Sake .
Shush, Amaruy .
You'll get fat.
We should drown her.
You're welcome. Has he done anything to confirm your current suspicions? Prior to your sister moving back in? have you survived for so long? I don't think I could have possibly managed.
She is. But she'll still live on. IN YOUR HEEEART~ No one's spoken to Danu lately, she just kinda disappeared. And all the Tim Curry went with. Well the ceiling's up. I know that much. How about you?
dat moose. Dahlia missed you.
Updated my list with one thing.
It isn't, obviously. Plums is just stupid. Everyone here clearly still has a life.
It's actually not. The fighting is pretty hectic and really quite fun, although there are a few presentation issues within the menus. Kratos is just far too OP for his own good, however.
There is no future. The world's gonna end next mont-*shot*
Well clearly there is no need for such a thing, considering the thread's alive again. Baka.
The ashes will suffocate you.
Even if you bury it, it'll still come back to haunt you.
Oh look. He's running away. Such a coward. Silly Frenchmen.
You won't like Jad when he's angry.
Guess you'd have first hand experience eh?
But my brain's full of ****ing TMNT ._. DAMNIT HoT I CAN'T CONCENTRATE!
I do indeed.