Iridia was silent for a long moment before asking quietly, "You don't think... you don't think Zelph would feed me to that thing in order to keep his sister at bay... do you?" Iridia flew up quickly out of his pocket and said, "I-I mean I like these kids and all, they're good kids. But I just... I don't know..." Iridia looked over in their direction then looked at Hedgrit, "I'm... not even afraid of Tellia if I'm honest... at least now I know what to expect..." she played with her hands and said, "I'm... scared of what Zelph'll do... I'm a fairy of nature, I find all life worth living but... I feel so much pain and death in that kid, especially during all of that... and I'm already worried about these damn crawlers..."
It seemed to Take that these guys were on just as big an adventure as they were, if not more so. He was a bit curious if they found a princess or something along the way though, since that was their original intent. When they were officially filled in on the details they suggested the direction to head in and the fairy king began to make them start to... fly. Take was more amused that he probably should have been and he was trying to contain his excitement over being able to fly. But then Torrin basically told them to stop and they all went back gently to the floor. Take kicked the dirt a bit and mumbled,"I kind of wanted to fly..." he gave a nod towards the fairy, the older man, and the pig and said, "Thank you for your help and information, we'll make sure Tor... Tak... Tha.. Tin... Taran comes back in one piece." and he started heading in the direction they'd led. More from embarrassment over messing up the name and being a little bitter about not being able to fly than a determination to find the rest of the group, though that was certainly there.
It took a while longer than usual for Iridia to recharge, but when she did, she slowly popped up out of Hedgrit's pocket and yawned and looked over at HHedgrit and said, "I'm up~" she realized his expression was a bit solemn and she tried to refresh herself on what exactly happened before she fell asleep, but then she remembered and looked around and asked, "Are the kids okay?"
Kaida immediately whispered to herself, "Hikaru..." she tried to have the name stick and hoped her saying it would help. But it didn't take too long before it was gone again. The blonde shook her head towards everyone and said, "I don't know why I've forgotten his name. I didn't get hit by any spells or anything that seemed off to me..." Kaida grabbed a marker and looked over at Steel and held out her hand, "Could you write his name on my wrist? I'll at least remember it that way... hopefully..." The girl looked towards everyone else and sighed, "I don't think it can be helped at this rate, but maybe it's just temporary or something...?" 10/31
I mean, I would say most of it is acting. Whether it's scripted is a different story. Some, not all, but a lot of actors put themselves in the mindset of their characters so most actions they do that are not in the script are still in character. That's not even including improvised lines that ended up making it into the final product that aren't necessarily in the script but add to the character. Scripts are generally written with dialogue and basic actions. Sometimes there's an indicator of tone. If a script wrote every detail of the action they needed to do, it would be very odd. It's not like it never happens but it's usually up to the actors to figure out thinks like posture and movement or facial expressions. If we go by "oh well, they go by the script and that is acting at it's purest form" then I urge you to go and look for your nearest children's theatre production to watch those because you'll never find something closer to reading a script. Sure, you get that one kid who's a natural actor but roughly 80% of the time you get a kid who says their line and stands still in one spot until it's time to say their line. This also doesn't really account for what a director might also ask from an actor for a performance. I'm pretty sure there are directors who would definitely say "oh and when the action scene is done, flip your hair and turn around line a badass" maybe not word for word but the general idea. Minor movements I wouldn't really count? I mean there are basic things any human does without knowing that ends up making things look natural. Like scratching your nose cause you're itchy or shifting your glasses cause you moved your head over too fast. Maybe an actor flubs an exact line and instead of saying "Oh Joe, how could you say that to your mom?" they say "Joe, why you talk like that to your mom?" and they keep that take cause it was delivered the best. I don't think it makes it not acting. In one instance with me, I ran Annie when I was in 8th grade as one of the orphans and on final dress rehearsal and I was supposed to go up and fake punch another kid to start a stage fight. I kind of leaned forward too far and actually punched the girl in the face and she tackled me down and started actually fighting me on stage and EVERYONE was like "wow that fight was convincing" as I'm holding an ice pack to my eye because... yeah. If you really wanna get technical I suppose breathing isn't a part of acting, blinking isn't always a part of acting, being alive isn't part of acting....
Take wasn't exactly one of those people who could sense darkness or anything like that, but considering they couldn't contact their friends and it felt more calm-after-the-storm like than he enjoyed, he had a feeling something was up. When Torrin mentioned the old fashioned way he was half expecting it to involve keyblade gliders and an excessive amount of screaming, but talking to whoever was in the house was probably the best step. Take looked over towards the rest and shrugged and said, "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Though I just... keep expecting heartless just to pop up from the ground at any point... seems to be the usual drill." then he began walking over towards the house without really waiting for anyone else to agree or not.
Kaida processed the fact that Steel said the name and there was instant recognition... followed immediately by her forgetting exactly what the name was. It was infuriating, mostly her being angry at herself because she knew she should remember something this important. But the name was remembered by someone, which offered her a bit of relief that the name wasn't gone from everyone, but why couldn't it stay in her mind? She looked over towards Steel since he had been the one who answered her anyway and she looked at him and felt embarrassed and asked him again, "C...can you repeat the name again? It just... vanished a soon as you said it..." 9/31
Kaida returned Stratos' fist bump and watched the sisters reunite and smiled, happy that this turned out the best way it could have for them. It also made her heart hurt a lot, thinking about... Kaida's heart skipped a beat as she sat there trapped in her own mind for a minute. She watched Ananta close the keyhole and everything but her mind was so lost at this point. How could she have forgotten something this important? She remembered his name, his face, their moments together and the times they shared. But every conversation where his name was said, where she tried to remember it... it was gone. The blonde stared up towards the sky before she asked out loud, "Guys... I... I can't remember his name?" she looked over at the group scared and had a feeling they would be confused over just who she meant and she said, "You know? Blue hair? One of my best friends? He just sacrificed himself for us?" Kaida looked panicked as she asked, "What was his name?" she looked over towards Aux horrified, "Why can't I remember his name?!" 8/31
Take was expecting it to be around the time to leave, and was about to open his mouth to ask if they should say goodbye to Mr Incredible or something before they left, but Edna ended up walking in before he even had to. He waited for everyone else to give their goodbyes before he waved to Edna and said, not noticing how insensitive it sounded, "Thank you for letting us stay in your home. I wish you the best." then he turned towards the portal and walked in following the rest.
Jaz had been pretty quiet, mostly to process the situation, also because she regretted not speaking up to get the memory crystal fast enough. It wasn't something she wanted to sulk about, especially since it wasn't like there weren't more they could get. She kind of decided to walk silently and practice a bit of alchemy that she saw from the guide and she just kept doing that while everyone else was conversing. Just as they as they brought up finding no more crystals and they seemed to be settled on the fact there were no more in the area, the group found a crystal in the area and was simultaneously ambushed. Now, she had a feeling something like this would happen, but she didn't expect it to happen this soon. When Dot explained weaknesses after fire didn't work out, Jaz swore under her breath wishing she had gotten earth or something, that was the opposite to air wasn't it? She didn't think plant was going to do much good, but she knew it would certainly do better than fire. Jaz took a deep breath and reached out to use vine grab and hold them in place as much as she could.
When Boreas asked him if he was alright, he figured Boreas meant his arm by way of him rubbing it. Take looked at it a bit and said,"Yeah I'm fine. I thought my arm was a bit more healed than it was so it's pretty sore at the moment. I'd have thought it'd hurt if I used a keyblade more but I guess not." he wasn't quite sure what the caught like that comment was about exactly. Him yielding? He didn't know. Take put back on his shirt but was going to wait to cool off a little longer before putting on his sweatshirt. He processed Boreas' comment about him dishing more helping even the odds, he could agree with that. But he felt like he should have felt a little more proud of the fact that Boreas considered it a good fight and him holding out well. He didn't feel anything though. He decided to take the glove off briefly to just get a look at his hand, and for the most part it seemed fine comparatively. But it was bruised pretty badly, when his eyes landed on his wrist, he noticed it was swelled up a bit more than it should have been, as he turned his hand to place his wrist up there was a spot that was obviously not a recent wound, kind of like a target with the scar in the center being deeper than that around it . He rubbed at his wrist just above it, where it was swelled and visibly winced and said, "Yeah it's... it's better than it was a few days ago but it needs a bit more time." he went to go and cover the arm up again so it could stay compressed.
Melus was a little surprised how twelve things seemed to happen all at once and she didn't really know how to process any of it. Melus watched the void disc relaunch itself into the air and the girl quickly raised her arrow to shoot it. Her intent was to hit it so it went back towards Shiro. But her aim was further off than she expected and her arrow caused the void disc to ricochet straight off of it in the opposite direction, perfectly aiming straight for Charlie's face. Melus kept from cursing under her breath and tried to play it off like this was her intention all along, but she couldn't be quite sure. x
Take accepted Boreas' hand, and used mostly his weight to get up. He was still breathing a bit but it wasn't nearly as bad as when he was winded. He didn't feel tired, but he felt drained, like whatever emotional height he was at was just gone now. And as he began to notice his hand hurting more he reached over to try and massage it to try and work out the pain a bit, but his brain accidentally associated that with the same thing he did with the scorpions. In fact, it was probably the first time he'd shut his emotions out without thinking about it actively. As his face seemed to just go back to the emotionlessness he hadn't really been displaying lately, he let out with a monotone to his voice. "Perhaps, but I guess there's no point to dwell too much on it. I'd rather you fight it out with me like this than have you blind angry against the enemy." he looked back over towards the mansion where everyone else is and continued, "Though I might challenge you to one of these again some day. It reminded me of the brawls I used to have with my brother... and I'm a bit of a sore loser."
It was probably the way Boreas worded the reply that made Take's stomach fill with quite a bit of guilt, but by the point Boreas had called him pathetic for trying to worm his way out of it, the boy didn't really think he could actually walk away from this. It wasn't a pride thing, he was probably past that point, it had more to deal with respect. If he walked away, Boreas would probably just remember him for the same thing Take did end up accusing him of, being all talk. And he didn't think he could sit with that. After a moment or two, Take let out a sigh and shifted to take off his sweatshirt and then the shirt under it. He probably didn't have to do that but it made more sense to. Despite being a smaller stature, Take had a bit of muscle in his arms. He also didn't exactly have battle scars, the exception being a slash across his back, it was mostly faded burn scars. When he turned to look towards Boreas he saw him put his fists up and Take looked down at his broken arm and hoped it was as good as it felt at this point before he put his fists up. It wasn't a short fist fight but it wasn't like it went on for far too long without a clear winner. Take could take some pretty large hits, but he couldn't dish them out. He didn't know how Boreas felt on his end but after a while Boreas had got in a really good punch in that winded Take to the point he knew he wasn't going to get up again when he lost his balance and fell. It was at that point Take held his hand up clearly in a signal to yield. He took in a few deep breaths before stating outright while still out of breath, "I... I never actually thought you were all talk... my joking just clearly was bad and not obvious I got carried away... it became too personal. That's when I disrespected you and the skill you've already clearly displayed while being here with us. And for that, I'm sorry." his hand was hurting quite a bit by this point but he was more focused on trying to breathe again than anything else.
When Kaida ended up catching Stitch and Lilo, she was thrown a bit off balance since she wasn't prepared for it, but fortunately they were light so it didn't cause her too much problems. She reached down to help Lilo and Stitch get on her glider so they weren't hanging off of it. Then she flew back down towards the beach to let them off and she proceeded to collapse onto the sand, kind of like she had when she'd gotten off the neverending boat. But this time she was at least smiling a bit despite being tired, drawing another heart in the sand. When the others got back down Kaida looked up at them and said, "You all did great... we all did great. That last power was a light show but it did it's job!" 7/31
You fools I haven't even played Kingdom Hearts (myself) or KH2 (myself) to completion yet.
When Aux cast up the guardian wall, there was a strong look of relief on Kaida's face since she didn't know how well she would have taken that damage had it hit. She pointed towards the ship to fire off another rapid fire while Baymax had thrown a rocket fist straight at it. But before she fired off the second one she felt this surge of energy through her and her key glowed a bit in response to something. She looked curiously to see Steel seeming to float in mid-air on some sort of rune. She noticed his eye seeming to glow and have an energy wrapped around him, and upon hearing him say "let's finish this" she knew exactly what to do. The blonde looked over towards Stratos quickly to make sure he was on the same page before she flew over on her glider towards Steel and with as much trust as she could place on the situation, or even possibly Steel, she let the glider disappear as she leaped into the air and landed to Steel's right side on a rune that seemed to circle around her's and connect to Steel's. she looked at him briefly in processing before she felt the energy wrap around her too as she nodded and brought her key inwards towards him and said, "I'm with you!" Kaida used Rapidfire Baymax used Rocket Fist Kaida joined in using Trinity Limit 6/31
Seeing how people seemed to be a little down when it came to being able to take another hit, even if it was just precaution Kaida decided to go on and summon out Baymax. The marshmallow-like robot flew on out and was ready for deployment. Kaida told Baymax to go and heal Ananta and Kaida used her keyblade to point towards Stratos and heal him. Kaida summoned Baymax Kaida used Curaga on Stratos Baymax used Healthcare on Ananta 5/31
Liking the results of that combo ability she never used before, Kaida decided to keep on doing it. The cannons sent at her from Gantu hurt, but she didn't think they hurt her as much as they hurt him, especially cause of Ananta's magic which made Kaida look over at her and give a thumbs up saying, "Thanks for the aero." before she rapidfired again and again. Kind of cackling as she did so. Kaida used Rapid Fire Kaida used Rapid Fire 4/31
When Boreas basically told him to take it outside, the boy slowly shifted over to Tinarah to give her the hot cocoa, and dropped one by Torrin and Chrono while he was at it, before he backed up and actually started to head outside. When he got there he saw Boreas... shirtless. He was a bit confused by why... and he probably stared a little longer than he should have before he processed the blond was giving him the stare of a thousand challenges as he started walking closer with his hands up, "Look. I was joking around and I went too far. Could we not throw-down over something this petty?"