Curious, hurr.
Miktus? Why not? I prefer Mike though, but it's your username. :x I'd love to, but everything just sounds and looks weird because of my j. ;~;
HEAVEN. Goodness, it takes over an hour sometimes to drive from one place to another here when it should only take half that time. I will forever...
You got me at: "Everything is so spacious..." Oh, how I long to not go outside and not get stuck in traffic. XD And the heat's killing me. Using...
Awh. Have fun then! :DD I never actually been to the States before, not that I really want to. But it would be a nice change. *always goes around...
\:D/ Yay !
Adj. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Is that valid?
It's in the Spam Zone now, so I guess we should just make more pointless arguments...? Lol, I dunno.
California? O: Why California? Is there something there I'm missing? XD I know just how you feel. I have so few KH friends here, all the spazzing...
So what can I say about this? Well, I'll basically have to repeat what Noroz and Misty just said, haha. What is "beauty"? Something we find visually appealing, something we're attracted to, as a lot of people already know. Naturally, we respond to people who are healthier; relatively fit (like, not skinny, not obese, but I suppose there are some people out there with quite odd preferences; just don't encourage it in people, it's unhealthy...). So typically, clear skin, bright eyes, and the rest are dependent on whether one is male or female; usually. So yes, in terms of beauty, the natural kind is pretty important; think of it as the base color for a ball on a piece of paper. When it comes to make up, as Misty said, it should be used to enhance your beauty. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way, s/he just has to find a way to use make up to his/her advantage; or if s/he needs it at all. One can't just put layers upon layers of the stuff in hopes that it conceals all of him/her. Make up was invented to conceal what needed to be concealed (I think), like pimples, or scars, etc. Surgery and all that, I would honestly discourage cause a lot of things can go wrong. What if the surgeons mess up? What if that silicon in one's breast somehow some way affects her health by rupturing? What if s/he doesn't feel like him/herself anymore? I prefer it if the person just makes-do with what s/he has. However, if the person really is insistent and is aware of the risks and everything, then go ahead. Just be careful, I suppose? You know, just avoid making rash decisions when it comes to plastic surgery... It's hard to fix when something goes wrong. So in a nutshell; to me, natural beauty is the most important, but putting on make-up to enhance what a person has isn't bad or anything. Just don't overdo it; after all, the more one tries to make oneself beautiful, s/he might actually just be making him/herself... Less appealing than what s/he's capable of (does that make sense?). For plastic surgery, I just hope the person knows what s/he's getting into; the risks, etc. But then again, beauty can easily be based on personality, right? Which just means you have to be the best person you can be. So yeah, hope this makes sense...
My two cents; probably not worth much given the amount of replies, haha. I want a flat chest, or something smaller than what I have because mine just jiggle way too much for my tastes. And currently, I have martial arts training. It's not exactly a good feeling when you feel two weights on your chest jiggling about because of physics. I sometimes wish I could just cut them off, but I might just bleed to the extent of needing blood transplant. oAo But I kinda learned that I shouldn't just be sitting around going, "Oh, I wish I had smaller bewbs..." because I don't, and I've gotta work with that. You should too. I mean, it's okay to rant every now and then, but just remember to be happy with what you have. And yeah, it's not all that when you have big boobs. I'm sorta pointed out in school too for having such as [tableflip] moshi said, though not as often. While to a guy, boobs are fun and all, it's not an important part of the relationship. Any guy who says that boobs are important in a relationship aren't even worth the boobs they are asking for. It's just a bonus and that's that. Besides, it's sorta like a fad for me; this whole boobs thing. I don't know when, but one of these days, flat chested people would become desirable. I mean, I'm already starting to see hints of that in modern society; size 0's and all that, not that I'm saying you should go out of your way to achieve skinniness. I'm just saying that flat chested people will become desirable one day, and that day seems to be coming pretty quickly imo. Anything else I would have said have already been said by the people before me. Just don't think too much about it. This isn't something you should be too worked up about; just live~
Oh! You're going out of the country? I'm not even sure if you'll get this in time, but where? :D And have a safe trip! ^^ And, can I just say...
So I guess this is half and half... Somewhat. For one thing, you can't just self-diagnose yourself, however, the doctors can't just say you don't have it because it's too rare. Anything is possible. So I suggest you go to another doctor... Really. I actually sorta am in the same situation as you, only at a much lesser degree. I'm suspecting myself of a disorder, but none of my family believe me. Honestly speaking, I just gave up, however, I did manage to push my mom to say, "If you really want, fine, we'll have it checked." I'm not sure if you'll be able to do the same because I obviously don't know your family, but if you keep pushing it and show just how much this affects you, then maybe they'll consider it. If the doctors still say you "can't possibly have it", just keep insisting on making them check you for it. I'm not sure if this is the best thing to do, but it's certainly better than leaving it alone. :D Wish you luck.
XD Nyar, I can't help being shy with these things~ I actually don't know why, haha. I've been fine, yeah. Nothing too bad going on, so... Yeah....
I for one have never been in a relationship. Ever. However, I can tell you what my cousin, who already got married, said about this a few months ago. Soap's right in saying that people feel differently, and unlike some relationships I've merely heard of, my cousin had a rather innocent relationship with his wife. In simple terms, it's basically like being with a friend only you feel more intensely for this friend. Someone you can talk with all the time, say stupid things with, laugh with, spend "special alone time" with and not get sick of it. And he never said anything about arguments, but I guess you'd have quite a few of those, too. Misunderstandings, etc. Think of friend problems only more emotionally taxing. However, when it comes to like, your feelings for the person, I can't really say. I guess it's just this feeling of wanting to spend more and more time with them. Whenever you get into an argument, if you really love the person, you'd forgive him/her at some point. You won't have the heart to stay mad for too long, all that. Sorry if I'm not that helpful, especially since this isn't coming from me but from someone else.
Well, if you are messed up, then that means a lot of people are messed up. And in a way, I guess it's inevitable we're messed up. In short, it's normal for you to be experiencing this. Relatively. A lot of people do but that doesn't mean they have anything wrong with them. However, you should try to clear your head up a bit, or try to make sense of everything, or at the very least, control it. I'm experiencing just what you are, even the whole, "I don't feel like myself" part. It's got me worried too, until now, but neither of us can jump to conclusions, so my advice is that you just clear things up a bit; make sense of your feelings and stuff, and when something really off happens, that's when you should start getting worried. If you have anything wrong with you at all, it would probably be a personality disorder, which actually isn't much. When you say schizo, I suppose you mean with multiple personalities? Just look that up and if you really feel you have a lot of the symptoms, have yourself checked. For all you know. But the second paragraph's just a what-if. A huge what-if. Hope you can sort this out, I don't think we can help much besides giving advice~
Oh my. Haha! Forgive my lack of social interaction. I'm shy. ;;; But thanks, I appreciate the fact that you think I'm cool. x3 You seem pretty...
Random confessions are random; I'm playing Neopets. My Sim went bankrupt and had to live in a park. I think cats are evil. >.>;; Do I get shot for ruining the moment? ;;; :x I'll stop now.
These lengthy replies... XD Ack! The fake panic-attacks I get with these things. XD Good to know I know someone from the Philippines here on KHV. XD" I hate the humidity too, I just got used to it. ;;; I don't actually know the general idea other countries have of the Philippines, but from what I've seen... We're apparently known for the corruption in this country, which isn't really a good thing. XD;; Plus, when a foreigner criticizes the Philippines, Filipinos tend to all gang up on him and calling him names and stuff, to the point that I sometimes see it on the news... Basically, besides our 'hospitality', we're known for having too much country-pride when there's not much to go by, especially since we're the ones kinda ruining it. On a side note, I think the Philippines is beautiful. It's just the people. :c Another one! Yay! I think I should know you too, and I'm also thankful that I'm not alone. Wait, I'm going to read your confessions. XD Yes, it's hard to keep up. And while I'm well-off, at the rate my dad's going, we might not be for so long. ;w; And I try not to be ashamed. But alas, it's what some people say about the Filipinos that I stumble upon more than the people like you and Hayabusa who are at least fine with the country~. But okay, I'll try not to be so much. XD Haha, I guess it's good we can relate...? XD Not sure if the things we can relate to are good, but yeah. And thanks for the offer. I hope you don't mind if ever I suddenly PM you. ;;; I can relate with that... I'm Chinese, too, but I can't speak Mandarin or the dialect I'm supposed to know to save my life. My family doesn't make fun of me for it, but I feel extremely out of place because of it, especially since my grandmother only knows Hokkien (le dialect). I actually feel the same way sometimes; how everyone could secretly hate me. I don't really get over it completely, but I kinda comfort myself with the thought that if they do hate me, they wouldn't bother being nice in the first place and just leave it at that. And I've seen you around. I don't see why anyone would hate you~ I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but I'm not ashamed of it. XD Don't worry, there's a lot of people like you; more than you think and probably more than I think, too. Try not to be ashamed of it. The older cartoons are in general better than the new ones, anyway... IMO, though. Who wouldn't want to? But eh, fads are fads. Silly and temporary. One of these days, not necessarily in my lifetime, having a ball-body shape will be desirable. :U
I don't even go here frequently and I'm bombarding people with these things. And it's lengthy. Oh my. XD;; Ah, just need to vent cause no one else is available... My confessions: I'm scared of this site. In a sense. XDD;; I mean, when I see "KHV", it's not that I freak out or anything, I just get all funny when I'm about to post something. Like now. I always feel like I'll just humiliate myself. I used to RP at Twitter a couple of years ago. I got fair-weather friends there, and I was content enough with that. Then I started screwing up my studies so I had to get off. I was gone for so long, I guess I kinda lost them and to this day, I blame myself for losing them. In relation to the Twitter thing, I had a crush on a guy (no name mentioning... ;;; ). I convinced myself that I was over him but in reality, it seems I'm not completely. I'm about to begin martial arts training two days from now because I managed to convince my parents that it would help with my somewhat anger management issues (I always bottle it up and stuff happens when I explode...). What I didn't tell them is that I'm actually beginning to think that it'll make things worse and I might actually hurt someone severely. I often tell people that I hate my dad, but when I got hospitalized, I realized then that while I do hate him, some of the hate originated from anger because I just wanted to feel fatherly love for once. My dad called me fat in front of his colleagues, my mother and my brother. All of them laughed at me and when I confided that I was hurt about it, my mom just laughed some more and said, "I didn't think you were that sensitive!" in Chinese. As an added fact, this happened before my Graduation, so I become a little sad and all when I hear the Marching Hymn(?). I'm suspecting this is because of the above; I'm getting used to having an empty stomach, and when I eat, it's very little compared to what the average person eats. The only reason I do let anything in my mouth is because I know that it's a health risk and I have plans for the future. Sad to say though, to stop eating altogether is becoming tempting. I have skin asthma (forgot the actual name...) and have had it all my life. I'm jealous of people with skin that is better looking than mine, and I'm a little annoyed or butthurt when people go, "Oh, I have a pimple! This is terrible!" Well, I've got scars. My dad's a cheater, my mom's nearing the age of retirement (3 more years), my sister is technically unemployed, my brother has a very shaky plan for his job, tuition fees are rising and I'm still in the first half of high school. I'm scared. Ever since a friend of mine admitted she was a lesbian, I think I've been falling for her. Lol, I don't know, I'm weird. From the above, some people would think I've had a depressing life or something. I'm ashamed to say this, but in hindsight, compared to a lot of other people, I don't. Maybe I'm just calling for attention because I feel that I've been alone? Considering my parents were always busy, my brother and I have a 6 year age gap, my sister and I have a 12 year age gap, and I never had any friends until I was like--what, 10, 11? Just roughly 4-5 years ago . But I don't know. I don't know what's wrong with me. ;;;; I snuck out of school once. x3 Hee hee. I'm such a rebel. /shot. I have a slight fear of being physically alone. I don't really know... I just get jumpy. My self-esteem is really hard to bring up. The more jumpy, happy, funny I try to be and all that, the more nervous I am. Or shy. It's a pathetic-attempt thing... I'm desperate for boy friends. As in male friends. Being in an all-girls school, you'd think I'd be sick of seeing so much girls. :U No offense though. I just want to have friends that are a little more different. I'm ashamed of the reputation my country bears, and I'm scared to admit this because my brother's friends were immediately shunned when they found out... But... -ahem-... I live in the Philippines. ;;; So yeah... That's all I have to vent out. :x If you actually read all of it... Wow, thank you. XD