But joking aside, unfortunately it seems I must take my leave from this lovely site for some time. The entire interwebs actually. See, I start school tomorrow and since I'll be dealing with 6 classes, working, and free labor internship hours, I really won't have much time to be on. And honestly, I am very easily distracted. ; ; So I need to keep away if I want to do good this mester. But it's really gonna suck since I love it here. :c I might check in every now and then, but for the most part, I won't be able to really chat unless I feel I have enough time to relax. But don't count on it. xD If you really want to talk, then you can add me on skype but I won't be on that much either haha. More than here though. Just try not to pester me too much and I might leave randomly. >< But wish me luck and I love you guys! <33 I will miss all my bakas too~ you know who you are ;D probably not So hope to see you guys soon or more so, when classes are over! 8D Tootles~ *hughug*
I gotta say I really do love mostly all the Disney films but the one's without the Princess are lovely yo me due to the mere face that it's not so predictable. My favorites would definitely have to be The Hunchback of Notre Dame (basically my favorite Disney film, beautiful), Oliver & Company (cat <3), Hercules (so much fun to watch), Tarzan, and The Aristocats (more cats <3) Many more I love but I thought these were the ones that ranked above the rest. :3
What's this 'growing' you speak of? Who would wanna do such a thing? WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?!?!!
Take it all....
Gah Dinny, my sweet adorable daughter <333 You look so very lovely and absolutely beautiful~! <3 OMG I just wanna dance with you :3 Such a pretty dress too and it suits you so well. Meow meow~! =^^= Very dashin' too, Razzy! Hope you guys had a wonderful time.
I would like that. Unfortunately, I'm just plain A. I forget if it's - or +. Probably - Yes it is. I think it's O- that is universal. But I've been wrong before. o:
I get really hyper when I donate blood and tickles when the needle is in. :3 It's fun and I like the silly pins that I get that say "It's my first time" xD Though I wish I had a more rarer blood-type :c Or at least type O.
Haha that's good and sad at the same time cx But he'd just too easy~! <3 I wuvs it~
Haha yush xD I kinda do feel bad for him sometimes though <3 poor lad and our torture~
Sexy beech~
I kinda figured it might of been you since he mentioned that you helped xD I will be YOU!
Yay~ ilu <3
:c Baka xenforo. Spike isn't following me either and his vms are nothing but me! But it's okies. :c You can follow me nao.
How dare you not be following me? >:c
It's great seeing you, Keppy ; u ; Love you too, ****ing girl~ <3
Oh I would definitely love to join this. ; u ; Hopefully I can do good. I would offer to help too but I'm not sure I would be of much use :c Also, being a Machina is a almost absolute choice <3
With my real name: It knows me so well <3 With my username: Still like it :3
I watched La storia della Arcana Famiglia. I enjoyed and might read the manga later if I find it. Though I wish I could play the visual novel ; ;...
Avatar: 9.5/10 It's so lovely and the colors look wonderful and clear <3 Siggy: 6/10
I was gonna suggest this elsewhere but I would like to see a Michael Jackson theme. o: I mean, he's amazing and so many top popular songs to choose from. But I dunno how people would feel about that. ><