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  1. Bushy
    [Mood: Thoughtful... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey had needed to confirm it with her own eyes. She'd needed to see the truth. Now she had no doubts. Tyler Ashes, her half-brother, was alive. She'd been careful not to be seen, but she was sure... that scruffy hair, tendency to carry headphones around wherever he went, and the way he habitually scratched the back of his head, the same way as she habitually did. ...It was overwhelming. She'd nearly started crying from relief right there, but that would have drawn too much attention to her.
    ...She didn't know what to do. So many possibilities were right before her.
    She had a chance to tell him the truth... it would change everything. ...She'd missed her chance before, she couldn't afford to miss it again. She felt so scared of what that could mean.

    What would telling him mean? This is the reason why she had been scared to tell him before... It really would change everything, and now there was a bigger risk. Would Crestatia do something? Or would it lead to some other horrible tragedy? Zoey was so unbelievably scared. She had a chance once more and yet she was completely paralyzed by fear.
    She was scared because of the fact that he had died. ...It really highlighted just how mortal every single one of them was. What if her actions triggered something horrible? Of course... it didn't seem to be against the rules from what she could tell. Gah! She just was so indecisive.
    ...Her return home ended kinda wrong. She'd instead gone to the dorms in Brookridge. ...Of course, she didn't live here right now. She still lived at her little apartment back in Coy. Zoey had sighed, lost in thought about what to do. By the time she got home (the right one) she still had no idea what she should do.
    ...She'd have loved to talk to someone about it. Possibly Heidi, but right now that wasn't possible. Not getting anywhere in her jumble of thoughts, Zoey decided it was best to distract herself instead for now and try to revisit the topic with a less clouded mind later, so she grabbed her laptop and took refuge in... 'THE INTERNET!'
    She had been disappointed to learn that a lot of her bookmarked porn videos had obviously vanished to the state they were in in this current time, but it was a small price to pay for having Tyler and others back. So... after finishing her business, she went to sleep (naked... of course).
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 12, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Bushy
    [Mood: ...Thoughtful.. ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Dylan hadn't said a word ever since Marina had started talking. He just listened, albeit at times he might have seemed zoned out, but he was listening intently for sure. Whether it was Marina, or others talking, and yet he said nothing. Everything she had said was a lot to take in, and definitely completely unbelievable.
    Marina even knew it as she told everyone what she knew. Dylan could tell she knew how ridiculous she sounded.
    He'd looked at the email when she had slid her phone to him, and he wasn't surprised when she knew he hadn't read it since it was a common known fact he didn't like to use the internet. That he didn't see the point in it.
    He had been shocked (Although did not let it show) to hear that Marina had already died once, and now apparently time had been reversed?
    Who would believe that?
    He mulled it over in the car on the journey to her estate. It wasn't the first time he'd been there, albeit he hadn't felt entirely welcome. Sure Marina welcomed him with open arms, and that did help Dylan feel more at ease, but it was like she was from a different world. Dylan was an existence that didn't exist truly, that's all. He was a delinquent in a sense. A fighter. Not much else. He was on the border between something and nothing. Maybe more on the nothing side.
    Marina might be separate from the world she came from too, but she had still come from there, so she could slip back into that mask whenever she needed.
    When they finally arrived at her home, they all went to bed. Dylan had paced off to the Guest room he'd used before, but...
    It felt weird. Not that he cared, but it felt so weird to go to bed knowing Marina was so close by and yet not wake up with her next to him or something. That had been the norm for quite a while. Naturally though, this was different. In this 'place' she had appearances to keep up.

    Dylan had woken the next day like normal and met with the others, still silent. He'd literally not spoken a single word since... well... he hadn't even spoken yesterday really. And even when new discussions began, he still did not speak. He just listened. What did Marina think of his silence? She was probably used to it, albeit the others might have felt rather unsettled.
    Finally... she muttered the words that Dylan knew would have been on her mind as well as his:
    "You all do not believe me, but you should. I need to start believing pretty damn quick."At that point, Dylan stood up, drawing all eyes to him. He moved over to one of the nearby windows and opened it before pulling a cigarette from his front pocket and lighting it. He knew Marina wouldn't object, especially since he was close to a window. He then looked over at her. Those deep red eyes of his meeting her's with a firm glance, and then his voice came out. Quiet, but strong, so easily heard. "I believe you."

    All of this rang in his head so clearly. This was... 'him'. He always felt like existence, in particular his, was something false. He didn't know if it had been in his head or he had strangely been aware of it all along, but this was just... true. It was THE truth. However... being enrolled into a game? Being forced to play? Nah. Dylan wouldn't play. He didn't like games, or playing by the rules. His mind worked like clockwork as he exhaled a plume of smoke out the window. No one had spoken in the space of Marina's and then his last words, making them hang in the silence.
    Dylan had told her in the past once before. Dylan might not believe in a lot of things, but one thing he did believe in was Marina, no matter how far-fetched she might ever sound. That was because while they were different, they were both the same. He didn't know where he'd said it before... perhaps it was another life where he and Marina had existed, or perhaps it was this forgotten future, but Marina had been the only one to ever accept him for who he was and not expect anything else, and in the same sense, he too accepted the real her for who she was despite whatever appearances she may have to keep up elsewhere. That's why it was that easy to believe her unbelievable words. Regardless of the fact that they rang so true with him, he'd have known she was telling the truth regardless. It was as simple as that.

    Anyway... It was getting late as they'd been discussing all day (well... the others had discusses and Dylan had listened), so after finishing his cigarette and discarding it through the window, Dylan wordlessly got up, giving a nod to Marina before he left the room and returned to the guest room he was staying in to sleep.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bushy
    [Mood: Confused as hell ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    What was going on?! One minute Zoey had been crying her heart out in bed, and the next... she was at the same Hot-springs she had visited that time ages ago. She checked her phone (which she was obviously surprised to have back) and was further confused by the date. This wasn't right... What the hell was going on? She couldn't have dreamed everything up until now could she? Know, she definitely couldn't have. After all, this was the same hot-springs as before. And that had been her first visit to them back then, or uh... now.
    Zoey didn't know what to make of any of this, but she couldn't help but express relief over her body. All pain from her injuries was gone. It's like the accident never happened. ...But of course...

    It hadn't.
    Zoey wasn't dumb, and she knew that in this 'game' anything was possible. Somehow... she was back in the past. She'd already figured it out. The train accident hadn't happened. ...But that meant... everything else hadn't either. She hadn't become friends with Heidi. ...A twinge of sadness filled her heart. But this also meant something else. If she was right about this, then...
    ...Tyler? Matt? Everyone else... were they alive?
    That was the question, and the other question was... who else remembered? Would the dead remember what had happened? Would anyone else in this game?
    Oh god. So many questions, and Zoey needed them answered. She'd have to find out... things were to important.
    For the first time in a while though... Zoey felt hope in her heart again.
    Tyler might be alive. And also... if this really was only Day 12 out of 100. Then they had more time... she might be able to do things right this time, and with more time, maybe they'd be able to find out a solution to this whole game itself. Yes... she could only hope.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bushy

    They trotted along as usual, The King in his Caravan more bored than ever. So... he decided to play one of his cards in his hand now for a bit of entertainment.
    "Stop for a moment please." He told his Guard, and so they did, albeit every member of his party looked at him confused. Regardless, he got out from his dwellings and took a step outside, stretching big and looking out forwards. And then... "Yoohoo! You back there. You can join us now. I know you're there." The King called out to the one following them behind, without even looking in that direction.
    Instantly, his guard were alert, weapons drawn, but Archibald raised a hand to get them to sheathe their weapons. "He's a friendly." He told them as he turned to acknowledge the Knight following them. "Aren't you, uh... Aloys was it? Yes. Aloys." The King acknowledged the surprised Knight as he approached. Being King, he had to make it his business to know who each and every one of his knights was.
    The thing about Archibold Rintz was that... he was so used to escaping from even the most elite of his knights, in particular, Risit, he was always alert when one was following. He'd been aware that Aloys had been following them from the start. Regardless... "Now... the question is what to do with you. Normally such insubordination would have to be punished. However, your King, 'me', is as I'm sure you are aware, a nice guy. I like your spunk, kid."
    He patted the Knight on the shoulder playfully. "Besides. Where we're going, we're going to need any hands available. You've got good eyes too, kid. So I'll need you to be alert for me."
    The King turned away and next regarded Risit who had been travelling with them this whole time. "Make sure the boy is equipped better than he is with any of the spare stuff we have with us. He packed well, but we've got some better gear we can give him. Also, make sure you give him some more rations and a chance to eat before we set off again. The poor lad has been so uptight about not getting caught, he hasn't eaten properly all day. I'm going to need him at full strength if he is to join our party for this voyage." ...That's right. The King had even noticed the boy's eating habits for the day. Damn he was good. "On this note, everyone may as well take another break. Once we start moving again, we don't stop until we make it to the city. Kay?" He told them all rhetorically, before he headed back into his caravan, a smirk on his face from the amusement of the events that had just happened. His boredom was lifted for now.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bushy
    The King was frustrated. ...He felt trapped and claustrophobic being surrounded by so much security from his elite Knights. That was the curse of being Royalty. People always looked up to you and such and thought you had it all, but the truth was... you never had freedom. Archibold had always been a free spirit. He didn't like being surrounded by guards wherever he went, especially since he was capable of looking after himself just as well. In fact, he often ditched his guards much to their chagrin. Over the years he'd actually gotten even better at doing so in more creative ways. One of his favorite methods had been when he had improvised with the use of flour he had got from his visit to the Kitchens that day. Regardless, he wouldn't be doing so this time. He might feel awkward being surrounded by his elite so willingly like this, but this was necessary. He was travelling to Korr after all, and frankly... he'd need his best for what he hoped to do. Of course, none of them knew. He'd kept quiet for now.
    Kaileigh herself was a free spirit like him. He knew just how she would feel being cooped up in that castle like a bird in a cage. If she had to bear it, he could bear this too. He sighed a little. Kaileigh was so like him and yet so like her Mother. It's like she had taken the best aspects of both himself and Yvaine and amplified them further. He had wondered if she'd tried to escape already. He knew she was loyal though and would stick through with her duty for her country; her fate of being married. If he knew her though, and he did... she'd at least have left the castle by now even if it meant returning later.
    They'd been travelling all day. Having stopped a few times along the way to allow their horses to rest and the riders too. Even so, they'd covered a lot of ground. They were in Korr territory now, and would soon be approaching the capital and the castle itself. The moment they had crossed the border, their guard seemed to tighten up even more. Archibald couldn't blame them of course. Even though due to this agreement, they were 'meant' to be at peace. The wedding hadn't happened yet, so nothing was definite. Albeit... it's not like the wedding would actually happen. Not if King Archibald Rintz had anything to say about it.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bushy
    The two girls were silent as they listened to Guy's story. The guy (no pun intended) had really been through a lot. His story was rather incredible. The things he was saying were unbelievable, and yet both girls swallowed his stories whole. They knew what it was like to go from normal to abnormal. They knew nothing was impossible, but hey... that was just the way Team Dai-Gurren rolled anyway, 'kick logic out and do the impossible'.​
    "Sorry, this must sound far-fetched to you, huh? What about you? How were things where you came from?"Guy seemed to pick up on this fact as he made his statement.
    "N-no.. Not at all, Mr. Guy."
    "Simone's right. Nothing will ever sound far-fetched to us, and besides... We can tell you ain't lyin'." Mina grinned big, hands on hips and chest thrust forward (completely unfeminine as ever...). "That manly posture you have and tone of voice has all be shaped by your experiences. You've got a look in your eyes which says you've seen things none of us have seen. ...I think those are things I'd like to see one day."
    She paused. "Well... you wanna know what things were like for us? They sucked to be honest. We never even would have known other worlds were possible like you're saying. It wasn't too long ago that me and my girl here first saw the stars and the moon." She stated.
    "Yeah... me and sis have been underground for most of our lives. The same goes for the others versions of us I guess."
    "Except for that one of me who wears the weird shirt. He may be a manly badass like me, but that guy ain't a guy who spent his days underground, I'll tell you that."
    "...Everyday was... well, I guess you wouldn't understand it that easily. Having spent your life above ground."
    "We can't assume things Simone."
    "O-oh! I didn't mean..."
    Mina ruffled Simone's hair with a smile. "I know." She then approached guy and compared her height to his for some reason, get right up in front of him and measuring the distance with her hand.
    "So here's the deal." She started talking despite what she was doing. "We were born in this pit called Jiha. Everyday was the same. Some like Simone here would dig to help expand the village while others would just... stagnate I guess. But not me. I always dreamed big. My old man took me up to the surface when I was just a kid. I however... Well..." Mina's tone changed, seeming more vulnerable for a brief moment. "I just... I hesitated. I don't think I was ready. So... my father said his goodbyes and began his journey on the surface." She paused yet again, but then her usual confident demeanor returned. "But that's how I always knew. I knew there was something above the ceiling that had always loomed above us. Clear skies, wide open plains. A place where people could grow and be free. Not have to live in fear of Earthquakes day by day. That was my dream. I'd reach it one day for all of us. So I formed Team Gurren." "Sis was always getting up to trouble... the Chief was always on her case, he really couldn't stand her.""Oh let's not get into that dumbass. He was proved wrong anyways when that bigass Gunman fell through the ceiling. That was also when you found Lagann." "Things were never the same after that.""Too right. We met Yoko, and together we beat that thing with your Lagann and made it to the surface. After that we met everyone from Littner. I then stole Kokuren and renamed Team Gurren to Team Kokuren."
    Both of them became lost in their reminiscence and they told Guy their story. They told him about what life was like on the surface for them and Mina's discovery of her father's fate. How they adapted and fought Gunman after Gunman. How they had met Viral and when fighting her (or him for the other versions of them) they had first combined into Kokuren Lagann by a fluke. How they had met Kittan and her brothers, the Black Siblings. Then how they had fallen into Adai village and met Rossiu and the Twins.
    It was nice to reminisce like this in a way. They'd come a long way, and their team had grown. And then...
    "So... we were suddenly lost in this fog. I don't know how it happened, but we became separated from the others, and then... we were gone. We were just here. We then bumped into our other selves and ended up fighting this ugly thing. The rest is history. We met you at the same time."
    "I wonder how everyone is..." Simone mumbled sadly.
    "No need to worry, girl." Mina grinned, she had taken up to casually leaning on Guy again having decided earlier from her height comparisons that he was a good height for such a thing and it was a friendly thing to do. "They're all members of the Mighty Team Kokuren. They're totally fine."
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bushy
    I must concur with this. The fact is, because of work and tiredness, I need to wrap up Dylan's night but can't because of the fact he is with Marina and the others.

    The other news is, since I'm off tomorrow, I'd easily be able to finish this sorta stuff up if an extension was granted. Also... I kinda fúcked up, and assumed that it was only Day 2 today because of the reasons Hyuge-nee said above. I didn't realise Day 1 counted on the same night as the 3/3 of the previous.
    So please please consider an extension for the day. In a sense we've really only had two days instead of the usual 3 to clear things up, and especially since this is an uber important plot point, it'd be horrible to rush such an important day when things need to be finished and focused on.

    Thanks for any consideration you may have. ;~;
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bushy
    [Tumblr ~ Mood: Alive, feels so alive... ~ OOC ~ Listening to]

    Tyler sighed out in relief. This was the best. Ah god... I feel like I'm floating. Well he partially was. He was sitting in a hot spring at the resort. He had nearly missed his bus but thankfully had (this time) managed to catch it. He'd already signed in too and had been promptly roomed with Mr. Ubisoft; Altair.
    He felt odd, like there was a strange sense of Déjà vu, but he ignored it. He hadn't ever been to this place, so yeah. Perhaps it was one of those times where you would dream of something and it happened the next day? ...meh, whatever. It wasn't important. After all the recent stresses, it just felt good to finally be relaxing. He made sure to remember meeting up with Quin later. Hopefully she'd be able to relax too, god knew that she needed some chill time.
    Tyler wasn't alone in the hot springs anyway. That Cherno guy was in there too. Tyler gave him a nod. He was acquainted with the guy after all.

    [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Dylan had woken to the following text message blinking on his phone.

    ...Sheesh. In all caps too. Something hard to believe? Dylan had sighed. He had nothing better to do, so he might as well go, and besides, he'd learned early on not to piss off Marina. Not that he cared if he did, but it just made his life easier. And so...
    This is why he was now walking down the street towards that little cafe she had mentioned in her text. Smoke billowed from his mouth from his cigarette as he entered the place. He ignored the no smoking sign and gave a nonchalant glance to the shop owner like; 'are you really gonna stop me? No. I didn't think so.'
    His eyes quickly located Marina and... whatever his name was... Theo? The pink haired wonder, Casey was there too along with stick in the mud, Elliot. ...So Marina had called a bunch of them there. Dylan moved over to them and sat down on a free chair, not saying a word but just nodding in acknowledgement. Then it occurred to him that Elliot would go crazy by having smoke so close to him - something which would be much more convenient to avoid instead of having to deal with. So Dylan sighed and took his half finished *** out from his lips, stuck the tips of two fingers to his tongue to moisten them and then pinched the end, effectively putting the cigarette out, before Dylan tucked the rest of it behind his ear so he could finish it later. He glanced at Elliot as if to say; 'Don't you dare complain. I don't stop smoking for just anybody.'
    (because clearly Dylan could communicate so much through single glances). Now all that was left to do was to wait for whoever else Marina had summoned to arrive, or for her to start talking. Whichever came first.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bushy
    [Mood: !Panic! ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey was running as fast as her body would permit. For once, her body wasn't in control during a run like it'd normally be. It was frantic, her breathing was out of rhythm and her form was terrible. Everything ached and hurt, her body screaming at her to let it rest, that she shouldn't be moving like this yet. Her unsupported chest leapt around underneath her shirt as she continued to move, her long hair trailing behind her.
    She couldn't stop though. She just had to get there. She had to get there fast, even if it was already too late.
    ...There it was. The boys dorm came into view, and by this point, Zoey was feeling sick. Half from her dreadful run with the terrible state of her body, and the other half from the rising panic and fear in her gut and her heart. Her speed didn't break as she climbed the stairs, her body ready to give out, but Zoey was a fighter, she was determined. At last, she rounded the corner and his door was in sight... already... the sight of it stopped her in her tracks.
    It was covered in yellow tape, warning anyone not to enter. ...Zoey dropped to her knees, not noticing the pain from the impact with the ground. Once again, just like when she had learned of Tyler, she was in agony again, and that was dulling any other pain.
    ...Part of her hoped that this was one of Matt's usual terrible jokes. That he'd come out the door any second and say it was just a bit of fun, and then she'd hit him for it and that'd be that. But no... she could tell that it was true. Matt was dead.
    ...Was it because he had confessed his feelings for her? ...Zoey didn't know what to think.. her mind was in shambles. She'd lost yet another of the few people she had.
    It was just too horrible. ...Tyler... Matt... all of the ones who had died. Altair who Heidi and Casey had lost, and everyone else. Why? Why? Why? ---

    Zoey didn't even know how she got back to her room. Her brain wasn't functioning right. She couldn't recall the journey back.
    She didn't even remember climbing into bed (without actually getting undressed), and she certainly didn't remember the escape that sleep provided her with, even if only briefly.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Bushy
    Curse my mentioning Code Lyoko in the chat...
    Those were my favourite two.
    *le sigh* Oh well...
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bushy
    [Mood: ...Whut. ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey had finally gotten around to her Tumblr. She didn't use it often... she didn't see the point. She just had it for the sake of having one. She should probably delete it. ...She was about to look at her emails when she noticed the number above her envelope icon. ...She had a lot of Tumblr messages.
    ...All from Matt?
    ...Holy cow!

    All of them were from him. And they were all extremely worried. Poor guy. She didn't mean to worry him, not that it was intentional, albeit, the desperation that kept on increasing in his messages may have seemed a tad... creepy and over obsessive. ...Wait... WHAT?!
    The last message of all came as a shock. Her heart was thumping so hard it felt like it'd explode from her chest.

    He loved her? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!
    But suddenly... Zoey was fearful. Very fearful. What had been one of those rules? No romance?
    SHÍT! "Matt, you idiot..." she stammered. A feeling of dread was in her gut. ...It couldn't be... Could it?
    Maybe it didn't count, after all.. as sad as it was... she didn't love Matt back. But hopefully that meant it didn't count as romance. It would mean that Matt wasn't in danger, but if he was...-
    Zoey was standing suddenly. The sudden movements caused pain to rush through her body. She ignored them though, despite the fact the muscles in her back were trying to refuse her will. She ran around her room and grabbed her clothes and dressed as fast as she could. It was still incredibly cold out, but she suddenly left her room wearing only a shirt, jeans (panties underneath of course) and sneakers (no socks).

    Post by: Bushy, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Bushy
    The King was silent. The day was clear and brisk, and a breeze that would calm even the most aggravated of souls swept across the area. Yet... Archibald Rintz was troubled. How could he not be?
    He was completely alone. No one had been permitted to come along with him, nor would they likely dare. Not to this place.
    He was knelt down and his head was bowed. A position that'd likely be shameful for a King, but there has been one person King Archibald Rintz would ever bow his head to, and gladly. His wife. His wife...- no more. As his Queen, it wasn't that she belonged to him, because likewise he was her King. They belonged to each other.
    Right now, his head was bowed to her final resting place, a fresh bouquet of beautiful flowers the King had gathered from the Royal Fields himself lay atop. "Yvaine." He spoke her name softly. ...What was he going to say? What had he come here to say? He didn't actually know. What could even be said...? As King he couldn't afford to grant himself self pity, and as a King, he had done the right thing. However...
    "I'm sorry." While he hadn't failed as a King... he'd failed as a Father. At least that's how he felt. "Kaileigh... she's so strong. Just like you were. She's as beautiful as you were, and she's... I've let her down. My own weakness and foolishness have let her down. She's taking on such a burden, and all I'm able to do as her father is watch it. ...No. That's not right either." He paused, and then raised his head, staring at the name embedded onto the smooth white stone; 'Yvaine Rintz'. "As a King, all I'm able to do is watch. ...As her father, I can do something. The question is... what is more important? As a King, I have to put the Kingdom first. As a Father, I have to put my daughter first. I love both my country and my daughter. ...I've been thinking about this the whole time ever since this whole arrangement was cooked up. I know what I want and I know what my Daughter wants. As King and Princess however, we have to do what is best for the country." He stood up at last, and offered a gentle smile to the sky. "As Royalty, as odd as it sounds, we've always tried to be selfless when it comes to putting the country first. So maybe this is me just justifying my own selfishness, but... I think... That Kaileigh is the best future for our country. That's why... I've decided that since I can't choose one path to take; that of the King or of the Father. ...I'll take both." His smile turned into a smirk. "Besides, if I know Hadrian... and I do. ...He won't let it end just here after warring for so long. He would never be satisfied with this peace offering for long. He'd want to end things on his own terms. This solution is only temporary at best." And again, as he regarded the name in front of him of his true love, his expression softened. "However, I didn't come to you today to just tell you of my plans and my foolishness, albeit the latter was a charm of mine that you claimed to love regardless. ...I came to ask you a favour." He pressed to fingers to his lips and then gently upon the stone in front of him before he turned away and started to walk off. "Watch over our daughter as always. With you looking after her, I have no doubts in my mind that no matter what may happen to me, she will be alright." And at last as his pace sped up, he raised a hand in farewell, an expression that was to say 'next time, I'll return with Kaileigh by my side'. "...Now, I do believe..." That foolish, but charming and passionate half grin/half smirk returned to his face. "That I have a wedding to crash."
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bushy
    [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey sighed as she closed her laptop screen. The loud moans of a girl enjoying herself through perverse actions were silenced. ...Wow. For the first time, Zoey was not in the mood to watch porn. She must really be depressed. That always made her feel better usually. ...Damn it.
    She walked awkwardly over to her desk and started preparing her pain medication. She grabbed a glass, moved to the sink and let the tap run to allow the water to get cold. ...She stared at the water flow, getting lost in a wave of thought. ...What had happened with her life? Zoey wasn't one to get sucked into the drain (metaphorically). She could be positive throughout most experiences, even the bad. After all, her life to be frank hadn't been all that pleasant, but she had been happy-go-lucky regardless. Of course, that has been back when she had seen at least some hope for herself. Tyler was gone. He couldn't come back. So many of them were dying, and so quickly. Who would be next? It could be her... It could be Heidi... It could be Matt... It could be even Mr. Heckle's Grandson, Casey.
    ...But still, Zoey wasn't prepared to give up yet. This game was a nightmare. She had no doubt it was real, but maybe at the end... there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. There might be hope. A way to fix everything. She couldn't give up on that... and so... she had her hope. Her thing to keep believing in and keep going for... A path to head towards.
    She placed the glass under the tap and then ceased the flow. She put the pills in her mouth and downed some water to wash them down.
    That's all she had to keep reminding herself; that she would keep heading towards tomorrow.
    And so... with that in mind, she got into bed (already naked of course, as she had been the whole time-obviously) and she went to sleep.
    Post by: Bushy, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Bushy
    Username:Bushy Brow
    Name: Leonidus Arcadius
    Age: 36
    Status: Legend
    Allegiance: Neither
    Appearance: (Click)
    Occupation: Wanderer/Mercenary
    Weapon: (Same as picture - It's not a katana - Just a big sword!)
    Personality: Quiet and wise beyond years, Leonidus Arcadius is a man who speaks only when necessary, and when he does speak, you can be sure that it's something important. He is a living legend with a mighty reputation behind him as one of the greatest Knights that Korr had ever had in their ranks and was even respected by the Knights of Lazinth. A few years ago - he resigned from his position and then vanished. There hasn't been an official sighting of him since then. ...Rumors of a powerful swordsman wandering the lands have been plenty however.
    It is unknown to this day just where he is, or his reasons for disappearing.

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Aveline Arcadius
    Age: 18
    Status: Knight
    Allegiance: Korr
    Appearance: (Click here)
    Ranking: Lieutenant
    Weapon: (Same as picture)
    Personality: Aveline Arcadius is focused, determined and punctual, taking her duty as a Knight of Korr seriously. She is the daughter of the legendary Leonidus Arcadius, however she has not let his reputation as one of the greatest Knights there has ever been be used for her own gain. Aveline has worked hard to secure her position in the Knights of Korr by her own merits. She is highly skilled and respected, known to be a powerful Blademaster like her father before her.
    She hasn't seen her father for years and has no idea why it is he vanished or where he may be now. Her mother wished for her to become a good housewife and to marry, but Aveline chose her own path following in her father's footsteps and advancing quickly with her great skill, already securing herself a place in Korr's history. Her father believed that 'one should cut their own path and forge their own destiny', and she too believes in his words.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bushy
    [Mood: Glum... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey was finally at home... her dorm room. Behind her lurked the old fisherman who had conveniently turned up. Zoey didn't know what to think right now. This old fisherman had known Tyler.
    "You and he have the same eyes mi'dear. And that smile." He had told her. "It was just a guess at the time, but you're really his half sister, eh? That one, was a surprise. And trust me, mi'dear. I'm old. It takes a lot to surprise me." All Zoey could do was nod, she wasn't sure what to make of this. "I'm here for two reasons, because of that former hunch and that you're our Heidi's friend right? Heidi is family now, and she is gonna need you." Where did this old man get his information? Was he wired into some network or something? All she could do was nod again. "...Do you know Casey? Little runt, pink hair?"
    ...Yes. Sort of. She knew him from the body swap situation, and even then, it wasn't actually him, it had been Matt in Casey's body, but she'd seen him around since. "I know him, yeah. How come?"
    "The kid is my Grandson." He said it like it explained everything. "I've got a bit of a favor to ask of you mi'dear. I know that something is going on. Kids are dropping everywhere, but I'm not going to ask about that..."
    "What... can I do to help, Mr. Heckles?"
    "My Great-Nephew, Altair, I believe you know him too." He paused suddenly. "It is terrible news, but he's joined your brother... He is no longer with us." He looked pained as he told her this news, his brow furrowed with emotion. ...The penny dropped instantly. Zoey was in shock herself. Altair was one of the people Heidi was close to, and Casey was Altair's cousin. ...This would destroy them. "...You understand their pain. Which is why all I ask of you, mi'dear is to stay with them. Be their with them and they for you. As I said, I don't know what is going, but you kids need to stick together. I'm old, so is that Damn Old Man, my brother. We might not be able to do much anymore, time has passed, but I can still give words of wisdom." He turned his back on the girl and headed to the door. "Friends. Family. Love. That is the greatest strength we as humanity have. Altair may be gone, as may Tyler be, as... may many others in the past weeks, but they live on in those who remember them. You will remember them I'm sure. Just remember that you and your friends aren't alone. You have each other. Be there for them and they will for you. Look after each other."
    "...Old man.. ...Yes. Of course."
    "Kukuku! That's enough rambling from this old fisherman anyway! I'm off now. Just remember what I said." And there he went. Zoey watching him leave.
    ...Zoey was reminded as she watched him go. It wasn't just the players of Crestatia's game who were suffering.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bushy
    Profile Post Comment

    It's a lot of work... lol

    It's a lot of work... lol
    Profile Post Comment by Bushy, Feb 27, 2013
  17. Bushy
  18. Bushy
    Going to at least get this one posted for now. Two others will follow later along with banners.


    Bushy Brow
    Name: Archibold Rintz
    Age: 38
    Status: Royalty - King of Lazinth
    Allegiance: Lazinth
    Appearance: (Click)
    Occupation: King of Lazinth
    Weapon: The Sword of Lazinth
    Personality: Good humored and good natured, Archibold is a King who is loved and respected by his people. He has a close relationship with his daughter and is deeply upset that forcing her into marriage may be the only way to save his Kingdom, but as a King he is bound by duty and to his people - a fact which he respects. He understands that he and his daughter as much as they dislike it have to make sacrifices too, just as the people of the Kingdom would have to do. The years of war, and loss of his wife have left their mark on Archibold, but he remains steadfast, strong and noble - staying true to himself and doing the best he can for his daughter and his Kingdom. ...He knows when to be serious, but some do say he has the tendency to be very relaxed even in the worst of situations.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bushy
  20. Bushy
    [Mood: Happier, but concerned... ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    The voice on the other end of the phone came out with familiar sobs. "Zoey! You're... okay? It's Heidi."Oh thank goodness. "Hey, Heidi, I'm okay yeah. Calm down a little, I'm alright, don't worry. I'm being released from Hospital tomorrow. So it's all okay-"
    Heidi choked out her next words, cutting Zoey off. "News... nine students dead... afraid you might be..."Ah... That... would explain why she had been so upset and agitated. "...Hey, again, no need to worry. We survived right? You and I survived together. I told you, I'm with you no matter what. That's a promise I intend to keep." Zoey told the girl, trying to ease her emotions and calm her down.
    ...So nine students were dead. Without a doubt those deaths and that many at that were the work of the deity leading this game. ...So who was it who had died? Anyone she knew? Had Heidi lost anyone? ...It was all just too horrible. The feelings welling up inside bought up the feelings of losing Tyler again, but Zoey held them back, not allowing any sobs to escape through her voice.What was Heidi thinking right now as she sat on the other end of the phone clearly distraught. Zoey took a deep breath and asked the question she wanted to know the most right now. "...How are you doing? Is everything okay?" The concern was evident in her voice. "Is there anything I can do?" Zoey asked genuinely. She didn't know if there was anything she could do or how she'd be able to help, but she wanted to do something so badly. Tomorrow, when she got out, she resolved herself to see Heidi. She'd been wanting to since the accident anyway.


    Soon enough the conversation ended, and Zoey went to sleep, eager to reach tomorrow because it would mean leaving the hospital. At last... she'd be free to be nude in her room and watch porn. She couldn't wait.
    Post by: Bushy, Feb 24, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame