Just wanna say that I think myself and Jayn, among with many others I'm sure. ...WE LOVE YOU FOREVER! THANK YOU FOR BRINGING BACK FIXED WIDTH! *seizure*
I recall you once had a Rena avatar from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. That's where I came up with it. lol
[Mood: Exhausted and in pain... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey and Heidi's combined efforts finally got them to the front car. ...Zoey was exhausted and feeling faint by this point. ...But they should be safe here, right? Heidi was also looking pretty rough. Getting up here took way too much effort... They both needed to rest. Finding a free set of seats, they snuggled up together for warmth and comfort underneath Zoey's coat and fell asleep in each other's embrace. D'aaaaaaaawww. No groping or anything sexual happened, so no Les-yay for you guys (maybe next time... XD). Either way, Hyuge-nee says she'll pretty up this process in her next post, so yay! For now... This has been Zoey's puppeteer presenting you with a short post to end her day. Thank you, and goodnight.
>Implying that having an idea and doing the work to make it a reality is the same thing. *gives the table a wig and flips the hair and the table*
[Mood: An adrenaline fueled frenzy - and agony. ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey knew first thing on the agenda was getting away from this gas. For one... the fumes were certainly not going to do them any favours. Two, Zoey didn't want to risk her and Heidi being near in case there was an explosion. This car was also wrecked and letting in the elements. Heidi and herself would freeze if they stayed there or tried to brave going outside. Heidi's shoes were missing as they must have been sent flying when the car toppled. Thankfully, Zoey had her coat bundled around the two of them to still try and provide some warmth. Either way, Zoey was hoping the other cars would provide more shielding from the elements than one with a truck in the side of it, and also again, getting as far away from a possible explosion couldn't hurt either. Zoey's ribs started heaving. ...Damn. Had she been hurt worse than she thought? ...No matter. Just hide it and keep going, she couldn't worry Heidi. The poor girl had enough going on already, she needed Zoey to remain strong for her right now. They kept moving, albeit slowly, but it was fine. ...Being hunched like this was putting more pressure on her ribs. No- It was fine! She could keep going. No worries. She spat blood from her mouth from where she had bitten into her cheek and they were able to approach the door... No power meant it wouldn't open on it's own, so both Zoey and Heidi worked together, prying their fingers into the gaps and pulling with all their might. Little by little the door opened. They couldn't stop now though. They kept moving. In the next car there were some passengers who weren't as hurt as others. "There are some people in..." pant-pant-pant... Just breath Zoey, it's all okay. Keep going. "the car back there. If you're able to, please help bring them in here... I've got to help... he... Heidi. ...Please." she begged anyone who would and could listen, trying to keep them moving along to the next cars, getting further and further from the truck. "...Then try and... get them everyone up into the furthest car away from.. here... The truck there is releasing gas. ...I don't think there is any danger yet, but we should play it safe. ...Also, the more people in one car will mean the more warmth." Zoey couldn't keep speaking. She just had to focus on keeping them moving. She wasn't sure if anyone had listened to her, but she thought she saw movement in the reflections from the cracked windows of other people going into the car they'd just came from. They approached another door and again, like before, were able to pry it open, albeit... this time it felt it took longer as the two were already exhausted and weakening. Zoey felt in her pocket and realized her cell phone was gone. It must have gotten lost like Heidi's shoes and was likely smashed to pieces by now. ...Still going on with the motto of 'one step at a time' she kept the two of them moving, taking most of Heidi's weight. ...Were they far enough yet? What would they do next anyway? Zoey needed to think of a plan, and fast.
[Mood: An adrenaline fueled frenzy - and agony. ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] Zoey tried to sit up while slowly cradling Heidi. The girl had one hell of a head injury, so Zoey made sure to be gentle. Zoey's heart was going crazy as it pumped blood around her body. As she sat up, suddenly something dripped past her eye sight. ...Okay. So Heidi wasn't the only one with a head injury, although Zoey's didn't seem to be as bad. It was just some blood, no need to panic (other than the fact they'd nearly been killed). She realized she could also taste the iron-ey flavour of blood in her mouth. She must have bitten into her cheek during all the commotion. ...Next she started to examine the rest of them. Zoey had cuts all over her, and her clothing was torn in places. Bruises hadn't formed yet, but she could tell she would have plenty later, especially on her back from where she had taken the impact of their last fall. She knew right now, the only thing keeping her sane and alive was the frenzied adrenaline rush dulling her senses, and even then she still hurt all over. She'd sure been feeling numb a lot lately. ...Yesterday after she learned- NO. Don't think about that right now. She had to stay focused on what was going on currently. Next thing Zoey noticed was the increasing chill, and she started to take in her surroundings. Snow was piling up around them fast. At this rate, they'd freeze to death before anything else happened. The truck that had crashed into them was a complete wreck. Whoever was in there would be lucky to have survived. ...unlikely. ...The other passengers on the train came to her attention next. Several were unconscious... or dead. It was hard to tell. She had to turn away at the sight of some of the others. This was horrible. She turned her attention back to Heidi. She clearly wasn't doing well. She looked to be in as much of a state as Zoey herself was. If anything, worse from the injury on her head. Zoey knew this might be bad for her later, but right now she had to do something. She lifted up her jumper slightly and then tore the fabric of her shirt underneath from around her midriff. "Hold still okay. I'll be gentle, but I've gotta tie this remotely tight, or it'll do no good." She told Heidi as she wrapped the shirt fabric around the top part of Heidi's head to cover the wound and then tied it tight. Head wounds bled profusely usually, so trying to lessen and stop the bleeding was an extremely important thing. Once done, she lowered her jumper back down to cover her cold bare skin. While she was doing this, Heidi suddenly mumbled something... “do you...s-smell....that?'Zoey couldn't smell anything right now. ...No wait. Now that Heidi mentioned it... There was the smell of... was that gas in the air? Typical, the truck had crashed into them after all. It was likely coming from there. Zoey gently forced the both of them up, taking time and care with Heidi who seemed to really be struggling with pain. Already, the fabric of her shirt was stained a crimson red, but it did seem to be doing it's job. For now that is. They had to get moving. They couldn't stay here. ...Zoey would have checked on the others in the car, but right now, there wasn't much she'd be able to do. The best thing would be to try and get help, albeit, from the commotion that had happened already, she was sure that other spectators would have already alerted the authorities. Zoey started to slowly step forward, supporting the majority of Heidi's weight, which was easy because Heidi was light, but difficult because she was smaller than her meaning Zoey had to hunch over a lot more. "Come on, Heidi... let's take it slow. One step at a time. I'm with you, don't worry. I won't leave you no matter what." She grunted between short breaths. "I promise."
ESFJExtravert(44%) Sensing(25%) Feeling(50%) Judging(33%) You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (44%) You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (25%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%) Spoiler Providerstake it upon themselves to insure the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of social institutions such as schools, churches, social clubs, and civic groups. Providers are very likely more than ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate for the rest of us, because friendly social service is a key to their nature. Wherever they go, Providers happily give their time and energy to make sure that the needs of others are met, and that social functions are a success. Spoiler Highly cooperative themselves, Providers are skilled in maintaining teamwork among their helpers, and are also tireless in their attention to the details of furnishing goods and services. They make excellent chairpersons in charge of dances, banquets, class reunions, charity fund-raisers, and the like. They are without peer as masters of ceremonies, able to speak publicly with ease and confidence. And they are outstanding hosts or hostesses, knowing everyone by name, and seemingly aware of what everyone's been doing. Providers love to entertain, and are always concerned about the needs of their guests, wanting to make sure that all are involved and provided for. Friendly, outgoing, neighborly - in a word, Providers are gregarious, so much so that they can become restless when isolated from people. They love to talk with others, and will often strike up a conversation with strangers and chat pleasantly about any topic that comes to mind. Friendships matter a great deal to Providers, and their conversations with friends often touch on good times from years past. Family traditions are also sacred to them, and they carefully observe birthdays and anniversaries. In addition, Providers show a delightful fascination with news of their friends and neighbors. If we wish to know what's been going on in the local community, school, or church, they're happy to fill us in on all the details. Providers are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, which makes them perhaps the most sympathetic of all the types, but which also leaves them somewhat self-conscious, that is, highly sensitive to what others think of them. Loving and affectionate themselves, they need to be loved in return. In fact, Providers can be crushed by personal criticism, and are happiest when given ample appreciation both for themselves personally and for the tireless service they give to others.
[Mood: ...asdfghjkl!! ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] ♪ Zoey was in slumberland currently. A sense of numbness was surrounding her as she floated through her dream. ...what had happened? How had she gotten here? Suddenly, her surroundings changed and she was floating above a park. Two women were speaking and watching two young children play. Zoey recognized one of them. Her mother. Who was the other? ...She turned her attention to the children. ...Wait... what? ...She recognized them both. One was her, but a lot younger. She must have been about... six? And then there was a boy. ...It was unmistakably him. He was younger, but she recognized that scruffy hair. Tyler Ashes. So... if she was six here, he must be about seven. ...What kind of dream was this? It wasn't a memory. She'd never met Tyler before recently. Was this one of her heart's deepest wishes? Trying to trick her into living in a past that had never happened. She couldn't be sure. The two kids were playing together, chasing each other around and laughing. They seemed so happy. "Come on Zoey!" The Child Tyler laughed. "Hey! ...wait for me!" The younger her called after him before she suddenly fell over. "...Uuuwwaaaaahhh!" Zoey just watched in a strange awe... The young Tyler approached the younger her and knelt next to her. "Hey... don't cry. You're a big girl now right?" The young her blinked through tears, looking up at him. "...Yu-huh.." She sniffled. "Yeah. Then you don't need to cry when big brother is here, alright?" He grinned. "Y-yeah!" (OOC: Stop music here if you have it on) ........... BEEEEEP. BEEEEEP. BEEEEEEP. BEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........... What was that beeping noise that had intruded upon this perfect little world? It was being awfully rude. Why couldn't she just stay he- Zoey's head dropped from it's place on Heidi's shoulder... and then... THE ENTIRE WORLD STARTED SHAKING AND FLIPPING! Zoey was thrown off of her chair, the sudden lurch had instantly awoken her as she got bashed around the train cart, fresh pain waking her stiff and numb limbs. Everything was spinning and blurring. Suddenly she was caught on something and was able to grip on for dear life. It was one of the train bars that people would grab onto for support when they had to stand. She tried to look around for Heidi, but everything was still whirling round and round. She couldn't make sense of anything. What the hell had happened? ...Was this Crestatia's doing? She'd already taken Tyler, and now Zoey and Heidi were next on the list? The chaos continued. ...No... Not anymore. ...NOT. ANY. MORE. "NO! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, OR WHAT GAME YOU'RE PLAYING!" She yelled out suddenly, emotion and anger in her voice. "THERE IS NO WAY YOU'RE TAKING HEIDI OR MYSELF! YOU WON'T TAKE ANYONE ELSE FROM ME! I'M GONNA LIVE AND I'M GONNA WIN THIS GAME OF YOURS! YOU'LL SEE! I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE! - CRESTATIA!" What the hell was going through her head? Why had she shouted out to her? Or... to nothingness?, with all the noise and chaos around her, did it matter? Was she mad? Who cared?! One thing was going through her head right now, and around her entire body; Adrenaline. Something whipped past her. Heidi. Zoey's arm reached out and was able to somehow catch Heidi by the wrist. The action felt like it would nearly rip Zoey's arm off, but at that moment, they were flipped again and with the help of gravity, Heidi was bundled into Zoey's chest. Zoey's arm was next around Heidi's body as she held her close to her like their lives depended on it while while she also gripped tightly onto the bar. One final crash and skid loosened Zoey's grip and they fell down to the floor. Or was it the ceiling? ...It was hard to tell right now. Zoey had taken the impact of the fall, and it would have hurt like hell if not for the adrenaline coursing through her. ...That was going to hurt later. She'd be fine... She had to be. She groaned as she lift her head to check on the girl she had cradled into her cleavage. "H-hey... Heidi. Y-you okay?"
Another RP Project... and this one took me a long long time... ...It took me 2 hours and 20 minutes... So... I'm pretty pleased with this. Original: Spoiler: It's big... (Please ignore Matt and the writing in the top left... lol - I've yet to remove them) Might make some more edits later. Mine (I call it NovaGarurumon):
Oh right. lol XD Not to worry though. Albeit, you repeating my name like that... Am I on your Rena Ryugu list? :P
So I've watched the anime and the movies of this amazing series so many times (just love them so much) now... and admittedly this is the first time I've ever noticed... Spoiler: Such a pretty rainbow Look at the window... XD Showed this to several others including DT and HoL and even they couldn't believe they had missed it before... XD
1) Yes and no. Sometimes presentation can go a long way, but I think there is more to it than that. The use of fancy graphics and banners (as well as videos and music) can show that a lot of care has been taken with it. On another note, that isn't always full-proof truth. Naturally somebody could make an RP and take a lot of care, but just lack the skill to make banners and what not. Personally, they don't influence my decision to join an RP. They're nice, but I'll join an RP if I like it (which includes everything from story to the clear amount of work that's been put into it) among other things. 2) I like to use banners just because I like to format my posts and I believe it's also nice for people to be able to see what your character looks like. They aren't necessary, but I personally like them and do use them in nearly every RP I join. 3) I do. And yeah, all the same reasons as above really. Albeit, I've just realized that the question above applied to RPmakers who put stuff in their first posts. Regardless, yeah, you see my point of view. 4) I do it when it's relevant. A piece of music can just really set the tone of a post and help to communicate emotion or whatever. For battles, the right song can get your blood pumping. I use music in two ways. Not just putting it in my posts when I think it will fit, but I generally listen to music while I write my posts to help me get in the zone (it also helps block out the outside world which keeps me on target with my posts). Also, yes. I always listen to the music other people put into their posts because I'd appreciate it if they did the same with mine. 5) Not really. As long as it's suitable to the post or whatever purpose it's being used for I think it's fine whether its from something overly popular, unheard of or even an original piece made by the RPer themselves. 6) Again this is sort of answered with my previous stuff. If it's there and relevant and helps set the tone of the RP or the story, I always listen to it (as said above). I doubt it'd make much of an influence though of whether I join or not just the same as the graphic question.
I know I could likely talk to you about these at any time, but what the hey, may as well take part. ~ Initial and Current Impressions of me? Pizza or Ice Cream and why have you made your decision? Meet up for a drink one day? If you were a super villain, what would be your ultimate evil grandmaster scheme (be creative and descriptive XD)? Next RPs you plan to bring back/create anew? Top three favorite original characters you've made for RP's? Top three favorite original characters Arch has made for RP's? Top three favorite original characters that I have made for RP's? When you get married one day (you homeslice you!) am I invited to the wedding? Any last thing to say to me or that you've ever wanted to say but haven't?
*glomps Nee-sama* Just wanted to do that~ Hope you don't mind.
I like big butts and I cannot lie! You other brothers can't deny!
I WILL DEFEND MY DEAR NEE-SAMA! Don't make me resort to my Godmodding... I will do it. You see that quote in my sig? I WILL Giga Drill break your...
Careful. He's spying on you in shower, Nee-sama... O_O
[Mood: In emotional agony... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] ♪ This feeling... this stroking feeling on the top of her head. It reminded Zoey of the times she was a little girl and her mother would comfort her after one of her father's outbursts. Whether it was just shouting or violence, the moment she was in her mother's arms, her pain would go away. Zoey buried herself more into Heidi, desperately trying to hide herself from the world. ...She felt like a fool for being like this, but she couldn't help nor control herself. What must Heidi think of her? If her brother were watching her now, what would he be thinking of her? Zoey felt so small, and in a way she wished she could grow smaller and smaller until she disappeared. If she disappeared then there would be no more pain, and no more worry about the remaining days to come. ...That was it wasn't it... The email... That was the cause of all this... Tyler's death couldn't have been anything else but the influence of the email. ...It made sense. As the piano score of emotions in her heart continued to overflow, she resolved herself even with the immense pain and sadness inside her. ...She wouldn't disappear. She couldn't afford to let that happen. Maybe if she somehow reached the end of these remaining days, she'd be able to fix everything, and if she didn't... if she died... then at least maybe she'd be able to see Tyler then. Her weeping continued until... "Z-Zoey. I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't... I didn't mean to get you upset and ruin your day. I just... I just thought you should know."...Heidi... Poor Heidi... was she blaming herself for this? Zoey had to speak, but she couldn't. It kept getting stuck in her throat between the strangled sobs. ...No! She couldn't let herself be this weak. She kept trying to force her voice out, feeling sick and light headed as she did so. "N-no..." It was a weak voice... cracked and drowning in sadness. "N-no... I needed to know... I-.." Her voice failed her again and vanished into a wave of fresh sobs. No! ...Dammit Zoey! She cursed herself in her head. "I... no... I...- ..Thank you." She forced out the words... Heidi wasn't to blame here and she deserved to know it no matter how upset Zoey was. "There has been a slight mechanical issue do to the weather. The monorail will be at a standstill for an undetermined amount of time. The Coy City/Brookridge Transit system would like to apologize for the inconvenience this may create. Please hold tight folks. The train will continue on as scheduled just as soon as we get the issue fixed. That is all." The announcement blurred out. Zoey missed half of it though. She wasn't even sure where she was anymore anyway. A monorail? Was she on such a thing? Had she been? She felt like she was floating through a deep and dark ocean. ...The only sensation she had right now was the warmth of Heidi's shoulder, and the feeling of Heidi's hands stroking through the red waves of her hair. Time didn't exist right now. Zoey wasn't even sure if it was passing, had passed or never had started. Not knowing when, but losing herself to the rhythm of these simple acts of kindness that Heidi was showing towards her, her crying started to weaken and quiet down, and then... the sweet sweet release of sleep somehow took Zoey away from her pain, if even it only meant for a brief moment.
I'm signing up too. There is no way I'm missing this this year.