Maybe it's because people like the idea of going against stereotype without exactly giving themselves a headache (let's face it; the 80's one is pretty bad compared to this one)? I mean, they have a good reason to watch it, so some people flaunt it... On a side note, season 2 has one awesome villain.
I feel so bad not coming here. T_T Of course I remember you. I remember friends, especially online (don't have much~). ARGH. I hate my bad time...
Hey there, buddy! You still remember... Me... Dancing... Eh? Sorry for being off all the time. I-it's school. -.- Man, I'm horrible at forums.
Have to agree on that one... v.v
You're making me bashful. ;_; XD
xDD I wouldn't really call it a guilty pleasure. Makes me feel...I'unno, violating? Pfff.
Not really. We're just really like this.
I haven't met much boys (I think) around KH-V. It's all so confusing... But welcome, welcome! And we all say weird things around here. NO WE DON'T! -slaps self- As always, read the rules and have fun here!
Wh-what? Me watching My Little Pony? o.o"
I told you. It happens to be some...fad wave sweeping the world. o.o" I was just wondering like, if it affected you, too. Lots of people, er, like...
Right. XD I know it sounds weird, but do you watch My Little Pony?
XD Your profile page is always so colorful. Are you just really friendly, or is it an effect of 2 years' time here? xP
Wow you have a lot of friends. XD Hi thar.
I'd be lying if I said I've heard of that before today. Certainly interesting though; 'see if I can get it.
Well, since you asked... I'd like to see a mock-trailer of Kingdom Hearts, or just Birth by Sleep. Up to you what songs you want, or what scenes you want, or if you want to mix Final Fantasy or something, but is it okay if you do it with just Armored Core 3 or 4 songs? Just so you know, I'm not forcing you to do this.
What did you just make me read? D:
The car isn't even cyan...
Because my country apparently sucks too much for SME, I cannot have the same blessing of witnessing Droid4's work. But congratulations anyway!
When they reached the top of the hill, the darkness began fading. They took it as a good sign and decided to just sit around for a little longer. Roxas brought a hand to hover over his chest. "It feels weird...having a heart." "We share it, don't we?" Ven asked. "Why don't you have a heart?" "Comes with being a Nobody. Basically, when a person loses his heart, he becomes a Heartless. When the heart is strong enough, the body transforms into a Nobody, making me. But Sora still has his body and kicked me out. I'm nothing but an essence now, I guess." "Oh..." Ven muttered. He didn't know what else to say, but he was sure Roxas could feel the wave of sympathy from him. His twin (or clone; he didn't really know) had a small smile. From what he heard, he could only assume that his heart being inside Sora when he lost his was what influenced Roxas to look like Ven. When he thought deeply, he could vaguely see Sora releasing his heart and that girl's, Kairi. As if someone up there decided to break the serious tension, a random golden retriever walked past the two, though only Ven saw it as Roxas was leaning over the fence and Ven was merely sitting on the bench. Ven, upon seeing the animal, exploded. "Roxas!" He called childishly, running to the dog and petting it. The dog sniffed his palm and wagged its tail, sitting down. "Can we keep it?" Ven heard a sigh. "No." "But he's lost!" Roxas sighed, almost in defeat. Sometimes, he felt like he was babysitting a kid...
Daw, I'd love to -have a look-. XD! I saw this before... Anyways, bye-bye, ne! I'll see if my homework will let me chat with you. :3