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  1. Patman
    I'm cold.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    Bad webcam quality is bad.

    Post by: Patman, Feb 19, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
  4. Patman
    You might want to refrain from assuming that race was the only deciding factor involved here.
    My best friend through college was Vienamese. He grew up in France though so culturally speaking I felt closer to him than I would a white Russian native. And if we were to judge on looks alone I doubt race would be a bigger deciding factor than, you know, pure hotness. I mean, who would you rather date, that hot black chick in the OP, or my grandma? Good luck quantifying hotness objectively though.

    Basically what I'm getting at is that you can' t derive any useful conclusion from such a "study".
    Post by: Patman, Feb 15, 2018 in forum: Discussion
  5. Patman
    I need 2 to 4 hours minimum. Anything less would make me more of a zombie than no sleep at all. That' s just me though, I wouldn' t assume this to be a universal truth. Two hours would still be a bad idea though, who knows if I' ll even hear the alarm. I try to keep it as close to 4 as I can.

    Depends how sleepy I still feel.

    I' d be too scared not to hear the alarm. Happened to me once. A passenger noticed that I failed to wake up so he shook me. I ended up jumping out of a moving train while carrying my huge ass suitcase. I landed alright but I wouldn' t recommend it. xD

    A 15 to 20 minutes nap would probably be a good idea though.
    My dad takes daily after lunch naps, might explain why he' s fine only sleeping 3 to 6 hours a night.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 15, 2018 in forum: Discussion
  6. Patman
    I've never gone beyond the 8 bit era. There' d be no nostalgia involved if I went further.

    While I can plug RCA cables on my HDTV the result looks pretty dreadful. An actual cathodic TV remains your best option. I'm told CDs and DVDs last 50 years tops. As for catridges and consoles I'm not quite sure. You might be able to keep those in good shape for a lifetime, but I'm pretty sure you can't save files on cartridges forever. It depletes an internal battery.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: Gaming
  7. Patman
    Andrew: We are really super-villains now, like... like Dr. No.
    Warren: Yeah, back when Bond was Connery, and movies were decent.
    Jonathan: Who remembers Connery? I mean, Roger Moore was smooth.
    Warren: You're insane. You're short, and you're insane.
    Andrew: I like Timothy Dalton! *gets slapped* Hey!
    Warren: Don't make me pull over, okay?
    Post by: Patman, Feb 10, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    Which is pretty much what I've done. My "phase" lasted 15 whopping years.
    Turns out you actually can lose if you don' t play. You end up dead inside.
    But then I realized there was a common denominator in all of my romantic failures. It' s called Patman. It took me quite some time and a lot of introspection, but I finally got rid of my insecurities. I asked myself what kind of person I'd want as a partner, refused to settle for less, started looking around and ... voila.

    Dare dreaming peeps, it' s worth it.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 6, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    I figured out quite early on that "love" was a pretty blurry concept. Good luck giving a clear cut definition to that one. Kinda like the words "ghost" or "god". Not that it makes them entirely useless.

    I've always had a had time slapping a label on my emotions. I can recognize anger quite easily alright, but subtler emotions utterly confuse me. Not that it bothers me that much. I've been dating someone for three weeks now. Am I in love? No idea. All I know is that I wept tears of joy just thinking about it last week. I just want our relationship to last as long as it can and I'll do anything and everything in my power for that to happen. I'm fine leaving it at that. This is the first time in my entire life I've ever felt anything like this mind you, and I'm 38 years old.
    Post by: Patman, Feb 5, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    I' ll try and translate it if you want. Just not right now, I' m going to sleep. I' ll edit this post later.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 19, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  11. Patman
    I took a few classes with Pierre Hermé some years ago. He taught us how to make a chocolate meringue cake, among other things. Of all the recipes I learned there it' s the only one I managed to pull off with my own non-professional equipment. I made one for Christmas once. Bought me more than a few compliments, there wasn' t a single crumble left.

    It' s basically three chocolate meringue discs with a chocolate butter cream filling.
    I plan to make one again for my best friend this year.

    Also, my mum often makes a killer gratin dauphinois with foie gras for Christmas. It' s like a regular gratin dauphinois, you just add foie gras slices amidst the potatoes. You have to fry them in a pan first, otherwise they' ll sweat way too much oil in the oven. Pretty easy to make, just a bit pricey. There' s never any left, even kids beg for more. I hope she' ll make one this year.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 19, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  12. Patman
  13. Patman
  14. Patman
  15. Patman
  16. Patman
  17. Patman
  18. Patman
  19. Patman
    What's your zodiac sign ?
    What' s your MBTI type ?
    Kill me. Kill me now.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 19, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  20. Patman
    A few specific genres aside I don' t mind FPS that much when it comes to video games.

    That being said, now that HDTVs have become the norm, I' d really like constructors to focus on improving their framerate instead of just adding pixels. That would imply filming movies at a higher framerate as well of course. I know there already are a few TVs out there creating and inserting frames through computing tricks, but the result isn' t nearly as impressive as what I witnessed at the Futuroscope 20 years ago. One of the 3D tech I saw there was just as jaw dropping, I' d love to try a tech that combines those features.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone