I' ve seen a few things that wouldn' t fly here on the political front, whether they were within their right or not I cannot say. I am however pretty sure that Christian prayers have been pushed in your public schools on a regular basis. Or you know, creationism.
What an impeccable timing, Sargon just used his latest vid to elaborate on the reasons American social studies are a laughingstock abroad. Spoiler By the way, I never said it out loud, at least not explicitly, but it also explains a bit why I think it is utterly irresponsible to encourage kids to embrace made up genders. And to give you a further glimpse into the differences between our countries : It' s actually illegal here. Teachers are asked to remain as politically and religiously neutral as they can, and we' re not kidding on that one.
If you played it before the upgrade that would explain it. You can now swap your weapons around, which does add some welcome variety/strategy. And you can fight the Catoblepas, dunno if anyone out there managed not to get stomped promptly against him. You don' t have to go through the entire demo to check that out mind you, your save file gets patched as well. As for the new demo it doesn' t really add anything we didn' t already know gameplay-wise (just a few spells), but it' s on rails and more narrative driven, which I think is precisely the kind of thing you were waiting for.
That' d be because cats don' t like to play as much as they like to hunt, of all of your toys the string is the only unpredictable one. My parents' cat never had any toys, she found her own games. We had a garden, that helps. And a lot of furniture to hide under, it seems cats really dig that. Also, boxes.
Yeah, on second thought I realized the puppet master was fairly androgynous. Can' t help thinking of it as a he. Not just because of the voice though, because of the ending as well.
Frankly I was more puzzled when I saw Juliette Binoche in the cast. Not because she' s white too, but because she' s female too. If memory serves the only female role in the original movie was the lead, and I can' t imagine Juliette was hired as an extra. So I guess they' re changing more than skin color on this one.
KH Re:Coded allows us to tweak some of those modifiers ourselves. The no brainer route has been taken by quite a number of games by now and I don' t remember hearing anyone ***** about it. No wait, I did, when they divided the length of the life bar in Rygar by half for the European version and forgot the last boss was invincible as long as your life bar isn' t reduced by half its original length. That being said, I can see why a perfectionist would want to stay the hell away from it.
Well it does, but not much. Especially if they go the no brainer route, don' t calibrate anything and just use 20% uppers/downers, that' s literally two more line of code to type. Well okay, it might be a little bit more complicated than that, I' m not that much of an expert, but still, I bet it' s easy and quick to implement as long as you keep it in mind from starters. Implementing trophies is probably more time consuming, and even that is just a blip in the development cycle. It' s one of those things that are so easy to implement that I never understood why devs don' t do it systematically. Like movie theaters, I ' m still at a loss as to why SE doesn' t put one in every single game. Basically, think invert axis. It does take a little time to implement, but so few it would be quite silly not to put it.
Ever heard of planned obsolescence ? Most products are designed to fail these days. They know how to build reliable optical drives. They just don' t want to. So yeah, a guy who knows what he' s doing could improve it instead of just fixing it. But anyway, if it becomes too much of a headache for you, worst case scenario you could resort to emulators.
Have you tried searching "Windows X" on KHV ? I do remember the conversation you have in mind, but not the answer you' re fishing for.
Also the items you find/farm are found for good, you get to keep them if you die. Not gonna hear me complain about that one. Well, true Scotsman aside, if memory serves we' re talking about a series that had "This is Dark Souls" as a first death trophy. I wouldn' t mind having an optional easy mode, nor see why anyone would, but if it turns the game into a complete cakewalk I' d say people would indeed be missing out a piece of the original experience. Kissing your precious exp goodbye countless times was part of it. Not that an easy mode would reduce the number of cliffs ...
If that' s all it would entail I don' t see the problem either. I could sure use that kind of hard mode in Zelda. No Nintendo, unlocking one after I' ve spoiled myself the entire game on normal doesn' t count. However, while a difficulty setting sure as hell is a lot better than nothing, it doesn' t fix everything. A lot of the difficulty stems from the game design itself, and I get why some players might have a problem with touching that. But then it' s already happening. I have now played all three Souls plus Bloodborne and they' ve clearly been consistently lowering the difficulty already. Not much, they just trimmed some of the unnecessary bullshit that stemmed from the game design. Not sure how a difficulty choice would affect online battles though, I' ve mostly played them offline.
Huh. We haven' t had that spirit here since my last 69. I summoned you because I tried to stab Misty with my steely knives, but it seems I just can' t kill the beast.
@Captain Arch, pliz bring me my wine.
Just to be perfectly clear, I don' t hate you. I didn' t put you on the spot bringing up the ghosts of Christmas past for the sake of spanking you, I did it because it had to be you. For several reasons. One of them being I thought you genuinely cared about those issues. You just made it crystal clear you weren' t listening and yeah, that did piss me off an I chose to bite back, sue me. Truth be told, I' m not so sure you do care about those issues anymore. But if you do then please, please, please, I' m begging you, take a closer look at fallacies lists, learn how to spot bias in statistics methodology and stop defending the indefensible. I' m far from being an expert on those topics myself. yet even I can spot several red flags in you previous post. That' s not a good sign. Not gonna bother listing them, I' m trying to teach you how to fish, spoon-feeding you my truth won' t do that.
@Hayabusa : that is hard for me to say. All I have to base my judgement on are the medias (and we both know how litle I can trust those) and my few interactions on places like this forum. On some levels the US definitely seem more reactionary than France. For instance your widespread social aversion for blasphemy comes to mind. But the truth is, I often see more paralels between our countries than I like to let on. An American might have an easier time than I spotting the ways in wich my country would be the reactionary one. I guess our hate speech laws would be a good place to start.
Wat ? Do said studies come from said feminist circles ? Because last time I checked there was about as much proof for the former as for the later. Meaning absolutely none. The last time we discussed this topic you were so busy deflecting anything and everything I said that I forgot to mention, there is such a thing as feminist academia in my country. And the funny thing is, apparently they' re extra suspicious of anything that comes from your country' s feminist "academia" : they know from experience most of it is pure undiluted bollocks. I would link the exemple I found via Thunderfoot' s chanel to illustrate, but long story short my computer is being a pain in the ass tonight. Just trust me when I say the whole "study" was pure comedy gold, no one in his right mind would need me to point the bulshit out for them.
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