Make that three, I do remember you. You' re that dude who couldn' t stand Azkaban movie time travel logic. You might want to read this.
Fun fact : statistically speaking half of the voters have below average IQ. Yet I' m still flattered I even made the list, I' m not quite sure what that says about me.
Isn' t it legal if he actually bought and still owns the games ? Not that I would expect a cop to knock on his door for that anytime soon.
I' m starting to understand why he was so impressed with my drunken grammar. ^^''
Said the air sign.
Lame joke is lame I guess. If it' s any consolation my apartment is very lonely too. It' s too small to fit my friends properly so I usually go to their place.
Your apartment complex has a sound curfew ?
Erm ... where do you live ? Oh, wait, got it. Otawa. It' s still full on summer where I live. My room is a freaking oven around 4pm, if I put a shirt on it gets all wet in five minutes tops. That being said, if your temperature sensitivity have such a wide gap, it would probably make more sense for you to put more clothes on than to expect your roommate to walk around nude as a worm. Or peel his flesh. It' s also cheaper by the way. Not sure whether you' re the one receiving the bills or not, but you will someday.
I just noticed this thread won' t pop up unless I' m logged in. That' s new ...
While I' d love to be able to speak Japanese my sister tried to learn it, she told me don' t even bother. Apparently saying it' s a nightmare to learn would be quite the understatement. Besides they have so many politeness subtleties foreigners often end up speaking like ten years old girls just to make sure they won' t offend anyone. I' d rather perfect my Spanish, I understand it decently but I have a harder time speaking it. Italian sounds cool too, but most Italians speak a little French already so whatever. Russian and Arabic would be pretty useful, I' d love to be able to read their news. Huh, that' s the reason I don' t want to learn it. Any and every conceivable sentence makes you sound like you' re barking at someone. But then I' m probably a bit biased on that one, three guesses why. xD
I' m so proud of you. xD
My phone is an old Nokia as well. A prehistoric one, it doesn' t even know what a smiley is. It' s the first and only cellphone and I' ve ever had. I' ve dropped it numerous times but it never broke. And if it ain' t broke ... The only drawback I can think of is that it can' t read some messages sent from modern smartphones, but I always receive a copy of those in my e-mail box so ... whatever.
I asked my mum what time I was born last time I saw her, she couldn' t remember. All she knew was that it was annoying, like late night or early morning. ENFP are the most introverted extroverts. Judging from what I' ve read or witnessed they do need their alone time. But it' s not as much to recharge from social settings depletion (they' re still extroverts) as it is to sort out their thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself what you need your alone time for and you might have a better idea which one you are. On second thought don' t answer that.
Huh, my dad is an Aquarius/Pisces cusp. Some horoscopes peg him as an Aquarius, some peg him as a Pisces. I' ve failed to notice any Pisces trait in him though. If i had to take a wild guess I would have said you' re an ENFP. Introverts and extroverts are hard to tell apart online though.
What' s your zodiac sign ? What' s your MBTI type ?
You fed him past midnight, didn' t you ?
Meh, I' ve just had the best two weeks I' ve had in years. Possibly decades. The drama can' t dampen my mood. . .. ... I' m talking about what happened in Nice of course.
Lol, I see what you did. Had it been a train trip I would have mentioned Snowpiercer. Aka Captain America : French Revolution.
Maybe you checked/unchecked the wrong option or something. I used this software to do it, you might have better luck with that one.
lol, again, viva auto-correct.