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  1. Mexony
  2. Mexony
  3. Mexony

    Lol, thankyou for the comment, Xaale. Glad you liked it.

    Yesh. Yesh you are =]

    Sure I'll make a note on that *thumbs up* I don't mind you going to Twilight, it'll be interesting for characters to go to other worlds.

    Glad you liked it, Mail Jeevas. Next chapter shall be posted up on Saturday.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 22, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Mexony
    I'm practicing on making more good sigs so yeah... These sigs are related to FF, I didn't put any text because I had none in mind. So, cnc, please?





    Thread by: Mexony, Sep 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Mexony
    Profile Post

    How's life going?

    How's life going?
    Profile Post by Mexony for Cherry Berry, Sep 21, 2008
  6. Mexony
    Anna Molly- by Incubus.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony
    I like all of them, except mine. I sharpened mines too much ( true..)

    Wabba: The effects are nice and colour of it meshes well.
    Pepto: The way it looks adds a terror in me but I like the blur that surrounds.
    Shades: The faint lines match in quite well, I like whole buildings and effects.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  8. Mexony
    I'm a 90's kid but..never have I heard of it (no offense to anyone) but it sounds very interesting and memorable to other. I respect that.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mexony
    Well today is the new chapter. Yesh. I actually started somewhere on Tuesday since I decided to get out of my lazy chair. So here it is, the new chapter. As we should know, it's group 2's turn so, if you're not in this group... then please don't fuss or complain about it, I don't want to deal with complaints. If you have an questions, feel free to pm me or add me. Which ever way works for you. *scrolls* I thank the songs I listened to *snicker* they...had me pay more attention to the chapter then some videos I'd usually watch.

    Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth
    Chapter 7: Ran----speed.

    Quickly, Danny felt some tickle feeling. He looked below, seeing his whole body disappearing one by one. Danny was surprised at the fact that it actually worked! He looked to his feet, they were gone already and yet he could still stand, not float. Looking back up, his smile he had brought up went back to a bored and curious face, meshed. Namine disappeared, but where to?

    “ Well, I’ll probably see her later.†Danny said, glancing around. His surroundings were turning in to the color blue and white.

    As he was disappearing he stopped himself and thought about what Namine said back earlier, before she disappeared.

    “All Earthlings are in trouble. From my presence I can feel Maleficent planning something.â€

    “That’s when I said I would stop Maleficent. But by looking at Namine’s face, it seemed to be that she didn’t feel well at all. Or maybe she was meant to say something else.†He said to himself.

    He continued to fade away, Danny’s hands were gone. All that was left of him was his head, he was disappearing also. He was ready. Ready to go to another world. After the minutes of taking time, he was set. A white warp whole entered, Danny fell onto the white platform. He stared up, it was blanked, but he could feel the speed running. Like he was on top of a go-train, speeding. He struggled to his feet, he can feel the platforms vibrating. But then they stopped.

    Was he at his destination? Suddenly, the white platform disappeared. Danny noticed, he saw dirt meshed together with a few pebbles. Finally, the scenery was changing. It formed to a dirt world, with mountains and cliffs. Ahead were trees hanging out. Danny smiled.

    “Pride Lands!†he excitedly jumped in the air. As he landed he fell on to his back. “Man..†he whined, as he tried to stand he flipped over to his feet. He noticed something different.

    “Don’t tell me…†he looked down. PAWS!? Danny stared at them, he had fur placed on him. Danny looked around there was no one but himself. He was satisfied that this transformation actually happened.

    “Sweet.†He put a smirk on his face.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “ Not to mention, long nails to.†Len said.

    “Claws probably.†Lynn mouthed.

    Both females, kept staring at the heartless until it made it’s move. The heartless jumped and disappeared.

    “Where did it go?†Len looked around, trying to track down the heartless. Lynn did the same.

    A big paw landed on the ground, shaking. It turned to Lynn and Len. It growled right at the two, his teeth were showing. You could see his anger and hate running through his veins. That is if he had one. He raised his paw up, Lynn steadied herself, in her position. Len used all her magic, creating long lasting shields for Lynn and herself.

    “ Alright, anytime it’ll attack.†Lynn focused on the heartless, she didn’t blink but focus. Len spun her weapon to be prepared. Ready.

    The heartless closed it’s mouth, it stared at Lynn and Len. He growled and made an angry voice. Throwing his paw out it headed straight for the females. Lynn jumped over and through her weapon out, stabbing it’s paw and then used a globe of fire. Burning off bits of it’s fur. Len shielded her self, she felt a bump on the shield. The heartless had attacked her but it didn’t hurt. When Len realized, it was Lynn that attacked the heartless before it did it’s business.

    “ Whoa.†Lynn wiped the early sweat off her forehead. She nodded to Len, it was her turn.

    Len back flipped to the air, she stood on air. Her feet were placed on the air she stood on. It was named the invisible platform. She spun her weapon in circles, until it looked like a helicopter’s top. She released it. It went running out, smacking the heartless behind it’s head. She cheered. The heartless didn’t.

    “ Painful yet powerful!†smiled.
    The heartless groaned, it’s body fell over to the side. But quickly it stood up.

    “ Boy, that thing doesn’t get tired huh?†Lynn said.

    “ True that.†Len said, panting.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Dr.Nywn stood in front of the figure.

    “Luck no. Skills? Yes.†He smirked.

    The figure, looked of at Nywn. He glared, the look on his face was the look of someone who just got expelled from school. Dr.Nywn felt his pockets, feeling his potion. No leak so far. But what would’ve happen if it did leak or break. Which ever way. Slowly he looked to his palm of his left hand. He felt a presence of an upcoming event. A big event.

    “ Why stand? You would’ve had a chance to finish me off!†the figure stood up, wiping the small minerals off his clothing.

    “ I have more in store.†Dr.Nywn said, he raised his fist, clenched it and pounded the figure on the face. His knuckles did most the damage.

    The figure’s face flipped to the left, from the punch. Fist fight. Nywn had thought. The figure put his hand over his cheek he was angry. His eyes were tight, his mouth didn’t move but gave a small pout.

    “ Now did that hurt?†Dr.Nywn teased, taking a few steps back. The figure shook his head, he chuckled for a moment.

    “ No that didn’t. You hit like a girl.†He insulted. Dr.Nywn didn’t dare to move. He wanted for the “knocked†guy to make a move.

    “ What’s the matter! Offended-“ The figure was interrupted with another punch in the face. But instead, Nywn punched his nose. There was a soft low crack when he had punched the guy. Blood was beginning to stream down the figure’s nose. It’s color was crimson, it streamed down to the end of the chin. It dripped on his shoes and concrete, staining it quickly.

    “ You have a bad mouth. I ought to crash your head of walls of stone.†Dr.Nywn threatened.

    “ Heh, you got some good words your saying there, my friend.†He grinned, trying to communicate with Nywn.

    “Yeah right. They’re just some examples.†Dr.Nywn said.

    “Oh? Well to bad!†he yelled, he jumped on to Nywn and pulled out a sharp weapon he had hidden for quite a long time.

    It was sharp and pointy. It had a black short five centimeter handle and the rest was silver and pointy, like a tip of a birthday hat. It’s looks had reflected any light. It was a knife. Long and sharp. Nywn’s eyes widened. He had his eyes focused on the sharp object. It was yet an illegal weapon to be used in any place. That was unless if it was for a good reason. This wasn’t a reason. This was chance of an murder, crime or death.

    “ Give me your potion!†he shouted at Dr.Nywn’s face. And that was he wanted, maybe because of what Nywn had put in the potion. Special ingredients.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Amber nodded to Demyx. She leaped up, standing on her two feet. She released her weapon out.

    “ Alright, you’ll pay for what you’ve done!†Demyx shouted over, stringing his Sitar. He plucked the lines with his fingers, giving a rock and roll tune. G notes, F notes appeared out smacking the heartless off.

    The heartless landed on his back. The pain released out on him, giving him an echo inside.

    “ Your turn.†Demyx said. He took Amber’s hand and swung her across from him. She grabbed on to the shelf as she was swung. Her hands grabbed on tightly on the shelf. She didn’t want to let go.

    “ You dumb humans!†the heartless bursts out in anger. He turned his head to Amber. I’ll just go after her. The heartless thought to himself.

    Amber’s eyes met the heartless’. Her eyes were glued in to his eyes. There was some kind of power she felt, and the presence was like a boiled feeling. Something was burning in there.

    Demyx held his Sitar steadily, he didn’t want to move. The heartless would’ve thought of charging for Demyx instead of Amber. Who knows what the heartless was thinking. But thinking would have to contain brain or veins...heart probably.

    “ Go ahead. Come at me.†Amber said, she lifted her chin up. She wasn’t afraid of the heartless. Throughout her journey last year, she fought with plenty of heartless and there were no problems. They were all dealt with.

    “ It sounds like you want to get this over with.†The heartless slowly began to walk towards Amber. Amber flinched for a second and then kept her cool.

    “ Getting over with this would sound much better. After all, it’s boring to watch the match to keep going-“

    “Yet it’s exciting.†He hissed.

    “ True. But this match has been far long and it’s time for it to come to an end!†Amber jumped to the heartless. Her feet kicked at it’s face. The heartless struggled to capture her but eventually he caught her foot. He pulled Amber’s foot close to him, yanking her down. Amber’s eyes widened, she felt the heartless squeezing her foot tight. Soon, there would be a bruise for sure.

    Demyx stopped watching and made his move.

    “Double clash!†he demanded. Two big liquid waves raised itself from the ground. One wave was across another. Demyx whispered something to himself and then after strummed his strings hard. The waves came at each other, colliding. The liquid-y water splashed all over.

    Amber fell to the ground, not wet but protected.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Ampex was getting ready to jump out of the way. Until he felt a rush of a force run through his blood. A gust of cold wind blew through Ampex’s eyes. He was frozen inside his body.

    " Dodge it! Ampex?" Xaale cocked her head, she felt a worried feeling inside of her.

    I-I can't move! But why? Could it be that magic that those dumb enemies used? My body is cold and numb...mostly cold. I need to move! If I don't I'm done for! Ampex had thoughts running through his mind. Mostly the negatives.

    Xaale shook her head, she began to sprint for Ampex. " Try to move damn it!" Xaale shouted to Ampex. Ampex was beginning to try, he felt a big force pulling his down while he tried to go up. Xaale jumped out, she had her two hands in front of her. As she reached Ampex, her hands touched the side of his arms. Ampex felt her hand touch his arm. Right away, Ampex fell over as Xaale pushed him out of the way.

    The fire quickly passed them by, disappearing. Ampex looked at Xaale. He saw her on her knees, with dirt marks on her clothing.

    " Are you okay!?" Ampex crawled over to Xaale. Xaale looked up.

    " Yeah, but..why weren't you moving?" Xaale asked.

    " There was some kind of force holding me down, I couldn't move, lift a finger...anything!" he exclaimed. Xaale nodded, she turned around. She glared at the enemy.

    The heartless hopped to the side. He raised his head at them, giving them a nasty face. Ampex lifted his index finger up.

    " Deep freeze!" he commanded. A string of ice came out, heading for the red headed heartless. Xaale used her two hands and placed the on the ground.

    " E.Q" she whispered sofly.

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Austin took a few steps forward he looked at the object or heartless. Leon put his hands in his pockets, meaning that he was allowing Austin to check it out.

    " So." Leon began.

    Austin perked up and looked over his shoulder. His eyes were focused on Leon. " So what?"

    " What's the thing?" Leon said, his eyes were closed. It almost looked like he was asleep or just chilling out. Either way, he was listening.

    " Oh! I haven't check out." Austin answered. He crept over. His facial expression changed. His eyes were glowing with spirt. He was smiling.

    Leon open one of his eye lids.

    " So?"

    Austin turned around and used his hand, in a come forward motion. He was signalling Leon to come stand over where he was. Leon brushed his hands and walked over to Austin. His eyes widened, he had small grin on his face

    " Oh. Now that's luck." Leon said.

    Austin felt a rush of hapiness inside of him.

    " It's alot also!" he looked over to Leon.

    " So, you going to take it?"

    " Take it? Why?"

    " What do you humans say down here about finding something?"

    " Oh well it's finder's-" he was interrupted by Leon.

    " Finder's keepers loser's something something." Leon said.

    " Uh...yeah."

    * * * * * * * * * **

    To be continued.

    Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment if you'd like. Next Saturday is group 3's turn. =-)
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony
    I was switched to another classroom...I felt like I was losing my favourite teacher that i had always wanted but now...yeah. I'll only see him once. So...I have new faces in my class so that means making some friends to me...but it's easy to.

    What's I'm trying to say mom and family wants to stop chewing on my sweaters and collars and start talking to people. Usually I'm shy, I don't say a word to anyone..not that i don't like them but...I just have this shy thing coming up. I also want to improve on my communication with people...I don't talk at all to some. I'll only talk to close Muxene. So...can someone help me get rid of my shy bugs me. This shy thing has been going since Kindergarten or garden..
    Thread by: Mexony, Sep 20, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  11. Mexony
    I think you are an interesting person, Mexony.
    Thank you for that remark.
    Hello there Mexony.
    Hello. What is your name?

    Post by: Mexony, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mexony
    Hello God.
    Hello child. What is your name?
    Hi there Mexony.
    Me:'s life?
    That's interesting. What is it to you.
    That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
    Uh, ok.
    OK. OK.
    So...what you up too?
    Right on. It's a computer matter, not for humans to understand.
    You said something I didn't understand one bt.
    That's not what I meant.
    Tell me more.
    That input matched my default category.
    My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
    You change alot of subjects.
    Spare some change? G.
    Gold you mean?
    Are you really a ""?
    HEY! Nasty man.
    Can I help you? What's your sign?
    Dr. Wallace is a Leo too.
    Oh really?
    Dude! For real.
    Dudette actually.
    What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.

    And I keep on talking with him. Yay iGod.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mexony
    I kind of liked it. It interested me, although it was difficult to me.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Mexony
    Which would your prefer-

    Indoor or Outdoor type of person?
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mexony

    Yeah, I was going to review the whole and edit but my time went up. But thanks for pointing them out, Trogdor. I'll make sure that when the next part comes I'll review and edit the mistakes.

    EDIT: I'm going to type my next part now, it's short but worth to type out. Forgive the No--y part, I don't really want to type my full name out. No one know's about the name Mexony except for Hexia and Muxene. There are some names I made up. ( I don't want to say the real names)

    Month September
    Day 18
    Year 8.

    It was already the afternoon. I had finished eating my lunch I had packed myself. A sandwich, one juice box and a bag of sunships I bought early in the morning. School was near it's end. Just two more hours and the bell will ring. Signalling us that school is over for all the students.

    For the fourth period, it was Music. Great, I would have to finish out some music sheet our music teacher would hand out, as always.

    " Alright class-" my homeroom teacher raised his right hand up, signalling the students to stop talking and to look forward. He nodded.

    " So I'll call out each group by one to line up by the window. Make sure you put your lunch bag in the blue basket." He pointed to the corner of the room.

    " Also, make sure you have your binders and bags ready for Music class." he said. He turned around and walked off to his desk.

    ~Music class~

    Before we had Music. A teacher whom had short blonde hair, asked the whole class to carry out all the desk from her classroom and to put them in the dance room. Most of the students helped out carrying a desk, I helped. Some other students decided to stand and watch.

    Once we have taken all the desks out and placed them in dance room. We were able to enter the Music room. But that's what the music teacher said. It was actually a french room for the french immersion students. But now it was Music room, yes.

    "Okay everyone I want you all to sit on a chair, alphabetically." she said, looking at some students. Most were the males.

    I took a blue navy chair and sat near the end of the 'horse shoe'. Sitting beside my friend and a boy that I never spoke too. Not that I wanted to speak to him, I just didn't feel the need too. After all, he took me a shy girl, talking to no one but friends only. That was fine.

    I settled my binders on the floor, near my chair. So I could see them. I didn't want anyone to touch my binders and dig in through my personal stuff and my drawings I always drew that people would call "sick" ( By sick, I mean good...)

    " Alright, I'm going to hand out some sheets. And I want to the to be handed in by the end of class. So that means your have at least... fourty-five minutes." said the Music teacher, handing out a white written sheet to each student. When I recieved mines, it was stapled. There was about five sheets.

    " Oh my god No--y! We have to do all that Beethoven stuff!" my friend freaked out. She kept slapping her index finger on the sheet. I laughed for a short time.

    " Well, that's unless you actually focus on your work. Besides, you're smarter than me. If it were me doing this alone at home, I'd be stuck. Basically what I'm trying to say...I would fail." I said to my friend.

    She laughed and then nudged my right arm. " I know. But the best you won't get stuck is to look at the questions first and then boom." she said.

    " Aww but that takes long for me. Can I...copy you?" I smirked. She shook her head. I respected that. But the reason for asking was because, all the explaining questions... I tend to answer them wrong.

    ~ twenty minutes later~

    I heard a noise from behind me. It was door, somebody was opening it. As I stared, the door pushed open, showing the face of the principal. In his hand he held a lime sheet of paper.

    " Okay everyone, settle down." he said, glancing around the classroom. I set my pencil down and looked to the principal.

    " Now, we all know that your homeroom teacher handed out a sheet about the re-organization sheet. And as you know, we have two teacher whom have joined in. Few of you will be switched to another class. So, take a deep breath." he said.

    Some students took a deep breath and looked to the teacher, hoping that they wouldn't switch to another class. After all... our homeroom teacher was funny and cool at times.

    Then the principal began, " Alex, Tara, Deena, Michael, No--y and Sanjot."

    My heart pounded, I could feel it. Great.

    " Those whom I have called out, please take all your binders and follow me. We're going to the Staff Room." the principal said, turning around, facing the door.

    I bended down and picked up my binders that were placed on the floor. I said good-bye quietly and walked out the class room. But from the switch thing... I actually wanted to switch. But didn't. It was half.

    Post by: Mexony, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. Mexony
    From hearing about the hurricane on the news, it sounds pretty bad. Hopefully people were okay and everything will turn out to be okay.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mexony
    Overall, it was good. I liked and I'm looking forward to it. But what I'm questioning, what does P.O.V mean? Still good story, keep it up.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. Mexony
    Something I remember from today, it sounded kind of interesting to me so, yesh. I'm thinking of typing this all out. I feel the need to type this out.

    Month September.
    Day 16.
    Year 8.

    Today was another day. It was around 6 o'clock in the morning. It was one of those days kids would have in September through June. School.

    " I guess I have to get ready." I sighed.

    Looking over, I could see my bare feet, bright and cold. My finger tips were cold also and so was my nose. But enough of that. I changed my clothings, from pajama's to regular clothing's I would usually wear on a school day. From changing, I tip-toed over to my mom's room. I ran out of socks to were so the only choice was to take of of hers.

    Slowing I held it's handle and gave it a good pull. Revealing white socks, black and blue. I took the white socks, I felt the need to match the clothing I was wearing.

    ~Heading out~

    After a good breakfast and a good reading I walked out my home. Everyone in my family was heading out to a place. Me and my sister, school. My parents headed off to work and my other sister, somewhere.

    I held my string bag and my backpack. Where my string bag held of gym clothes, and my backpack held my binders. For the pad of note, I didn't feel like going to school. 1) I wanted to sleep late for once.. 2) I didn't want to go to school. But I shouldn't complain. There will be no school on Friday.

    My sister unlocked the nissan's car door. I opened the door, setting my bags inside the seat. I took a step in so I could settle my bags. Then, my other foot stepped in. I sat down in the back seat to the left, buckeling myself up. Safety first. Never, ever drive without your seatbelt. (I've already learned a lesson from that when I was six years old.)

    As everyone was settled in the vehicle, my sister started the engine. Engaging the keys in. The engines turned on, the vehicle we sat in vibrated for a moment. I put my left hand under my chin, settling my elbow on the supports. I stared out the window, thinking of what would happen today. Either we would recieve loads of homework or be free for once. From thinking of that, I was losing my luck.

    ~ Arriving at destination~

    I leaped out of the car, with my bags. Pecking my parents and sibling on the cheek. I said my goodbye's and waved, so did my sister. We walked out and began to chat for a little.

    " You know, in the winter time...what we're walking on now used to be covered with ice. It was funny though. Watching people slip on their bums making a fool of themselves." I snickered.

    "Oh my god, you're so mean!" my sister said, with a grin. She knew she wanted to laugh.

    " I realized that but it's true! They should've taken the stairs to get down...but it is funny watching people fall. That is unless they injure themselves, badly." I said, pulling my hands in my sweater to keep warm.

    " So, where's your friend?" my sister asked me, pulling her bag forward.
    " I don't know, probably still walking."
    "And the other one?"
    " Walking too I guess. Or maybe her dad drove her. Ah, which ever way." I grinned.

    Hope I actually make a move. I don't want to be one of those shy girls who doesn't talk to anyone but hide in their shells. I actually want to make a new friend for once! I thought. I looked over my shoulder, no friends. Just students walking down the small hill.

    " So..."
    " I hope I don't have any homework." I admitted.
    " Why's that?"
    " Everytime I get home I end up taking my time. Leaves me five hours of spare time. Not much left you know... I had so many things I wanted to do." I lowered my head.

    " Speaking of friends (from before) isn't that one of them?" my sister pointed out. We both turned around. Heh, well it is one of them.


    I left my bag at the corner of the wall. Still, we haven't recieved our lockers . But today was going to change.

    " 3, 2, 1." the teacher said, with his hand held up for the student's attention. Everyone stopped talking their love stuff and looked up ahead.

    "Well, today you're going to do your bellwork for uh,about fifteen minutes and then we'll present to the class of the interesting things you've read in the newspaper. After, I'll be called groups ( rows actually) to give them their locker number. But listen carefully! If you don't have a lock now, please don't come up to me, I'm telling you- I am not giving you your locker number until I see a lock." the teacher annouced, looking at the students to make sure if they understood.

    Luckily, I had my lock in my bag. I looked around the class, students were talking about girls and boys from other classes. Telling their thoughts about one other students. Some asked others about seeing a cute boy that was walking infront.

    I sickened me. I didn't like it nor' appreciated the fact that students were actually talking about this stuff. Sure it was the age...but they should say it somewhere else, phone, home where ever. It gets me angry at this stuff. I didn't care about any love of students. As I was told, I'm not aloud to get a boyfriend until I'm at an appropriate age. I agree.

    " Goodmorning everyone!" the annoucements have started.
    " Please stand for the playing of O'Canada and a moment of silent refection." The music began.

    I stood up, my fingers pressed against the desk, I looked over at the clear black chalkboard. I had no clue to what I was staring at. Imagination? The music stopped, now was silent reflection. I bit my lips as I waited, my feet were bothering me.

    " You may now take a seat." one of the annoucers said.

    I sat down onto my navy blue low chair. I looked at the newspaper and read some interesting articles. Some about murders, drinking , scores of sports games, it was all interesting. I bit the sleeve of my sweater, I was beginning to have the feeling of no end in class. But in the afternoon, it'll end and I'll return home, tired.
    Thread by: Mexony, Sep 16, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    This was very good. I enjoyed the part when they entered the church. Keep up the good work, The Fifth Element.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Mexony
    I find this tutorial very useful. It makes me want to defeat Xemnas all over.
    Post by: Mexony, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help