I haven't played KH II in two months or more. Probably because I was bored or never have the "alone" time to play it. But I'm hoping to play it this weekend.
Breath - Breaking Benjamin.
It'll be 10 years more or less but...all I ever want to be is a Writer. Writing novels, poems, fan-fiction books. It'll be shweet.
Above me is, Master of the Onyx Falme and below me is Moodkip.
Not to bring this thread back up, but I'm just letting every member know (that likes the story) that there will be no chapter on Saturday. Currently, I'm kind of busy with some personal things I'm working out. So yesh, I'm sorry for raining it down. So the new chapter will be on Sunday.
Note: Well today for sure, will be the new chapter. After being lazy I promise to not to repeat and I'll try. Kind of hard coming up with ideas, if you have any ideas for your character to go somewhere or something to happen, let me know. Please. So anyways, today's the new chapter with group 3. This Saturday will be group's 4 turn and then we restart. So...*scrolls* Also, it's not news but I'm currently working on the plot of my new KH FanFic- SoS. Meaning, Son of Sora. So yesh. My apologies for mistakes in this chapter. I was rushing from the time I had. Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth Chapter 8: An injury won’t stop. The heartless firmly placed his hand on the ground, pushing himself up with a force. He flew in the air, dodging Jack’s magic attack. “ Ha!†The heartless’ eyes glowed. A yellow laser eye came out, shooting for Jack. “ Reflect!†he pulled over an invisible shield. It reflected the laser light, shooting right back at the heartless’ eyes. The heartless put his hands over his eyes. Sounds like it was burning him inside. “ Three, two…†Jack stared at the heartless. “One.†The heartless was beginning to fade away. Jack had knew the timing of when a heartless would fade away. Either way, he’d feel it coming. Jack took a few steps forward, finding a golden small chain on the ground. It was a six centimeter golden chain. On it, there was something written on it but it was hard to read. Half the words were scratched up blurred. Jack bended down, using his right hand to pick up the golden chain. The chair laid in his palm in the center. “ Must belong to some one.†Jack said out loud. He closed his hand with the chain inside. Quickly, he hid it in his side pockets. Jack looked around to check if anyone was looking. Anyone could be hiding, starving for the chain. Wanting to have their hands on it. There’s a 50 % chance of somebody wanting to steal it. Keep it for themselves. The male began to walk. Step by step his feet would make a foot print for every one. “ Wait a second.†Jack quickly looked over his shoulder. He saw no one but his footprints. Suddenly he was on sand. But why? “ You caught on.†Said a voice. Jack turned around. Standing a few centimeters away from him was a dirty blonde short spiked male. He had three piercings on his eyebrow, another was in between the nostrils. “ I’ll explain once we introduce.†He grinned. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The lightning came out from her weapon, in a form of twigs and branches. The heartless looked up at her with his eyes popped out. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Angel smirked, she felt a feeling of victory inside of herself. The lightning came running for the heartless, quickly it wrapped itself around the heartless giving it a death shock. The heartless was screaming in pain, very painful. Angel’s legs began to wobble. Her face changed. The heartless began to fade away, while that he watched Angel fall to her knees. He chuckled. “ Damn.†She muttered. Her knees were now on ground, her whole body was shaking. For a reason it has to do with her surroundings. “ There’s a positive thing.†The heartless spoke. Angel’s eyes met the heartless’ she tilted her head to the side. “ What’s the positive?†she coughed after her words. “ You defeated me. But what’s positive for me… is that you wasted half your HP. That’s good for me because.†He stopped and looked around and then back at Angel. Hissing, “ More will come.†Angel cringed for a moment and felt the numbness in her fingers. “ So many heartless, they kill most of you humans. Only few in the world have the ability to use powers like you. But sadly, your weak. Which means, your life is shortened.†He said and then, disappeared in ashes. Angel shook her head, Heartless makes sense but… seriously! There can’t be more in store. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Ow!†Marcus squeezed his arm. Although there was pain on his back, there had to be something to grip on. Marcus bit his lips once more. “ Darn heartless. His back attack thing really affected me.†He silently said. Marcus took one step at a time to get to his destination. Step by step he felt the need to stop. But he kept going. As he walked, suddenly there was a faint voice in the atmosphere. Marcus cocked his head and stopped his walk. He took a glance around. “ I swear I heard something-.†“ Well you did.†Said a voice. Marcus swung himself around and found another heartless. Man… Marcus sighed and released his weapon out. The heartless laughed and took a few steps back. “ Surprised? Well, just because you defeated one that doesn’t mean there won’t be any more. A new version that Maleficent has installed was the speaking. “ the heartless smiled. “ And it all comes from you humans.†Marcus gasped, his eyes widened from the word “ humansâ€. He stared at the heartless with deep eye. He feared that this heartless would have more information about Maleficent. Ah yes, Maleficent. The woman who almost took over Marcus’ entire body. “ Don’t go asking questions boy.†The heartless chuckled. “ Why?†he lifted an eyebrow. “ Some may be wrong some may be right. But as heartless’, it’s our job to lie.†“ What does Maleficent want?†he asked, taking steps closer to the heartless. The heartless shrugged it’s shoulders. “ Who knows, love, victory… it could be anything.†Marcus pointed his index finger out summoning the magic, “ Firara!†A flame of fire came out from his index finger, running straight for the heartless. The heartless reflected the attack and quickly put on some kind of potion. Probably Ether. Marcus sacrificed his right arm, having the fire burn on it. He closed his eyes, squeezing from the painful reflect. “ For a boy, you got some talent.†Marcus looked up and glared at the heartless. Talent? Who said I had talent? “ Just because you can talk, doesn’t mean you can shut your mouth for once like the other wimpy heartless’! “ he taunted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kirsty felt a thump on the back of her head. The brick wall was hard, she felt a crack on one of her bones. The heartless smirked, watching Kirsty get injured. Her hands flew up in the air, as her whole back crashed on the wall. Her eyes were closed, the pain was rushing in her body. Slowly she fell down to the surface. Her right cheek landed right on the concrete, as the rest of her body did as well. The heartless walked over her and stepped on her back, he move his foot left and right like a snow angel. He laughed at Kirsty. She was laying there, not responding. The heartless had thought he had defeated a member of Kingdom Hearts. Now was his chance to take her heart away and seal her into the darkness. Kirsty! Don’t fear that heartless! He’s nothing but a monster, trying to take your heart away! All the feelings you had, it’ll all be gone! Wake up, the match isn’t over yet! Don’t give up hope! If you listen to your heart and focus- it’ll be alright! Light stand with you and always will. Remember your mom and the rest of your family! They love you and so do you! Don’t let the heartless take it away! Kirsty’s eyes opened. She felt the blood running down her cheek. She felt the pain on her back, the heartless’ foot stomping on her repeatedly. She poked out her pinky and spoke in her mind. Blizzara. A cold ice, snow-y form of a globe appeared out and knocked the heartless’ chin. The heartless flew up and crashed his bottom on the surface, few steps away from Kirsty. “ Now…is my………… chance to……attack.†Her words were soft and quiet. Every time she tried to speak, her throat would dry up, she had no saliva in her. The more she spoke, her lips would stretch in a pain and her jaw would hurt. Kirsty tried to move but couldn’t. Her whole body was injured, mostly the back of her head. She can feel the blood streaming down, giving out a ticklish feeling. But the ticklish feeling was a feeling of pain. A sign of pain. Again, Kirsty’s eyes were beginning to close. Damn it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The heartless glared at Rinn. Rinn was all steady, her weapon in hand. She high jumped In the air and then, threw her weapon right at the heartless’ head. “ Magnet!†she commanded, quickly she moved to the other side. “Reflect!†she pulled her arms over herself and then came a shield coming over her. She watched the heartless’ receive it’s beatings. She grinned, it got what it deserved. As she watched she saw the heartless’ body fading in ashes. What a great move. Sebax jumped forward and slashed the heartless. Quickly the heartless wasn’t dumb, he noticed Sebax’s attack. He struck his hand out, facing Sebax. “ Teleport~†he whispered. Mickey’s eyes widened, his body was quickly disappearing. Mickey had a worried face put on him. He looked at Sebax and nodded. Sebax examined his body as well, he was also fading away. What ever that heartless did had an experience before in the past. Heartless’ can be reborn in different sizes. Truthfully, this heartless could have died at least three times. The heartless was now gone, Rinn grinned and pulled up the sleeve of her pants. She saw nothing but a black vein. She gritted her teeth together. “ This is serious-ah!†Rinn fell down to the ground. Her eyes closed, she felt a weight on her body. Opening her eyes she saw a male, lying there like he just figured out a confusing question. “ Excuse me.†Rinn said, trying to breath. Sebax looked down, he gasped and quickly got off of Rinn. He scratched the back of his head and laughed a little. “Whoops, sorry! Didn’t see you there you see I was in the middle of fighting and this heartless went all rawr rawr at me. After, he used some kind of magic on me so I faded away with King Mickey-.†“ King Mickey? Where did you see him.†Rinn grabbed the collar of Sebax’s top clothing. He pinched her off and sighed. “ Yeah and what sucks is that…1) I lost the mouse. 2) I lost a pretty damn battle!†he went in a bit of berserk. Rinn shrugged, “ Well, what ever heartless does is a surprise.†* * * * * * * * * * * Zoe smiled, she had gotten her victory. She slowly turned her hands from left to right to get the release of pain, after holding on to her weapons for the fight. " Oh jeez. Now what?" Zoe sighed. She was bored already, no more heartless to be fought. But the last few battles, she had herself fired up. All pumped up, ready to beat up any heartless. Zoe slowly walked forward, hoping for more heartless to come. It was challenging and fun to defeat the heartless. She released her gun out and glanced around. " Maybe, if they sense me they'll-" Zoe turned around and pulled the trigger right away. The bullet was released and flew hitting the branch of the tree. It flunged and fell to the ground. She smirked. I know there's a heartless, I can sense it. And what ever I just hit was camoflauging. " You imbecile!" shouted a dark deep voice. Zoe examined the branch she shot at and saw a bit of an odd color. Purple. " Well, your hiding stinks and... I can sense a presence of a heartless." she said, pulling the trigger once more, with the bullet coming out and shooting the heartless on one body part. Zoe teleported around, her feet on the top of the branch. "Reveal!" she commanded. The branch changed, showing a heartless hanging up side down with bloody teeth. She gasped. The heartless snickered and quickly grabbed Zoe by the collar. She was hanging down, the top clothing pulled up, covering her neck. She felt a choke feeling. " Suprised? And yes, I did kill some humans but my way. It's a way to get hearts and their souls." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * As Jessica saw her oblivion disappear she noticed herself fading away. She then remembered, in her dream. The day before Kingdom Hearts came, she heard a voice in her dream. Although her dream was not related to Kingdom Hearts, still she heard a voice. The voice was:When you find yourself fading, that means you earned the energy to teleport to a farther distance. Jessica grinned, her eyes shortened, she felt a joy inside of her. " What ever that voice said, I think I got the chance!" Jessica happily said. She closed her eyes and inhaled and exhaled. She shook her hands and stomped on her feet. The excitement feeling inside her like a roller coaster ride or a presentation that was going to be marked on your report card. " I wish to teleport to...Twilight Town." Jessica firmly said. Quickly the color of her fadense was turning to a pinkish color with a touch of orange. The background was relating to fade color's. As she faded, it was up to her neck, her whole body was gone. You could only see a faint of her body but it looked like she was half invisible. Touching the top of her head, the background changed. Jessica opened her eyes and noticed she was in an orange portal. It was almost like the weird portal to head to The World That Never Was. Jessica was abit unsure if she should move or not. But upahead she could see building sworming like waves. She took a deep breath and walked to the portal. Her hands went first, she could feel a breeze out there. Soon, she walked right through with her whole body. Arriving, she felt a nice warm breeze blowing. She gazed around. Officialy, she was in Twilight Town. * * * ** * * * * ** * * * " I mean, thing's would be normal. Like kids hanging with parents. Having a warm dinner..." Jordan put his head down on his knees. He curled up in a sitting ball and breathed in and out. He didn't feel the need to bring tears. " You guys...you'll see. I'll bring you back to life. All heartless' will be gone and then-" " You'll be a happy family?" said a male voice. Jordan jumped and looked infront of him. Standing was a man in a black cloak. His black shoes on the ground. He looked up and examined the shrouded man. "Who're you?" Jordan cocked his head. The black cloak man put his hands on the side of his hood and lifted it, pulling it back down. Jordan's eyes widened, he recognize the guy anywhere! " Xigbar!?" Jordan was shocked and kind of happy. He hasn't been close to a real character yet. But it was all good. Jordan poked Xigbar on the cheeks and hips. Xigbar slapped his hand off and fixed his eye patch. " Lil' dude you got some doubt going down. But now, after seeing the Xig-man-" Jordan stopped poking and raised and eye brow at him. " Lil' dude? You've got to be kidding me." he laughed. Xigbar's cheeks turned red. Perhaps what he had said was too early. The eye patched man closed his left hand and brought it up to his mouth. " Ahem." Jordan stopped and looked at Xigbar. " Anyways, from seeing you earlier... you had a lot of doubt on you. But now, you seem to be happy." Jordan bit his lips and narrowed his eyes. No longer looking at Xigbar. " From looking at you in the beginning I thought you could help me along my way. And plus, I haven't been that close to an awesome member!" Jordan said. * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * Kitty lost her balance she fell over on her knees. The hard concrete...ouch. Kitty cursed silenty and rubbed her knees. The heartless laughed and stomped repeated causing Kitty to jump up and down and then, fall over. He looked at the look of Kitty and pointed at her. " Who's laughing now! Hmmm?" he teased. Kitty looked up, she sat down and pointed her weapon on the heartless and muttterd two words under her breath. A cold stick came out and shocked the heartles. The heartless stopped in motion, his mouth open. A box of ice surrounding him, he was frozen. Kitty leaped over to the heartless and ran around the box of ice. The heartless move his eyes from left to right. He was wondering what Kitty was going to do next. "Feel my presence? That presence is a heart beat, from me! But soon, it'll be gone- what am I saying!? It won't be gone. You know why? Heh, I'll tell you why. It's because you'll fade before I do!" Kitty jumped in the air, her fist facing the concrete. As she landed, her fist pounded the ground, vibrating. The ice that was surrounding the heartless grown some spikes. It went right through the heartless' body. The heartless had some black ashes circling around him. " Heat." she said. The ice began to melt. Kitty closed her eyes and counted. " Une, Due, Tres!" she opened her hands and saw nothing but liquid on the ground. Kitty smiled and bent down and swiped her finger across the liquid. She took a sniff and coughed. " What ever that heartless was made out of is nasty!" she stucked her tongue out, disgusted. To be continued. Well that's the new chapter. Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment if you'd like.
When I first saw the opening I was just suprised, it was a difference between the other opening. (KH2) But at some parts I would comment on some weird parts like Why is Sora falling deep down in the water and how his hair never came down when he got wet. It bothered me. But I thought the opening was pretty sweet.
That's a good question, always runs in my head. But in my not-clear-answer... I think they aren't nobodies. The one that Diz created was data taken from Twilight. But Olette and the others are real. The nobodies just arrive at Twilight for a certain reason, probably because it's the closest to TWTNW. Really, I have no clue to what I'm saying.
I like their shoes though...*fiddles*
o_o....*froze* .. I like their shoes! =]!
Shadow of Sephiroth, that was very well typed. I really enjoyed reading it, with all the ryhming and emotions in it. I have nothing to critique on this poem, it's very good.
I'm sorry to hear this happen to you, Misty. Surely, no one should be treated like that. But don't take all those words from her, gulp it down. This reminds me of my parents thing but yours is more farther. But by the looks of it, it seems that your dad is taking the lady's side. If she keeps talking about it, try to have a chat with her, work things out. If it doesn't work out well might aswell tell someone, a family member very close. When I'm at the my dad's lady's house, I don't make eye contact, it does add disturbance. Try not to make much eye contact. I'm not quite sure if it's witnessed, but try to have your father see the words she's saying to you. And, your father should stop smoking, it's a deadly risk to take for smoking. Hard to get rid of but, try to reason with him as much as you can. That's all I can say.
Honestly, I would. For any reason...like a need. I stole once I could steal again. But I probably wouldn't get caught. Sure if I stole, I'd get a bad feeling yet a relief. I've done so many stealing but never a store. Probably one day I will. Stealing's bad but fun (for me)
Well the title caught my attention, I figured the story your typing would be interesting. I was right. But I have to say, polls are not aloud in Creativity Corner. To give out some points, you should've put some paragraphs seperating them, it'd be a little more easier to read. I can also see that you mispelled one word ( from my view) But, overall I like the story and I'm hoping to see more of it.
I'm sorry to let in the rain but there will be no new chapter this Saturday. Reason: I'm off to see a graduation so...all day I won't be on the comp typing. Sorry for giving out the bad news. But I'll be sure to post the new chapter on Sunday in the afternoon. Sorry.
Doing fine *nibbles on cookie* you?
Keep up the good work, it's going well.
Braces? I'm getting mine after school ends...yay things will hit my gums and I'll scream. So...how does it feel with braces and no braces?
Came from the inside of me, how sorry I am with my family. From what've I done and said.Trying to prove my point for them. Sorry Everday we fight and cry. We say stuff that were never met to come out. It hurts others but... We love eachother, right? I'm sorry for declining your questions. For the stubborn words I said. I never ment it, I'm just trying to stand. Stand for myself. For protection. I don't care if you don't accept. I care for the fact... Your actually listening. Although I may shelter my feelings and bad mouth you all. But I'm not sure if you realized. Do you know what you have said to me. That hurts me? You can call me names Any name will hurt but I have my shield. A shield to block the attacks. I may ignore your comments and things. You may think I don't care what you tell me. But there's a reason to that. So if you think I'm too damn stupid. Might as well kick me out the house. Give me my things and a small lunch. For there, I have one saying. Sorry.
I like Rock. The way is sounds.