When AJ suddenly mentioned her being the leader, she looked surprised and shocked and said, "Abada-what? No. No I'm not the leader." she waved her hands towards Maui immediately in a "no way" kind of motion and clarified, "Trust me, no one wants to see me in a leadership position unless you like the idea of having nothing efficient done whatsoever. I'm just another member of the team same as everyone else. Our leader is..." Kaida tried to think of who exactly even was the leader in the first place so she simply rubbed the back of her head and said, "Um... out of commission? Temporarily displaced? Point is I am not the leader." Kaida paused what she was saying when she noticed the wolf show up to greet them and was surprised when it jumped up to lick her in the face. Before she could really make a comment towards it the wolf was running off towards another side of the island and she asked, "Was that the wolf you can't eat? Whatever- I-" she stopped to listen to Maui's monologue about his titles and was a bit confused when he specified women since she knew "man" usually was just short for "mankind" which included women. But she just kind of shrugged it off and asked, "Is this a title exchange? I'm Kaida the uh..." she paused for a long time to try and come up with something before she heard Stratos call out towards her and AJ and she yelled, "Stratos!" she tensed up and looked at Maui and said, "No-No I'm not 'Kaida the uh Stratos' it's just... this is Stratos... and Stratos this is Maui...A demi-god of the wind and sea! Hero of man.... I think shapeshifter was in there somewhere... all...?" she trailed off before looking at Stratos and asked, "Did you see Aux, Ananta, or Steel wash up?"
The way Boreas tried to explain that the fluff would have just blasted them made him realize that it wasn't something everyone understood. He knew that the dragons could be strategists, if they picked off the one person surrounded by a lot of a group it could make them overly trusting. Then they could catch them unawares. He thought of it like how a mountain lion could lure a group of wolves into an area more of a benefit to them. Or try to at the very least get them separate. He'd seen the dragons kill people in a multitude of ways that he wouldn't put it past it. But when the dragon began flying and circling above them, Take really didn't like that. He specifically remembered a circling happening above him on the day he lost Yasushi. But the others seemed intent on following it wherever it led. The boy definitely knew something was wrong, he knew he couldn't place it very well, but he knew something specifically bad was up if the dragon was alarmed by it. As he watched Boreas and Tinarah go up and off to follow the fluffy dragon, Take looked over at Chrono and admitted,"I don't like this. I don't like this at all... but..." Take summoned out his keyblade to form it into his usual glider and continued, "...I don't want me being like this to be the reason something bad happens to someone else... I'm just gonna stay further back." he got on his glider and began to take off, trying to keep a significant amount of distance between himself and... if he recalled correctly, what Torrin called a "Flammie".
I am pretty sure that amazon has been writing release dates for quite some time that are wrong. Unless you've seen it confirmed in a trailer or something, never trust it. Especially if it's "December 31st" I don't know how many times I've seen games with that particular release date.
As he was tackled to the ground, he was genuinely surprised that someone stopped him. When it was Boreas he was wondering what he would have done this time to warrent him pulling him down until he realized Boreas was defending this thing. Take tried to shake himself out of his grasp and gritted his teeth in response to him saying it did nothing to him before he replied,"You don't know it's intent! It could be trying to figure us out and kill us right now!" when Boreas told him to look at it to show whether or not it looked like it was from his homeworld but he didn't necessarily care whether it looked like it was from his world. It was going to be irrational and inconsiderate anyway. He finally decided to heed Boreas' request and looked straight at it and after a few seconds he stopped struggling and sighed, "Alright. Alright I won't attack it. Just let go of me." when he was able to he sat up and looked up at it. He was still extremely distrustful and didn't like it, but he realized it was a Fluff. It wouldn't attack him unless he attacked first, which made him wonder if that guy had attacked it previously. Take stared at it a little longer and said, "It's bigger than I thought it would be." he then started to feel his natural disgust for the creature coming back as he said, "Well, I guess we better head on towards the castle then. It doesn't sound like their situation is going well if we can trust that last guy. I'd rather get a move on than waste any more time than we need to."
The sudden interruption by a beam of fire was definitely welcome, but also caused quite a bit of concern to Take. He had jumped away pretty much upon impact of the beam and after the smoke cleared, his eyes followed the scorched earth not entirely sure what he was expecting. That was when he saw the dragon. His first instinct was surprise, over the fact that this world even had any dragons. It wasn't that he thought they were exclusive to his world or anything, but he did acknowledge it. And it wasn't welcome. As far as he was aware, this thing was trying to execute them or something. They were just lucky that they did not manage to hit any of his party. He felt himself kind of go into tunnel vision before the boy started bolting it towards the dragon with his keyblade. A killing intent in his eyes despite him not saying a word.
I only realized recently that I did not claim any of my rewards from 100 acre ball park so I am doing that now (besides the keyblade). I'm claiming Blacksmith cause i technically have it but I won't use it until it's formal
Take actually rolled his eyes at Ardyn's insults calling him a kid. At this rate it was so unoriginal that he could probably start a bingo card with it. As he watched him turn around to focus on Tinarah and Boreas, Take reached up quickly and did a slight jump to grab at his hat and pull it over towards him as he said, "Well then, fair maiden, you really ought to work on your warning shots since they're hitting people." he hid the hat behind his back with one hand and kept his keyblade up and backed up a bit as he said, "Well, we appreciate the directions, though if the true enemy isn't the one cutting down people from the sky... well, who are you working for?"
yep that one works!
I don't think anyone has told you this, but your wolf picture does not link to anything.
Kaida listened as best as she could manage while still recovering to AJ's story. She heard the name there briefly as he told it, the one she was trying not to forget. When he asked her what was wrong she said, "His name... I couldn't remember it. I still can't. So I had Steel write it down since he could still remember it. But it washed away when we got shipwrecked..." she paused for a long time before saying, "I don't have a change in clothes but I'll be fine." The blonde had shifted to wring out her clothes when there was a sudden new person in the area that lifted them by their heads to look for a boat. When she was finally put down she stayed stable on her feet and put the stone in her pocket and she asked, "Wait.... you know about the SOS? I mean... we are a part of it, but not really. More like an... unofficially created other branch? Anyway, we got shipwrecked and ended up on this island too. And our uh... magic portals aren't working." she smiled apologetically and raised her hands up and said, "I wish we could help but unfortunately, we are also now in need of a boat. Though I guess we could be second in the queue." Kaida placed a hand on her chin to think before ringing out her clothes and saying, "Well AJ, are you ready to spend the next thousand years on a rock with nothing but a wolf we can't eat?"
Her blackout made it very difficult for Kaida to realize someone was trying to help her. It was mostly her body reacting to trying to get the water out. She stayed that way a little bit before she coughed and woke herself up that time. Spitting out way more sea water than she was expecting. She turned herself onto her hands and realized she had a coat on her and got very confused. She fixed herself to see AJ finally and said, "Wait... AJ? How-" she stopped to cough up more sea water and looked around as she said, "Y-you're here? Are there others with you?" she sat up to rub her throat as she said, "I was... I was with Aux, Ananta... Ack... Steel and... and Stratos. We.. we were trying to get on a boat to leave the world. I... I don't know how to swim. I thought that was the end." the blonde opened up her palm to look at the stone she had grabbed in the ocean and looked at it confused before she saw her wrist and saw the name smeared and unreadable and Kaida grabbed it and whispered, "No..."
Take had been circling around the area as stealthily as he could before he heard the man mention something about Torrin bleeding out in a dungeon, which made him curse under his breath a bit. He figured at this rate there wasn't a good reason to keep a search since there was no real reason why he'd bluff something like that if he was already toying with them like this. He looked out just in time to see him pulling a glaive straight out of him and the boy's eyes widened slightly out of almost an extreme concern. Realistically, something like that would have killed him, which was another thing that wigged Take out a bit but this was another matter. He was still alive, and his blood looked very different than anyone else's he had ever seen. After listening to the man goad them about the situation by asking if they got in out of their system, Take quickly summoned his keyblade. He took a moment to make absolutely sure that the man was not looking in his direction before he quickly came in and ran up to the man and pointed his keyblade at him and whispered, "Gravira." and brought the keyblade to the man's back directly and tried to say in the most intimidating voice he could manage, "Where is he? And I mean be more specific about the dungeon you sent him to."
Thanks Obama
Kaida still was not particularly fond of going on a boat, though she was extremely grateful that the boat was not a rowboat of some kind. Her arms were tired just thinking about the week of rowing they had to do in order to even get to this island. She looked between the others who were asking if anyone knew how to drive one and she refused to answer. Mainly because she had no idea how. She was not born on a world that had any body of water for her to have learned much about swimming, let alone driving a boat. And for all she knew, it could have been several times harder than using a keyglider. Not that she got the hang of that quickly either. She remembered the two months of training she had to have with summoning it and riding it, having far more problems controlling it than necessarily standing on it, but it was not like she ever road a bicycle either. She just overall had very little driving experience as much as a good idea of travel and survival instincts. When she got into the boat she tried to sit towards a side so she could zone out if she got sea sick or something since that was not an ideal state for her to be in. As Aux had trouble starting the boat, she clung onto it for dear life not trusting the fact that her friend may very well drive them into a rock and crash the boat. And she really would not have liked that. As the boat sailed out further and Kaida prepared herself for a long boat ride, she began to notice while the storm began brewing. At first it was subtle enough for her to think maybe it was just a rain shower, but then the storm kicked up suddenly with no real time to adjust. Lightning was flashing, winds were relentless, and this was not going to end well. The blonde kept shifting her weight in the opposite direction to whichever way the boat rocked trying to at least keep a balance. Kaida was about to tell Aux to head back when he suggested it anyway, which made her at the very least calm that someone else was reading this situation as dangerous as well. She knew it probably would have been safer to just find some sort of eye in the storm, but at this rate they had not gotten out very far and she felt pretty confident they could make it back safely. Then the engine stopped. When Aux had noted it was not him, she totally believed it despite the track record otherwise. There was an instant regret taking this kind of a route, she had no idea how to navigate properly and now they did not even have an engine. Kaida still had no idea whether or not riding on their gliders would have been the better choice, or if they would be in just as much hot water. She shifted to go and get one of the oars to help at least get it moving while Aux tried to start up the engine. But the waves grew taller and Kaida had a feeling in her stomach they were definitely going to capsize. Kaida had been banking pretty hard on how lucky they had been so far, but she knew she should not have gambled on something this serious. Maybe they would have done better if they looked at a weather prediction or something. She knew not every world had that, her homeworld had one and so did Central Haven, but not most worlds. Probably because most worlds had similar weather. This made her wonder for a moment if perhaps they were no longer even on the world to begin with, and if this was the change between worlds. At that moment of realization, Kaida quickly got herself up from her spot and shifted quickly over towards where some of the boxes were to try and hopefully find life jackets. She did not know if the boat even came with any but boy was she going to be hopeful. But after several more harsh waves, they were knocked overboard. Kaida thought she would start shooting up to the surface and flail around hoping for something to cling to, maybe begin to flail and do a poor attempt at treading water. But this was different than she expected. The water was not the same tropical waters that she had the chance to feel on the last island. This water was cold. Not to the point of hypothermia, though certainly enough to feel herself being put into shock. Her head broke up past the water, but she could not get her mouth above it. She tried to breathe in through her nose but instead for her trouble she got a nice nose full of salt water which caused her to sneeze and gasp water into her. She was not able to move, she could not swim up to get enough air though her head bobbed the slightest bit above water but not enough for her mouth to leave it. She felt herself go numb, like her body was trying to respond to the situation but stopping her from panicking only to make her panic inside without the ability to move. She just kind of stared upwards as she was pretty sure she head someone trying to scream over the waves telling them if someone could not swim to relax and face the sky and float, but she could not yell back. She knew she was drowning and she could not do anything about it. The blonde tried to will herself into at least have her body parallel to the surface but she could only just manage her hands just to splash She tried to tell her body to move, screaming to herself in her head to move and desperate about it, before she felt herself sinking below. She could feel the cold a lot more and the terror she faced from it as she sunk. It reminded her of the days she spent alone in the forest. The rain that kept her cold and shaking with no real place for shelter. The way she was worried that if she went back she would never be able to be herself again, or she would die by freezing to death. The cold reminded her of when Seiza and her ended up stranded on a broken ship in space. No way to beg for help as things became colder. When the light shined in and flung its way straight through her mentor's chest as she became ever so alone and desperate for help. The inability to move reminded her of the way No Heart froze them in place with no way to move as they were helpless to the events that occurred around their bodies. Watching Aux walk up to her with everything so focused on the darkness as he became ready to execute her without any remorse or even apology in it. It was a helpless feeling, one she only felt when she was almost certain she was going to die and there was no way out of it. There were times she knew she could have died, but that feeling of chilling paralysis was all she felt and with no one around this time... she had no idea what to do. Kaida had become so lost in her own thoughts that when she felt her body jolt and she sucked in more water, it genuinely surprised her and she opened her eyes. Her eyes stung from the salt water while everything else felt numb as she watched herself sink further. Her eyes focused on her hand as she looked at her wrist to see Hikaru's name slowly washing away with the water and she felt a pain in her heart as she tried as hard as she could to cling to his name. Cling to his name as hard as she could as she placed the name with a face... his face. A face she could not recall clearly as she tried to place it in her mind in different memories. But all she could see now was Aux's face and she knew that was not right. Deep down that not right. But it did not even matter as her mind finally started processing while the name completely washed away that she was dying. She was unable to swim upwards or even move as she looked up to try and find the others with her eyes only to at most some shadows and even those were not clear. Kaida closed her eyes as she kept herself in a state where she would not breathe and tried to focus on something else. Try to focus on... the face? The name? A part of her told her that his hair was definitely blue and that he was not nearly as big as Aux was. Kaida felt her ability to move suddenly return to her, if only for an instant, and she was desperate not to drown and if she could at least kick herself up to the surface, maybe she could lean on something and breathe, maybe cough up the sea water, maybe she would be safe. But she found that attempting to swim to the surface was too much for her to manage and she was too weak, and she realized at this rate she was not going to be able to swim up to the surface unless someone had grabbed her. Everything inside her hurt and she felt all of her nerves buzzing in pain as her body tried to tell her to shutdown. Kaida felt herself freezing up and going faint as she started losing consciousness. That was until she faintly saw something odd. Floating towards her under the waves, probably caught by the undertow, was a stone like crystal that seemed to glow and float past her. She was curious how something that would theoretically seem heavy would float, but she tried to reach out for it trying to figure out what it was. She had a suspicion maybe someone nearby sent it her way, but from what she could see, there did not seem to be another soul in this area that she could see anymore. It stopped it's glow and suddenly felt heavier in her hand as she decided to at the very least hold onto it in case it was something that could get her out of there. But after a long enough time, nothing seemed to happen at all and she realized she was putting faith in something foolishly once more. She wondered if maybe she forced herself to go up faster she would have been able to make it there rather than focus on what seemed to her like a useless, albeit beautiful stone. Her mind did not want to think too much on it anymore. With barely a breath left and most of the energy gone from her body, Kaida tried to pull the stone closer towards her to put in her pocket and looked up to see if someone she did not know happened to be above that she could hail down. There were no shadows above her, no one swimming in her direction or just above her, and she could not even see signs of Aux, Ananta, Steel, and Stratos anymore. The blonde looked at the stone once more before she gasped in water and felt it fill her lungs, unable to hold her breath any longer since it was a miracle she had managed as long as she did. As her eyes were wide and she was certain she was about to die, she felt an almost tingling sensation, different to the rest of the pain, and she suddenly could not see anything and could breathe in air again, temporarily as she coughed up water. She was not drowning, for she was not in the ocean anymore.
Take had gotten on his keyglider and was expecting this to go business as usual. He heard murmurings of conversations from other people but he was more focused on getting to the others. But he snapped out of that thought as soon as he saw Torrin suddenly cut through and then falling down. Tinarah reacted first while it took him a moment in hesitation to process what just happened. He shifted down quickly to try and find where Torrin fell, choosing intentionally to land a little bit away from where he thought Torrin fell in case his landing didn't go smoothly. He paused when he heard a male voice he didn't recognize and peaked out from behind the tree to see Tinarah speaking to some random guy. From what he could gather, this guy was most likely the attacker. He knew he probably should have gone in there to fight with her, but his immediate instinct was to find Torrin to make sure he didn't bleed out. Take slipped back into the green and put his hood up to help camouflage himself. He had a good feeling Torrin couldn't be too far away so he started looking. Hoping that Boreas and Chrono would be backing up Tinarah.
Requests completed! Spoiler original artist is Ebara Spoiler
I'm spending all my crowns on defense and resistance. it is split as followed: defense-70 crowns (raise by 7) resistance-80 crowns (raise by 8) Defense is now 24 Resistance is now 24 Remaining crowns: 0 hit 95 achievement points, claiming +5 hp up HP is now 95 (+6)
"Hmm, well there's very few flavors I personally don't like. But... I don't know what your preferences are on stuff, but strawberry flavor is pretty good. You can get a chocolate and vanilla swirl. Or you could get vanilla ice cream and try out different toppings. I highly recommend hot fudge." Kaida looked like she could talk about this particular topic for a while, "Don't get any of the super unique flavors with toppings I think it kind of ruins it. Like putting chocolate sprinkles all over chocolate chip cookie dough... like... what's the point of having cookie dough at that point...?"
Kaida kind of stared off for a minute trying to figure out whether or not these plans could actually work, but after a bit her mind just kind of cancelled out everything and she ended up ignoring the conversation and said, "Man, cake batter ice cream is just one of my favorite flavors. Have you ever had cake batter ice cream?" her brain flatlined on the fact Stratos didn't even seem to have ice cream before this world or anything. 31/31