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  1. Mexony
  2. Mexony
  3. Mexony
  4. Mexony
  5. Mexony
    Profile Post

    Hey:D *gives apple*

    Hey:D *gives apple*
    Profile Post by Mexony for Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 12, 2008
  6. Mexony
  7. Mexony
  8. Mexony
  9. Mexony
    Profile Post

    Heya Xaale:D

    Heya Xaale:D
    Profile Post by Mexony for Xaale, Sep 12, 2008
  10. Mexony
    I'd say KH2. It's a good game and looks like to be a made movie, it'd be sweetness.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Mexony
  12. Mexony

    From the movie Voces Inocentes. Very sad yet good movie. Here's my entry.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  13. Mexony
    Not sure if it's too late but...

    Make sure you have reflect and that reflect attack on the controls. Like press the square button, and your keyblade will be brought up, reflecting the attack.

    Although I would have my pockets full with two ethers and the rest hi-potion. Sometimes thing's get complicated. When there's the part where Xigbar does his big move, when he starts shooting those lights around you. Run around in a big circle. When he get's in the middle, releasing out a huge attack. With all his snipers surrounding you, I suggest you run in small circle around, go around. Itll chase you but won't touch you. That is if you're quick enough.

    That's all of my information, the rest is easy, it's like repeating most of the time. Make sure you have the strongest keyblade in hand, it'd be easier to handle Xigbar.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  14. Mexony

    Thanks...and I wasn't talking about boyfriends but solve...and you tell the parents I'll tell on you...for something. Thanks for liking the chapter Rexy. (last line...I don't understand)
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony
    Profile Post

    Hey sisterina.

    Hey sisterina.
    Profile Post by Mexony for rexmildd15, Sep 9, 2008
  16. Mexony
  17. Mexony
  18. Mexony
  19. Mexony
  20. Mexony

    The Truth say in truth, I've never heard of you saying you were in a wheel chair before. I'm kind of a late news teen but yeah. I didn't know your age, really. But lieing is bad, it's from what I say " Spicey tongue" but I never knew you were lieing.. but if it's in case..I'll forgive you.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone