Hello, and welcome! I don't have any questions, so I guess I can give you some (repetitive) advice... One, obey the rules like it's your Bushido Code. Two, have good self-control so most of you life isn't spent here. Three, try to participate or be active in KHV to really make your stay here worth while. And four, have lots of fun! If you have any questions, virtually anyone's approachable so just drop a visitor message or private message if ever~ Once again, welcome! Make yourself comfortable here, it's a loving community~ EDIT: PFF. I'm late. XD
3 more months? Aw, I hope it's worth the wait! It just has to be! I'll be playing like a madman just to know why all the supposed-to-be-dead characters are there.
Well, I can't exactly tell, but from the people I did come to like... Attractive: -Eyes that are not dark brown or close to black. -Light yellow hair (I'd like this best with blue eyes). -Light brown hair. -Obviously, a good personality. -The type who's always smiling. -Supportive. -Outgoing. -Can keep a conversation going, despite me not being able to do the same. ;;; -Humble. -Taller than me, but not too tall like 6" (that makes everything a little harder)... -Sense of humor; a really good one. -Is possessive to an extent that isn't extreme nor too much (is that weird?). -Uncommon names. -Bonus: European (judging by my preferences, I think the guy I'm looking for has to be). -Bonus: knows how to fight. Unattractive: -Too much of a rebel. -Liars. -Too proud of him/herself. -Vicious (unless need be, if that were possible). -Dimples... ;;; -Too much freckles... ;;;; -Too dark skin (not that I'm racist or anything...! It's just a personal preference...). ;;;;; -Does not like the stuff I do to an extreme extent. -Makes fun of the stuff I like. -Disses my family (this is the worst!). -^Then disses my friends (second to the one above). -Overly muscular. -Jeje. Please. As for my ideal as a child... Bahaha, I can't remember. I think... Brown/black hair with dark blue eyes, wore body-hugging t-shirts and jackets with dark jeans. Personality wise, the same, only he'd also be at the very least fine with shopping all day. Yeah, I liked shopping as a kid (SHAME).
It's just how I like to view things. How I'd like to think is it doesn't exactly extend to the more innocent things, like hugs and kisses or whatever. Unless you were talking about something else. Technically, yes, it actually is full of objective observers. But there are lesbians here and there. Somewhat including myself. Admittedly, I'm ignorant of these things, and I honestly did not know that. But you should ask the more religious people with a better knowledge on that than I do if you really want to. My own religion has many holes in it I'm trying to fill, so sorry... You're right, we don't. And you know what? It's someone's choice whether they want it or not. Haha, no. I love airplanes, even if I get air sick. I'm just saying that we weren't built that way. I did, a lot. And let me be honest with you, there's a lot of holes in my religion I can't ignore. This is one of them. However, lust is the desire, right? Overwhelming sexual desire. This is only justified when one is married, according to what I was told and what I just read (>.>;;). Which leads us back to the whole gay marriage question. But don't look at me for that. I already said my stance on that is, they should have. The Church (from what I know) says: "Homosexuals shouldn't have sex and whatnot." I say: "If you guys wanna go at it, then go. :D" ^Just in case I didn't make myself clear (I'm starting to feel I didn't... ;.;). Before I go on, I suck at debating. Anyways, from what I also read, lust in general is justified after marriage so long as it's to your partner, because you obviously love said partner. As I just said... This whole thing leads back to gays not being able to get married. Bottom line; issue is pointless, gays should be allowed marriage especially in this day and age, I'm not ignorant to the loopholes in my religion. Then again, what do I know, right? Right. But is it okay that we keep this from being too much of a debate on religion? I'll cut it out too. .w.;;
I'm just gonna put this out here, and the whole thread was honestly too long for me, so I don't know if this has already been said. For one thing, I'm not familiar with the laws regarding gay marriage, even in my country, but I believe that homosexuals deserve the right in this day and age, mostly because of the benefits marriage has. The Law shouldn't dictate what the Church should do; I honestly believe that there should be a clear line between those two. But then again, that's just coming from a teenager who knows close to nothing about law when it comes to these controversial things, so I'm not sure if there being a clear line between the two will have any negative repercussions. As for the religion part... This is my look on it. Homosexual acts are a sin. That's what all my teachers and what even the nuns in my school say; this was what I was taught to believe and would like to tell other Christians like myself too. I'm assuming it's because since, from what I've been taught, sex is supposedly an act of unity (was it? There was another term for that) and procreation. Since two people of the same sex can't exactly procreate, that eliminates one reason for sex being acceptable as an act in the Bible. Since they can't exactly unite either as we really weren't built that way no matter how you look at it, that eliminates the other reason, making the act itself totally out of lust. That being said, we all know, or maybe just most, that lust is one of the capital sins. I'm not sure if this is really the reason, but I'd like to think it so, in all honesty. 'Course, I'm just putting this out here. I mean, I'm not saying I look down on homosexuals who like doing intimate things with their beloved partners, I'm just saying this to clear things up. It's love, after all. If you ask for my own opinion, I'm totally neutral. I'll support homosexuals, but for equality. I respect those who want a gay marriage. Sorry it's lengthy. Hope it's not TL;DR.
Sorry, I only saw this now. But yes, that's what I meant; the ones I am talking about try to be like the female stereotype. And while I do respect their wanting to be female (with the daisy dukes and everything)... Please, I'd rather not hear falsetto shrieks of a hot guy passing by followed by fits of giggles. It's not even an attack on being gay, it's an attack on being too loud... Oh my. Sorry once again if I offend. I just kind of let myself go there...
o.o ... Nice to know I've been seen? XD
Lolol. I've never seen you in my life. 8D Ohai.
I've always had this strange impression that it happens during Kingdom Hearts 1. :| And it mostly was about Aqua. Besides, you know Nomura. He likes to come up with random, makes-things-more-complicated stuff to put plot into the game. That, or it would be like Re:Coded, not exactly relating to the whole main plot except for like, the last 5 minutes or so. Just my opinion, of course. :B
This... This is epic, honestly. I cannot wait. I just can't. It's like every original Kingdom Hearts character makes some sort of epic come back.. GAH! Cannot wait. ;w;
I didn't even get notifications or anything for replies to this thread... XD But thanks, all of you. I'll try and see what happens. P.S: Well, yes. It is a mask, but to be honest, I'm sometimes just not sure. And yes, I'm also pretty sure because when I think about it, I just feel numb, technically... In relation to that last line; true... But I do a bit of both. XD I'm so mean to myself. I'm pretty sure at this point I do indeed need a therapist... Or a hitting sport. Anyways, again, thanks much~
I'll just say it. I don't know if I'll sound mean (actually, I think I will), but me being an honest die-hard Catholic with sense, being homosexual technically is a sin. But to discriminate a homosexual, to say s/he will go to hell for simply being who s/he is... That's just stupid, honestly. Religiously speaking, God is forgiving. Just because we're straight doesn't give us the right to discriminate another human being for being, well, different. We're all a little different from each other. And like what was stated on the first page, sexual preference is just that; a preference. Why would you hate someone for preferring the same gender and not the opposite? IMO, that's like hating someone for liking vanilla better than strawberry. So basically, I'm okay with gays, but I honestly dislike the extremely open male gays here in my country simply because they try so hard to be girls that they shame males (by trying to be a girl) and females (by wrongly depicting a girl). Sorry if I offend; really... :/
Oh, no, no, it's okay! I greatly appreciate that you want to help. ^^ Sadly, though, I have found a way to vent my anger, yet the urges to hurt still arise every now and then, if not more frequently than usual... Still, I appreciate your concern~.
I'm terribly sorry I haven't been active lately, and I only come back to talk about my problems and just float around. But that's not my problem (just saying sorry). My problem is... Gah. How to summarize this... Due to other problems in my life, I have become a rather, um... Not really hate-filled. More like, anger-filled person. Due to how I was raised, I learned to bottle up that anger. But while the anger was building up inside, I apparently, unconsciously made some alternate persona. This alternate persona is filled to the brim with anger and cynicism, so I tend to criticize people and myself a lot. In a sense, this makes me become a better person (since I know what my bad points are and I can improve on them) and saves me from emotional pain (like, if a friend suddenly leaves me). Problem is... I noticed that along with the anger and cynicism this persona has... I apparently gave it sadism. So now... I have... Urges. To hurt people when they do something wrong. Actually, not just hurt. It kind of escalated as of late, the urge. Though, I still have my morals, so I haven't actually hurt anyone (I have hurt/killed animals though, as in like bugs and shrimps... and a bird, by accident. Thing is, I've killed them in horrible ways, like burning... or crushing then burning). I'm just scared that maybe, I might lose control and actually, really hurt someone. Not just like punch or slap hurt. Knife, blunt weapon, bleeding profusely hurt. And it doesn't help that I'm learning combat (self-defense, swear. Though a small part of me likes the idea of threatening--gah, I'm a horrible person...). What is wrong with me? What should I do? I know I should get rid of the sadist part, but I don't really know how...
I'm going to assume these haven't been asked yet: 1. What's it like working there? 2. Have you ever thought that something should be changed in Kingdom Hearts (gameplay, story, characterization, etc.)? If so, what?
;w; Thanks. Same here.
Rather not, really... ^^;
But my rant is stupid~ XDD;;
I'll be honest. Back here for me, it's not normal that the big brother gets hooked because of the little sister. For some strange reason, it's the little sister that gets hooked because of the big brother.
Nah... I might fill your profile. -.-