Then you should be living your life to its fullest, i.e. not playing video games.
Football Simulators (or any kind of sport simulators) eg/ FIFA. If you want to play the sport, then get off your lazy ass and play the real thing ._.
You're too scared of alcohol to be drunk. You flee at the sight of it.
I want pics .
Makes no difference. The site has always been dead.
Where have you been for the last six years?
Scotland. The only place where a man can wear a skirt and keep his masculinity at the same time.
No. She's a sex model.
Action Replay is your big brother best friend forever
- A 32" Flat-Screen TV - A desk - A desk lamp - chocolates - more chocolates - ...more chocolates - Son of Neptune (Rick Riordan) - Lego Lord of the Rings (PS3) - Skylanders Giants (3DS) - Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - A picture of Ahri-chan~ from Ashwin. - Deodorant And stuff.
That video is going to burn in hell.
That's the only way a man should win.
You too.
Merry Christmas.
Hope you like Normal Types ^_^ Friend Code is 1034 7353 0866.
Not as common as a Haxorus!Hydreigon!Excadrill rape train.
I'm the real La Sofa.
Oh don't get me wrong, it's really, really fun, even if it is pretty annoying at times (hello, Marshal). And it's also interesting to see how useful some of the Normal Types can be, given how weak you assume them to be. The only Pokémon of his I found easy was Cofagrigus. My Chandelure wiped the floor with it.
Dat Hydreigon. You should try doing the game with Normal Type Pokemon only: That fight is a bitch.
Spoiler: Taffy TAFFY. I AM SO SORRY THAT THESE SUCK. FORGIVE MEEEEEEE ;; On another note, Merry Christmas!