Oh hi, guess what I stumbled upon today. I' m warning you, better get ready for this. Spoiler
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I haven' t seen Book of Mormon myself, but I heard it got surprisingly positive feedback from the Mormon community. The one you should probably...
It' s "rise and shine groundhogs" in the French version, yet I fully expected to find that picture when I entered the thread. That' s basically every waking ever for me.
While I don' t give a flying **** about the Fine Bros per say (who ?) I' m a bit worried to see Youtube shrug off such backhanded tactics across the board. Anyone that has something truly interesting to say is bound to make a few enemies, all the people I follow claim to have been targeted at some point.
The series still looks pretty fugly to me. Earthbound has ten times the charm. Not that I would play them. I was like 19 already when I played one of the first gen games and I' m not sure I even finished it. It was clearly meant for wee kids. I played it on emulator, so I could manipulate the RNG somewhat, yet I quickly lost any motivation to "catch them all", let alone level them all. The towns were nearly empty, the story might as well not have been there at all, it felt like all I did was fight, fight and fight some more. I was bored out of my mind.
Well ... he does have a pocket monster.
It' s from a French stand up, I' m merely the translator. I wasn' t sure how to translate "digicode" but google told me it works in English as well. I cut out the beginning and the end of the act because I was afraid they' d be too naughty for this forum. But no, I doubt there was any moral to find there. xD
Ever tried having a drunken argument with your digicode at 3 in the morning ? "Err ... digicode ! Woohoo ! Digicode ! Recognize me ? Aw, lt me xplain. I leave here, but I frgot the code. Cood u open anyway digicode ? Pwetty pwease ? Dat' d be soooooo sweet. . .. ... DIGICODE ! WOOHOO ! DIGICODE !!! Rmember me ? I' m the dude from the sxth ... frth ... from that floor. You see me evry day. Look. Digicode. Digicode. I' m talking to you from man to digicode. And I rspect you as a digicode. But could you plz opzn that fckin door now ? HEY ******* !!! Could you look at me when I' m talking to you ? No miss, miss, plz stay out of this. I' m arguing with my digicode. Digicode. You' re my friend. Come and have a drink at my place one of these days. I' ll introduce you to the washing machine. You' ll have loads of fun together, it' s a BIG washing machine *hint hint*. . .. ... Okay what' s it gnna take, do you want me to pee on you or sometng ? You' ll rust. And nobody will be able to enter anymore. Crafl, gona do it. Kay u win, I' ll do it."
Never attribute to malice what is more easily explained by stupidity. I mean sure, there' s plenty of click-baity articles out there, but let' s face it journalists are no scientists. It' s not rare to see articles claiming a study says the opposite of what it actually says, but that' s probably not intentional. Hell, most journalists know so little about statistics they completely lack the tools to ascertain how reliable the numbers they' re about to spout really are.
It easily stands out in the mountain of solid Snes RPG for its universe alone. The closest thing I' ve played, of the top of my head, would be South Park the Stick of Truth.
Pretty solid RPG. Makes me realize the third one is still in my backlog.
She' s Poe' s law incarnate. Spoiler
I just witnessed the most brilliant take down of a TedX talk conceivable. In an official TedX talk. It' s all in French though, there' s no (decent) subtitles available yet. Spoiler
I think I saw my parents' cat for the last time last Christmas. Petting her felt like petting a skeleton. I wish I was kidding.
Oh no you totally were. It' s either that or you' re a boot-licker. And I don' t peg you as a boot-licker. But there wasn' t much to forgive really, I could see why you and I started on the wrong foot.