Dude, I had Cutey Honey on TV when I was a kid. Let' s just say the fighting often involved boobs attacks. Most Japanese to French dubs were actually bought to Berlusconi' s chanels in their Italian versions. Cuts included. But what usually got cut was the bloody violence, not sex or nudity. In order to "sugarcoat" those that still remained potentially disturbing they chose to make their villains sound retarded. Quite literally. The most famous perpetrators of this are City Hunter and Hokuto No Ken. Not sure whether they translated them from Japanese or Italian, but several episodes of Dragon Ball look like the voice actors just threw the script to the bin altogether and improvised a dialogue from the pictures alone.
Wait until you have kids, Mr Soontobehusband. I bet you' ll think of the dog fondly in hindsight. xD
Ow wow, Mazal Tov.
The place I work at is located in a block that' s being constructed as we speak, there' s still no water. No toilet, gotta use the chemical ones. No electricity yet either, so when our generator runs cold (which happens weekly) we have no light, no heater and no coffee machine. Oh and no microwave, I had to eat my pastas stone cold out of the fridge today.
So few people stick to the dictionary definitions of those words you' re often better off asking what they mean by that exactly.
Wait, they haven' t announced anything else yet ? Have N3DS sales figures been abysmal or something ? Can' t say I' ve paid attention.
It could be worse, you could also be Jew. Which would leave people wondering whether you' re ethnically Jew, religiously Jew, culturally Jew, or a mix of those.
Kinda same as between the GB and GB Color. The GB color could handle classic black and yellow GB games, but the regular GB obviously couldn' t handle colored games. The N3DS has more RAM and processing power than a regular 3DS.
Gotta love that the last thing Squeenix did to her character was to turn her French. xD
The red hot chili didn' t work ? Maybe you just didn' t have any. Or weren' t too keen on rubbing your chords with that. I' m told pepper and used coffee grounds also work pretty well, but those two are obviously more suited to sprinkle in your garden. If memory serves hormone-based cat repellents are a thing, but I' m not sure they' re easy to find. Or cheap.
I do. Either because they were impulsive buys I don t give a flying **** about anymore or because I need the money. I actually sold my whole collection twice so far (money was really, really tight). Made me realize just how few of them are actually worth keeping around. There' s a couple games I' d rather have kept though, had I been able to foresee their future worth: yesterday I spotted Zelda Four Swords at my regular store, it was sold for 120 whopping bucks. I sold mine for ten euros tops. They also had a bunch of 90 euros NES games.
I doubt Trump would be anywhere near as bad news as some medias like to paint him. I' m a tad more worried about, say, a Poutine. Don' t take me wrong, the guy does say outlandish things, but being outlandish is the point. As far as I can tell no one has the first clue what the guy would actually do. The more power you give to the PC police the more anger you sew. At this point I suspect you might have let them grow past the breaking point. How could you possibly hope for your politicians to fix anything if they can' t bring themselves to even name the problem ? The PC police and the far right feed of each other, they' re both bad news in my book.
Just pretend you' re so poorly educated you voted for him, I' m told he loves that. You have a bigger problem on your hands though, you' re lil and he wants to make America great again.
This whole thread explains so much ... Wait, which kind of God do you believe in exactly ? xD
Yeah I think original PS2 were even worse. For starters you had to rip them open to even be able to rub the lens with alcohol. In case you didn' t know, sometimes the problem doesn' t stem from the lens itself, but from the plastic pieces slightly melting / getting out of alignment over time. I saw tutorials on youtube showing how to address that, but none of my screwdrivers were a match so I didn' t even manage to open the casing. I did however notice that putting some weight on the console at the right place/angle might fix it. That' s just a temporary fix though, once the pieces are too out of alignment that won' t suffice.
Spoiler No but really, I' m more like : - Hi, I' ll have a big coffee please. - Which kind of coffee (which I' m never ever asked) ? - The regular kind. If it' s for breakfast I' ll just ask some milk with it. I' d order it in a typical French café though, not your hipster Starbucks. And I don' t mind vending machine coffee, stereotypes be damned. This is totally how my dad would react though : Spoiler
Thanks. I' ve been around her on a daily basis for just a year, but I loved her and I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual.