Yeah coffee just does the exact opposite for me. It puts me to sleep if anything. I just drink it sometimes when I have the cravings and I drown it in flavored creamers. I have no idea why my stomach was hurting from it but I feel fine now so I suppose it wasn't a big deal Only frappuccino I drink is the vanilla bean frap from Starbucks. <3 It's the most amazing thing and I add a caramel drizzle to it and it's heavens >w< Um, well not lately I suppose. I've kinda stopped drinking any kind of sugary or caffeinated drinks. I suppose it could be a reason but then I question as to why it hasn't happened a while ago. Oh wells~
I can't stand coffee to begin with so yeah, I was curious @_@ But it's making my stomach ache for some reason so I'm kinda confuddled. I don't like root beer either hahaha
and my stomach is hurting now. What is this madness?!
Grace frowned, not really liking the choices that were around them. Guns were far too commonly used for her taste and much to noisy, especially if they needed to sneak around or something. Swords were too common as well and she didn't want to keep it hanging on her side or have to struggle with getting it out of the sheath. She was a rather small girl after all. So many things to consider and she hardly had any time to analyse any of them. Although she seemed like it most of the time, she wasn't the type of person to judge things for their looks. She wanted something that could be of use to her, something that she could learn to use easily and that could be very effective. She tapped her arms as she walked around the room, inspecting any weapon that caught her eyes. It was a few minutes before she stopped by a bisento. Although she wasn't much of a fan of long blades, it did strike her fancy. A staff attached to the end could allow her to attack from a bit of a distance and was very sharp so that she could easily get it back and not have to worry about it being stuck in her enemies. She reached over to it, picking it up so she could look it over more closely now. It did have a few dings and scratches along it but still felt strong. something she seemed to really like. Looking over to Artan, she smiled and nodded to him, knowing that if this weapon were to ever fail her, that him of all people would be able to help fix it or something. She adjusted her bag, making a makeshift carrier so she didn't have to hold it in her hand the whole time. She never really liked holding things for too long. Once finished, she placed the bisento onto it and slung back onto her. She shortly after made her way to Artan as the gunshots were heard, her instantly rushing the rest of the way and getting in defense mode. No matter what, she wasn't going to let him out of her sight again, not since he'd be rather useful in this situation. 'Damnit, they're going to becoming eventually. Just as I thought I could relax. I better keep my guard up now.' Ayer noticed that Kendric was much to distracted, him having ignored his questioning complete. 'I guess we'll just take them and figure out what to do when the time comes.' He shook his head, moving over and walking over to the weapons. Many of the students were excited to have them but he never liked using such things. He never had lessons and didn't really see a point for them. He was a simple commoner and was raised to use his words over anything. But now wasn't the time to think of it that when since they were in danger. He picked up a few of them, most not feeling too right. Some he didn't even know how to even use them. 'This is just too complicated.' He shook his head as he put one of the guns back down at he had picked up before looking over to Luna. "Oh, well I'm not too sure. There are many good ones here but I just feel incapable of learning to use any of them." He laughed a bit, rubbing the back of his head as he pondered on about it. Suddenly, he jumped a bit as he heard the shoots coming from the tunnel and Celeste's shouting, it making him much more rushed than he was previously. "Well now's no the best time to put that much time into thinking about this." He quickly reached over, picking up some rather odd looking staff with a moon crescent on one end and a shovel looking blade at the other. "I suppose this is what will have to do. May come in handy." He smiled, showing Luna as he looked over to make sure Angela was still okay even though they were all together. ~Naomi Lockhart~ Naomi stared down at the student, watching as the blood spilled down the floor and filled the small cracks along it. it made her rather eager now, always having loved the colors of such a thing. 'Sweet blood of the innocent. Shame that she was already dead.' She tried to contain herself from wanting more, not liking to show anyone just how mad she could get when she released her blood lust. She turned her attention to Sarah then, noticing how loud she was being even after shooting her gun like it was nothing. 'This woman is really something. We could of kept quiet but that can never happen with her about.' She leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms as she looked down the tunnel. There was so many of them but her only really cared for one thing really. 'Now, where has that bastard run off to. Either him or his little girly would be fine. If I find her, he is sure to come.' She grinned to herself, loving the sense of torture she could use to get the boy to regret ever doing what he did to her.
I didn't see a point :c
I honestly dunno much pokemon T^T I can never play the games because no system or munny and stopped watch after original. :c
I know next to nothing of Pokemon passed the original 150 :c I ish baka~
What even is that? I hope not a DW reference >> hai Oda
It's them or Enzy B |
Oh goodness, I forgot Daddy. But the others no B| They all shall be destroyed.
Aaaaaah, not to my knowledge o: But it's nice seeing you again. All but Dinny and Taffy shall die B| And some of them shall have a more gruesome death than others >.> *cough*DT/Adam*cough*
I will leave you and your Enzy to live? Plllllllls D: Sorry, this isn't rude or anything, but do I know you or are you saying hi? xD Either way, hellos~
Nao allow my to destroy all those around me who have internet B |
it's okies, Gato <3 I figure out a way to get to the interwebs ; ; Hai Biu~
Hmmm... it's was hard for me to choose but I'm gonna have to go for 4 :3c
I no longer have any at my house ; ~ ; I am gonna die of boredom D: I DON'T WANT TO BE FORCED OUT INTO WORLD AND GET A LIFE! HAAAAAALP! In other news, hai again, people <3 I haven't actually posted anywhere (minus an rp) in a while here o: Anything I miss? Spoiler: I LOVE SOME OF YOU
Just another check up >< Sorry for all the spam. I just want you to make sure you know you're loved xD Come back! haha
Ayer was happy to have been reunited with the girls, it making him glad that they were all safe and well. He had been so worried about them and now seeing them again was enough to but him back at ease. In this mess, all that mattered to him was to be able to protect them at this point. Not much else was running through his mind, the quickness of what happened was keeping him from really trying to makes sense of everything. There was really not point to it after all, because there was no reasoning with them for sure. However, his thoughts moved away from that as he witnessed the wall opening, walking to it and looking about. He was glad to see that all the other students were able to get away as well and we completely safe and sound. Almost instantly his went to the various weapons that were in the room, wonder what would there be so many in here of all places. This day was surely becoming rather more crazy yet interesting at the same time. He turned back to Angela, noticing she was a bit concerned, figuring it must be for her friend. He took a quick look around, figuring she must have ended up in this large group. His attention then went back to the weapons before looking over to Kendric, sensing that he felt like a bit of a leader. "So, um, what do you believe this means? Would it be alright for us to take these in order to defend ourselves for when they come after us again? Or would we be in even bigger trouble if we took them?" Grace was surprised by how suddenly Artan had hugged her, it being something they rarely ever did, more so on his part. But she didn't bother pushing him away like she would anyone else. She was happy that he was fine after all and this kind of felt like a sense of comfort for both of them she was sure. "It's okay. You don't need to worry. I'm fine fending for myself. But I appreciate that you apologize." Yet, she pushed him back as she head the wall opening, preparing to fight if it happened to be an enemy. At this point, she wasn't really willing to trust anyone, especially any adults. But she blinked in confusion as she saw that the other students had all gathered once again, piling into a kind of weapon room. "This is so weird. What kind of person designs a building like this?!" She crossed her arms, pouting as she took a few steps in. She instantly looked to where the others were, seeing that a lot of the weapons looked so old and ancient and making her wonder why anyone would keep such trash around. "Can you believe this? Why would we end up here of all places?" She looked back to Artan, gesturing her head over to the room. "Some help these things would be. For all we know, they could easily fall apart. I mean, some of them look like their good and useful. But I don't think there's enough of those to really go around if we take them. So it's basically just a waste for them to be here in the first place." She grabbed his arm, pulling him inside with her as the wall closed up behind them again. 'Well, at least now we know the teachers won't find us so easily.'
I haven't done this in a while and I have no internet at home. Can I still join? ; ; I could send my mixed song to someone, or you Amethyst, via skype. Is that okies?
Ayer hurried off as fast as he could, passing by a few of the student who had been able to escape. 'Good, I don't see any teachers yet. Means they must still be immobilized... for now.' He stopped as soon as he made it back, seeing that the room as cleared out pretty good. But he noticed that the adults had seemed a bit different then they were before. 'Damn. Whatever is happening to them must be wearing off now. I have to think fast on how I could delay them just a bit longer.' He though it over for a moment before the thought hit him. 'Brilliant! It might not last long but it'll buy us all just a few second. Tough, I wish I could of used earth better.' Taking in a deep breath, he positioned himself before allowing his bright yellow aura to develop around him slowly. He put all his concentration into it before small specks of ice began to shoot out. It was a lot more work for him to use ice instead of plan water but if it worked, then he would be able to block out the tunnel that lead down to the way he came. 'Shame I can't do the same for the other tunnels but there's just too many and I need to make sure the girls are safe.' Within a few minutes, he completed his barrier, happy that it had came out a bit thicker than he had planned. 'That should do it for now.' His aura faded before disappearing completely, turning back to make a run for it. 'I hope everyone is okay.' He ran as quickly as he could before reaching the end of the tunnel, smiling happily at the sight of his friends again. "I'm back! I'm sorry if I was long, but I was just securing this tunnel." He walked over, hugging the two before looking over to the girl (Meara) he didn't recognize. "Oh, hello there miss. I didn't see you pass by but you must of been here for a while. Another safe person is always good. My name is Ayer Granz." Grace was frustrated now, feeling so irritated that the tunnel seemed to be so long. Course, it wasn't much but she didn't like having to run or be alone for too long. 'That basterd. I should of just went down a new tunnel and left him alone to fend for himself. He'll pay for making me go through all this trouble for him.' Other than the thoughts of Artan running through her mind, she continued to wonder why the teachers were doing such a thing. What was their reasons? Why such a large group to blame rather than a few? "Why me?!" She shouted, not really concerned about who would hear her. She just couldn't believe the mess they were in. She wasn't even planing to come to school today. "I should of just stayed in bed..." She ran a bit longer before noticing the figure of a boy towards the end of the tunnel, her face filling up with a small fury. "There you are, you basterd!!" She lunged at him, knocking him easily down to the ground before gripping his shoulder, shaking him frantically. "How could you just leave me there like that?! Push me out of the way, will you!" She soon stopped, pushing him back on the ground as she got off of him, looking around the walls. "Looks like we're stuck here. There has so be some kind of way out of here... I'm not going to die here." Naomi Lockhart Naomi noticed her vision slowly returning, glad that the spell was starting to wear off. Just a bit longer and she would be able to go after those little brats. 'Come on... I don't want them to get too far.' She looked around, her vision still a blur but noticing they had escaped. 'Damn... now we have to go on a hunt. This is just perfect.' She frowned again, lowering her power on the barrier she had created. She needed as much strength as she could get for this. Those kids were more trouble then they were worth in her opinion.