Take listened to her side of the story and getting into a scuffle with Illiana sounded about right. At least from what he'd known from her if people weren't prepared to handle her... quirks. But when she got closer to finishing her statement she asked him if he was a prince of heart and he sighed and said, "Well, apparently I am. It was news to me. Thinking about it longer it made sense but it still feels... off." he took another sip of his water and shifted his sitting position and said, "You really shouldn't be worried about Aria. She can handle herself fine, and from what I can tell she definitely doesn't like the coddling. I know I wouldn't have liked it, and I still don't like it. Now I feel like people are constantly looking at me." he looked around for a moment and said, "Could be paranoia. Or the Flammie stalking in the clouds or something." Take looked up nervously before looking to Qamar, "I mean I guess I'm just assuming you're coddling her. You might not be, but the people who tend to worry the most about Aria usually are the one's who do it. Ya know who needs to be coddled? Tinarah." he chugged his water this time quickly before wiping his mouth and looking at Qamar, "And by coddle I mean that girl needs a hug. And by a hug I mean don't run up at her hugging cause I said that."
So much had happened in the span of several minutes that she wasn't entirely sure what to respond to. On one hand, she could have reacted to the fact they barely got out of there from the giant crab. On the other hand, she could have agreed to helping with fighting this Ta Ka creature. It wasn't like they had a good way to get out of here and maybe after all of this they could get a proper boat to try and find others. Maybe a little more carefully and better equipped for a storm. But all that stopped when the fish hook started glowing. When Maui mentioned the princess of heart, she was surprised he knew what that was. Unless he was faking the name for the SOS or something and actually knew them. But before she could even address that, the companion that was a wolf was now not a wolf. This shouldn't have thrown her off as much as it did, but mayb it was because of how much like a wolf this person had acted before... this. And they said they were normal again. Again. So this was their normal state. Her reminder of the wolf licking her face and wrapping itself around her to keep her warm when she fell in the water made her start without thinking much about it wiping her face vigorously with the sleeve of her shirt before she cleared her throat and held a single finger up before she lost her thoughts and her question and just kind of stood there with a face that made it look like her mind was rebooting. Finally she just said, "Well, hey, at least I don't know two wolves with keyblades now..." she looked unsure of her own response before she walked towards the boat and sat down at the edge of it and said, "Well, I for one say we go for Tika. We made it this far and I guess it would only be fair to finish what we've sta- okay what is your name and why were you just playing up the wolf act?"
Take didn't feel like a break was necessary, but he went with it anyway since Qamar seemed intent on it. And from what he gathered, she was just curious about what happened on their end of things. The boy rubbed the back of his neck as he let his keyblade disappear and he also sat down."Um, I'm not sure what you mean by 'better' but we did help them by keeping lookout while the city was rebuilt. There was a random duck who showed up claiming to be a superhero, there were some hats that did mind control stuff... I'm not entirely sure if their whole plan was well thought out... then we had to go deal with some heartless that got into the core of the world and I mean, I don't know what happened with Torrin and Boreas but Chrono, Tinarah, and me got to square off against the clown. It wasn't fun but we did it, and then we went to bed. Then we went to find you guys. The only other thing I think is important to note is the fact that Torrin got sliced out of the sky by the guy with the hat and the swords. But I figured you figured that out." Take pulled a water bottle out of his bag and took a sip before saying, "Probably more detailed than you wanted but trust me, I cut out the unnecessaries."
When the two made the switch to keyblades, Take's blocks were a lot less refined though his timing still seemed pretty good. But he also was a bit thrown off since Qamar suddenly decided to just start doing flips and tricks along with her attacks, which compared to with the swords was definitely new, but he just kind of let it happen. Her attacks being a bit faster made it hard to telegraph her attacks and a couple more broke through as he tried to readjust on the fly to moving slightly faster. As she asked questions he blocked a couple more attacks before responding, "From what people tell me, I was trained young. But I've heard of people training when younger than I started." he missed blocking one of her attacks which got him in the side and he stepped away from her at that and grabbed his side a moment before re-positioning again, "And I'm sixteen." he didn't sound particularly offended that she guessed fifteen, he didn't mind people being a couple years off. It was when people asked him if he was twelve or thirteen he really started having problems. He looked her over a minute and said, "And what, I'm guessing you are around twenty? If you're older than that it's whatever, I hear girls like being told they look younger after a certain age.... mainly by girls." Take took a step back a moment to cast cure on himself since he started feeling it quite a bit more. From that point on he'd try to sneak some attacks in after blocks, not going too hard since he knew they were sparring, but it was totally to get back at her a little at this rate. "Anyway, I don't think it was difficult for the most part. But I don't have much to compare it to. I do know it spiked up in difficulty before I was sent off to train with a keyblade, but otherwise after about half a year of boot camp I was in the front lines by the time I was eleven." Take shrugged a bit and said, "I'd say that's young but everyone in my company was between the ages of ten and twelve. Training wasn't the difficult part, the war was."
Her name starts with a Q? Take ended up asking himself as he continued his way out towards the courtyard. When Qamar told him to take off his jacket so it "wouldn't get dirty" and "because it was hot" he raised an eyebrow a bit amused and looked at his jacket. There was very little she necessarily knew but he found her comments amusing since he didn't care if his jacket was dirty, it was designed for combat scenarios in the first place. And he didn't even want to get into the "too hot" comment, mainly because he didn't wanna think about the several times he was set on fire by a dragon soaring down towards him. So the boy kept the jacket on, though he did place his bag down sine he didn't think it was necessary to have the extra weight. As Qamar passed him the sword and tried to explain how using a sword worked, he was wondering if she really had no idea he was raised as a soldier. Cause this seemed like babying as far as he was aware and while a part of him knew it was well intentioned another part of him wanted to call her out on it. When she warned she was going to start, Take hadn't given himself time to get a proper stance. So when she went in for the first jab, he had jumped back a bit. When he realized it was a feint he shifted to block the attack towards his left side. He held it there a moment before pushing her back and saying, "A little too early I'll admit but I should be fine now." As Take repositioned himself to prepare for more attacks, his stance was far more refined than it usually was when he used his keyblade. His posture was proper and he seemed to be able to balance himself a lot better. Considering he was raised to use a sword and a shield together, this didn't surprise him since it was much easier to hold the wooden sword one-handed than his keyblade. He only felt a little uneven for the lack of shield. From that point on, Take just seemed to be pretty focused on attempting to anticipate Qamar's attacks to block them. But a couple hits definitely broke through at him. Since she wasn't trying to hit him hard, he didn't feel the need to ask for any healing. After a little while the boy loosened up slightly and said, "I don't feel like I'm getting much out of this, so I hope you are."
"There are kind eagles hiding inside king's orchards." Take responded pretty quickly before continuing, "High in deserts are killer ants." he sat there mouthing things out before saying "T-a-k-e-h-i-k-o." he looked at Qamar and said, "That's how I remembered how to spell it when I need it. I had a couple of those for my brothers: I want an orange. I-w-a-o. Shores hug oceans, just improperly. S-h-o-j-i. Your always standing under sunlight heavily impeded. Y-a-s-u-s-h-i. Angels knit innocent offerings. A-k-i-o." Take paused a second and said, "I've only ever made two more. Apples trees must outgrow shrubs. A-t-m-o-s. Can he really only need otters? C-h-r-o-n-o. Don't tell Chrono that's what I think every time I spell his name I think he'll think too much about it, wondering why otters." Take realized he went a little too long on that topic and just repeated, "T-a-k-e-h-i-k-o. Anyway, yeah um... wait... invisible mosquitoes? Then... how do you know they're actually there?" he seemed skeptical but went over to the kitchen to put Tinarah's food aside before he headed towards the door and said, "I'll head towards the courtyard then."
Take looked over at Qamar when she started speaking to him and he admitted,"I'm fine... my mind's just all over the place..." he looked over where Tinarah had run off until he heard Qamar mentioned the library and winced a bit and looked back at her with a straight face, "I actually was considering going for a jog to work off breakfast rather than doing reading, I spent all morning doing that." he looked to Chrono and Tinarah's plates and he went to clean up Chronos and wrapped up Tinarah's and pulled a marker out and ended up writing Tinarera on it before he looked back at Qamar, "What did you have in mind otherwise? Need a meat shield to hit repeatedly?" he paused a long moment before saying, "No I don't enjoy getting hurt it's just that usually when it comes to sparring that's basically all I... what did you have in mind?"
Take was a bit surprised how quickly this conversation turned bad and when Tinarah stood up and left, Take stood up pretty quickly and said, "Tinarah wait!" but by then she was gone, and Take was going to head after her but saw Chrono move first and decided to not. He figured both of them being there was overkill, and she would probably do better with one instead of both. Take stared at the empty plate and sighed, whispering to himself, "So much for not trying not to upset her by eating the food... you still upset her anyway..." and he started cleaning stuff up in order to get out of there and maybe do something where he wasn't bothering someone.
Take listened to Tinarah's response to him and when she first mentioned that she wasn't special, he wanted to say something immediately, but held back cause he kind of understood where she was coming from. Until yesterday that was how he felt about himself. In fact, he'd be lying if he didn't say he still felt like he wasn't anything special and was just another one of the numbers. But when she brought up her messing up, he couldn't hold it back this time as he said,"Don't talk about yourself like that. We all make mistakes, but if you hadn't been around half the times you were, who knows what could have happened to us. You're a great healer, and I saw how you were attacking during that fight with the Horned King, you're pretty strong too, even if it's magic based." he sat back a little and poked a bit at his food with his fork cause he didn't want to stop his point, "And sure you might not be some pure heart, heck you might be lucky for that. You might not be some princess or some high ranking general or something like that. But you're you, and I think that's special." he ate what was left of his food and sipped at his cocoa a minute before looking at Tinarah and said, "And I'd rather see you get healed... we both talked about it before because we're both the same, putting others over ourselves, you need to put yourself first more. Don't let anyone think you aren't worth that..." After a moment Take stared at the plate and looked a bit pained and admitted with his usual straight face as if he was trying to hold his expressions back still, "The food was fantastic, but I ate way too much and now I'm hurting."
Take was a bit curious about the injury that pulled Tinarah out of school early, but he decided he better not since it seemed to be pushed aside to make way for the rest of the conversation. As he listened to Tinarah say she would try to teach magic, and Chrono say he would try to help with magic... and possibly reading? He found humor in the fact both seemed a bit unsure but still earnestly wanted to help. He took the book back and closed it to put it in his bag and said, "Hey, trying is something, gotta start somewhere. Thank you for the offers." the boy shifted back towards his food and took a bite out of it again and remembered he was full again and looked towards the two and said, "I'm very confused over everything and I'm wondering if they're gonna start getting into a bit of a lock-down mode and trying to keep Aria and I here now. I guess... I guess I'm still not sure how I feel about this." Take looked down the table at the rest of the masters and then back at his food as he tried to eat a bite again. After chewing a bit he continued, "I don't exactly want to sit around and do nothing... but I'm not sure what we'd be able to do if a situation like that happened again. and we didn't have Torrin around or another master around or something..." he looked a bit nervous as he admitted, "I couldn't move when he was running at me. I've... only ever felt like that two other times in my life and I'd rather not have it happen again... it's why I want to learn more about magic, but I'm not really sure if it's worth it either..."
Take was a bit amused by the fact Chrono got a master to help him out with the form, but then again Take had asked for help with the magic at a ridiculous hour of the morning when Chrono might have picked a more reasonable time. He noticed Tinarah was looking over in their direction and listening in. He had no problem with that, but he didn't wanna stop eating the food and make Tinarah think it tasted bad. It tasted really good actually, but he knew he was eating far too much at this point and instead of being honest about it he kept on going before continuing with Chrono, "I've been trying to work a bit more on magic. I don't remember who threw the book at me but I've been trying to work on that..." he was never quite sure if Chrono ever caught on during training that he couldn't read or anything like that. He shifted through his bag quickly and pulled out his notebook and looked through it quickly, going through some pages before pulling out one page and plopping it on the table in a way for Chrono and Tinarah to see it and he placed his hands on the table and said, "I have a problem. So I am trying to help myself figuring out what it means and for the most part, most of these words are familiar to me..." Take's notebook basically had very detailed drawings for each of the basic healing/buff spells. All of them seemed to be pretty set except one area which had the poorly written out "esuna, esunara, esunaga, esunaza" he looked between the two of them and pointed towards that page and said, "Eee-sun-ah? I don't know this word, I don't think I've heard it said, I am trying to give myself a visual guide to it and I get most of it but I cannot figure this one out at all." he looked a bit defeated and leaned his chin against the table and looked at the two and said, "Is this another case where you don't pronounce the first letter? Ssssuna? I don't know. The only people on my world who knew spells were the mages, and you had to be selected specially for that one. So if this is something basic that I should know I don't think I've got it. But I feel like I should know." He pulled out the book about magic and brought it over to the page and looked at the book and tried to read out loud, "A c...curative spell t... that has the ca...capa... capacity to sooothe effects and in.... injuries. ...i.e, para...paralysis, poisons... or the in-a-bill-it-ee to cast spells." he tried to read it quieter but wasn't sure if anyone caught on or was listening to him sounding off like a toddler and he didn't like thinking about it. So he ignored it and he looked up from the book towards the siblings and admitted, "Half these words mean nothing to me, but it may be because I'm having trouble figuring out what these words are." he turned the book towards the two of them and rested his chin against the table again looking very defeated and asked, "Can you guys help?"
And Enzo had ended up in the kitchen anyway. Take should have known, probably would have been better off hiding somewhere without traffic. Seeing this guy sliding food into his bag without seeming to really be considerate towards others. The boy grabbed himself some food at was about to slowly start eating it when he made the eye contact with Enzo and looked away annoyed. When he asked the question Take cut into his food and said, "I didn't sleep." he sliced the egg so the yoke kind of poured out onto everything and he started eating it that way. But he knew he was already eating too much. Fortunately Chrono seemed to ask a question and it made it easy for him to divert his attention from everything stressing him out and he said, "Um... it was a morning..." he paused a moment before asking, "Did you know the word example doesn't start with an x? Cause I didn't... it's not... that surprising I didn't but it was still odd to..." he drifted off when he realized others were probably listening in and sipped at his cocoa for a moment to cut himself off, once he was done he placed it down and asked, "Anyway um, how was yours?"
Kaida was a bit surprised by the noise with Rhythm Mixer and covered her ears to briefly keep the sound from getting a headache, once she was used to it the blonde ran on in and tried to get a few more attacks in, trying to keep herself towards the underside of the crab. Others seemed to have a similar idea and he seemed to be taking the attacks not amazingly well. Which was good, she felt like it was going far better than the Gantu situation had and she certainly was not about to have a repeat of it. She heard some explosions going off and shifted out of the way just in time to see the crab dangling the wolf to probably try and eat him too. Kaida tried to think of something and her first instinct was to cast reluctancy. This only seemed to make Tamatoa just kind of stand there confused without making any attempts at attacking the wolf, while Kaida made her way closer up to it and cast aeroga on the wolf. That was about when reluctancy ended and Kaida quickly slashed her two keyblades at the arm in a cross fashion with her attacks becoming infused in fire and ice. The crab recoiled their claw, kind of accidentally throwing Kaida and the wolf away from him. Kaida landed better that time, though she didn't immediately go to focus on the wolf hoping aeroga maybe helped with the fall. Kaida ran forward aiming straight for the crab and she threw Fist Bump straight at it's leg. It shifted a bit off balance, kind of twirling itself around and away from Kel's direction at the very least this time. Kaida looked over towards Kel's keyblade and let Beuce's go to pick up Kel's and toss it back over towards him asking, "Lose something?" Once she dealt with that, she brought Lofty Grasp back out and kept quickly slashing at the crab's legs again, running between them and getting as many hits as she could while also trying to not stay on the same side of him. Kaida slid back a couple of feet over towards another wall intentionally, just to have it so the crab's back was close to where Maui could jump onto it and since she figured she'd gathered enough attention from the crab at this point in the game. The blonde grinned as he seemed to approach, much less amused but also kind of enjoying the music coming from what Stratos was doing. Kaida spun Beuce's keyblade around and felt power surge through her as she activated dichromatic resonance and pointed both keys at the crab as two thunderbells launched straight at him and hit him with a ringing sound. Both managing to hit on time with the beat which was not intended but appreciated for the added flair. She could also feel how that magic seemed to be slightly bit more powerful thanks to the limit and she kept launching more thunder attacks at him. She knew it wasn't extremely effective, but she looked cool and she knew it was annoying. EXP Writer III Words: 520 EXP: 100 Munny: 30 Cumulative total: EXP: 200 Munny: 60 Tamatoa: 194 BP
Take heard Tinarah speak and looked over at her and did a bit of a wave to say good morning, and he thought about the offer of breakfast and was conflicted. He already ate, but he'd already cooked himself something instead of eating her food before and felt bad about it. He didn't wanna overeat past what his diet should have allowed but he also didn't wanna reject her food again. He eventually decided he'd eat it and just would exercise more today. Take finished boiling the water and started making himself hot chocolate. He was pretty sure he rememberes how Aria made it. He shifted to look for cocoa powder and found packages that had different flavors and looked at them curiously. The caramel hot cocoa sounded really good to him. So he opened it up and mixed it all in and added a bit of milk and some whipped cream. He shifted to take a sip of it and made a noise a bit in disgust before he grabbed two more packets of the cocoa and poured it in. He started stirring it endlessly as he sat at the table focused on that before he said towards Chrono, "If you make cocoa with those packets, use two or it'll taste like chocolate flavored hot water. But like... barely any chocolate taste. i think these cups are a bit bigger or something..."
Take was impressed. Genuinely impressed. He never found himself annoyed by someone as quickly as he did with this guy. Take somehow went from an already weird mood to just straight up not wanting to have to deal with this. Especially since this guy just decided he might as well help himself to food without asking. And it was his food. And with the way this guy seemed to talk and act, it felt like an act he wasn't going to deal with this time of day. As his expression faded back into it's usual blank state he looked over at Torrin and grabbed the cookie off of his shoulder and said, "I'm... gonna go see if anyone's making breakfast... I'll see you around." and he walked over to his books and picked them up and just outright left without really acknowledging Enzo. Take's timing made it so he ended up walking past Illiana as she went outside but he didn't really acknowledge her either. Though that one was more by accident than anything. As he started walking in he could kind of hear a lot of noise coming out of the kitchen area and he was prepared to just kind of walk past it since he used that as an excuse to get out of there (one Torrin would probably have noticed was a lie). He wasn't hungry at all, he was just eating, when he realized he wanted something to drink. But he was still conflicted cause he didn't know how much he wanted to deal with people today. Also every time he went into the kitchen he seemed to get trapped there for hours. Eventually, he decided to walk on in and he turned on a kettle to boil some water and just kind of waited there wordlessly, trying to stay out of the way. He probably didn't look out of it from the outside, it probably just looked like he was trying not to bother anyone. Secretly he hoped no one would bother him.
Takehiko had not heard someone walk out so when he heard a voice he jumped slightly and tried to keep his tea from spilling. He sipped at some of the tea that fell on the little platter he had under it before he put it down and said, "Um... yeah. I know you mentioned us working on getting stronger... and I figured, since I knew the least about magic, I should probably start looking into it more." he looked at the book and his notes and rubbed his nose as he elaborated probably more than he needed to, "I wasn't able to sleep, tried to go in my room to get some sleep and it just wasn't happening. So I figured instead of waste my time I'd do something productive." Take looked over towards the door and continued, "I was walking around and any masters who were awake seemed frantic and were running around. I guess something went down last night. I walked up and was trying to ask and most of them were just dismissive, some going to bed, and the one that did answer me just told me to grab this book in the library." Take pointed towards it and tapped on the book a bit as he said, "It's not a very long book, most people'd probably finish it in an hour... I'm only on page 5 though-" Take stopped his explanation when her heard Qamar greet the two of them he nodded at her and said, "Good morning." and he waited and listened silently. When she mentioned the tea he looked at it and said, "I didn't even make it. Master Aster brought it out here when she saw I was outside. I think she also brought the food but I don't actually know..." when she said she was heading off, he waved at her and said, "Have a good one." The boy reached over and grabbed a tomato from his vegetable platter and ate it quickly. He waited a second before he looked at Torrin and continued his topic from earlier, "The only problem is... I don't... I never learned how to read... so I've been spending most of my time kind of... self translating. So I'm not really learning anything from this." Takehiko paused to ponder and continued, "I guess that's not entirely true... I did learn the fact that the most powerful of spells has a za at the end of it. Some sort of... I know there's a word for it I don't know what it is. I just.. I don't know what that means." the boy seemed to be in his usual withdrawn and emotionless state, it was really instinct for him at that point and he didn't realize he was doing that. Take rubbed the back of his head a bit before admitting, "But it keeps my mind off the pure heart thing... and that's honestly welcome at this point."
Takehiko was up pretty early the next morning sitting at the front of the castle with a light with him and tray next to him that had tea and some sort of snack next to it that looked like a mini-party platter with some vegetables but mostly chicken tenders. He was focused on a book in his lap and he had a notebook next to him that looked like he was taking notes. But it was mostly some pretty detailed sketches that seemed to mime out things he was reading. The first was a guy holding his hand up with some fire in it. Then next to him was a guy with two of his hands out holding fire. There was a third next to him with him holding the fire up above his head with the flames being a little bigger and the fourth one was just a guy with fire all over the place. Underneath each had a poorly written: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Firaza. He also just seemed to have different drawings for basic words. But even with that he still looked pretty stressed. He stopped every once in a while and put a sticky note next to a word he was having trouble with and he started looking through another book and started sounding out, “El....ee...aa...f….le...lee…” he paused and whispered, “Lea… Leaf. Leaves…” Take switched to the journal and started drawing a leaf in the notebook in a little more detail than probably was needed before he tried writing the word leaf. He then pointed towards the others and said, “Leaf… re… cover. Recovery… over time.”Take followed the line and whispered Leafra, Leafga, and Leafza. After a little while started getting a bit of a headache so he left the book on his lap and began sipping at his tea a little as he waited for the sunrise that was close to happening. Take leaned his head back against the wall he was sitting next to and just kind of tried to destress for a minute or two.
Request Completed! Spoiler Original Artist is SongJiKyo
While Kaida was expecting this to not be a cakewalk, she was not expecting this creature to be a giant shiny crab that was able to jut pick her up effortlessly with his claws. The blonde kept squirming to try and get out of his grasp the entire time he was speaking and trying to figure a way out until it mentioned eating her. While she did notice her teammates immediately begin to attack the crab to try and stop this from being the outcome, it didn't seem to affect his ability to hold her and as he was ready to drop her into his mouth she stared into the abyss of his mouth. So this is how it ends... I become crab food... I never thought I'd see the- no wait that's stupid, Kaida. You made it out of Aux trying to kill you several times, out of No Heart trying to kill you, out of drowning, out of many things. And there is clearly a strategy here don't be dumb just wait. As the crab let go of her Kaida made it a bit into his mouth before she summoned out a keyblade with a yell, and prying open the mouth of the crab was Lofty Grasp. Kaida panted a bit as she held on with one arm and whispered under her breath, "Thanks Beuce..." before she held her arm out and summoned out Whittling Promises and pointed it into the crabs mouth and screamed, "Firaga!" When the fireball landed Kaida quickly leapt out of his mouth and landed on the ground with a roll and grunted a bit. She stood up and turned just in time to watch as Moana started falling towards her. Kaida held her arms out and barely caught her as she said, "Oh hey, nice of you to drop in." "Really? Is now the time for-" Kaida jumped back quickly as Tamatoa's foot was about to crush the two of them and she looked up to see the crab reaching for his mouth as if trying to get the keyblade. His movement around was probably not helpful for anyone involved. The blonde gritted her teeth and put Moana down and said, "Do whatever you think you need to do, we'll help with this guy." The girl watched as the crab seemed to break the keyblade and Kaida panicked a moment and reached her hand up to summon it back and was relieved to see his keyblade was unharmed before the crab looked straight at her and said, "Well little lady, don't you have a fiery personality." he reached down quickly to try and grab her with his claw again, but she backed away just quick enough to only just get the force of the claw to push her back. Her hood fell backwards and she grabbed her stomach in pain and backed up a bit as he said, "I wonder if you taste just as spicy as you act." Kaida glared back at him and the next time his claw came at her she swung harshly at it with a yell as she jumped a bit in the air. She rolled around and tried to hide herself under him as she said, "Any of you guys got any good ideas on this one?!" Tamatoa sidestepped a bit and kicked Kaida across the room and into the wall. She grunted and pointed the two keyblades at him and fired off a fireball and an iceball in his direction, which swirled together straight into his eye as she stood still to breathe a minute and recover from that. EXP Writer III Words: 603 EXP: 100 Munny: 30 Tamatoa: 1002 BP