Search Results

  1. Mexony
    I watch...

    Flash Point
    Jon and Kate plus 8.
    Law and Order- original, criminal intent and svu.
    Querida enemiga
    And Family Guy.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Mexony
    I'm not all good at avatars but I tried with this one. Still I use PhotoFiltre. ( can't use any other program but PF) Cnc?

    Sorry for the low quality... it never looked like that . I need a new uploading thingy.

    Thread by: Mexony, Aug 24, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Mexony
    That depends if other people notices. But I think it'll be popular like the last series Death Note. I would read it.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Mexony
    Sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday, I seemed to be slacking off each week. So here we are, today we have two new joiners who will appear in this chapter. *scrolls* And thanks to Shades and Rexmildd for being my helpers:D *gives both pizza*

    Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth
    Chapter 4: Heartless appears..

    Jack glared at the talking heartless. The heartless’ personality was easy enough to read. Laziness.

    “ Not yet.†Jack took two steps back from the heartless. He opened both his hands, fingers separated.

    “ Ice sticks!†he commanded.

    There came strands of ice pieces heading straight for the heartless. The heartless jumped over the ice, but the magic followed.

    “ What the-“ The heartless’ chin was knocking up by the powerful magic, ice sticks. The heartless flew across from Jack, landing painfully on his back.

    “ Damn it!†the heartless cursed, pounding his fist against the ground.

    “ It’s not my fault that you’re weak.†Jack spat out, his index finger pointing directly at him. The heartless lowered his head and breathed deeply. He let out a cold chuckle.

    “ You humans make me laugh. Darkness is better then light. And yet you humans never accept that!†he mumbled under his breath.

    Jack cocked his head at the heartless, laying on the ground, weak. “ And why are bringing this up?†Jack asked, preparing his hand for the next move he was going to make.

    “ I’m bringing this up because… because it’s my duty. Us darkness needs to overwhelm the light. We need to take over the light. All light does it flow like a river. Us darkness speeds like a raindrop.â€

    “ You’re wrong. You just want to get rid of the light. You don’t even give a damn about the light. All you dumb heartless’ and enemies just care about your stupid darkness!†Jack yelled, his tightened his teeth together.

    “ That may be true-“

    “ May be? You mean it is true!†Jack interrupted. The heartless scoffed and continued.

    “ Whatever. Us darkness wants to accomplish something. You light take it away from us! Don’t give a s-.â€

    “ Wrong. What ever you guys try to accomplish, you end up hurting innocent people. I myself… am both!â€

    Jack jumped on to the heartless, digging his hand on the heartless.

    “ Firara!†flames bursts out from Jack’s hand, sending it over the heartless.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The heartless roared out in pain, watching it’s own leg fading away in ashes.

    “ See? There, that explains my attack.†Angel said to the heartless, pointing her weapon directly at her enemy.

    “ You dumb imbecile! What have you done!?†the heartless yelled loudly, glancing at his fading leg.

    Angel tsk’d the heartless and sighed. She put her weapon aside, so she could save it for later.

    “ What I’ve done was simple. I slashed your leg off. Now.. ha, you may not understand but I’m trying to get rid of you.†She said, walking around in a circle.

    “ Well you’re doing a good job-“

    “ Yes I am, and a good job at attacking you!†Angel swiped her weapon out, throwing it to the heartless. The heartless didn’t move but stared at his own leg. He’s distracted… that’s good. I can you ultimate lightning against him. He’ll shock like pen.

    Angel’s weapon reached it’s enemy, whamming it on the head. The heartless rolled on the ground from the strong attack. Angel’s precious weapon returned in her hand. Now, closing her eyes shut. Her weapon started to spin round and round in her hand. Her weapon caused a light effect to spark out. It’s ready!

    “ Ultimate Lightning!†she whispered, her eyes opened. Angel’s weapon brightened up, with a huge lightning popping out.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Bolting straight away came the lightning shocking the heartless as if it was in a camp fire. Marcus stood there , watching the heartless, electrified.

    “ You’re lucky.†Marcus lowered his head.

    “ You guys can come back to life easily, well us ha… we can’t. We only have one chance of living.†He finished.

    The heartless put his arms over himself, trying to protect itself from the lightning. It was like a static remaining on your finger. Marcus pointed his keyblade at the heartless. My next move, will be my last for this endless battle. The keyblade began to glow with red and blue. Forming in to the color purple.

    “ Surround!†he demanded, bit’s of sweat streamed down Marcus’ forehead. He was wasting a lot of energy. Soon his strength was going to burst.

    A pack of purple gooey stuff came out of Marcus’ keyblade. Slowly it raised itself up in to mid air. Marcus smirked, so far so good.

    “ Drop.†He said, focusing on the heartless. See you. The purple gooey stuff dropped down, landing on the heartless.

    The heartless was forced to lay down on the ground from the purple gooey. Slowly it was spreading itself allover the heartless. With that, the heartless started to fade in black ashes. Marcus made his keyblade disappear from his hand, his fingers were frozen, bits of white sparkles came out from Marcus’ keyblade. With it’s last bit of body, the heartless quickly disappeared, leaving the ground dented and dark.

    Marcus cringed, he slowly put his hand on his back. “ Ouch…†he can feel the pain on his back.

    “ Damn heartless smacked me hard.†He bit his lips, trying not to scream out the pain that was on his back. Half of Marcus’ back was bruised up in red and blue, leaving a huge lump on his back.

    “ I should start moving… can’t stay here forever.†Marcus said, taking his time. One foot at a time. Marcus didn’t want to feel any pain anymore. Well, at least for now.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Kirsty looked around. All she saw were the people, worried and curious about the human laying pale. Quickly she turned around and went back. Shoving the people out of the way.

    “ Excuse me!†Kirsty kept repeating. Trying to get the folks to move out the way.

    Finally, reaching the end of the crowd, Kirsty ran over to a corner to hide from the crowd and other people surrounding her. She placed her left hand firmly on the edge of a building, turning her whole body behind the wall. As if she was playing ring around the rosy with other teenagers.

    “ Appear.†She whispered, coming out quickly came a bright colorful light.

    Her keyblade popped out in to Kirsty’s hand, with the color of the rainbow flowing on the keyblade.

    “ Okay, I know that there’s a heartless lurking around here. But I can’t let anybody see me with this keyblade and if possible, the heartless.†Kirsty nodded to herself.

    Kirsty poked her head out the edge of the building. All she saw was the crowd, babbling off. Okay, now is my chance to make a move- huh? She cocked her head, her hand was tingling, and so was her keyblade.

    “ The heartless is somewhere here!†Kirsty gasped. More and more her hand and keyblade were tingling. The heartless must be getting closer!â€

    “ Bingo!†said a dark voice. Kirsty looked over her shoulder, she saw a huge blue heartless, with ten yellow creamy eyes on each arm.

    “ It was you! You’re the one who took that innocent person’s heart!†Kirsty yelled out to the heartless.

    “ Ha! That ‘innocent’ person you’re talking about surrendered his heart to me.†The heartless smirked. Kirsty went her fighting position.

    “ Liar, you went inside him and took all his light away and his heart!†Kirsty said, her hand was shaking.

    “ What’s the matter!? Why is your hand shaking- crash!†the heartless struck his arm out to the side.

    Kirsty’s body lifted off the ground, quickly her body went flying straight for the brick wall.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “ I don’t care what you heartless say, I want all you heartless out of this world!†Rinn said, turning around slashing some more heartless in halves.

    More heartless appeared, it was almost like an army. Rinn dropped to the ground and panted. She placed her hand over her chest, where her heart was located.

    “ I won’t let you guys take me heart. You have no right to take it away from me.†Rinn stared deeply at the heartless.

    “ Oh really?†said a voice. Rinn’s eyes widened, she was startled. The unknown heartless breath steamed on Rinn’s neck. Rinn slammed her weapon on the ground, making her whole body move a different location.

    The heartless followed, he grabbed Rinn by the hair, pulling her down to the ground. Rinn gritted her teeth trying to relieve the pain. The heartless but her front body flat on the ground. The heartless then placed his hand on Rinn’s back.

    “ No worries human. You won’t remember a thing.†He calmly said. Rinn struggled but other heartless strapped her down, forcing their hands to tighten. Rinn kept struggling, she wasn’t sure if her life was over yet. But it couldn’t end like this.

    Deeply, a black warp forced on Rinn’s back, The heartless slowly went inside Rinn’s body digging in to find her heart. Pure heart. The heartless dug in Rinn’s body, darkness was now spreading.

    Am I dead? No, I’m not.

    “ Well not yet.†Chuckled the unknown heartless.

    “ Get the hell out of body! I don’t need your darkness spreading all over me- ah!†Rinn screamed a pain was released on to her legs. Slowly making it’s way down to her feet.

    “ Ha, I guess you can feel the darkness curling up inside of you. Soon you’ll transform in to a heartless… or just die.â€

    “ I’m not going to die.â€

    “ Well, there is a chance. I could just burst your heart.â€


    The heartless jumped, with a frightful face. Rinn kicked her legs out sending the heartless off her. Slowly she stood up and looked at the heartless.

    “ Taking my heart is a crime, you… you-re just another heartless poorly searching for a heartless. Which you fail at!†Rinn said, bringing her weapon up.

    * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The keyblade was like a golden color, it's chain had a head. A head of someone with big ears.

    " M-Mickey?" Sebax slowly blinked.

    Turning around, it was mickey. Mickey looked over his shoulder, staring at Sebax, taken out.

    " Here." Mickey said, he brought his left hand up, with a green sparkle popping out. It was potion. The green sparkles spirnkled allover Sebax, curing him.

    " T-Thanks!" Sebax perked up. The potion that he was given was elixir. Mickey nodded and turned to him.

    " Fight, we need to get rid of our opponent!" Mickey said. Sebax nodded, he pulled his weapon forward, directly it was pointing at their opponent.

    " Say Mickey... did you come to this world all by yourself?" Sebax asked, as he focused on his opponent.

    " No. Something happened, all the worlds population were disappearing."

    " What about the worlds?" Sebax asked.
    " They remained seated." Mickey answered.

    " Oh come on! Are you two dim-wits finished chatting!?" the heartless asked impatiently.

    Sebax looked at the heartless, he glared. Mickey stared at the heartless as if he had something hidden inside of him. The heartless growled, his hand curled up. With the heartless' yellow eyes, they turned in to red.

    " I want you to attack the heartless while I distract him!" Mickey whispered, beginning to run off to the side.

    Sebax nodded, he raised his keyblade up.
    " Disappear." he whispered softly. Sebax's body disappeared in white ashes. He was now invisible.

    " Hey!" Mickey called out to the heartless, sticking his tongue out. The heartless turned around to Mickey, disgusted by the immature behaviour.

    Now's my chance! Though Sebax. Sebax high jumped in to the air, above the heartless.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The female heartless groaned and looked at Zoe, cheering.

    " Don't you cheer yet sister, you still have to defeat me." said the heartless.

    Zoe changed her mood, she pointed her gun at the heartless. " Oh, but I know I will defeat you." Zoe said, pulled the trigger to a click. The heartless cocked her head.

    " You can't I'm invincible." she said, standing up on her feet.

    " No you're not. You're a heartless, you guys fade away in ashes. It'll be your loss..." Zoe whispered. Quickly she pulled the trigger back, with a bulllet sending itself out freely.

    " AH!" the female jumped in to the air. Again it were those bullet that followed the enemy.

    Zoe jumped in the air, again she pulled the bullet shooting the female heartless. Rappidly Zoe switched her gun, in to a transformation of a red one. It was a huge gun, red though. Bazooka could work well. Zoe placed her eye in the whole, to focus on her enemy. There she was, the female heartless, fleeing from the bullets. Zoe's index finger was placed on the trigger, any second she about to shoot.

    " Shoot." Zoe grinned, she pulled the trigger of the bazooka. The huge bullet came out, shooting the female heartless on the back.

    "No!" the female heartless kicked her feet in the air.

    " Too bad." Zoe said, making her weapon disappear. Smoke was flowing up in the air, from the shot.

    The female heartless was fading in to ashes.

    " You may have won-"
    " Won? I did already, just now." Zoe corrected.
    " Ugh, what ever." the female bit her lips. With the last piece of the heartless, she faded away.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    As Jessica ran, she met a few more heartless. With the urge of taking her heart away. Jessica changed in to her fighting position, with her oblivion ready.

    " It's...nice to meet you guys again." Jessica narrowed her eyes.

    The heartless' jumped in the mid air, above Jessica they pointed their fingers at Jessica with a spark of red light coming out. Jessica looked up. She gasped, quickly, Jessica dodge rolled to the side. The heartless' landed firmly on the ground, from their size they almost looked like shadows but only three arms.

    " Magneta!" Jessica yelled out, with a white ball appearing. It surrounded the heartless, brining them together in a ball.

    Jessica chuckled for a short timing, she got them right she wanted them. If I burst them with lightning, they'll disappear but if more appear I should ignore them. After all my body's getting weak, my strenght is running out. I may not be able to defend. Jessica gulped, her eyes were lowering each minute. She was tired.

    "Lightning!" Jessica took her keyblade up in the air. The cloud formed into a ball, with a white light appearing. A yellow-ish white streak struck down, attacking the heartless. Because of the Magneta, the lightning was able to strike. Metal and Electricity= no. Jessica smiled. The heartless bursted in to a huge gush of ashes.

    " Oh man.." Jessica yawned, her arms fell they were weak. Jessica's oblivion dropped to the ground, disappearing.
    * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *

    " I cannot forgive the heartless for taking my parents away last year.'' said a male voice. He jumped over the river, using a boost.

    He slashed three heartless' with his keyblade. But this keyblade wasn't the same to the rest. Comparing, it's shape and looked was far from apart. His keyblade was made of water-shaped. On his keyblade were animals that lived in the ocean.

    " Bursting!" he commanded. A splash of water bursted out, causing the heartless' to fade and get wet. He controlled water.

    The male's name was Jordan. He's a fifteen year old teenager. Joran had brown spikey hair, dark- blue eyes and a blue t-shirt, matching his jeans.

    " Alright, it's time to take you heartless' out!" Jordan said, with a frown going through his face. He back flipped to the the heartless, with a globe of water appearing on his hand. He threw it on to the heartless.

    " Spike!" Jordan commanded. The globe of water, changed it's form into a spikey beach ball. The heartless' fell over, fading away in ashes.

    Jordan wiped his forehead, using the element water, he washed his face just to cool himself down. He sighed happily. There were no more heartless', just himself out in the woods. He sat down on the dirt and grass. His keyblade disappear in a liquid form. Jordan stared out to the river that he had jumped over a few minutes ago. It then brought an image to his head. An image of the ocean.

    " You guys were always by my side. But instead of my side you guys are on the top." he sighed. All over it had brought the memories of the loss of his parents.

    " If only I could bring you two back to life. Thing's would go back to normal."
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Down in California there was was flame. A flame of destruction.

    " Blizzard, double!" Kitty commanded, a ball of ice came, out burning out the flames. Kitty grinned and jumped for joy.

    Kitty was female, a thirteen year-old teenager. Kitty had short brown hair with red streaks across, her hair was formed in to a pony-tail. She was kind of short, Kitty had a blue eyes. Kitty for jean capris and a red tank-top . What seemed to had stuck out the attention was that she had ears. Cat ears, poking out from her head.

    " Bang!" said a deep voice. Kitty turned around, she leaped over to the building, landing on it's roof.

    " Hey...I could get the hang of this!" she smiled, examining herself. The heartless huffed and stared up at the roof, where Kitty was located.

    " Better be careful, I don't want to make you fall." he teased. Kitty cocked her head, then smirked.

    " Are you going to take me to a shelter, or call the fire men?" she laughed to herself. The heartless sighed, he stomped on the ground.

    As Kitty laughed, she stopped. Right there the stomp that the heartless had made was like an earth quake.

    To be continued.

    Yeap, took me three hours to type this but it was fun:) Sorry it was short, please leave a comment if you'd like.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. Mexony

    Huh? ( I don't get it.)
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mexony
    Can I have popcorn, with no butter? Please?
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony

    o_O. Although I don't have the wii I want to get it to get City Folk, looks cool. Wild World... I like it fireworks today yay.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mexony
    That...was fun!!!! I like the far I died 73 times and Im in 6/20 teeheee I like this game.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  9. Mexony

    I might not have my friends in my class.. I'll have to start over like gr.4 *memories* yeap..took me months. Very poor at making friends...
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mexony
    From what I've seen.

    Best Graphic Artist-tofuman
    Best Username - What?
    Best Artist - darkheart418
    Best Story Writer- Shades
    Knowledgeable of KH - DPWolf
    Best Staff- Darkandroid
    Worst Staff- spdude
    Best Premium - Alex C:
    Best Normal Member- Laurence_Fox
    Best Female Member- Random Angel
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mexony
    Lucky...I start school on the 2nd of September...*turns away*
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mexony
    Is fun:).. Playing it right now...:) *thumbs up*
    Thread by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mexony
    Not to ruin the day..but... there will be no new chapter today. Tomorrow the new chapter will be up because... I'm kind of slow on the typing. I'm sorry.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Mexony


    There's alot of posts.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 22, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mexony


    I'm not sure if theres a control thingy that if someone adds you you approve or not.... not sure...*leavs pie on floor*
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mexony
    Well while I read I would usually eat tortilla's, that is unless one my family members don't catch me stealing them from the fridge. But all the way, I'd be drinking water.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 21, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. Mexony
    I prefer Rock. Rap... I dislike it.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mexony


    I see, I'll miss you. And so will others. School is important though, need to focus to get good grades . Good luck.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Mexony
    He's the last member, he's also the boss. He's very powerful to others...proably more defense and HP.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Mexony
    Well, now I'm reading...Kingdom Hearts Manga's. I have no more books.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: The Playground