Is that the one with the actor who played Beast in the recent X-Men movies ? I downloaded it a while back but I haven' t watched it yet, thanks for the suggestion.
Seriously though, while I don' t think her dad would be too flustered to hear she managed to watch it I don' t think he would encourage her either.
I haven' t even watched it, and I' d rather keep it that way. Her dad had no clue what Twilight even is. I told him it' s basically Harlequin Enterprises for teens. The weirdest part is that when I said the second movie was the most boring thing I ever watched ... she agreed. She' s a sucker for that kind of thing, her dad and step mom are just as confused as I am. But then judging from what I' ve heard her mom isn' t exactly the brightest bulb in the box.
I just hanged up the phone, I was talking with my best friend' s daughter. I' m helping her with her bad grades in math and I figured I might as well download some movies or series in their original English for her. She wouldn' t understand a word of it just yet without subtitles, but it would help her to get an ear for the language. The last time I saw her I gave her the first season of Buffy, she' s a Twilight fan so I figured she would like it. It' s the same thing except it' s good. Wrong. Apparently it scared her. So I asked her if there was a series or a movie in particular she has yet to watch and would like to. She told me "Well there is that movie called 50 shades of something ..." "I' m gonna stop you right there. No. Just ... no." (she' s twelve) So we settled for Twilight in English. FML.
I had a similar nightmare in my teens. I had it so often I ended up recognizing its recurring elements, giving away the fact that I was in a dream. I would then go "fuck that shit, I' m outta here" and wake myself up voluntarily. I escaped twice or thrice and then I stopped having the dream altogether.
My sis had a Barbie house, my younger sis and I would often play with her. I don' t remember any of the stories she made up though, I was just playing along to indulge her. I' ve always been more of a reader than a writer. I do however remember dropping the elevator on her barbies to decapitate them, bursting out in laughter at the sight of her various facepalms. Trust a boy to enjoy looking like a psycho. xD I dropped all of my toys the second we got a NES for Christmas. I have yet to stop playing video games. I' ve been mocked for it back when I was in college but I' ve never let it stop me. My dad might have something to do with it, I' m not sure. He' d take me to the arcade every now and then for some father and son quality time (he still reads comics to this day). My mum wasn' t exactly approving, but I don' t think it had anything to do with my age. I blame the video games scaremongering that was going on in the news. And is still alive and kicking, thank you very much.
The only one I' ve played is Link' s Awakening, and it remains my favorite Zelda to this day. Not sure about the 3D one, but the original Sonic 2 was pretty solid. I' d still pick Link' s Awakening in a heartbeat though.
That particular move is called quote mining. I haven' t watched Trump' speeches, or any of the electoral debates, but I' ve seen it done often enough in your medias to second guess anything and everything I read on the guy. There' s a reason your confidence in your medias is at its all time lowest.
Wait what ? Dude, all I' m saying is that I can see the possibility that he might not mean a word of it. I certainly also do see the possibility that he might actually mean it. I mean I' m French, my great-grandfather actually fought the nazis. Even if Trump said what he said in jest I' m not exactly applauding. Trust me, I have very little sympathy for the far right. The fear of seeing a new Hitler rise to power has been drilled in my mind from birth, which is why I keep asking if such a thing is legally feasible in the US. Yeah, I know she didn' t mean a word of it. Even if Trump meant it, is it legally feasible in the US ? Legit question.
I mean, 1930's Germany was quite different from 2016 USA. The social justice nonsense has become so suffocating in your country I have no problem imagining he' s being bombastic on purpose just to piss the goodthink tribe while having much more moderate positions. The stuff SJW spout can be just as bombastic and hateful, but I don' t see a lot of newspapers pointing that out. From what I' ve seen most of them laud one and denounce the other. There' s a lot of feminists I wouldn' t mind branding feminazis in satire. But do I believe they' re just as bad as actual nazis ? No, the naziness of their rhetoric is probably lost on most of them. Yay cognitive dissonance. Let' s say for a moment that Trump is indeed a Hitler wannabe, which as of right now I' d need a mind reader to know for a fact, do you really think American laws are compatible with some sort of final solution ? Do you really believe Americans at large would just watch it happen ? I don' t.
Bump, this is infinitely more eloquent than the article I just linked. Or than my previous attempts at explaining this for that matter. Cookie points for that one too :
Trump is a wild card. We know for a fact Hilary would have been lousy given her political track record. Trump has no such record and we can' t trust any of his electoral promises, he was just saying whatever he thought would land him the job. There' s only one way to find out for sure what he' s really about, and we' re about to. About that though : That kind of comment is one of the reasons I' m not surprised. You might want to read this.
I wish I could say I am surprised. I' m not. A friend of mine who knows I keep an eye on American news was horrified when I told him Trump had his chance and explained why. While I don' t believe him to be the Hitler wannabe some medias just couldn' t resist painting him as, this is still gonna be a bumpy ride. And not just for you.
I've never bothered learning my phone number by heart, it' s stored in the phone somewhere. As for borrowing a friend' s phone or waiting for a friend to call ... well I' m an INTP so lol, just lol. Actually, I do have friends these days, but it comes and goes. And we don' t exactly call each other daily. Last week I asked a bar owner if he found the empty bag I left there a week before. He told me if I forgot it whoever found it most probably kept it for himself. I said "Hey, you never know. I forgot my wallet in a Spanish pub once. I received it in my mail box, extra stamp and all, it wasn' t missing a cent." - "I guess chivalry isn' t dead huh ?" - "Yup".
I chose an accelerated course. The material was boring af, I find hammering lobotomy suits me best me when that' s the case. I got my written exam in four days, drove for a couple sunny summer weeks ... and failed the exam that happened on a rainy day. Second attempt went like a charm. There was this girl with me though, I hadn' t seen her since high school. She told me it was her second exam too, and that the first time she failed she got so mad she kicked the car on her way out. When our examinator arrived she became positively livid. It was the same one.
Can' t say I' ve paid close attention so correct me if I' m wrong, but I thought he just wanted to prevent more Muslims from coming in, not kick all of them out ? Even if that' s what he actually wanted to do I' m not quite sure there' d be a legal way for him to do it. The US already screens entering Muslims a hell of a lot more than Europeans do. I' m told you only take the educated ones. They often come from countries whose core values are vastly different from ours, if not flat out antithetical to ours, so taking everyone in without question would be quite the recipe for disaster. Ask Angela Merkel about it. Like it or not there is a limit to the amount of time, money and social friction a country can invest in immigration. Given the news these days it should hardly comes as a surprise if fewer and fewer people are willing to look beyond "(s)he' s Muslim" before they rise a red flag for ineligibility. Same goes for the wall btw, it' s a cartoonish answer to a real problem. One my English professors already mentioned back when I was in college, like, twenty years ago. What' s the point of devising sensible immigration policies if they aren' t enforced in the slightest ?
I' m pretty sure that' s not how the hot button works. We would have long gone bye bye otherwise. But if it did I would assume Canada and England to be likelier targets than the US. Especially England, Canada seems a little too close for comfort. Seriously though, I don' t have the slightest clue which one of these two is the biggest war hawk.
Spoiler: Lil, but Bueno.
I rest my case. But thanks. ^^''