Spoiler View attachment 44609 Lol, why am I not surprised ?
See ? See ? Told ya. xD Mine did that too, she quickly figured out it was bound to get my attention when all else would fail. And if I was busy rolling cigarettes for the day ... she' d walk smack on the tobacco. ^^ It seems quoting you brought the whole thing up btw.
I bet you' re the one holding the banhammer. ^^
Couple months ago I think ? I often freak my family and friends out over how far my memory can go. Spoiler Lying or being fake to an INTP is a very bad idea. I already knew you were an INFP btw, you already mentioned it a few years ago and for some reason it stuck. xD
Wait, you too ? Are the mods here recruited based on their Meyers-Briggs type or something ? ^^ Also I like how it' s a match with tale' s zodiac sign (Gemini). It' s not that daunting if you know someone who can lend you the manga. If you' re talking about the anime ... yeah, damn.
Well then I guess what you should really do, regardless of whether you finish your AMV or not, is to look for another competition you' d be happy to join in. Just don' t obsess too much on competing and don' t lose too much sleep over the result.
In other words do whatever the hell pleases you. If you' d be happy to finish your AMV, do that. If you' d rather do something else, do that. Stop running after that ever elusive perfection. I' m not surprised. Just like I wasn' t surprised to hear Machina is an INTP, and he wasn' t surprised to find out I am one too. It seems us two types can spot each other pretty quickly. Spoiler [DOUBLEPOST=1462483154][/DOUBLEPOST] I don' t know either since I didn' t read the manga, but the movie is pretty good. My dad and my two sis liked it as well.
Depends on your personality I guess, what' s your Myers Briggs type ? I' m an INTP, the hardest part for me is to start anything. I' m perceived as this giant ass procrastinator. But once I do start, or once my interest is caught, there' s just no stopping me. I' ll go to the bottom of it, slowly but surely, and I won' t count the hours.
Two years. I know all too well how much that sucks. You' re not out of the woods just yet, don' t **** things up. Good luck !
I agree, it was lazy. I should have said "and people say we don' t live in a rep culture" or something.
You' re a repist.
I guess you just didn' t understand what you were supposed to do somehow, bug zones aside the main game isn' t any harder than the others. In case you still don' t know what to do or get stuck in the future : http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/997519-kingdom-hearts-recoded/faqs
Yeah, sorry to steal your thunder every time. In a way it' s a bit annoying, because I often want to talk about the movie here but I don' t want to spoil anyone either. I didn' t even know when it would be released exactly, I looked it up Tuesday. And noticed X-Men had a final trailer and would follow in a month.
So, Civil War is no award winner but it' s probably their best story so far. RdJ really sells it. I liked this younger Spidey.
Doctissimo.fr says yes. If that' s what causing it you should comb her more often, there' s also special food to address that. That' s not the only possible cause though, if she' s having trouble gulping it means something' s stuck in her throat and that qualifies as vet emergency.
I just finished Anor Londo, all I miss is the last throne. Not sure whether I should go for it now or revisit everything first, is that the last boss ? I already know from the few things I read on the wiki that I cut myself out of the best ending anyway, I' ll have plenty of reasons to launch a new game plus, this time with a guide.
I assume most Latin-based languages do the same. "Gender fluid" suddenly takes a whole new meaning now doesn' t it ? xD But yeah, when I asked what was the difference with saying "I' m a helicopter" I was neither trolling nor trying to be offensive. All those gender neologisms are postmodern word salad to my ears.
This might shed some light on my thinking process. I would have an easier time talking about this had they picked they own word for it. Which they did in some European countries since they didn' t even have a word for gender. I do not mind indulging transgender people on their chosen pronoun because, while their belief flies against reality (based on the dictionary definition of the word), I' m aware that gender disphoria is a thing and that they might harm themselves if I don' t. I' m having a harder time deciding what to do with genderfluids and co. I' ve only met them online so I simply avoid using any pronoun to refer to them. I' m just waiting for the science on the topic, because for now I just can' t shake the feeling they' re just pulling my leg to look "special". But even if there is a medical explanation, as I pointed out earlier this whole pronoun thing is a mine field. The public at large isn' t about to change their most basic linguistic thinking process on such a wide scale for so few people anytime soon.