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  1. cstar
    The first time may have been luck, this second time not getting hurt surely must have been a coincidence. If she didn't get hurt during the third time, she was thinking about getting some kind of lotto ticket as soon as she could. Kaida threw a couple more balls of water before she realized she should probably top off AJ's health again. Once that happened Baymax seemed to take the "heal Stratos" thing as his job until otherwise stated and the robot threw some more healing at the dark-haired boy.

    Kaida dualcast Balloon
    Kaida used Curaga on AJ
    Baymax used Healthcare on Stratos

    Post by: cstar, Dec 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar
    her hair is a strange thing. it looks absolutely beautiful from some angles and then other angles it's kind of bad.

    it's so relateable actually.
    Post by: cstar, Dec 1, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. cstar
    Kaida winced quite a bit just out of reaction seeing how the lava rocks just kind of decided they really hated AJ in particular. Though everyone else wasn't doing to hot either. Kaida managed to make it out, but probably because they hadn't aimed for her. The blonde weighed in on how she should handle the situation and decided Baymax might be a good friend to have out right now. So Kaida pulled out the keyblade charm for companion and yelled out, "Baymax!" and the robot came out of a bit of a blinding light saying, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthca-"

    "Yeah yeah, I need you to give some healing to Stratos." Kaida interrupted and the robot looked a bit thrown off before eventually saying, "Certainly." and casting some healthcare on Stratos while Kaida turned her sights on AJ and cast Curaga on him and shouted, "Mess him up!"

    Kaida summoned Baymax
    Baymax used Healthcare on Stratos
    Kaida used Curaga on AJ

    December Attendance: 1/30
    Post by: cstar, Dec 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar
    Kaida dual cast Balloon
    Kaida dual cast Thunderbell
    Post by: cstar, Nov 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar

    Take was a little confused about the "hiding in plain sight" comment, but after he further elaborated, it made sense. He might have reacted in manners that just painted a red target on his back. There may have been more to it, but he didn't see the need to clarify that. After a minute or so there was one part to what Gero said he was focused on and said, "You sound really certain you're not going to make it through this..." he looked back toward Gero and just went straight to the question, "How do you know you're going to die?"

    "The Light Chaser is intent on putting an end to the old Council. Of the seven Council members who trained him only Stamatis and I still stand." Gero gazed down at the graves. "Perhaps it would be a fitting penance." The old man spoke quietly before returning his sights on the boy. "If things had played out differently I would have never have given you that blade. Perhaps it is better that I did. At least, that is what I wish to believe."

    Take just seemed to stare off for a minute in thought before he finally replied,
    "A month ago I may have have said that I wish you hadn't given me the keyblade. But I feel like it has done more good for me than bad. So, you can take comfort it that..." he walked a bit closer towards Gero and said, "I know we didn't really get much time to know each other but either way I do appreciate what you've done." he had noticed him look at the graves so he looked in their direction and said, "My... father told me once that if we took the responsibility of the deaths of everyone we felt we somehow had a hand in, babies would be punished for playing with stones... I hope I don't have to elaborate on that one..." Take's face seemed to flash with some sort of remembrance as shifted through the front pocket of his bag and pulled something out and held out towards Gero a small stone similar to the one Take carried. But the carving inside was painted more of a blue color. He kept it held out towards him as he said, "I made this for you... I mean, not recently. I made this stone five years ago and was going to give it to you when I saw you again. But after last time got pretty emotional I just forgot to give it to you."

    Gero turned the trinket over in his hand. "Thank you. Perhaps if I had not been gone for so long there would have been much I could have taught you. does seem that you have done well for yourself, Takehiko." The old man nodded and clasped the stone in his hand before placing it into his pocket. "I am glad you are becoming fond of that blade. One day you shall make a fine master."

    Take kind of motioned his hand in a matter that deflected the compliment, but he soon stopped and asked,
    "I... just have one more thing I wanna ask. I hope its not too intrusive but... do you still care about them?" he paused a moment and clarified, "The Light Chaser I mean... A? I don't remember hearing his name but that's no big deal. I know what he did to you but you also did teach him... so I was curious. I can't really imagine how it feels if you do."

    "It is curious that he has been leaving those journal fragments behind. He was always so careful to keep it close by..." Gero turned to begin walking away before stopping and glancing over at Take. "At one point he represented the best in us. Fost, Stamatis, myself... For a teacher to see their student surpass them is a source of immense pride. In spite of everything...yes. I still do." The man spoke softly. "You should return indoors. It will not be long now until a meeting is called." And with those words Gero walked away.

    Take watched Gero walk away for a moment before he turned back towards the graves. At that point Nini was waking up and yawning and making her way sleepily towards Take. Then she flopped onto his foot and look up at him like she wanted to be picked up. So the boy obliged and gave one last look over at the markers before he too began heading towards the castle.

    Post by: cstar, Nov 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar

    Take appreciated the hug, more than he'd probably like to admit, and if he were at a better angle he probably would have hugged her back, but it didn't matter. When she left he gave a slight wave and said in reply, "See you later." he looked over back towards the grave markers curiously. He wasn't expecting Illiana of all people to make these, but he supposed he didn't know her all that well for this to seem unlike her. After a moment or two Take grabbed at the grass a bit and plucked it out and sighed, "When you gave me the keyblade I was at a graveyard. You told me that it would give me the power to protect people so I wouldn't feel that loss again..." he let go of the grass and it blew away in the wind as he continued, "I don't feel more powerful or more capable... I feel less so..." he grew quiet once more before he finally stood up. The action causing the little cat to open their eyes and lift their head to see what he was doing before settling back.

    The boy turned towards the older master and looked up at him and said,
    "I can't exactly blame you for this since you weren't around as long but... I just don't understand why after all the dangers were presented that no one told me. I understand why you didn't tell me before, when I was on my homeworld. But... after everyone was so worried about finding and protecting The Seven... I don't know why I wasn't told then." he played with his wrist for a second before stopping and shaking his head, "This is all I've been thinking about. I feel like a broken record... asking this question over and over. But everyone keeps saying it was caused they were ordered not to tell me. But I just don't get it."
    Post by: cstar, Nov 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar

    Take had almost fallen asleep. Or maybe he had fallen asleep. Or perhaps he was so not used to the feeling of meditation that the feeling felt similar to drowsiness. He had enjoyed the silence in a way, only able to hear Nini's snoring before he started to hear footsteps and voices heading his way. But it didn't mean he fully processed anything until he heard someone greet him. The boy opened his eyes and turned to look over and saw Gero, whom he expected as much since he heard his voice and could recognize that. He didn't realize Aria was with him, he stretched a little and said,"Oh, hey. Good morning to you too... and you too, Aria." he looked back over towards the stones and said, "I followed Nini here and have just been... well, thinking. I've been doing that a lot lately..." he paused and clarified, "I mean I always think I just... don't think... hm..." he looked confused before saying, "Mourning? I'm not sure if that's right... um, do you know who made this? Whoever did was far more considerate than I was... I don't think I'd have made anything." he realized he was talking a lot and just kind of stopped and stayed in silence for a bit of time before he realized he did have something else to say, but held back from it since he didn't know where the conversation would go anyway.
    Post by: cstar, Nov 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    100 crowns are being spent for 2 mp

    MP: 10 (+3)(+1)
    Crowns Left: 1

    Buying Spellbinder for 1500 munny
    Buying Photon Debugger for 1250 munny
    Munny Left: 290

    Equipping Red Mage
    Equipping Spellbinder as 2nd keyblade

    Kaida's page has been updated for the fight
    Post by: cstar, Nov 19, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. cstar
    "Turn into a giraffe!" Kaida replied instantly kind of enjoying the whole animal changing thing. She clapped her hands and rubbed them together with a mocking devilish grin, "Swing your neck at your enemies to perfect the art of war." Kaida paused a minute and looked a little disappointed and looked towards AJ, "I was kind of hoping to make a funny pun about like... having him turn into a giant gorilla and go into attack and call it 'gorilla warfare' but I got set on the giraffe thing cause I thought it was funny and now the fun of it is gone." she was quiet and then sighed, "Proooobably the shark then."
    Post by: cstar, Nov 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar

    Take really wasn't sure what he was going to do at this point. He knew he was riled up after seeing the dragon, probably to an unnecessary degree than he needed to be. And with the way conversations seemed to be going today, he didn't wanna even bother trying since he knew he'd probably piss off someone. He thought about just going out for a jog, probably the same route Boreas took them all on the first time he jogged. But his mind became distracted by hearing a constant mewing and Nini looking up at him. He looked down at her with the most unamused face ever but eventually asked, "What, are you hungry?" at the question the cat started running and headed towards the front of the castle, so Take just went along with this ride since there was nothing better to do. Nini kept a little bit of a pace ahead and kept stopping occasionally to look back and see if Take was still following her, and he was doing so at a rather glacial pace. He had no idea where this cat was going but the further and further they got from the castle the more he kept looking back in hesitation. He stopped a minute to keep looking at the castle and not long after he did Nini stopped in her spot and kept mewing again. He sighed and said, "Alright. Alright..." and continued on.

    He didn't really pay attention to the direction there, just kind of watching the tiny black cat walk until she suddenly started running and Take looked better in that direction. The first thing he noticed was the spot, which he admittedly found quite beautiful and peaceful. Then he noticed the stones and wasn't entirely sure what was going on until he got closer and gave a closer look at the stone. When the realization hit, he felt quite a bit of sudden heartache. They were little grave markers. They didn't look like the ones he had at his home so it had taken him a bit longer but he understood. He watched Nini shift her way over towards the one marked for Mika and curl up beside it looking sad. Takehiko knelt on down closer towards them and looked at the names. These weren't people he knew very well and he knew that.

    Mika, the first of Choma's students he met who he was grouped with in Eventide, someone with a lot of energy and a good sense of humor. someone Take felt guilt over the fact he may have been able to save her had he not been idly chatting by with Torrin. Glyde, the kid who randomly fell from the sky one day and wouldn't wake up, who was quiet and distant but a pretty good gunner who he wished he gave a lot more praise and appreciation when he was there. Adalric, someone he barely knew who he thought seemed pretty approachable and was definitely a good fighter. And Dentro, someone who may have caused them quite a bit of grief over being on the other side, but maybe in other circumstances could have been someone he got along with very well.

    The boy sat in silence and closed his eyes for a moment, and in his mind he could see the graves of his brothers in front of him. He didn't exactly remember when he stopped going to mourn, probably before Yasushi died. He only remembered seeing his grave once anyway. He felt so much anger and sadness and a bittersweet feeling looking back at the positive memories he had with them. The positive memories he had with Mika and Glyde even though they were few. And a deep feeling of worry that he was going to feel this way again about another person if there were more losses. He knew there were casualties in war and accepted that, but it didn't mean it was easy to cope with when you knew them beyond a face and a name. He took a deep breath to calm down and stop thinking about it too much. He had the urge to get up and go and do something so he wasn't wasting his time. But at the same time there was so much he didn't know if he really wanted to think about anything. And without really thinking about it he had started to meditate inwardly. Not really thinking about anything. Just listening to the wind rustling the leaves, the quiet snoring a breathing of Nini, and just the sounds of nature.

    Post by: cstar, Nov 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar
  12. cstar

    Take had kept his hand held up a little longer even after she had backed up and away from him. He looked a little confused and unsure but soon let his hand fall back towards his side. Maybe his politeness came across too fake? He felt pretty genuine about it even if it was coming from a place of necessity rather than want. But at the rate everything seemed to be going, everything just kept going downhill. First Boreas and Illiana had already run off after making absolutely certain to make Chrysanthemum uncomfortable. Then Tinarah stated getting at it rather quickly with Fost which was surprising. And then suddenly there was a kid with...

    Take's body completely turned as his immediate reaction was to summon his keyblade and stand on guard upon seeing dragons. But he quickly realized what exactly was going on and made a loud noise of disgust and said,
    "I'm out. I'm not dealing with another dragon situation today." he waved towards Chrys and said, "Well, Chrysanthemum. We don't need to be close or anything but if you need any help with anything just look for me and I'll do my best. Or... ya know... don't if you don't need it... free will and all that... mmm..." and he summoned away his keyblade and went to walk away. Nini had wriggled her way out of TInarah's arms mewing and ran her way towards Take and followed after him.
    Post by: cstar, Nov 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    Request Completed!


    Lemme know what you think!

    Post by: cstar, Nov 15, 2018 in forum: Art Shop
  14. cstar
    Request Completed!

    Original Artist is ひなこ on pixiv


    Click on "Transfer Money" and it will bring you to the page and fill out information kind of like this:


    and you should be good to go!
    Post by: cstar, Nov 14, 2018 in forum: Art Shop
  15. cstar

    Take had not expected a sudden crowd when he asked that question, but Boreas seemed to go ahead and answer it. So it was a civil war. This made Takehiko have several more questions that he wanted to ask, but then even more people joined the courtyard... then some master he didn't recognize came in with a girl he didn't recognize. But he introduced himself and... kind of introduced the student. He mentioned something about a change of heart which made Take wonder if this girl was one of the Light Chaser's students or something? It could have just been they were trying to convince more kids to fight while they stayed all cozy in their castle, but he wasn't exactly getting that impression. Especially once he mentioned her being a former enemy and if she was under their protection he wondered if they had run into her before? He didn't hear anything about it a girl on the Light Chaser's side.

    Either way, he'd never seen this girl before, so he didn't have any particular contempt for her. And since everyone seemed to be focusing more on Fost and glaring daggers at the girl... Take just decided to walk on over towards the blond haired girl and he held his hand out towards her,
    "I don't think we've met before anyway. My name's Takehiko, you can just call me Take. Good to have you on board."
    Post by: cstar, Nov 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. cstar
    After a bit of Thea's yelling, a deep baritone voice boomed out, "I'm right here!" there was a pause when they both looked around in different directions to look for the source of the voice and he shouted, "No not that way. Right here. No! To the left! Gah! Behind you! KID, LOOK DOWN!"

    When they finally turned to look at them, they looked very agitated.


    "Poseidon's shoes, are your perception skills normally this bad?"

    Paul began to look at the two curiously and skeptically and rubbed his chin, "A shame... they could only afford t' send twoya? Mmm, hopefully it's quality for lack of quantity." he began to walk past the two and said, "C'mon. We gotta get goin' else we'll miss the best o'the catches. Hope ya got yer boatin gloves and didn't eat a heavy meal. I've got potatoes at the boat if ya didn't eat yet." they kept walking without a care or even checking to see if they followed. He had a large fishing rod he was holding and walking with, carrying it with no sweat despite the size being a problem.
    Post by: cstar, Nov 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar

    Take was in a strange middle ground. He was well aware he overreacted when this wasn't all necessarily Qamar's fault. But before he apologized Boreas had come up and reaffirmed another feeling, one where he wasn't fond of the idea of being coddled. It eventually just resulted in Take zeroing back to the status quo and letting his keyblade disappear as he held his head and said,"It was a risk we chose when we decided to work with your powers and use keyblades. I'll admit I overreacted a bit." he rubbed his head and felt something wet and looked at his hand which had some blood on it. Not enough for him to really be concerned about it as he said, "I'll be alright without a heal. But maybe more of a warning as to the limitations of the duel? I wasn't even aware keyblade transformations or anything like that was fair play. Especially considering all I was doing was guarding." he walked to grab his water bottle and took a sip and looked over at Boreas and smirked a bit and said, "I know why you overreacted to the comment about royal crests now. Well, some of it." his smile faded quickly and he admitted, "I do have a kind of random question though... since the more I hear about little details the more confused I get." he sipped his water and put away the bottle and asked, "In your homeworld... is the war against heartless? Or is it against other people?"
    Post by: cstar, Nov 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar

    Take stared straight at her with a look of much concern when the keyblade stabbed just by his head. He stood up and wasn't entirely sure when and why Qamar was starting to go all out in her attacks. He kept his keyblade up and was blocking most of her attacks but after a while his arms hurt and just as he was about to readjust she knocked the key out of his hands and as it flew up into the air he was knocked back by her other keyblade half. His reaction time to another attack afterwards made it so he managed to back away from another swipe but he hadn't noticed his keyblade had started coming back down and hit him straight on the head. The boy instantly grabbed his head pained and took one more of Qamar's attacks. His key hit the ground and disappeared and the boy stopped everything and took a knee,"Okay OKAY STOP!" he wasn't even looking at her he just kept holding his head and kept his face down towards the ground. After a minute he growled out, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
    Post by: cstar, Nov 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    Take was concerned when she started attacking him with darkness, but was actually more surprised that it wasn't... hurting him. Well, it hurt him, but more because of her own force behind her punches and pulling the chains. When he watched her react the way she did to using the darkness and being afraid of hurting him, he opened his mouth to reply and assure her it wasn't even all that bad, but then he was tripped and fell straight onto his back and gasped out in surprise as he made impact. He thought that was very uncalled for, and his reaction was just to go and trip Qamar back.
    Post by: cstar, Nov 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar

    "No I didn't mean it like-" Take realized he was pretty defensive over a fairly innocent comment but cut it off as soon as she decided to start hugging him. Which just made him react with a blink as he just kind of let it happen. He was starting to get a bit used to the hugging he supposed, he was getting quite a few of them lately. When she mentioned the mosquito he shifted to go and look only to not see anything, as he expected. He did miss Qamar's comment about them not existing and just kind of kept staring in the implied space as she stood up and summoned out her keyblade and mentioned sparring. He didn't quite get the whole gist of the conversation as he summoned out his keyblade and responded, "Yeah sure, I don't see why not." unaware of what exactly he just consented to as he got back into a defensive stance and refocused from the invisible mosquito to Qamar.
    Post by: cstar, Nov 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena