I' m pretty sure people have pointed this out for quite some time. Myself included. Yet I still find myself buying tickets for half of their movies. If it is a fad it has proven to be quite a resilient one. Feel free to dismiss this post though, I' m drunk. Yes, it' s only 7pm and I' m drunk already. Please do judge me. And viva auto-correct. Deadpool was decently fresh though, thanks to its tone.
I am currently unemployed, but my previous job has left me more secure than I' ve been in years. I am trying to turn my life around at great personal effort, but it doesn' t have anything to do with money per say. The rest is a miss. Granted, this is a bit of a futile endeavor when you don' t know the first thing about me. Let me narrow things down for you. I met this guy at my previous job, he' s quickly becoming the only real friend I' ve had in years. Which is quite uncharacteristic of me, I usually wait and see who I' m dealing with before I let my guard down. Can' t even tell you why I didn' t this time, I guess it has something to do with instinct. Well anyway, will it last, and how much of a blast will we have on that holiday trip I' m planning ?
I' ve been obsessed with the zodiac and MBTI for a while now. Spoiler Obsessed enough to google stuff up when I saw this thread, apparently people often ship both my zodiac sign and my MBTI type (Taurus, INTP) with the High Priestess card. Huh. But yeah, sure, let' s hear it.
As far as I can tell my conscience is a byproduct of my brain' s activity. It converts food and oxygen into electricity. No more eating or breathing, no more electricity, the computer shuts down. Problem is that' s pretty much what I call "me". Even if there is such a thing as a soul on top of that, whatever that is, I' m not sure I' m willing to call it me just yet. It' s a piece of me. I mean if you were to take one of my cells (also a piece of me) and clone me, would you say I' m the same person as my clone ? Cause I sure as hell wouldn' t. So even if my soul was to move on and become something else ... woop dee ****ing doo, Patman would pull the curtain either way. As for whether you could prove the existence of souls, well it' s hard to track something you can' t even begin to define. I guess if it was to happen it would likely happen by accident, the Becquerel way.
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I saw a video on the French Huff Puff explaining the whole Brexit thing with the Bold and the Beautiful. Pamela was Europe, Brandon was Britain and Brian was Scotland. I would post it since it would undoubtedly answer your every question on the topic, but the whole thing was in French.
That' s the one with young Noct, correct ? That' s not the one you want to play if you want to know what the combat feel like, it' s the other one.
My mum stumbled upon a bunch of letters yesterday, there was everything my grandpa ever wrote to my grandma before they got married. She read one aloud, it was the cutest thing ever. No one writes that kind of letter anymore. I warned her she might regret it if she pushed her reading too far though. What I didn' t tell her is that what made me say that is the letter I stumbled upon some years ago, one she wrote for my dad. ^^''
Nope. Same here, all the cool shots were in the trailer so I could see them coming from a mile away. But I met this dude a couple weeks ago who thought that movie was the scariest **** ever, we watched the clapping hands scene on his phone over and over and it got him every time. Seriously. He' s the kind of guy who believes the lady in white is a real thing. It was hilarious to watch him watch horror movies trailers.
ENFP Cat. Spoiler Incidentally, that friend I mentioned whose computer I fixed ? He' s quickly becoming my best friend, and at this point I' m pretty sure he' s an ENFP. Lawd, what have I done ? xD
Do you happen to have a bootable copy of Win 7 on the side ? Because I just spent my last week end fixing a friend' s computer. Apparently his gf chose to update to Win 10, but his internet connection crashed midway or something. Turns out no one has Windows on a CD anymore these days, I had to download a bunch of pirated copies and a program to make bootable USB drives. The first version I tried did work, but it was all in Swedish. The second I tried was in English, but I had to install it through Russian instructions. Then I had to switch everything to azerty, find a bunch of drivers since, for some reason, his router wasn' t recognized anymore, and then they spent the whole night waiting for the update that would include the option to switch back to French. Fun times.
Oh okay. I don' t have any personal preference, nor have I really pondered on each one' s merits since writing has never been my thing, but my favorite author is San-Antonio. He mostly sticks to the first person, but will often break the fourth wall :
. .. ... Are you absolutely sure you want to leave that up to popular vote ? They all have their uses. No offense but if you can' t tell which one you want to use or why, chances are you' d be a shitty writer (though that doesn' t necessarily mean you can' t be a popular one).
Dialysis ? Yeah how lucky lol. It' s okay, sometimes stories like these are just what we need to realize how good we have it. And people wonder why shirtgate type hysteria drives me loco.
I assumed it was an emergency in your case. A childhood friend of mine married an American, she met him when she spent a few years in the US as a student. The thought of having an accident was literally haunting her back then, she knew anything major would be synonymous with life long debt. A single night at the nearest hospital would have left her broke.
If that ever happens to any of you I suggest you take a look at European hospitals. They would probably be cheaper, travel expenses included. And I would still advise Iskandar to take a look around and make a few phone calls, if he hasn' t already. Judging from what I' ve seen a lot of American hospitals have ludicrous billing standards, but not all of them.
My English medical lexicon is pretty poor, not sure what the right word is. He almost stopped breathing.
I read a story of a cat who saved his master' s life. He saw him having a seizure or something in his sleep so he bit his toe real hard to wake him up. It wasn' t the first time that cat pulled something like this, it' s like he could see the strokes coming. Apparently there' s plenty such stories going around. We don' t have solid proof just yet, but scientists highly suspect cats can detect cancer. While I' m at it, I stumbled upon this today :
Yeah I know, it' s a bit of an idiom, the French use that one too. I wouldn' t want to put words in his mouth but he (?) might have meant that such events don' t register on an emotional level for him, whether it does on an intellectual level or not. I' m very much the same. Everyone is. Of ****ing course you' ll care a lot more about what happens to your child than what happens to complete strangers. No need to beat yourself over it, we' re biologically programmed for that as well. Not that everyone is honest about it.
Technically we' re animals period. Social animals. They all display "compassion", "empathy" and "valuing life", we' re not unique in that regard. We' ve even witnessed those traits emerge in species that didn' t display them before when we' ve forced them to live together in cages. What truly separates us from the other social species is not our intelligence per say, which isn' t all that awesome, nor empathy, which is a survival driven biological imperative, it' s our superior capabilities for language. They have allowed us to carry our knowledge from generation to generation instead of having to re-invent the wheel every time, especially in civilizations who discovered writing.