Well, while I appreciate your effort and going trough the trouble of typing this, it feels more like a summary of the movies. o: Doukuro mentioned a bit about the dreams. But I think you focused more on the basics of the films. Not that it's a bad thing of course but do you think you can possibly tell me what you think based on the concept of Dreams in The Matrix and Inception? Also, The Peaceful Warrior's concept would be a bit more different since it's based off finding the true 'Self' and the battle against the 'Ego' living inside us. Which is what I was looking for when people explained. But don't worry too much about that one >< Again, thank you for your time in posting this. :3 I just wanna hear more of your opinion now if you can. <3
0 to them both. H8 u and u theme, baka. lol just kiddin. Avvy: 7/10Siggy: 6.8/10
Feenie's voice is so very deep and scheckxy~ <3
Haha well alrighty. Get as much sleep as you need! 8D You do work quite a bit after all. o: Me? I'm okies. Just kinda full. Been drawing most the...
Hai Onii-tan. <3 Sorry f I'm bothering you though D: I jjust wanna know how my special bi- little bro is doing =^^=
Oooooooh. My bad. I thought you meant I had to wait for the one AFTER this. xD Okies, I'll be sure to get it done. And I can mix it myself.
Sure. I'd be more than happy to wait. =^^= So exciting. Thankie~!
I never knew what KHV Idol was until a bit ago and it seem fun. Is it too late to join?
Sup fooker. Welcome to the site~ Don't blame me for forcing you into making an intro thread, you noob. >w> But I hope you enjoy things here and be sure to look forward to me making it a living hell the time of your life! Love you~ <3
I wish AnimeExpo took the time to make better looking badges. But all we get is a piece of paper and a plastic sleeve. Anywho, have fun.
Oh, you know it, bby ;D But cool ; u ; .-. Well now.... better get back in dat kitchen. lolwut I dunno how to feel about these. ...I dun even know which one is right ; ; Maybe ditsy..
This seems absolutely splendid, Onii-tan <3 Joining~ Username: (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Guardian Nickname: The Kawaii-Obsessed One A silly picture/GIF: Spoiler: I dunno which one to choose EDIT: Can I be an Intelligencer? :3c
So come and go with me
But I love you endlessly~
I love you more than he~
I kingdom hearts forum.
Haha no xD But thankies for the info~ Wow, well that sucks. But looked like you had skype working just nao. Course, I don't know if it's working for you anymore. xD