[Tumblr ~ Mood: Concerned... ~ OOC ~ ♪Listening to♪] "Alright. Um... Well, I need to change so... um... we meet outside?" he asked, and because Tyler's puppeteer decided to time skip ahead for convenience, after Heidi left, and he changed and brushed his teeth, they were both on the move. "So... I guess the best place to look would be the last place you know he was. Any ideas?" he asked. Even he knew how odd things were right now. He didn't know much about Altair, but he knew enough to know that the boy wouldn't worry his own sister intentionally. [Mood: Meh... ~ OOC: ~ ♪Listening to♪] "You should always listen to me. I need your hand. If my prediction is correct, your lifeline will match those of us I have already experimented on. And to be exact, there are eighty days left. Today would mark day twenty, not that you would know." Dylan sighed as he listened to her, "My life line is probably short anyway knowing the stuff I get up to." He shrugged as he tapped his fág on the same ash-tray she had used before finishing it entirely. "Take your shower first. Then we'll talk more." She gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning in the direction of the kitchen. "I'll cook something while I wait." He felt a lingering warmth of her lips on his cheek, almost making him feel like shivering from the sensation. "But your cooking sucks." He said quite frankly, and honestly. But by then, she had started to walk away. Dylan found himself sighing again. The girl was very good at hiding things that bothered her, but it didn't take a genius to tell that something had knocked her spirits down. He'd known Marina for a few years now, and probably knew her better than most as she didn't tend to stick around her clients, and while he didn't know much of her family, he had a feeling that only he knew this side to her. Before she could expect anything, he'd touched her shoulder to stop her movement, before grabbing it firmer and spinning her around and holding her, her face pressed into his chest as a hand rested on the back of her head. "You know that comment before. I was being sarcastic. Not that I care enough to explain myself anyway." He said, referring to the 'psychic' comment he had made before letting her go and turning around. He didn't care... much. Marina probably was the closest thing he had to a friend despite their unique relationship. Nobody really attempted to get close to Dylan, which he knew was for good reason, but either way, as much as he said he didn't care, he had felt obliged enough to try and comfort her in some way, which she should know was a big deal. If there was one thing Dylan did, he never hurt girls, whether emotionally or physically. He'd only ever hurt a girl once and that was when she had tried to strangle him with a belt. It had turned out that he'd beaten up her boyfriend, and so she slept with him and then tried to kill him in his sleep. ...A bit extreme... but meh. That was a story for another time. He started walking towards the bathroom, before muttering, "If you can wait for me to finish, I'll cook us something instead. As I said, no offence, but you burning the house down would be a pain for both of us." And then he had vanished into the other room.