I think you're the only one on the whole site.
I would say Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai!, mainly because it's started to develop a lot of drama over the past few episodes. However there is a slight smidge of Fantasy mixed in with it, although it's mostly satire. You'd know what I mean if you watched the anime.
Christmas ._.
Spoiler: Moshi It, um...makes for some interesting conversations. ...interesting conversations ._. MAMMARIES TOMOE Um, actually it's a tie between Finny, Watanuki and Yuuta. - Kelly - Midny - Danu - You - Machazo Boobs. But everything I own's in the box to the left ._. Lasagne and Water. My £10 watch is worth so much more than me. Take it. Because I'm too fat. Why? You jealous? Giving words plural forms ._. GOOSES SHEEPS LYRICSES Spoiler: Chie Kelly (Korosu). Spoiler: K3YBL4D3 KHIGHT Not entirely too sure with this one. I've never really spoken to you much, but from what I can gather you're pretty nice. However I feel that you take things a little too seriously. Nothing wrong with that, but it might be problematic. Neither. My teeth love me for it. Athens. Ew, sports. Spoiler: ButcherKnifeBetty I love it. I'm a Brony (except I hate being called that because most of the Brony community sicken me). Spoiler: Cookiie dead dead. C is for Cookiie, that's good enough for m- You are a lovely biscuit. So kind, helpful and friendly. Also very talented. And of course, you like Ace Attorney. Instantly we're best friends forever~ Both have their advantages. Rikka: She could fight off all the ghouls and ghosts and make me geek out at the same time. Ririchiyo: She could go satan mode on their asses, or she could make a snide remark and scare the ghosts to life. But I'd pick Rikka. Well they're both Kelly, so really I don't feel too surprised about it. Yes, school is driving me crazy. And I want my eggnog. All the eggnog. except not really. Spoiler: Muchasshoe nicole thnx adam pls Sprothe. huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue. Too OP. Glen Elg. k.
Spoiler: Saxima Ohai Saximaphone. by placing her head in the oven, while the gas was on. Oh look, I was right. No because I don't listen to chart music of any kind. Because I like Madoka Magica. Gosh that's hard. Hmm. Gonna say that my favourite anime is Arashi No Yoru Ni (It's a film, sure, but it's the anime representation of the book. Don't even mention the CGI version ._.) and my favourite anime character is Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica (though I may crack jokes about her, she's probably the most human...well, human in any anime I've seen.) Mammaries Tomoe 5eva~ Strawberries. Cherries are just wicked and cruel. Because it describes myself, funnily enough. I'm tempted to say Bushy, because Dark stole my Kelly-chan away from me, however I get the feeling saving Dark would be more in my favour. Mainly because Kelly wouldn't have another reason to destroy me. Well, I think you're an okay girl, but I'm not sure. We haven't spoken much and it's kinda hard to say. But you like Madoka Magica, so you can't be that bad. RIGHT. RIGHT. RIGHT?! Spoiler: Amaury 1. The post whore to end all post whores, but a pretty friendly guy. Always willing to help the noobs and whatnot. Yup. 2. The paedophile to end all paedophiles, and a pretty freaking creepy dude at that. Always willing to stalk the taff, no matter their appearacne. Spoiler: HoT At first I thought you were a noob hell bent on destroying the honour and pride of LPTP. Now you're the pretty cool guy who got me obsessed with Turtles again. Definitely Donnie, in ALL iterations of the show. Mikey follows close behind (2012 version, at least). Cowabunga is more nostalgic, but I prefer Booyakasha. Just seems to fit better to me (either that or I just despise the 2k3 show for some reason). It's Ninja Time!
Spoiler: Midny At first I thought you were a very sensible, normal, albeit awesome, teenager who liked to have a bit of fun and joke around occasionally. One of the mature ones. ...boy was I ever wrong. But really, you're an amazing friend. So full of life and energy that it's hard to stay upset when you're around. You just need to say "smile" and I'll do it. Never. Of course, just don't tell Bushy :3c Toofreakingshippable hatfish. Mentally unstable. Hygrocybe conica, didn't ya know? To be able to manifest any object out of thin air. Either that or invincibility (because I seem to be public enemy #1). It would end up with all three most likely. I'd take a bow, but then I'd lose my balance and fall off the stage, going out with a bang. Then I'd get up and sigh as I left. Spoiler: Moshi Ohai Mummy Some weird woman who likes Kuroshitsuji and wants to marry Sebastian. Meh. <3 you Mummy~ A woman. Die. Machi totes <3 Speak to you guys in the Insanity Family. I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN I DO MY AFK FRIENDS. Scream, loudly, and then lose all my masculinity in one go by freaking out. No because he sank to the bottom of the ocean. ...that's cruel. I've probably had the most fun with Keenie, because both Kelly and myself were teased about it and played along with it. On the other hand, Meenie (MakazexFeenie), a ship courtesy of our lovely Maka (and Amaury, to some extent) is not something I am overly fond of. For obvious reasons. And don't get me started on Sokagesumenuki Feexa. DLXKSNEWIX 4CLNXMD3NXMZEDNWSAWE3IUB4NXHKHB4RUHX3JKNA3OIRFEDX ZNAMUIJWNADAMAEWMEICRNFDEUMDIOEMRDO <333333 My son~ 8D
What's this, Amaruy? No taff? Well that's terrible. I'd better make use of the new Skype Appearacnes and contact them.
He's an obese, paedophilic old geezer who breaks into your house illegally at night (via your chimney, no less), raids your food supplies without permission, and then leaves you a pile of coal for your troubles. What a swell guy.
They're hiding from your bountiful collection of engagement rings.
It's hardly proper when you can't get the guy's name right.
And butchered the rest of his name.
Except his name is adamboy7.
I didn't realise Skype had acne.
Indeed. Used to be much better though, back in 2010 we could go through 8 pages in a night.
Two pages over night? That hasn't happened in a while.
What is a man? A miserable pickle of secrets! On another note: here
oh dear