wasn't it? ...His mother wasn't a part of the email, sure. These events though were clearly part of Crestatia's game and now his own mother had been dragged into it. "Dammit!" His fist met a wall as he walked past. He ignored the pain, putting his hand into his pocket and continuing on. Tyler had always been able to keep strong throughout anything. Any situation, no matter what it was, Tyler wouldn't give up and would go as far as it took to keep positive and to come out on top. That was the way he rolled. It was his Creed~ He would just dig and dig forwards and until he'd broken through the wall in his way, and then he'd proudly point to the sky and look to those with him and give them a big smile. ...Those with him.. ...Quin. The girl was certainly like a sister to Tyler. ...He hadn't seen her for a while now, but he wished he could see her. As strong as Tyler was... he was hurting now. ...He was ready to break. But no. As usual, the thought of Quin gave him strength. That was right. He'd promised hadn't he? He'd protect her. No matter what that meant, he'd do it. ...That's how it was. Tyler was still as resolved as ever. ...He'd already failed to protect Abby... There was no way he could let himself fail to protect Quin. ~He'd have to die first~Tyler approached a road, and waited for his chance to cross. ...First thing first was that he'd check on his mother. Yes. He pulled out his phone and began to type a text. And the text was sent. ... Tyler was suddenly falling. ...Had he been pushed? ... No wait... He'd felt something grab his collar and throw him. That's right. ...Time was going slower now than it had seemed to even before. Tyler was still in mid-air as a wave of thoughts rushed into him. ...He could already tell. ...This was it right? He tried to twist himself round to see who his attacker was but it was for naught. Whoever it was had been lost in a crowd of people, probably observing and completely safe from amidst the chaos. So smart, blended with the crowd, it'd seem like Tyler had simply tripped or something. He hit the ground and only had time to look up to see the car heading towards him. He closed his eyes with surprising calmness and clarity. He had failed to save Abby and now he'd be joining her. He wouldn't be able to save Quin but... well, as much as it felt weird admitting it, if anything... Harley would look after her too. As for his mother... he'd never know what happened to her... maybe he'd see her sooner rather than later... but he hoped she'd still be able to live a long life. He couldn't bear to imagine how she'd grieve for him... ...Quin too for that matter. Either way, this was the end of the road - excuse the pun. ... .. . .. ... The car hit. Tyler Ashes was dead.