Search Results

  1. Bushy
    [Mood: Bored... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    So Zoey had been bored waiting and waiting. She was going to finally be discharged tomorrow with a number of painkillers to aid her during the next few days, but ultimately she was doing better than she had been. She'd finally gotten news about Heidi from the Nurse who had promised to help her. Heidi was thankfully alive, which had flooded Zoey with relief, and in fact she'd also been discharged. That was very good news. It meant Heidi was doing alright for the most part. Zoey just lay there for now in the bed, itching to get out and be active but knowing her Doctor would never approve. She had no comforts here in this room. Her mobile phone was long gone, she had no iPod with her, nothing. She couldn't even watch porn out of sheer boredom, not that she would in the hospital (Her Doctor DEFINITELY would not approve), but that was still a valid point.
    ...She was gonna go crazy here. What was she meant to do? She'd had no visitors at all, but who was going to visit her anyway? Her only friends were Matt and Heidi really, her Mother couldn't and... yeah.
    She wanted to distract herself. She didn't want to keep thinking about the past and Tyler. She'd grieved, and she probably always would on the inside, but she didn't want to keep hurting. She hadn't gotten to know him that well, but from what she did know, Tyler wouldn't have wanted her to keep feeling like this. At least, she believed that. ...Those dreams she had had back at the accident, they were probably coincidence because her mind had been on him but... they'd helped her. They'd somehow kept her going like he had been watching over her. Even though they were just dreams, she still held them dearly to her heart. It was odd... but it was comforting at the same time.
    ...From nowhere, Zoey jumped as a loud beeping echoed around her room. ...It wasn't coming from any of the equipment, thank god. She looked over the side and noticed the phone in her bed. ...She'd never noticed it before now. She picked it up and put it to her ear... Who would be calling her? Why would anyone call her?
    "Hello?" she spoke, curiosity evident in her voice.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Bushy
    [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    He'd finally gotten out of that damn library yesterday, thank god. Albeit, for the most part of today, Dylan had wandered about town looking for something, anything, and finding nothing. It was like he was some part of a great story but was completely void of the plot. That was the story of his life though. Not that he was the type to whine about it. That wasn't his style. One thing was certain though... Life certainly had gotten dull without Marina around to nag him. It was surprising even to him just how much of a void she had left. He wasn't giving up looking for her yet though. The simple fact is he knew how stubborn that girl was and that if he had gone missing, she wouldn't have given up looking for him. He couldn't let himself be shown up by her like that and had to at least offer the same courtesy. It's not like he cared. ...That much.
    It was odd just how much she actually had spiced his boring life up. In Dylan's own way that he couldn't explain, because he had never felt such an emotion before, even he missed her a little. They certainly had an odd relationship. They weren't lovers (that was for sure), and if such a thing could be called friendship, well damn, she was the only one Dylan had. It was an odd thing that kept them going, but the fact was that Marina seemed to have some place in her life for him. Something that no one ever had had before. She cared about a guy like him for some reason. What did that mean? What did that mean to him and for him? ...He didn't know. Probably never would and would never care to. One thing for sure was that without her here, he'd never find out regardless. Did he need her? No. Did she need him? No. And yet, they needed each other at the same time. The other had always been there at the very end of a tiring day, or been there in the morning like no one else ever had been. They had been there when there was no one else. Dylan was a lone wolf, that was likely the best way to describe him, and yet Marina had somehow succeeded in approaching him. Marina who despite being a lot more social and having her own set of connections and interests, even she had been a lone wolf in her own way. Did that mean they'd become a part of a pack together?
    "Hey, baby. You're zoning out. You better not be thinking about another girl."
    ...Dylan sighed. He'd bumped into 'Mitzy Jones' earlier. She was a regular at Club Neo Rosé usually, and she seemed to have had a thing for Dylan for a long time. Despite his constant rebuttals, she'd followed him around (stalked would be more accurate) and had now ended up inside his room somehow. Dylan didn't even remember letting her in and yet here she was somehow. He'd probably been lost in his thoughts as he tended to be.
    ...Why was she here? Why was she sat on the bed next to him? Why was she in the spot that Marina usually lay. Why was she pulling off her shirt and then undoing her bra? Why was she leaning close to him, her lips approaching his?
    "Hey, you keep zoning out. You SERIOUSLY better not be thinking about that little slút of yours, Marina, when I'm here. I bet you I can make you feel way better than she ever could."
    Dylan's eyebrows perked at the insult, his eyes flashed for a brief moment. She was closing the gap, her lips nearly there. Then...
    His hands came up to her shoulders, stopping her and gently pushed her away.
    "Huh? Hey, baby? Whats wrong?"
    "Out." He said calmly, no aggression in his voice, but it still somehow holding the command strong in it's simplicity.
    "What? You're rejecting me because of that bitc-"
    "Out." He repeated again, cutting off her disgusted tone, his eyes locked firmly on hers.
    She stood up and furiously started dressing. "You're gonna regret this, you bástard."
    Dylan actually chuckled for once at this. It was an odd sound, and then he pulled a cigarette from his packet and lit it, taking a long drag. "Trust me. I don't."
    "Why won't you accept me?! I'm way better than-"
    "Because only one person accepted me for who I am and as I am and wanted nothing in return. When you look at me, you see something false, that you've created in your mind as some sort of goal - like you have something to prove to yourself. You aren't her, and as far as I'm concerned, she's worth a million of you."
    He breathed out a long exhale of smoke, clouding the room, but from behind the veil, his eyes still locked onto Mitzy's as he gestured to the door again. "Out."
    In a huff, and after smashing one of Dylan's lamps by knocking it over, she opened the door and slammed it behind her. Dylan looked at the door for a few seconds before sighing once more and putting his half finished cigarette in the ash-tray next to him.
    He lay back and closed his eyes just ready to sleep for the night and reach tomorrow. ...Tomorrow, when his search would begin anew even if it took weeks for results to crop up.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bushy
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Bushy
    Thread by: Bushy, Feb 19, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Bushy
    [Mood: Frustrated.. ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey didn't like being confined like this. She hated being stuck to this bed. Right now, she wanted to be able to just go for a run again. Be free... a place where she could truly be herself and confront things in her own mind... at her own pace. Here she would just dwell on things. All she could do was lay here after all. Albeit, she wouldn't be running any time soon anyway. She was in too much pain as it was. She'd need time to recover.
    The small bit of comfort she had was that she wasn't bundled in layers upon layers of clothing.
    Her Doctor was an old and frail man who was stern about the fact that she needed to rest and should avoid any strenuous activities.

    "But... I wanna go and see Heidi." She had told him.
    "You can catch up with friends later. Right now, the health of my patient is more important."

    "But surely allowing me to move around, albeit carefully is a good thing?"
    "Miss. Quill. Are you a Doctor?"
    "Here we go..."
    "Have you undergone the training I have gone through."
    She was so tempted to say yes just to shut him up even if it was a blatant lie. "No. But I am the one who is paying the medical bill. So I suggest you try and accommodate your patient a bit better before I ask for another Doctor and my money goes elsewhere."
    Her Doctor bit his cheek tightly. "Regardless of what you say, we can't have you go gallivanting-"
    "She's somewhere in this hospital. I'm sure of it. She was in the same accident I was in."
    "...And why didn't you say that sooner?"
    "I have! I've told you several times already! I'm worried about her. I just want to know if she's okay."
    "Doctor." The nurse chimed in, who had been watching the scene entirely amused. "I could at least find out that much for her, and I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad to let her see her if this Heidi is indeed in the hospital too."
    Defeated the old Doctor sighed and started to leave the room. "Very well. Do that." He airily waved a hand.
    The nurse winked at Zoey and too followed after.

    Zoey hadn't heard anything since then, but she at least trusted this nurse. She could leave things as they were for now. She'd hopefully be able to see how Heidi was soon.
    With that, Zoey closed her eyes, able to go to sleep easily from the drowsiness her Medication had inflicted on her along with the comfort that knowing she'd soon know how Heidi was.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bushy
    [Mood: Drowsy... Drugged... Ouch...~ OOC: ~ Listening to]
    God it was bright... and the smell of disinfectant was strong in the air. Zoey felt a weird feeling near her wrist, but she thankfully felt pretty comfortable. Just how long had she been out for? ...Everything hurt, but not as bad as it had started to. ...She felt sluggish and slow. Her body was under a weird sense of Euphoria. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to take a look at her surroundings and herself. She was in a bed and wearing a think gown like you would get in a hospital. ...That's right. She and Heidi had been taken away by the Rescue Team after the train accident. Heidi! Where was she? She was okay right? She had to be. ...She just had to. Were they at the same hospital? Zoey had to get up and look for her.
    She tried to sit up but found that her body just wouldn't respond in the right ways. She struggled for a few minutes before finally giving up. Just how many drugs had they given her? Her mind still felt sharp enough, but it was like it was disconnected from her body. At least it was lessening the agony she'd undoubtedly be in. That was some small form of comforts. She looked down at her wrist at the IV drip that was in it. ...How close to death had she and Heidi gotten to? Either way... they'd survived. They'd survived. They'd survived!
    ...Zoey sat her head back down on the surprisingly comfortable pillow. Now what? How long would she have to wait here? How long would it take her to recover? And... just as importantly another question crossed her mind.
    ...How would she afford this? Her Mom was in prison, her Father was... no help, not that he would help her even if he could, and while she got enough money to live on from her basic living support, it wouldn't be enough for this. ...She'd have to think about that later though. Right now... she was just so drowsy.
    "Doctor! The patient is awake!"
    Oh at last... someone had finally noticed.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bushy
    [Mood: Meh... still meh... ~ OOC: Posted as Zoey going to sleep earlier in the Ambulance, so that counts as her day ended. Kay? ~ Listening to]


    Dylan was up instantly before Harley or 'Quintus' even had the chance to respond to him. The old Librarian; Mrs. Price had been carrying a stack of books and suddenly lost her footing before falling to the floor, dropping a cascade of books all around her. He was by her side in a gentlemanly like manner before helping her to her feet and starting to pick up the books she had dropped. "Oh thank you young man. That's twice you've helped me now."
    "Don't mention it." He commented again, very much like the first time he had helped her. He held the books in his arms now, stacked incredibly high, but he had no problems balancing them. It was surprising that such an old woman could carry this many books like this, but Dylan supposed she had years of experience on her side from doing the job. "Where do you want these?"
    "Oh, my desk will be just fine dear. Thank you." Dylan started heading towards the main desk.
    "I said don't mention it." He mumbled yet again. It's not like he cared for her thanks. It's not like he had helped her for that reason. He was stuck in this place anyway, so why not? That was all.
    He placed the books down neatly and then turned around and walked to the edge of the aisle where he had left Harley and Quintus. "I'm going to sleep." He told them bluntly before heading off further, again not meaning to be rude, it was just he tended to keep his talking short when he could help it. The only person he had talked to most was Marina. He often had to talk to Miki-chan a fair bit too, but that was more employee//boss related than for social reasons.
    ...When would this blizzard end? He was wasting time here. It had been too long since he had heard from Marina. Why had she vanished? Was she in trouble? Couldn't she have spoken to him first? He may have been able to help. Not that he was good at such things. The only thing he was good with was his fists. So... maybe he could simply beat the problem away? It sounded easy enough. It wasn't the first time someone had gotten too close to Marina for comfort and he'd scared them off for her, or 'persuaded' them to see reason.
    He looked down at the watch yet again. He didn't bother checking his phone for he knew there would be no messages from her, that and he'd turned it off to save battery anyway. It's not like anyone important would call him. Only Marina, Miki-chan or a few other bouncers like Black Rodney had his number anyway. Miki-chan was still grieving, Black Rodney wouldn't need to call him, and Marina... well, if she was gonna call, she'd have called by now. Unless of course something was stopping her from calling him.
    His train of thought ended as he found his spot by a radiator. He removed the un-smoked cigarette from his mouth and put it in his front pocket before he took his place on the floor - lying on his back so he could see the ceiling and using his arms as a pillow. He closed his eyes and sleep found him as he wondered what tomorrow would bring.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Bushy
    [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: Zoey is in an ambulance or the hospital, so as far as I'm concerned she's already accounted for right now. ~ Listening to]

    " Oh, you're that Dylan, " Harley responded. ...'That' Dylan? This kid knew him? ...Well Dylan had built up a reputation over the years he supposed. People did generally know who he was, and some even went seeking him out to test themselves. They always failed naturally. That's just how it was.
    Harley next mumbled something else that Dylan couldn't make sense of, or care to try.
    " There you are. " A girl suddenly approached them with another girl in tow. What was this? Did this look like some social gathering? Who were these people? Was Dylan wearing some sort of sign which suddenly made him seem approachable. " There you are, love, " Harley suddenly greeted her. Some sort of Girlfriend perhaps? " I just made a new acquaintance, this boy, Dylan. " Oh had he now? Dylan mused. ...Wait. Boy? Dylan was more than likely older than this kid, or at least the same age. ...Oh whatever. It's not like he cared. A flash of recognition passed over one of the girl's faces. ...Did everyone know who he was? Really now?Dylan sat absent mindedly as events continued to unravel around him. It resulted in one of the girls leaving rather flustered.
    " Dylan, this is my cousin, Kallisti. " Harley suddenly introduced the remaining girl. ...Cousin? ...So what was this? Some sort of incestuous relationship? Dylan's mind was certainly asking a lot of questions today. It probably was simpler than that. Not incest but the boy had simply pretended to be a lover to his cousin to piss off the other girl. That'd be the more logical thing. Incest or not though, it didn't matter to Dylan, why should he care? Why was he being pulled into these introductions anyway?
    " Quintus, "
    she said with a slight harshness, directed at Harley, " It is a pleasure to meet you, Dylan, "
    Ah... so she didn't like the name Kallisti and preferred an alias or something, Dylan noticed rather sharply. The girl was polite enough. Dylan offered her a nod of recognition. He wasn't much of a talker after all.
    " So I guess you're stuck here, too. Waiting for someone? "...crap. He spoke too soon. Damn... he'd been ages without a *** too, but he was polite enough not to smoke in the library. It's not like not smoking was too much of a pain for him, but right now, considering he'd have to be 'entertaining' acquaintances as Harley had put it, he could certainly use one. But oh well.
    Dylan sighed. "Something like that. Well... Not really." He said ambiguously. "Saved an Old Lady from a mugger. Got made to come here as thanks. Got snowed in." He shrugged as he summed up the events in a short list like it wasn't a big deal. Then he continued; "I am waiting for someone... Not gonna meet them here though. I don't know where yet. ...I will find them. I'll find where they are. It's just as simple as looking for them." He took out the packet of cigarettes after all and took a single stick out, putting it between his lips. He didn't light it though. It was more for something to put there. More for something to do and to distract him. "That's pretty much it, kid. Now you." He offered. He figured this guy was likely gonna keep talking anyway, so Dylan may as well direct the conversation for once.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bushy
    I agree with Mono-nee. And agree with what you said. That works out for everybody and is pretty darn fair.

    We love you, Nee-sama!

    You're awesome and amazing and lovely and *makes a long endless list that goes on forever and ever*

    *hours later*

    And finally... Thank you for making Days and letting us all be a part of it. I've bonded with people I wouldn't have been able to, and this RP has made me grow too and helped me so much. It's a lot of fun (and an emotional rollercoaster), and while it's been rough, it's been rewarding and awesome. I wanna stay until the very end. XD

    *over dramatic but very true speech is over*
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bushy
    [Mood: Tired... in pain... determined... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Cold. It was so cold... And everything hurt. Zoey's sleep was restless and uncomfortable. For too long she had been wearing the same clothes, she was hungry and thirsty, and the bruising from her earlier skirmishes had finally come through. Her back would be a complete canvas of black and blue. It felt so tender and sore. Her ribs ached - actually everything ached. The girl's body was definitely a broken shade of what it was before, but her will still remained burning and strong. She was going to survive this with Heidi, and then they'd be able to hang out like normal friends. Go shopping perhaps, to the movies, talk about boys (or girls) and just do... things that friends do.
    Even so - Zoey lingered in her state of slumber. It wasn't comfortable, but drifting in and out of consciousness kept her mind away from the pain of her body. She felt a weak nudge from somewhere... Oh. It was Heidi. She took a weak glance at the girl, it hurting to even turn her head towards her.
    Her eyes closed again. It was so cold... the only thing keeping the two girls alive was probably the fact that they were sharing each other's body heat. Zoey couldn't help but recall that body heat was shared better with bare skin on bare skin, but now wasn't the time. Even so... Zoey couldn't help but utter a little chuckle. At least she was still the same person on the inside besides everything. It hurt to do so, but this was the first time she had laughed since before the accident. Since she learned about... No. It still wasn't the right time to think about it. If she lost herself now, she might not ever recover.
    ...There were sounds... Must be her imagination. Heidi rested her head on her own again. It was comforting. ...Voices emerged next. Shouting... the sounds of life. ...Zoey was too far gone to make sense of them though. Suddenly... she felt a lack of something. Somebody was lifting Heidi, the warmth was leaving her. Zoey's hand outstretched, desperate to try and reclaim it. ...Someone was taking Heidi. ...They couldn't take her. What was going on? Was this it? "Heidi...? ...H-hei- Heidi...?" her dry voice croaked out, trying to call after her but not succeeding. ...A tear streamed down her face. "C-..come back... Don't take Heidi... I've got to... protect her.." No... Relax Zoey. This isn't it. This isn't the end. ...It's not.
    ...Suddenly, Zoey was weightless. She was in strong supportive arms holding her gently.
    Tyler?... Tyler... have you come to take me with you? Her consciousness started coming back to her and fading in intervals, her body was failing, but she was holding on. Her back was screaming out in pain from where she was being held, but yet... this was gentle. She looked up and could see a man carrying her. She turned her head slightly and saw more men like him with 'Search and Rescue' written on their backs. Ah... They were saved? That was it? Thank god...
    Zoey was put on a Gurney very carefully as the man muttered some instructions to paramedics before being moved into an ambulance. "Heidi... I... w-na be with Heidi. ...Plea-. Do..-'t... sepera-.. us..." Her voice was so weak and dry, she could barely recognize it. The doors shut and Zoey was in darkness. She closed her eyes and found that some more tears flowed more freely. ...They were saved. ...They were actually saved. Relief flooded through her. ...But... Was Heidi alright? ...They'd see each other again soon right?

    [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Dylan sighed. He'd been stuck in this library for a while now. After getting snowed in, he had no choice but to remain here. He knew it was a mistake to have followed the old Librarian lady here.
    She had looked after the people in the library well though, giving food and drink as needed and still keeping in high spirit. Dylan held yet another Hot Chocolate in his hands. This was a waste of time. He should be out looking for information on Marina. Not stuck in here.
    " Oh, sorry. " Someone said to him as they knocked his hot chocolate out of his hands as they knocked into the chair, and then surprisingly caught the cup. Dylan raised an eyebrow. The boy had good reflexes.
    " Sorry about that, I'm a klutz. " That was a blatant lie. There was no way in hell this guy was a klutz when he had the reflexes to catch a cup like that while barely spilling the contents. Dylan could read the guy well enough to tell that much. That wasn't a fluke anyway. " Name's Harley. " The boy continued, before sticking out his clean hand.
    Dylan looked up at the boy and then down at his hand and back up at him again. He didn't shake his hand, but still muttered; "Dylan."
    It wasn't a sign of disrespect, it was just that Dylan rarely shook hands. It wasn't his style, not that this Harley would know that. So now what? What did the kid want? Or was it just polite to introduce yourself after an accident like that? Dylan didn't socialize much, so he didn't know, or particularly care. He just sat where he was not sure what was to come. Would Harley suddenly start a fight? That's what normally happened with Dylan. He wasn't sure if this Harley was the type to do that, but he wouldn't be surprised if it did happen. It had happened often enough. Dylan got into fights without even having to look for them - they found him. That was pretty much his story. So what would it be?
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bushy
    The original is showing up for me just fine... Very odd... I'll try and fix that now. (EDIT: Fixed now for sure.)

    Thanks for the comments though. XD

    Now that I'm here though. I did a little more.
    I changed a few details and I also made Matt the right colour again:

    Post by: Bushy, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Bushy
  13. Bushy
  14. Bushy
  15. Bushy
  16. Bushy
    Alexis came back once she heard Adam's call. She got into Luce's car, sitting on the front seat next to Luce. It was probably best for her to sit here since out of the girls, she'd had the most experience of being with Luce. She wasn't in any way, shape or form going to mention the kiss she had witnessed. It was none of her business after all. She ignored Mulligan's sexist comment despite the fact that she had been tempted to respond to it in kind. ...Damn. She had changed a little, she'd never have entertained such a comment before but now she actually had ideas of a response she would have given. She sighed quietly. "I don't like this. I know this is a simple pick up, but something feels amiss. Maybe I'm just over thinking it, but I don't know." Was it just her imagining things, or was everyone else acting different from usual? More on edge?
    Alexis had spent her life reading people, she couldn't tell with the newbies since she didn't know them at all, but she definitely felt like there was something going on with her three older sibling Acolytes. Something was out of place and wrong. They'd always been highly strung sure, some more than others, but the way things seemed to be going today was odd. Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps it was just her adjusting to the changes in her life and the sudden arrival of the newer Acolytes. She didn't know. All she did know what that she'd keep on guard just as she always had. Her gut instincts had never led her wrong before, and she believed that they wouldn't lead her wrong now. "Don't mind me." She commented.
    Alexis looked back at Sophie after Luce made another rather aggressive comment. She eyed Sophie's eyes, looked at her expression. Was that a hint of fear? Wariness? Well, it must be natural considering everything was so new to her, but Alexis had the feeling it was something else bugging her this time. Luce being behind the wheel most likely. "You need to relax." she told the new girl as she stopped examining her and faced forwards. "Luce is a perfectly capable driver. Trust me. I would not be getting in the same car as her if she wasn't." she added. It was surprisingly a big compliment coming from her. Luce would know Alexis didn't trust easily, and yet Alexis had faith in her driving skills at least. ...Damn again. She needed to keep herself back and in check. She couldn't let herself get too close. Not yet. She was an empty cup. Void of anything but what she needed which was nothing and nobody.
    ...She suddenly felt antsy just sitting here. Maybe this was the life of a Hunter. Never feeling truly at ease knowing that there were things that go bump in the night. Whether they went on this mission or stayed here, something was wrong and would continue remaining as such. For now, it would be better to get moving, and the sooner the better.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bushy

    A loud booming manly voice echoed out over the entirety of the Dai-Gurren. Simone was running down the hall way before excitedly entering the room where Mina and Guy had been talking. "Sis! We're moving! We're actually moving!"Mina grinned and offered a thumbs up to her little protege. "Of course we are. This first step our Dai-Gurren is taking is just another step in our journey to create a better future for everyone." she told her. She listened intently to the Chief's words. Damn... that guy certainly knew how to talk. "Heh. The old geezer ain't bad at all, Guy. Your choice was definitely on the money." Mina's smile stretched further as she headed towards the door. "Come on, let's go take a look at things top-side. We all have the best seats in the house for when we kick the Spiral King's ass."


    Madoka meanwhile while everyone was fighting had been ambushed by one of the beast things and carried a fair distance away. "Oh you! Get off my Midori right now!" She called out to her attacker. Vox Aura's arm came up before a beam like sword projected forth from the top of it's wrist. Bringing the arm down, she stabbed into the beast's neck and began to wrestle with it as both tried to overpower the other. "Don't underestimate me! And don't underestimate Midori!" Her voice came out with energy as she gripped the controls of Vox Aura tighter and put her power into her companion. Spurred on by Madoka's spirit, the beam like blade on Vox Aura's arm seemed to extend and grow, while still inside the neck of the beast. The sudden increase in mass on the inside caused the neck to explode, and Madoka won the power struggle, beating down the beast to the floor. With no time to waste, Madoka put Vox Aura into full speed flight to get her back to the main battle where it seemed yet another opponent had appeared. "Another one? These things don't know when to quit!" Madoka, instead of stopping to observe the situation, decided to use her built up speed to her advantage and kept her charge going so she smacked full pelt into the side of this new challenger. ""Let's go, Midori!"
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    No worries.

    No worries.
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Feb 14, 2013
  19. Bushy
    I already am, beautiful. I love you~ <3 XD
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Bushy