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  1. cstar
    Post by: cstar, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. cstar

    Take appreciated the support from all sides heavily, and looked at everyone who talked to him in thanks. Just as he was ready to start calming down the sudden appearance of Flammie occurred and he looked up at the sky immediately to make sure it didn't get followed. But then the boy jumped upon hearing Torrin yell. Take stared at Torrin with a look of scared confusion as he stood up from where he had been on the ground slowly as he grumbled,"Ugh. You again. He didn't end up killing you?" he looked over at Torrin with a bit of amusement before returning his attention to the Flammie and saying with clear reluctance and barely managing out, " mmm...thanks for the save back there. I didn't think I'd ever be able to say a dragon saved my life." Take looked away briefly before his expression changed back to it's usual as he looked at the Flammie, "Don't think this makes us friends."

    Flammie seemed to look at Take, his ears raised a bit as if it was paying attention. After a bit the fluffy dragon tilted its head to the side, then leaned forward just a bit. He breathed out of his nose with such a force that it knocked Take back. The boy landed back on the ground and looked up at it for a brief second with a little fear before he immediately knew to try and calm himself down. He shifted to stand up and said,
    "I'm... gonna go inside. Have fun with the Fluff."

    Take smiled a little bit, still amused by Torrin's reactions before he headed inside the castle. Though as he walked in, he was going to head towards the kitchen and grab tea like Tinarah offered, but then he realized he should probably go and tell Atmos about Glyde. He wasn't entirely sure if she'd be in the same room or even if she was here, but he still went for it. He took a moment to compose himself before he knocked on the door. It took a moment before the door opened and Atmos looked out and saw Take and smiled saying, "You're back!"

    "Yeah... um..." Take was quiet for a second before his face immediately broke from his usual composed and rather stoic face to one of concern and sadness. He kind of hoped she'd catch that at least, "A lot happened..." Atmos pulled Take in to have a seat and took a seat of her own to sit in front of him. "Tell me. Is everyone okay? Chrono? Illiana? Glyde?"
    Take sat down and said, "Um... no... Glyde didn't make it..." he stopped a moment and continued, "And I think everyone right now isn't doing..." he raised his hands up to do air quotes and said, ""Okay"... we all just barely got out of there since... well, the Light Chaser showed up..." he paused a moment to look at Atmos just to see how she reacted before he asked, his voice breaking a little as he did, "How long have you known...?"

    "What..?" Atmos lowered her head and sighed out. "We've already lost too many..." She spoke sadly. She only looked up when she heard Take mentioning an encounter with the Light Chaser. "What!? And you made it out in one piece?" She looked at the boy with concern but understood what he meant with his question. "So you've learned then. When I was sent for you I was told you were different but I wasn't sure how. When I met you, that's when I knew."

    "Well... we were lucky to make it out at all, honestly. We got saved by..." Take stopped himself from saying anything regarding Torrin unleashing that much darkness. He had no idea how that would turn out for him if that got around and he wouldn't let it be from his lips, "...a dragon... believe it or not..." he was quiet a little bit after her explanation and he sighed, "Look... I know why people didn't want to tell the group... but why couldn't you tell me?" he felt his fists tighten and said, "After everything you were trying to teach me... I trusted that you wouldn't keep something that important from me... I don't..." he started looking more stressed, "I don't get it? Did you not trust me to make the right decision? The second we found out any of the princess... the seven were being taken you didn't think once that teaching me this information couldn't have been helpful? I don't know... I could have hidden myself somewhere or at least made a point to avoid the Light Chaser at all. But instead I was standing there seconds away from the man grabbing me because I didn't know and I couldn't protect myself ." Take found himself getting progressively angrier about it. He closed his eyes and said, "At least I was a one time distraction from him taking Aria... but if anything didn't go the way it did... you would have had to have Chrono be the one telling you that you lost two students..."

    " was not my call to make." Atmos spoke quietly. "The Council's orders were strict and I cannot say I completely disagree with them. The less who knew of you, the safer you were. At least until now..."

    "What, you didn't think to ever question orders?" Take immediately stopped and he relaxed more, "...I'm sorry."
    "No. That's alright, Take. It's just that a chain of command exists for a reason. There was no reason for me to doubt their motives."
    The boy was silent for quiet a bit of time before he admitted, "I'm scared."
    "And you're not alone."

    "But I feel alone..." Take replied as he finally looked up at Atmos, "I haven't felt this way since the first day they brought me to Jeral's Point... where they brought me after I got the keyblade. When my family looked at me the way they did.... and I just felt like everyone was in on something I don't know anything about. I feel like I'm being played like a game piece and I don't even know what game I'm in... I felt that way before I even knew I was a Prince of Heart ugh that sounds awful to say out loud but I felt that way before it and I most certainly do now..." he looked towards a window in Atmos' room and said, "It was freezing in my room that first night at the point... I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. And all I could feel was pain on my wrist and people telling me I'm not good enough..." he hadn't actually mentioned it that way before. He looked back at her and said, "That's how I feel now. But at that point I came out of it never wanting to feel again... I don't want to feel that way again. But every part of me is trying to make me... and now I just.... I don't know..." he chuckled a little and hid his face in his hands, "I don't know... I... I don't know..."

    Takehiko had stayed the same way he was and felt himself suddenly pulled in for a hug. He stayed in the same position even with her hugging for a bit before he shifted to hug her back, hiding his face a bit in her shoulder.

    Post by: cstar, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar

    Take was prepared to yell at Enzo over him calling him a girl again, but there was a lot more going on with this conversation that he found himself just processing everything being said. He knew Torrin said more afterwards but he didn't catch it as his thoughts turned inward. Him? One of the seven? That seemed strange to him. He hadn't really been considering any of the guys in the group a possibility for that, he had been thinking it was more likely to be Illiana or maybe Tinarah? He hadn't settled on it, and with everything going on he hadn't exactly tried thinking more about it. Take closed his eyes and whispered, "A Prince of Heart?" it sounded so wrong to say, especially to associate himself with. He tried his best to hide his face but it wasn't really possible to hide the drops of tears falling off of his face. From the outside it probably looked like for a moment that he crying because he was upset. But after a second for the first time around most of the party, Take started laughing. It started small but eventually grew into a pretty big laugh before he stopped himself and sniffed,"Of course it is. Why else would Gero have done anything for me back then?" he lifted his head up to look at others and he was smiling, though it was bittersweet as he said, "But... ya know... it makes sense to me... after all of this training I always had trouble shutting out fully... I thought there was something wrong with me..." he sighed and closed his eyes as his smile grew a little more as he said, "I'm just... so relieved.... I'm terrified but I'm so relieved..." the tears kept flowing though, and he wasn't really hiding his face anymore.
    Post by: cstar, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar

    Take's focus during everything had been on Aria since if anything went wrong with Torrin protecting, maybe he'd manage something. Maybe he could grab her before the Light Chaser did and get her out of there while Torrin did... literally anything. He had no idea really what he was going to do. Other than the fact he knew immediately all of this was a nightmare. There was a paused bit of silence as Take noticed something running at him from the corner of his eye and turned his head to see the Light Chaser running straight for him. It was happening so quickly he wasn't even sure how he was going to react. He saw the blinding light from the fire of the Flammie, and saw a hand become so close to grabbing him but he was so thrown off by the act he wasn't even able to move. And then everything suddenly became black.

    It was uncomfortable to him, being completely covered in darkness. It was a piercing cold that even his mountainous homeworld couldn't prepare him for. He also almost fell like he couldn't breathe. When they were released from it, Take was still standing the same way he had been before they ported, but he had backed away in reaction to the events as if it was delayed to reacting from the Light chaser. He grabbed at his heart a bit and took a couple breathes before lowering himself slowly to the ground to take a couple more before he yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?"

    Post by: cstar, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar

    Take would have been surprised by this man jumping in and saying they played into his hand, if it wasn't as predictable as it was. What wasn't predictable was the part about Glyde, which made him wince. He knew something had been up, but he was hoping he was just jumping to untrue conclusions. Take felt his fist clench up as he watched people moving in reaction to the man. The boy paused to look towards the outside before shouting, "Ya know, as cute as your threats of getting away with this are. We still have that very angry dragon that blasted you a new one outside. And I'm sure he'd be happy to have a reunion!"
    Post by: cstar, Oct 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar
    "Bait huh? And he likes shiny things?" Kaida looked a little unamused as she stared into the room. After a moment, Kaida cracked her knuckles and said, "I got this." she paused a moment to think of an idea before she summoned out her keyblade and put her hood up so she was all yellow and she started walking into the room quickly and as soon as she was in a spot that didn't immediately make him look in everyone's direction upon walking in, the girl yelled, "OH MR CRAAAABS." she paused a moment and waved, "Crabby? Shell McFish? I hear you like things of the luminescent variety." she held up that crystal she had in her back earlier to show him and said, "Shinyyyyy. I'm here to placate as I am now lost, you seem to have the run of the place, and I have no idea how I got down here and I've been told I am minimally exceptional when it comes to negotiation! I think that's a compliment.... shinyyy."
    Post by: cstar, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar

    As the fire hit towards him, he couldn't quite grab everyone, but he managed to keep quite a few people behind him and his shield as he was pushed back from the force and felt the flames burning at him and singeing his clothes a bit. He watched the others begin their attacks and was a bit confused when the new guy ran by him thanking a girl. He didn't know if it was towards him or if it was to someone else, and worse off he didn't know if he should be flattered or not for such a mistake. Take snapped out of that thought pattern when Aria commented towards him and he simply nodded at her before he took a deep breath and felt his shield beginning to shake a bit, unstable. Take took a deep breathe and ran in at the king and quickly slashed at him, which made him spin out a bit since his stance was more off than he expected, but as he swung back in the direction he grabbed his shield and slammed it straight at the Horned King and felt it shatter, pushing him back slightly from the force.

    Take attacked then used Bad Karma

    HP: 128/200
    MP: 28/28
    FOC: 28/28
    FLUX: 0/3
    Post by: cstar, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar

    Take was enjoying the surge of light he was managing to maintain and the way he was managing to protect the others. It still hurt when he got hit, but he knew he was going to be fine. Especially when Chrono and Tinarah tag teamed to heal everyone just in time. Take looked towards Tinarah and checked out the others to see how they were doing in terms of magic. Illiana looked like she wouldn't mind being topped off, and with how much magic the new guy seemed to be using, it didn't seem like he'd mind either. He raised his keyblade up into the air to share his magic with the three of them before lunging his sword at the Horned King once more.

    Take used MP Shower (Tinarah, Illiana, and Enzo) and attacked.

    HP: 133/200
    MP: 18/28
    FOC: 28/28
    FLUX: 0/3
    Post by: cstar, Oct 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar
    Kaida was a bit thrown off by the wolf trying to surround her to warm herself... or maybe dry off? Either way, it was only odd because she didn't quite realize how large the wolf was and she didn't find the water cold? It was very tropical, what she imagined the waters in the last world felt like. If anything she was starting to get a bit annoyed by the sun, she was always not doing well with that. But she noticed the contents of her bag seemed to have some people interested. The wolf seemed particularly interested in the crystal, and the ones on it's back seemed to respond to it or something. She was thinking of giving it to them, but the wolf was gone when they docked before she could make that decision. After everything was put into her bag and they ended up by the portal, she was ready to jump down until she heard Kel's question and stopped saying, "Oh, during the boat ride after we left the realm of darkness I... wasn't doing very well... so to pass the time I started making charms, thinking of my friends for each one and trying to um... pick an animal? That represents them, or I think represents them... or... hm..." she reached into her back and pulled out a whittled charm in the shape of a frog and held it out towards Kel and said, "This one's the one I made for you, actually... I um... I usually have a story behind why I pick the animals I do for people... but I couldn't really think of anything and while I was zoning out I just kind of started making a frog, so I went with it... I hope you like it."

    Kaida kind of stalled in thought for a moment before reaching in her bag and pulling out a
    whittled owl and she looked at it a moment before she held it out towards AJ, "This one's yours. I didn't refine it as much as I would have liked. I'm not that good with owls off the top of my head I'm afraid. I can remake it or fix it up for you later if you don't like it." she paused just a bit longer, in order to hear the other two's replies before she took a deep breath and said, "Aiight boys. Another abyss we go." and she walked off and jumped down probably more silently than she should have.
    Post by: cstar, Oct 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar
    I... I know I'm a little late but I'll join
    Post by: cstar, Oct 12, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  11. cstar

    He felt a little burst of pride upon seeing Reflect successfully protect Chrono as much as it did, but he didn't get to dwell on it very long since the sorcerer focused his attentions on Take and threw spells at him. He tried his best to block them but the relentlessness of the attacks made that kind of difficult and it resulted in one breaking through and the boy being thrown back and to the ground. Take caught himself during the fall so he didn't hit his head and he took a couple of breathes to keep himself collected and surveyed how everyone was doing. Everyone at that point seemed okay, but it was better to be safe than sorry. He was also starting to feel the attacks a lot more. Take pushed himself up and straightened himself up and instead of his usual yelling to provoke, the boy straightened himself out and changed his posture a bit as he began to glow a white aura and a shield appeared on his arm. Take pointed the keyblade straight at the Horned King while he was still in his direction from the magic attacks and seemed to gesture for him to keep on attacking. Then he rushed in quickly and took a good stab at him.

    Take activated Paladin Form and Attacked
    HP: 121/200
    MP: 26/28
    FOC: 28/28
    FLUX: 0/3
    Post by: cstar, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar

    Take felt his eyes drift over towards Torrin in the middle of the fight with a deep-seeded feeling of unease. He knew Torrin was on their side, but the power he was showcasing just seemed very wrong to him. It didn't exactly help that he had the whole other-world Torrin that Tinarah had described in the back of his head with that. It was actually a lot harder than he expected to refocus after that. He looked around at the others and after a bit and reluctantly rose his keyblade up and quickly cast Reflega on Chrono. Then he used provoke again to refocus his attention from Illiana and Tinarah, prodding at the Horned King as he yelled, "Come at me, coward!"

    Takehiko used Reflega and Provoke
    HP: 161/200
    MP: 16/28
    FOC: 8/28
    FLUX: 3/3
    Post by: cstar, Oct 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    Oh hey look. It's literally anything for xbox one. I reaaaally wish it wasn't wired though, but I might get it anyway. Not to use for the xbox but for pc games.

    Did you know this is the only "xbox exclusive" item to come out so far for KH3 in NA? It's a little sad.
    Post by: cstar, Oct 4, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. cstar
    I know this is reaaal late, but every now and again this happens to me too. I don't think it's an error really on KHV's side and you just kind of have to wait it out. I usually just delete my avatar completely and wait 5 minutes before trying again. Sooo if and when it happens again, maybe try that out?
    Post by: cstar, Oct 4, 2018 in forum: Bug Reports
  15. cstar
    When Moana had attempted to jump off to get on the boat, it threw Kaida's balance off a little as she overshot the board intentionally for a moment and turned back around in order to hover her way back towards the boat and jump off of the glider to land on it. She missed it just slightly and was almost certain she was going to go back under, but she clung to the side of the boat as quickly as she could and pulled herself up. Her glider vanished as soon as she had jumped off it, so she couldn't get that quickly. Instead she just pulled herself onto the boat and kind of laid curled up at the bottom of the boat a minute before sitting up and sighing at the fact that she got herself wet again after just getting dry. Kaida started rifling through her bag and sweatshirt, taking out most of the wooden charms she had made, some supplies, and the crystal she had found and placing them out while she wrung out her bag as she listened to Kel's questions and asked, "I'm more curious about this hook. What makes it particularly special, is it just your weapon of choice?"
    Post by: cstar, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. cstar
  17. cstar

    Take was more than happy to be fighting an enemy in a castle as far away from the dragon as he could be at this time. Granted, he had no idea whether it wouldn't blast the place apart when he was focused on this Horned King guys but at this rate he felt like he would be overly paranoid if he thought too much about it. Seeing everyone else was a relief on him, though he did notice that one member of the group was missing. His eyes scanned the group trying to pinpoint Glyde, knowing that the boy would probably be further towards the back if anything. It took him too long and he looked quickly away having an aching feeling in his heart, but knew not to think about it right then. His thoughts certainly tried to wander there. Take reached to grab his wrist a rub it and whispered to himself, "Focus on the fight... focus on the fight... Good soldiers put their feelings last..." before he changed his keyblade back from his greataxe to his keyblade and ran as fast as he could behind the king and slammed as heavy an attack as he could muster at his back as he yelled, "Hey softie! Can I call you softie? Your voice certainly is. Why are you as soft as your voice to hit? I've fought toddlers less soft and more fierce than you!"

    Take attacked then used Provoke
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 28/28
    FOC: 18/28
    FLUX: 3/3
    Post by: cstar, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar

    When Chrono had offered to stick towards the back with Take, he nodded towards him though he was pretty sure his face showed obvious gratitude for him deciding to stick back. As they had finally gotten towards the castle and could see the army of the seemingly-undead coming out of the castle, it wasn't exactly a fun idea to run through them to get inside but it didn't really matter if it was fun or not. Really, the only major problem he kept having with this mission was the dragon. He had to keep stopping himself from freaking out every time a fireball launched it's way in his direction only to not hit him, because it wasn't aimed for him. It just went against everything he was raised to believe to imagine that the dragon was not intentionally throwing the fireballs at him and his friends and were trying to help them out. He eventually just had to block it out and keep fighting his way through them trying to get closer towards the inside of the castle. When he saw a path beginning to be properly formed thanks to the dragon, a part of him wanted to thank it but another part of him wanted to just get the hell out of there in every way imaginable.

    As Take saw a proper opening forming as the Cauldron-born were slowly working their way back up, Take changed his keyblade to his greataxe and began running as fast as he could through the cleared path, holding the weapon out purely to knock some of the ones standing back up down. He yelled, not exactly at anyone more than himself even though others could have taken it as him yelling at them,
    "Come on! It's now or never!"
    Post by: cstar, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar
    If Kaida heard the words "where's your boat?" one more time she was going to skin someone alive and turn them into a meat canoe. Except no, she wouldn't, because she didn't want to go anywhere near another boat if she could help it. Granted, obviously an abandoned island scenario seemed like an emergency scenario... and if the girl brought a boat and it was the only boat for a while, well then that was a problem. She cupped her hands and yelled, "So much for being a hero to all!" she looked over at Kel and said, "Please tell me you happen to have a boat...?" she knew the answer was probably going to be no and Kaida cringed and admitted as she looked out at the ocean, "I can't swim so... I'm not gonna be the one going swimming after him..." Kaida plopped herself down on the sand and sighed saying, "Well what are we gonna do now it's not like we can just... wait Kaida you're an idiot." Kaida stood up and summoned out her keyblade to make her glider before she looked at the others and said, "I'll take... Manana and one of you guys take the wolf maybe unless it doesn't let you whatever I don't know." and Kaida grabbed Moana quickly to get her on the glider and hovered across the water as fast as she could, trying to catch up to Maui. Moana seemed to be confused and possibly freaking out.
    Post by: cstar, Sep 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar