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  1. cstar
    "I'm sure he'll enjoy it when he is up. I don't know if Hedgrit is gonna immediately undo all of this." Iridia giggled before finishing up a final braid and saying, "Aaaand finished. I'm sure he's gonna love it." she rubbed her hands together and said, "He'll be up and about soon, so... when you finish up your little touches.. let's try and get a little bit of work done so when he wakes up he doesn't immediately know something's up. Shall we?" she floated over towards the bags and pulled out a couple water bottles she had yet to fill. As she was working she asked, "So... what's your favorite food?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. cstar
    cstar's back at it again with the alchemy. hold onto your hats, sailor.

    Bribery && Jammer
    Bribery || Jammer
    Bribery & Critical Overload
    Bribery || Critical Overload
    Jammer && Critical Overload
    Jammer || Critical Overload
    Scan && Jammer
    Scan || Jammer
    Scan && Bribery
    Scan || Bribery
    Fixer && Jammer
    Fixer || Jammer
    Fixer && Bribery
    Fixer || Bribery
    Defender && Bribery
    Defender || Jammer
    Post by: cstar, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. cstar
    "Hm... I know you said after you leave it'd be a while before we can call you back, but let's say a while has passed: how would we page you again?"
    Jaz kind of reacted a little disappointed at the fact that they just... looked like themselves. Where was the fun in that? A part of her hoped there was some form of cosmetic shop later then so she could change it up. A part of her was trying to look for a word that she couldn't remember and she gave up that point knowing forcing herself to think and remember would be a useless endeavor, "What are the terms of service? I can't remember them and I wanna read the terms and conditions I apparently agreed to in order for you guys to keep me here without being able to log out."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar

    Jasmine was a bit confused by Inna's question when they specifically asked about some sort of prayer? Jaz was about to answer the question but was interrupted by Dot seeming to take her comment a little bit more to heart than she expected. She stood straight faced watching this happen before Rex seemed to jump in trying to break up a fight that wasn't happening. The girl sighed and moved her hair a bit when she silently listened to whatever basic questions they decided to ask. She thought the AI said he was in charge of players, NPCs, and the like. And not in game objects. So she assumed that meant his only ability to help was at basic bitch tutorial stuff specifically relating to a friends list or something. But apparently he was some goddamn map too and could explain other functions too. He was explaining mounts and specific locals that didn't really make sense to her. What the hell was this AI's purpose? Was he a full blown tutorial bot? Was he actually a more complicated AI and they are in the midst of being played? Or were it's abilities arbitrary for the sake of some greater cause. She didn't know, she quite frankly didn't care unless it brought her closer to those memory shards. A part of her was expecting if this was a fluke in the system that most players had, that these memory crystals were probably some heavily sought after item akin to... Jaz could not remember the specific game, if she could remember the game at all.

    The girl let out a very long sigh of distress of some kind before finally responding in Inna's direction,
    "I was breathing in and closing my eyes and I just do that with my hands. There's nothing to really explain there." She walked a bit of a way's forward before asking Dot, "So what exactly is your designation. Are you like... some sort of... mascot type thing that pops up in the corner for tutorials?" she paused in the corner and asked further, "Do other players have their own AI following them around too? Do they all start off suspiciously in teams of 6?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    Knowing full well she hadn't been particularly helpful during this fight, Kaida sought to change that by running in when she saw Aux stun his head and leave him open. Kaida pointed her keyblade from the distance she was at and shot thunderbell straight at him. With the almost beautiful sound as the bell slammed into him, Gantu was thrown back once more, this time seeming like he was finally at the end of the line. Unfortunately, he seemed to still be kicking despite the knockback leaving him on the ground. And it left Lilo now further away from the team. Kaida bit her lip and hoped that her trying to help out didn't just screw up everything, especially since she hadn't been doing much.

    Words: 125
    EXP: 12
    Munny: 30
    Damage Dealt: 86
    Remaining: 0/1500
    Post by: cstar, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar
    Post by: cstar, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. cstar
  8. cstar
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by cstar, Jul 30, 2018
  9. cstar
    There was a long sigh from the sudden accusations the mom was getting. She looked towards the group and clarified, “I’m not kicking her out. I’m simply giving her opportunity we cannot give her. No one here can wield a keyblade, imagine trying to train without one. We can’t keep you here and you seem to at least understand the weight of what happened, which gives me relief.” the woman looked towards Alder and said, "If you wish to truly help this time... give it time. Maybe when you guys check in occasionally for Mora to visit. But not visits here at the village. Sometimes time helps heal wounds."

    Alder nodded slowly and responded with a respectful,
    "I understand." He understood that these people had been placed in a painful situation that they had caused and the fact that Mora's mother considered Alder's offer at all made him feel that there was hope to make amends.

    Mora walked a bit closer to her mother nervous for a moment before finally coming up to hug her. The woman held her close as she held her head close to her before kissing her on top of the head and placing her hands gently on Mora’s shoulders,
    “Be safe. Be happy. I’m proud of you, I promise I am.”

    The black haired girl felt tears pouring out a bit as she nodded,
    “I know…” she backed away from the hug afterwards and looked to her father who also came in to hug her again. Once they were done Mora smiled at them and said, “I love you.”
    “We love you too.”

    Mora backed up and turned away from the village and towards her new companions and said,
    "If you guys will teach me, I trust you. Hopefully I could make up better for... ya know... almost letting some of you die..." she chuckled nervously and looked over towards Chrono and Alder, "There's uh... no hard feelings about that still... is there?"

    Chrono had been intending to slip back into silence when Mora had approached him.
    "None at all, you had your reasons for doing it." Reasons that at the time he'd been too preoccupied with his own fleeting memories to fully take them into consideration. Either way he bore no ill will towards the girl for any actions she might have taken in the past.

    "You did what you thought was right and that is all anyone can be expected to do." Alder nodded towards Mora. "Don't worry about making anything up for our sake. It's your own future you should keep in mind." He added, feeling a hint of his old self speaking when he spoke. "Besides, once your training is done we've still got this world to help."

    Mora had a clear look of relief upon seeing the two’s reactions and said,
    “I guess you’re right. Better to put that energy into the future. Maybe. I hope that’s how that goes.” Mora scratched the back of her head nervously and said, “It’d probably be best if we left the world back towards the cliffs. It’d keep everyone in the village from freaking out or something.” she motioned to lead them forwards to walk away from the village, though she briefly looked back towards the village to see her father and mother still standing there and when they saw her looking back they both gave a wave. The father with quite a bit of energy and the mom a little bit more subtle about it.

    The girl waved back towards her parents and finally stopped looking so she didn’t feel homesick, though she felt a pit in her stomach about it. She looked towards Daeni, since she happened to be the one she was next to and she admitted,
    “It… seems scary to leave home though…”

    Daeni walked with the group, putting a hand behind Mora's back and giving the girl a small hug.
    "Yeah uh, it is scary....I was scared at first, but then I found Cerdic and we ended up with the others eventually. Right?" she chuckled, looking at Cerdic. "But ya know, we'll take care of you. We can be like family some day, I hope." She chuckled, ruffling Mora's hair.

    "Only if you can manage hanging out with a dysfunctional family like us. Leaving home is always scary but I would have never met a bratty little sister, or the annoying old man." Cerdic jerked his chin over to Alder as he laughed as he walked over to to Alder and put a arm on his shoulder. Alder looked towards him with a raised eyebrow and started, "We're the same a-"
    "-Or a great leader and friend like Alder. I probably would have remained the stuck up rich brat. So not all bad things come from leaving home. You will just have to learn to live in our weird little group, and we will look after you."

    Mora fixed her hair up a bit after it was ruffled and giggled towards Cerdic’s reply and said,
    “Maybe you’re right. Heck maybe I’ll be a better person than right now…. Or maybe I’ll get worse. Iunno… you guys seem to be unpredictable.” Daeni laughed quite loudly when Cerdic was done. “Unpredictable is an understatement. Wait until you see Cerdic on a bad hair day.” she joked.
    “Hey! What do you mean by that? My hair is always fabulous!” Cerdic argued back purposely messing up Daeni’s hair to prove a point.

    Mora giggled a bit at the two and looked over towards Chrono and asked,
    “Are they always like this?”
    “From what I can recall, yes. Even more so now.” Chrono replied.
    Mora let out a bit of a sigh and smiled a bit,
    “Then at least it’ll be fun. I’m excited for this adventure.”

    As they finally got to the cliffs where they had started it all, Mora looked out towards the water and asked,
    “So… how does your travelling work? It seemed cool from what Chrys had done.”

    “Cool? It is awesome! Just watch and learn my little cricket.” Cerdic was clearly having way too much fun with the fact that he had a student of his own, even if he wasn’t actually that good with a keyblade and shouldn’t have a student of his own. Giving Mora a grin that was clear he was just trying to be cool, he faced the cliff and made a stoic face as he let the wind blow his hair back. With a swift movement he slammed the activator on his arm and a light enveloped his body, fading away until only his keyblade armor was visible. Without looking out at the group he held his keyblade to the side before throwing it up in the air. Like a boomerang, it flew out then came back towards him in it’s new form. Jumping up he landed, planting one hand down on the board to look like a superhero landing. Standing up and turning back, he looked to Mora “Now your turn kid.”

    Mora blinked for a moment and looked around herself and shrugged saying,
    “Well, I don’t have armor… I think. But I’ll try the keyblade thing…” nervously the girl held out her hand as her key apparated into her hand, but with almost a darkness around it as it did. She looked at it a long moment before tossing it up in the air like Cerdic did, and she watched as the keyblade came straight back down and she quickly moved back as it stabbed into the ground right there. Mora stared at it wide eyed and approached it cautiously, “I-I don’t think I did that right.”

    “Er...I think you’ll need to do more than just toss it in the air. It’s not that simple.” Alder raised an eyebrow and pried Mora’s keyblade from the ground to hand it to her. He called for his own blade and held it out in front of Mora. “It’s not too complicated though. Close your eyes, envision the form you wish it to take...and take your time solidifying the image in your mind, then…” He tossed the blade into the air and by the time it came to the ground it had transformed into a glider and hovered before them. “Like that.”

    Mora nodded at Alder and closed her eyes for quite a bit before she took a deep breath and threw it up again. When it finally came back it returned as a glider. It was a bit oddly shaped since she didn’t quite have much in mind besides a glider but she grinned and said,
    “Hey, I did it!”

    “Good job!” Alder exclaimed.

    Daeni watched the group and chuckled, wondering how they were going to be good teachers to the girl. Thankfully Alder came forward and made more sense of things.
    “Well Alder used his honor and it worked….just like with Ria.” she trailed off and tapped her chin. “I guess I better get my glider now.” she stepped towards the cliff, glancing back. “Don’t try this yet.” she gave a thumbs up. Daeni pressed her hand on her necklace activator. She turned around to face Mora, falling backwards. She came back up moments later with her keyglider attached to her back. “Mine are wings, so hey, I wanted to show off.” she shrugged.

    Meanwhile while all this was going on Chrono had activated his keyblade armor for the first time since getting all of his memories back. Unlike Cerdic he didn’t make a big deal out of it. In fact he was pretty casual about the whole process of pressing the button and standing idle as the armor had enveloped him.
    “Neat.” Summed up his reaction to his armor being fully formed on him. By this point Daeni had already jumped off the cliff to show off her glider transformation. Well Chrono certainly wasn’t going to do that for calling in his glider. Instead he chucked his keyblade afar causing a brief twinkle to shine in the distance. Moments later and a cycle shaped glider had appeared and sped right towards Chrono. Just before the moment of seeming impact, Chrono casually held out his hand and was picked up by his glider. He’d gotten properly situated right when it had leveled out and slowed to match the pace of the others.

    Mora looked at everyone else’s gliders and looked towards her own and shrugged and got on it and smiled, “It’ll work for now.” she leaned into the handles of her glider and asked,
    “Now what?”

    “Eh, Alder or Cerdic usually argue about where to go next and then Chrono and I just shrug and go with it.” Daeni shrugged, floating around. She had her hands behind her head. “Maybe we ought to find our own Master…” She opened her eyes, blinking.

    Mora was a bit surprised by the fact that the other members didn’t have an impact on destinations or anything, but they weren’t exactly around and she didn’t know how they worked so she suggested,
    “Maybe we should find Kara and Chrys?”

    “I suppose you have a point. We can go find them. It wouldn’t take too long. I already have an idea where they’d be.” Alder stated.

    “I think we should take the new one somewhere a little more exciting. I mean there is so much to explore, why go home and settle in just yet? I am sure Kara and Chrys are safe there, a little adventure never hurt anyone.” This whole endeavor gave Cerdic a bit more of a taste for adventure. If he had it his way they would travel around and explore a little bit longer before going back to relax and train Mora properly.

    “Or we could get the others then go on the sightseeing tour.” Alder spoke plainly. “We don’t need to settle in when we get back to much as I wanted to just shower and get some much needed rest…” He grumbled.

    Daeni raised her hand and flew behind Cerdic, pushing his head down.
    “I’m all for going home and even having an adventure before doing it, but I really want a shower so going home is preferred.” she said.

    “Showers, who needs… Oh… point taken. Home it is. Then more adventuring. I mean if we didn’t already leave we could have asked Mora’s mom to use theirs, but too late for that now. Onwards and upwards.” Cerdic stated.

    Daeni looked up at the sky.
    “So should I get the portal going? We gotta get home to Aeonian Springs.” she said, looking down at the rest. She just really missed her bed at the end of the day.

    “Aeonian Springs? That sounds beautiful. Especially compared to Orphic Coast.” Mora shivered a bit at thinking of the name.

    “Well I’m sure this world had it’s glory days too...right?” Alder frowned slightly at the gloomy atmosphere, trying not to insult Mora’s home. “Eh...well enough about that. I’m sure you’ll love the place. If I recall correctly, it’s got the best observatorium I’ve seen! And...uh...the springs are great too. Yeah…”

    “Guys.” Chrono said, motioning out to the portal in the distance. While they had been chatting about showers and the various other things either about the world or that they wanted to do, he had gone ahead and made said portal. In fact the only reason why he didn’t go on ahead of them was cause he thought they would notice it a lot sooner than they actually did. “Its been waiting on you this whole time.”

    Mora looked over at it and was a bit embarrassed about not noticing but she had been quite overwhelmed by the adventure. Soon the five began to fly up towards the portal going through it one at a time until all of them were gone and the portal blinked away. Leaving behind a quiet world finally at peace as the water crashed into the rocks below.

    Post by: cstar, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. cstar
    Iridia nodded in agreement, though she found it a bit amusing that the little girl gave her the long beard to work with. Iridia began combing it out gently until every single knot and snarl was out and she laid it out and began to braid it. She summoned tiny little flowers to work into the braids as the fairy hummed a little bit of a tune. She kept occasionally poking an eye out to make sure no crawlers were heading their way though. She jumped when Zelph coughed in his sleep up on the higher platform and he shifted around.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. cstar
    Melus gave an ear to Alex's advice but it really didn't affect her anyway. She wasn't going to attack a single person in this place if she could help it. All she would do is support so it could give her the look of a neutral party. The brunette summoned out her harp and gave it a few plucks before she began using gust and keeping it maintained to give anyone who was running away from her direction a good downwind to work with. For now she'd see how things went and figure it out as she went along. No need to blow cover quite yet as far as she was aware.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar

    Take had seen Tinarah come out onto the couch and was looking a little down and he was feeling prepared to walk up to her and ask what was up. But then everything changed when the Boreas attacked. Well, more like asked them if they slept well. The green-eyed boy bit his lip a bit before saying,"Well enough." praying for something to distract and hopefully make Boreas ask to expand on what he said. That's when Torrin came out mentioning breakfast and he used that as a good excuse to get up and head towards the kitchen. He looked over at what Torrin was doing and said, "Well, if you mess up eggs, I just want you to know it's the easiest thing to make and if you fail this there's no pressure. Except for the fact you'll never make your family proud of your cooking."

    He stared for a little bit longer as Torrin was about to cook and his eyes suddenly widened as he yelled, "Wait!"

    After an odd moment of silence Take shifted to go and find bread and a cup and started making holes in them. He pointed towards the hole in toast and explained, "Egg in a basket. Put these on the skillet and crack the egg into the hole. It'll cook it up fried..." he looked around and whispered towards him, "Makes it easy to hide if it's overcooked."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar

    Chrono had thought Take was going to tell him something serious and had readied himself for such and the message itself had been heard. Chrono heard it correctly and snickered. Whatever serious thing he was expected had gone completely out the window and in its stead was something light hearted. "An odd thing for the world to tell you, but its not completely wrong." Take tried to stifle a giggle but kind of failed and the breath went through his teeth. He realized what he did and looked away back towards the sunrise and crossed his arms and sighed, "Do... you ever get worried about going back?" he was silent for a moment before expanding, "Your homeworld that is... especially if... well... all that happene- I didn't mean to pry like that. I thought you and Tinarah were going to talk more about the other dimension not something like that."

    Chrono's snickering had come to a close and it was Chrono's turn to sigh.
    "Well we did in regards to the 'me' that had thrown her off a bridge." He was sure to throw up air quote when he's said 'me'. "But yeah, I do. Even if I could magically just go back with Tinarah, it wouldn't be easy to explain all this to our father would not be easy. Not to mention the more...personal problems." Hearing that he had apparently run into a streak of poor luck was good, but he was still allowed to walk free and that was bothered him the most. Take sat silently thinking about Chrono's answer and almost felt himself restrain how he felt but he didn't hold out as long as he'd hoped, "I'm constantly worried about going home..." he side eyed Chrono as he admitted for the first time to him, "Most of the world already hated me when I was there... the fact I'm even less like them now... I don't want to think about more of those I care about pushing me away." he lowered his head a bit as his face clearly looked scared, "But I just... can't keep my emotions in check anymore. I'm not supposed to be this way... how can I go back home and fight the dragons if they can-" he suddenly realized he was talking way too much and cut himself off. Take turned fully to Chrono at this point and took a deep breath, he tried his best to go back to his usual neutral expression but his eyes were betraying him as he tried to redirect the topic back, "I hope that killer is locked up somehow though. And... if it isn't easy I hope you are able to talk with your father and have it at least not have a bad ending..."

    Chrono nodded.
    "I hope so too." Even if he needed to it with his own power, he would see it done. The deal with his father would be a bit trickier, but the thought was good at least. Either way, after everything that Take's sat by and listen too about him, it was only fair if he'd gave the same. Take had his own share of problems too after all. "You can continue venting, I can't give a definite solution or anything, but I can at least let you get it off your chest." Realizing that he's been standing this entire time. Not the best of idea given how his legs were the previous day. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Take. "I'm all ears."

    Take looked at Chrono unsure for a minute before saying,
    "It's just... I've always really liked making people happy and feeling safe. I usually did that by being all smiles and laughter but... that's not good on my homeworld because of the dragons." he crossed his arms and leaned back a bit more on the couch and stared out the window, "It's unnatural for people to be this way on my homeworld. It makes them dangerous to those they love. That's why we try to control our emotions. It's why they put me in an intensive training for it. But here I am... losing that control. I don't like it, losing touch with what my world taught me. I don't want to be that kid standing out anymore. I just want to fade in with the crowd..." he looked at his hand and said, "A keyblade can't help that." he tightened his hand into a fist and said, "As soon as we deal with the Light Chaser and save these worlds... I want to just go back home... I also am afraid everyone I love can't stand me anymore and I can't bare to see that."

    Chrono listened as Take explained his troubles and just as he thought, there wasn't much that he could to help. A repetitive as a problem as this was becoming, this was not the focus right now. Take's troubles were and at the end of it all, he'd placed his hand to his chin to think.
    "I...don't know what to say. Everything I want to say contradicts what you wish. It's usually not a good thing to try and shut out all emotions, but usually you aren't faced with dragons that seek out emotions." That last part was what really made things hard for him. "Soooo, in a effort to actually be helpful maybe give it time and something might happen to make it easier." Take understood Chrono's intent behind his words, but he would be lying to himself if he said it really helped. But he knew he was coming from a good place and trying to be there for support.

    As soon as he finished his venting, the sun finally began to poke out over the horizon and Take looked at it and scoffed a bit, "I hate sunrises, it always means it's time for work."

    "Well for us it probably does me work is ahead."

    The boy nodded at Chrono's response and smiled a bit at him and said,
    "We'll get through this." before he was pretty sure he heard someone else coming out of their room and his smile faded and it seemed to be back to business as usual.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar
    thas awk
    Post by: cstar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  15. cstar
    Profile Post


    Status Update by cstar, Jul 28, 2018
  16. cstar
    "Hm..." Iridia seemed to be in deep thought for quite some time trying to think up a plan before she got an idea and whispered, "We're gonna do some beard and hair maintenance." and without saying another word she quickly flew over towards Hedgrit and used her sleep spell on him, sprinkling some pixie dust and she stifled a giggle.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. cstar
    defender || fixer
    scan || fixer
    defender || fixer
    also i wanna swap scan with stand firm
    Post by: cstar, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. cstar
    fixer and defender
    scan and critical overload
    fixer and critical overload
    defender and critical overload
    critical overload and plant
    Post by: cstar, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge