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  1. Sufris
    I'd like some darkness nao. OnO

    Yeah... You have a point, actually, since in those times, Terra was in some way with darkness and had something to do with darkness. It, though. I guess it's because it was only Terra who ever experienced this. Do you know, by any chance, if Nomura hinted at this?
    Post by: Sufris, Apr 1, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Sufris
    Note: Not sure if anyone has mentioned this or anything. If so, sorry. ><

    I'm confused. I was watching some scenes from Terra's story since I needed references for this story I'm writing...which is totally beside the topic.

    It's just...what the hell, Terra? First time I really noticed it was when he was on Destiny Islands, with Riku, and when Riku stands by the sunset, he sees young Master Xehanort and then Kingdom Hearts II Riku, which is like, 11 years from then. Terra even pulls off the "what the fu--" face. I was thinking that it was some sort of symbolism, but...

    Then, just today, when I was going through the cutscenes on my PSP, I was on the cutscene when Master Xehanort talks to Terra about Vanitas. It's called "The Abomination" under "New Calling", but I'll put a video thingo there.

    Basically, if you're too lazy to watch, Xehanort says: "...his darkness is drawn to the light which he seeks to disrupt...and then destroy." Then scenes from Keyblade Graveyard, surrounded by purple mist, play. Both containing Vanitas harming Ven and Aqua in their armor in some way (it also shows them with their Wayfinders in Land of Departure but that's beside the point).

    And how does he know the light brought him there for Riku? It's not like the sun is hitting him or anything (not the point, though...).

    So, all I'm saying is... What?!

    Destiny Islands, 3:22:


    Keyblade Graveyard, 0:57:


    (Random fact: Ven seems to be ambidextrous. -shot-)
    Thread by: Sufris, Apr 1, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Sufris
    Oh. Okay. Thank you. ^^
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Sufris
    ...Wh-when did he say that?

    Either way, I guess we'll just have to see what happens when the game is released...til then...*starts saving money*...
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Sufris
    Suddenly, because of that, I was struck with the thought that this game could be one of those "review" games. As in, KH1 (though not exactly) all over again... As if we haven't had enough of that already... Just sharing.
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Sufris
    I'm curious about, mainly, the gameplay overall and the title meaning. "The distance you fall in your dreams"/"how deeply you fall". How cryptic, IMO.

    Dear oh dear. I hope my DS will be enough to pay for half the 3DS amount...
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Sufris
    I'm still up for it! 8D Need something to do over the forums, anyway.
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sufris

    I always thought Namine was special because she was created without a body and Roxas was special because he "was so close to Ven's heart, he felt emotions" but didn't necessarily have a heart. It would be pretty awkward if Sora's body was with Namine. And if she did, Namine would have to go in Sora, too.

    I don't intend to diss anyone here, and like I said, I stopped thinking, so eh. Just see what happens. -.-
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Sufris


    Nice to know I wasn't really the only one. I woke up crying once, too.

    I don't know why, or how, or what, but in my dream, I treated my mom like I would any insensitive, typical teenager with PMS problems. I was mean to her, I didn't appreciate her, etc. But before that started happening, I gave her something, like a token or symbol of our relationship.

    Fast forward, I did something horrible to her and she eventually snapped. She went something like "No, no. I don't know you. You're not my daughter anymore." and she left through the gate with everyone I knew. .__.

    So, I kind of woke up crying and I changed the way I treated everyone in general. S'not the first imapcting dream I had though. -.-
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 21, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  10. Sufris

    Huh? I'm afraid I don't exactly know what you mean by that.

    That's my pet peeve. Honestly, it is. Was it ever flat out stated that the heart went to Roxas? I mean, if that happened, he wouldn't even be classified as a Nobody anymore. He's a "special" Nobody. There's something special 'bout him, but that doesn't mean he has a heart. Besides, Mickey says something about finally locating Ven's heart somewhere. Why need to locate it if it was with Roxas who went to Sora?

    But, really, I'm just waiting now. Seriously. I stopped thinking a long time ago. =_____=
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Sufris
    We should all go to Sora's chest cavity and order lattes there or something.

    An embodiment of Ven's heart? Then, wouldn't Roxas have all the emotions and memories of Ven, since emotions and memories come with the heart? And Roxas was made from Sora's body, wasn't he...? Or did I get it wrong?

    Still, I haven't thought of it that way.
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Sufris
    IMO, most of the "obsolete" games are better than some of the new ones, thus why I prefer some of the old ones and why I'm picky about games. I mean, really. FFXIII starts almost the same way as FFVII. On a train with an Ex-Soldier of sorts and some black guy. Things just get repetitive, less original and colorful... Just saying.
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 19, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  13. Sufris




    (what breed is this? o.o)
    Thread by: Sufris, Mar 18, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sufris
    Technically, I'm playing Final Fantasy VI...though I stopped recently in favor of my graduation. Aside from that, there's this annoying Kirby game I haven't finished when I was a kid. It's annoying because it doesn't save anymore. Nothing else. .___. I miss my carefree GBA days...
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 16, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  15. Sufris
    I got something similar.

    The whole class failed.

    Wonderful, ain't it?
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 15, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sufris
    Oh? Then, I suppose I should give it a try, then.

    As for LP', but the closest I suppose is watching AVO grief. It's hilarious, but quite unnerving, imo. xD"
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 15, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  17. Sufris
    For a moment, I actually thought you were getting paid to grief until you said WoW.

    And, not sure what you mean with the sponges.

    For those who don't know, here's a parody. Just for fun, and it's still Minecraft, so...
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  18. Sufris
    Griefers. Those people are the only ones that are keeping me from going online. What if I have a magnificent tower, and they stick furnaces, sponges and cobblestone all over it? D:
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  19. Sufris
    Late. Surprised that not many apparently play. .__.

    I actually knew a lot about Minecraft before I started playing (picky). Had my brother there, too. It's really fun and creative. And very, very expansive. I eventually found this place, with much digging, that had like, five waterfalls and was practically swimming in gold. 8D

    Then one day, I was innocently walking when Minecraft glitched and created this small, free-falling hole to the center of the earth that killed me. :|
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  20. Sufris
    I love that Creeper.

    Late? Oh yes.
    Post by: Sufris, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone