Once the keyhole was sealed and they were given a gift. Kaida nodded towards Te Fiti in thanks and as Moana took off on the boat she waved to her. She saw the others preparing to get in the boat and she walked close to the shore she stared at the raft a moment before she chose to sit on the shore while waiting for the others if they wanted to leave. She was just trying to buy time to not have to go back into the boat again. She looked around at the scenery for quite a bit and said, "This world is beautiful, isn't it?" she didn't say it to anyone in particular but she didn't mind if anyone replied. She took off her shoes and decided to put them a bit in the water but she wasn't trying to go much further than that. Despite how warm it was, the water felt cold to her. She looked over into the water and sighed and whispered to herself, "He'd like this place a lot..." she stared a minute after she said that sentence and wondered herself who she thought would like it. Aux probably wouldn't, having just got off of a world just like it. Her mind seemed to wander a moment trying to set on who it was before she realized she must have meant Seiza. She hoped Seiza was okay, though at this rate she had assumed the worst. "Sometimes I wish we could stay in these worlds longer to enjoy them. We had a bit of fun in the last one but most of them we're in a rush cause of other objectives." Kaida fixed her hair before smiling and saying, "Maybe if I can I'd come back here. Without a boat." 9/30
For all yer photoshopping and editing needs. Spoiler: there's no order to this btw i just have them in a spoiler tag because they're big files
Kaida nodded at Marx after his affirmation of joining and looked to AJ when he asked that question. She rubbed her chin a little in thought as if she had some kind of invisible beard and said, "I don't know about tracking keyblades. Obviously there must be a way to do that but our best option would probably be communicators. The problem is I don't have any to give at the moment." she stopped and crossed her arms as she let out a grunt of frustration and said, "So we're gonna have to do our group specialty. We'll wing it. I'm starting to regret not having a better plan in place. Hopefully that can be remedied soon." she looked towards the ocean and admitted, "I'm really really not fond of having to go back in another boat but I'm thinking at this rate we don't have much of a choice. Not until we can secure some sort of method of travelling." she rubbed her temples and looked at Kel and said, "After this I swear I'm never going in another boat again. I don't care if I'm making things more inconvenient for myself. I'm not doing it." 8/31
After taking that hit like a pro, Take made himself all shiny so he could reflega those attacks with ease while the author slowly but surely regrets the decision to go at this solo. Take used Reflega HP: 154/230 MP: 17/30 FOC: 32/32 FLUX: 4/4
When AJ said he wished he could have done more. Kaida shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't. He would have probably done it anyway to help Aux. He was always putting us before himself. I never liked it and I don't like to think about it but... it was inevitable. Whether No Heart provoked the situation or not." she paused a second to let the sentence process before smiling slightly (or at least looking a lot less sad and going more neutral) as she continued, "But thank you for your words. I think the word 'great' is selling it heavily but I definitely needed it. See you are a better friend than me that was encouraging as h'yuck." she let go of the blonde boy's shoulder and faced over towards the boy in the wolf mask, "And to your thing... well, if you're offering to help us, we're certainly not in a position to reject it and any help we can get is appreciated. Sooo it feels a little informal and not in my position to do so but..." she shifted to hold her hand out towards Marx for him to shake it, "If you're on board, welcome to the SOS." 7/31
Kaida listened to AJ work through it to remember the name. And then Kel said it sounded right. That was two of them, that should have been an indicator. Kaida started whispering to herself, "Hikaru... Hika...ru... Hikaru..." she stopped a moment and looked up and looked to the two of them, "That... doesn't sound familiar it all to me. I would think it would be familiar and that I'd feel it but..." Kaida placed her hand on her chest where her heart was and she stood there a minute in silence before closing her eyes and continued, "It's... just not there." she thought for quite a bit before saying, "I must really have been a worse friend than I thought... if that is in fact his name and you guys still feel the connection to it." she fixed her hair and tried to think of a memory that had that name, but she couldn't find it. 6/30
Being stomped on was not a particularly good feeling. As he stood up to recooperate he just kind of decided to keep standing on one place on guard. Locking them dead in the eyes. For he looked into their souls. Take used Parry Stance HP: 172/230 MP: 23/30 FOC: 32/32 FLUX: 4/4
I know this is really late but this error tends to happen a lot after major server changes. I hadn't actually checked it in a while cause i haven't tried to upload anything on it since September. I don't know if the staff currently find this a priority, or if downsizing made it so upkeep of the video portal is even possible.
Kaida had a feeling someone would notice she was out of it, but she wasn't really expecting the person to ask her be the new guy. Well, she didn't know if he was sticking with them but that didn't matter he was still the "new guy" as far as she could tell. Maybe it was for exactly that reason he did though, everyone else might have been just trying not to poke what could have been a potential wasp nest. After a second's pause she sighed and admitted, "I'm alright. But I've been pretty distracted lately." she started playing with the SOS ring on her finger and she answered, "I've... been slowly forgetting someone. A best friend. I remember his face... details are beginning to disappear... but his name is completely gone..." she looked at her hand which no longer had the writing on her palm as she said, "Another person in our group, his name is Steel. He could still remember his name and he wrote it down for me. Just seeing the name reminded me he was there for a minute... but..." Kaida rubbed the back of her neck and said, "He was a replica, and he sacrificed himself to save Aux and ultimately it saved us too. Though, because of the nature of replicas... any memories of him that we have will disappear. Like he never existed. I don't even think I'll remember this conversation." she looked to her ring and said, "So for now I've promised to fight for all of us. So if he goes... that phrase will still include him." she shook her head and continued, "I'm not okay with this though... I'll never be okay with it." The blonde finally turned to AJ and Kel and said, "I know Stratos' answer but... do you guys feel it happening too? Him just... disappearing. And if either of you happen to remember his name... can you say it?" 5/30
Take was having trouble strategizing here. He didn't know if he should keep going with this route and hoping getting one down faster is good enough, or if he needed to start going for all of them at once. He didn't think he had any way of doing that anyway, so he kept doing what he was doing thinking a bit ahead what to do just in case. Takehiko used Reflega HP: 198/230 MP: 17/30 FOC: 32/32 FLUX: 4/4
After the fight, Kaida hadn't exactly processed much. While she was grateful the fight went as well as it had, and she was proud of herself considering how much she could see herself contributing to the fight, she had other things on her mind. The blonde had her eyes closed for the most part as she was trying to piece moments together falling apart. Trying to focus on something that felt like a bigger problem than her mind was letting her believe. And it was stressing her out. Spoiler: Flashback Kaida was running down the hallway of the wing of the building, knocking into a bunch of students along the way and not stopping to apologize or anything like that. She looked distressed and even as a couple tried to ask her what was wrong, she still kept going. The blonde ran up the stairs rather than going up the elevator so she could move faster, and when she got to the floor she needed she booked it down the hallway and as her yes laid on the room she needed, she burst through without a moment’s hesitation, heavily breathing. There were only two in the room, one was a smaller boy with blue hair who was asleep, and another was a larger man whose face was hidden behind a mask. Kaida moved in fast and walked over to the bed, she placed her hands immediately on a chair that had been set for her to sit down, but she couldn't sit down, "Aux, what happened?" Aux sat on a chair, hunched over with his elbows on his knees, facing the blue haired boy’s direction and not looking towards Kaida at all, “I don’t know. One moment he’s sweeping the floors and the next he passes out… he’s been like this for a week now.” Kaida turned towards him angrily and shouted, “You didn’t tell me for a week?!” “You’ve been hard to reach.” Kaida paused and looked ashamed and held her head a bit in stress as she tried to reply, “I… you know I’ve been preparing for the Mark of Mastery… but… if you’d…” Kaida turned her head further away, “I… I didn’t…” “Ya know, I bet if he was here… he’d tell us to calm down.” “But he is here. He’s right here.” “Then why does he feel so far away.” Kaida shook and gripped the chair more and asked, “Is this… my fault? Is this because I haven’t been around...?” “Not likely… hm… It’s funny…” Aux stood up and walked closer to Kaida. “Taking part of the blame should make things simpler… but it doesn’t. He’s still lying there, and we’re both standing here.” “But why is he the one asleep? It feels wrong. He’s usually the hyper one, running around and trying to keep us going but instead he’s the one asleep. Why?” Kaida’s voice broke as she said why, and tears began to form before she started full on crying. Aux hesitated for a moment, before he reached out pulled her closer in a sort of side hug. Kaida was a little too distraught to think about the fact it was Aux doing that and she moved her head closer to him to cry more. When that felt settled in her own mind, she pulled herself out of it when she heard someone mention her having a crystal or something. She blinked and went to grab the crystal and held it out towards Marx and said, "Take it then, it's yours. I just found it in the water when I was about to drown and I just kept it along in case it was important. I'd much rather it be in the hands of the proper owner." she still looked a little off and in her own mind, but she was beginning to come to. But she probably looked more visibly distressed than she'd like. 4/30
Welcome lords ladies and gentle-enbies to the next round of the kh-vids song contest! I'm sure you're probably getting a good idea what this theme is going to be about, I mean the tell is obviously the time of year so let's get excited shall we? The theme for this round is... fun in the summer! Wait uh... cstar? That's right, find yourself a song that reminds you of the hot beach days or that cozy cozy feeling of doing nothing all day cause you're hiding inside where the air conditioning is nice and probably not cost effective. cstar.... The only real rule I've got is that it has to evoke that feeling of summer vacation and all that- CSTAR! Ow, oof. Um, hold on a second guys I'll be right back. Yeah what do you want? It's Christmas time. People probably really wanna let out that Christmas feeling. Yeah but they always do that Christmas in July thing so I thought we would do something- No. What if someone doesn't even celebrate Christma- Holiday season then! Well that's rather... generic and completely expected. Just give the people what they want. Hm...what if I come up with a compromise instead? Go on.... Mhmm... sorry about that, the theme is actually going to be changed... and the theme iiis.... Fire and Ice Whether the cold doesn't bother you anyway or whether you're missin' that summer weather, align yourself with something that provokes temperature! Sign ups ideally will close on the 17th of December so come ooooon down! sign ups: 1. cstar (i'll drop if any more want in) 2. Odamadillo 3. SuperJedi224 4. LadyAzura 5. Lauriam 6. Rinzler 7. tamale 8. burnitup 9. Day~Dream 10.
Dude would you really hold out hope on someone you met once when he was a kid despite the stories that were told? Ansem never even said the words "Sora is coming to save you" the only discussion they had was how Aqua reminded him of a boy named Sora and he told the tales of all the good he did. Personally even if I knew there was a kid out there with that kind of light don't know if I'd have faith that some 16 year old kid was going to save me, I'd have relief that the worlds aren't falling anymore but that's the extent of it.
giving up =/= giving in. she may have been in there so long that she simply became used to the darkness and the struggle to keep herself in control. 0.2 covered this struggle quite a bit and just because we see her reacting to the info about Sora it doesn't mean something big didnt happen. maybe it was a fight against xehanort and she gave in to the darkness in that fight, which surely would mean xehanort wouldnt have to worry about her being a light. doesnt mean shes part of his 13.
im actually having no qualms with the song, i mean everyone knows i love skrillex and so the idea of this alone got me excited. the problem im having is the cut of the clips to it, i dont know its just so... movey?
you seem to be asking me for an art commission of some kind, like a drawing. I am unable to do a request of this kind i'm sorry to say.
Abawah, I honestly wasn't expecting this since I felt really off theme so thank you guys! I'll totally run the next round if I'm allowed, details'll probably be up on Monday (or sooner iunno)
Take looked around at the three darksides and for a moment had a feeling that this was going to end badly. But at this rate he figured maybe if he could make it past this round it wouldn't be too bad. Thinking about all the magic lessons he was trying to get today, he decided to cast reflega as three barriers blocked each of the darksides and then he swung in to attack it with his keyblade Take used Reflega then attacked HP: 230/230 MP: 18/30 FOC: 32/32 FLUX: 4/4
Take had been silent the whole time, just standing back and listening and processing all the new information. He wondered what this warrior was like that they had to send a not insignificant number of masters to go and meet. But otherwise the fact that they were training seemed fairly obvious to him that this would be the next step. He would have been surprised if they told them otherwise. The boy followed the group down to the mirage arena and watched everyone begin to form groups. But Take decided he kind of wanted to get a gauge of his own strength to know better what he offered to the group dynamic. He totally intended to go back later with others and try it out, but he didn't see the harm in going it alone. As the boy sat in the pod and looked at the different tests he freaked out realizing that reading the mission prompts was going to be helpful. He scanned through and eventually clicked on one that he was pretty sure said there was only one darkside to worry about. But he realized once it was up, and the name of the challenge "The Other Side" appeared, he was very very wrong. "O-Oh..."
Well, she supposed it wasn't going to be a lotto day for her after all. Now with it raining lava from the sky. Which hurt like crazy, but not as much as her other attacks probably would have. The problem was it seemed to be, well, raining lava. So she knew she was gonna have to run in and finish this one up as quickly as she could. She probably could have played it safe and kept healing, but she didn't see the point and she didn't know if she had the time to think up a better... Time. Of course. Kaida took a deep breath and murmured under her breath, "Stopwatch." before she began glowing with the familiar aura of time energy around her. Then she took a deep breath and threw both of her keyblades at the sentient volcano. They went in and hit as hard as they could before circling back to her and she caught then just in time to point the keys back at them and fire balloon at them one more time. As she did she yelled, "Baymax, attack it!" and the robot fired a rocketfist at them as well. Kaida activated Time Aura Kaida dualcast Strike Raid Kaida dualcast Balloon Baymax used Rocketfist 3/30