Yeah, me too~ RP? Curiosity killed the cat, but what RP? :3
Well, it's not like a dilemma. I usually keep those to myself and spill on my laptop then clean it up again...o.o" So, it started with me looking...
Smiley? My poor memory is failing me. -knocks on wood- And that's great, old chap! Gah, pissed today. Would you like to hear of my awful day?
As a famous doctor said once, we spend all our time thinking of how our world is going to end; but we never stop to think of the impossible. That maybe, we survive. In other words, yes, it's all bull**** to me. B| Mass hysteria over the Mayans not finishing a calendar. They probably got lazy or thought they'd just make a continuation some other day.
Ven noticed Roxas tense slightly. He was about to ask when he felt, more than heard, Roxas' thoughts. To put it simply, he felt something slightly dark. Now that Roxas' mentioned it, he felt it, too. He just wasn't sure where. Somewhere behind them, for obvious reasons. There's this group..., Roxas began in his head, they're called "New Order", from what Mickey said. They're like...the Organization XIII. I doubt you know them. Ven narrowed his eyes, once again feeling Roxas thoughts. But through you, I sort of do. I need a lot of catching up to do, you know? It's hard... Roxas smiled a little to encourage Ven. I'll explain more, later. But all you need to know right now is that dark force we're sensing... It could be a member of the New Order, the bad guys. If he gets too close, that's when we pounce. Can you dual wield? I think so... Let's go to Sunset Hill., Roxas said, leading the way. Once again, Roxas sort of tensed, a sort of grim look on his face; like he remembered something. World: Twilight Town Location: Sunset Terrace -> Sunset Hill Interaction: Ventus -> Roxas (again)
Strangely enough, it was my 20 year old brother and his obsession fondness for Fluttershy(?) that actually got me curious. I currently have 14 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic waiting to be watched on my hardrive. I was starting to wonder why KH-V seemed to be immune to fads...
I regenerated so many times, I lost count. -shot for being nerd- 14 years of being a very active couch potato even if we have no couch and I don't like potato.
Mickey had left them in an area in Twilight Town, saying it was the closest place that was safe and how he needed to do something. Ven didn't really mind, nor did Roxas, but he would prefer having some answers. He sighed, trying to get his legs to get to work more properly. "How did you wake me up?" Ven couldn't help but ask, staring at his legs struggle. "I'm just wondering, since...well, you're not Sora." "Oh, but I'm a part of him," Roxas said, walking by Ven, not really sure what to do, either. "I'm what they call, a 'Nobody'. I'm Sora's. Mickey told me you've been out for a while; around, 11 years." Ven choked, "11 years?!" "Apparently..." Roxas muttered, "'re probably wondering why you got hurt by that thing when only I did. You see, every time I go to Castle Oblivion as, well, me alone, I get a headache and pass out, but only I had your heart then. So, in a rush, Mickey told me to make a Pact with you while you were asleep. I did what I was told and all I thought of was that I wanted the pain to stop. Whatever happened made us lose our individuality. I'm guessing that means we can hear the thoughts of each other." Roxas finished. He felt a tad awkward, knowing much more than someone else for once. Ven, stage of shock gone, blinked and asked. "How do you know that?" "These past few hours I've been hearing you talk about this Terra and Aqua I know nothing of. I even saw a few memory flashes; I can only say they look like people I know." Roxas deadpanned, stopping just as Ven did. And I bet you can hear this. Ven gasped. "I heard that!" "And there's your proof. I can only think of so many ways on how this can backfire." World: Twilight Town Location: Sunset Terrace Interaction: Ventus -> Roxas OOC: If this is too long or if anything is wrong... ^^;
XD Posted 6 times? Anyways, yeah, long time no talk/see/read/hear. Hello to you, too. How have things been? 8D By the way... =^w^=
Can't say I was expecting Sonic...nor can I say I expected it to be pretty top notch and fitting with the song. But who am I to judge, eh? Great job guys!
I like taking them as two different songs because...they're two different songs, technically. >.>" Them being pretty boring is true, but no one seems to say that. Them saying the singer sings it all wrong and...wrong is...what? And, sorry, sorry. I'm just following what people say about composers and such. -shot- So I take it this is your opinion, Terra? I have to ask, though, what actually makes the lyrics cheesy because, 1, I'm blind, 2, God in Fire seems to make more sense than The Messenger; and, even if the lyrics did make sense, it seems to point more towards Cosmos. And they sing it pretty wrong, too, but that's...forgivable. A few cringes don't hurt...-shot- Thanks, either way. Can you even beat him that fast? >>" -rubs eyes from too much blue-
Tis a good movie. Minus the...inapproriate parts. 8D
Yeah, apparently. And yes, that's what I thought, too. I don't know if it's because those bashing it are picky, or if there's really something the people who like it ('cluding me) are overlooking... Last I checked, God in Fire didn't have Latin... Unless you mean Cantata Mortis. There's a--...D: I'm sorry; I didn't know there was a section like that. Gawd, I need to stop posting in the wrong sections...
I have to ask. Why do people hate it? Is there something I'm missing, because I really love it. I'm not asking for a definite, general reason. I'm just asking for opinions. No bashing--that's being a bit too biased. And please no spoilers (but if you can't help yourself, obviously, please forewarn). I actually never reached Feral Chaos; I just heard the song. -insert sweatdrop here- Thanks, in advance. Also, for those who only know it as Feral Chaos' theme, here's a YouTube link of the whole theme, Cantata Mortis followed by God in Fire. Which is what I'm asking. And added information, download links are in the description box of the video. Just in case you happen to be looking for it. No, I'm not advertising; just giving a heads up. [video=youtube;cMDat9Xsz0Q][/video]
Two words. Black Swan? o.o
Civia looked up to the sky and paled slightly. The sun was setting already? I'll pull off an all-nighter. These woods could be crawling with monsters, and I'm not a light sleeper, she thought, a hand to her head. She could do it. She slept a lot today; in the game. Or maybe, it would be better if she found some place to rest. "Maybe I...should set camp. Or at least find a better place to stay in, in case I fall asleep. The thought of being killed in my sleep...ugh." Civia thought bitterly. She kept moving, eyes focused. Her mind started drifting, searching for anything suspicious in this game. For starters, she couldn't die. The pain felt real. Another is...there were no NPCs. Why? Sure, this was a Beta, but shouldn't they put NPCs in here, for convenience? And the monsters. She was only attacked once, and this whole time, she'd been in a forest and slept in one. Nothing attacked her then. She sighed. Nothing to do but move.
Something startled her awake. She looked frantically around, her eyes resting on something small and furry. Then, Civia realized it was just her; she was staring at a small patch of dirt and fallen leaves. Must have been a false alarm alerted by her sixth sense. The lack of animals was unnerving, like all the monsters lurking about killed them all. She shuddered; what a pleasant thought... Ugh, Civia began, I need to move. And keep silent. As she made sure everything was still with her, deciding being alone was a tad bit better, she realized suddenly that she didn't know what to do. She didn't really know what a save point looked like, either. And no mission was given. She rested up, she's well prepared... What else is there to do?
You should go see a doctor about that bipolar thing you have there. If it goes rampant, well, you'd do some pretty stupid things; may it be from depression or ecstasy. I'm probably pretty late, and you probably already got the message, but suicide is stupid. Actually, in a sense, it's sometimes selfish. I'm not as suicidal as I may act, but I'm tempted to do so; what holds me back are my friends and family (and my dog, haha!). As mushy as it sounds, it's true. While this may be a bipolar thing, there's a way around that. Before you attempt to kill yourself or something, seek help from a professional first, then focus on your other problems. Your health comes first and what you have is probably affecting your pattern of thinking. You need a clear mind. The clear mind is so you can relax and reflect on the happy things in life (aka, meditate, not that I do that). Just take it easy. Life isn't a roller coaster as they say. It's just stairs, and sometimes, we go two or three steps at a time or slip up, but in the end, we always get back up and keep going up. Point is, you shouldn't make rash decisions like that. Just take it step by step. I cannot lie to you, and I'm sorry, but if you didn't tell her, you missed your chance. But that also means that she missed her chance. Then, maybe, you two would end up together, somehow. Hope can be a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing because hanging on is something that keeps us here. A bad thing because, while hoping, we can get hurt. So while you hold onto that hope, that maybe you two will be together, you already have to be asking yourself when you're going to let go. Ironically, hope can bind us and prevents us from living our life. If you do let go of the hope of ever being with her, one failure shouldn't discourage you from loving again. Loving is inevitable, and you have to admit, it's pretty pointless to if it's inevitable. You should try to stop yourself. I've seen so many real life love stories. You don't have to be special for the world to have a love story that ends well. If you're true to yourself, someone will see the specialty and uniqueness of, well, you and eventually love you. Love is a strange thing but that never stopped much people. And you're a person. So, main points: -See a doctor. -Take life easy. -Pretty much meditate; think of what makes you happy. -Hope can be cruel; know when to let go of it. -Possibilities are endless. I'm not sure if this helps, but, if you're too bothered by your own problems, take a moment and think of the people who suffer more. Like those who actually outlived everyone they knew and loved. Or perhaps those who have no way around poverty. The world is small enough to be linked somehow. I'm sorry this is so looong. D: I just want to help, and I think I went overboard...
If, by some twisted fate, you were all shoved into one house with no form of separation (why yes, no walls separating 'rooms'), what would you do? Reactions? Could add more but can't really think of anything...
...So like, it's just foreshadowing and symbolism? That's... That's...ugh, Nomura... Anyways, thanks, Red.