How rude, to think you would ignore me after all this.
But I am not a rude person, so I shall not ignore you. Kingdom Hearts.
Because you are talking to me at this moment, and it would be rude of me to ignore what you are saying. He didn't even speak.
Looks like you said it to me.
You just did.
I am not a dictionary, if that is what you are implying.
Yes, my post was sarcastic. Congratulations.
No, you're just jealous because you'll always be living in the past.
Moshi, I see you stealing my Mami. No one steals my Mami ¬_¬
No, I just live in the future.
It's been the 21st for 21 hours already.
Impressions? Ruby? Sapphire? Emerald? Topaz? WHY AMETHYST?!
No I don't. The world is ending in two days. I need to spend all my time on the important things. like fapping.
Quite frankly, I have some semblance of a life. I don't have the time to look through every Spam Zone thread in existence before posting something.
Nice thread you got there.
My prelim results (1=A, 2=B, etc). Chemistry - 1 Physics - 1 Maths - 1 English Reading - 2 English Writing - 1 Geography - 1 Music Listening - 2 Music Performing - 1 French - 2 Administration - 2 Probably the best set of results I've ever had for exams.
Transformice is a strange game. Enter the secret code at the start screen.
I am still awake, axel91. I am waiting for you to return my love.