I like how extremely vague you make it out to be. XDD Yeah... :| Back from your trip now, righ'?
So, and correct me if I'm wrong, your main problem is that you lack the motivation and this really isn't much about college mostly because this lack of motivation will keep bothering you even if you skip it... Yes? Well, I can't say I know how you feel, but to me, that sounds like an extreme version of an artist or writer's block that just lasts. Unfortunately, I have no sure way of getting over such a thing because something like this is dependent on the person. If I were in your place, though, I'd think of how much I'm letting people down and use that as motivation. In fact, that's my motivation right now. I want my mom, my friends, anyone who knows me to be proud of me. But of course, that's only for me. You're welcome to try that though. I don't know you very well, and when it comes to finding motivation, I'm a little weak at that, but maybe you could also try finding something to always look forward to. Like, try finding the fun in the extra things you get in college. As for the self discipline, I was told that sports helps with that so if you're willing to risk it, take a sport up. Unless of course, you feel you can do it yourself. As for the third paragraph... My. Well, what to say... As mean as it sounds, in life, you can't just keep giving. It's a fact we all have to face. I know how you feel; the whole "humility on another level" and all, but for your own sake, you have to take it. Don't worry about God's plan for you; we were never meant to figure it out while it's unfolding. Keep your faith, but don't worry so much about what He has in store for you. Just let Him do what needs be done and then maybe you'll see. Sorry if I really didn't help much. Hopefully, you'd get something out of this. Good luck~
Where to start... Maybe some warnings/reminders: One, it's long. Two, like everything with me, this will go everywhere before it ties together. Three, I'm bad at explaining things, but I will try to make it all flow alright. Four, it's pretty weird. And five, this isn't urgent at all, actually. It's just bothering me. Okay. I guess I should start with this; I'm almost emotionless. I look like I'm very in touch with my emotions but in reality, I'm kinda not. I act on an almost daily basis, mostly "amplifying" my emotions because while I do have them, they're very... Weak, if you will. If emotions had 5 levels in total, the highest most, if not all, of my emotions can reach is probably level 3. I act like I'm bursting with emotions for the sake of people and myself. That's not the problem, though. Since I'm not exactly in touch with my emotions, I learned to label each through experience; the exact emotion I'm feeling in categories and by degree, so I would know how to be like and the words I would say when asked. In a sense, then, I am in touch with my emotions if by "in touch" you mean I know exactly what I'm feeling and how to act as if I really feel it. Except love. Bam! Le problem right there. I can love, no problem. The only kind of love I have problems with is, typically, the infatuation or the romantic love. I don't know when I have a crush, when I'm really in love (but as I've heard, they're almost the same, right?), all that. I'm so detached from my emotions that I don't show it, but I feel it, and that's enough to drive me insane simply because it's so... foreign. I don't know if I'm just trying too hard to put a label on this foreign feeling, but just in case, I stopped thinking about it. It subsided, thankfully. By now, you could be wondering why I'm not basing it on whether I feel attracted to that person or not. It's because I'm sorta asexual. I'm not attracted to anything. I have a lack in hormonal... Things. Have Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie strip right in front of me, I'd be revolted if not totally neutral (asking why they would strip aside). I wasn't always like this, but well... Mind over body; things happened and I was convinced that love was stupid, so I guess my will to not be attracted was so strong, it actually went against my original orientation. Which all the same is still pretty controversial (bisexual). So far though, Chris Hemsworth has caught my eye; probably mostly because of his voice and the fact I'm color-sensitive (I like how blue [eyes] and yellow [hair] go together). "But you must be attracted to a person by personality!" That's where the whole emotion thing I mentioned up there comes in. My feeling of being with a friend is almost the same with... THIS. Whatever the heck this is! I... I don't know how they're different yet the same... I mean, based on what people told me, this is a crush, but it feels just like friendship only I want to just stay with the person longer... I'm so confused. But I'm not done; the plot unfortunately thickens. The reason this whole thread even happened is because, while I've felt this before and decided to mark this as a "crush", it was with my friend. But that's not all. The problem to this is that I dislike, like, and like-like her (yes, her; and to get things straight, I'm also a girl). Mixed up I tell you. I disliked her because she's just so self-centered sometimes, so insensitive at other times, and so... annoying. Then she always does something that just makes me look up to her as a sort of older sister, as a friend, like I couldn't really imagine myself fantasizing about kissing her or anything. Those two, I feel when I'm with her or away from her; it depends. I only feel this when I'm away from her--and only when I'm away from her. Because of the above, I started doubting on what this is. Is it really just a craving for friendship? Is it really a crush? Are my emotions just so weak that it's just too hard to tell? This isn't an urgent thing since, as mentioned, I stopped thinking about it so much (it was badgering me for a year, 24/7) and it thankfully subsided. Also, I told the girl (who by the way is actually lesbian--go figure) that I had a "crush" on her without telling her the whole thing and she friendzoned me. Plus, I'm a student who values her studies. So no, I can't try having a relationship with her. Basically... I'm really confused about this. What is this? Should I just stop trying to put a label on it? And I guess an added thing... I know I'm too systematic about something as abstract as emotions, so maybe you could help me stop and just let myself feel. I think that would help too. (Basis for "crush"; -I can imagine the person kissing me and feel at least happy. -I want to stay with the person longer. -???) Asdfghjkl; I know I'm problematic...
What would be romantic for me... Hm. It would really depend on the person... For example, if I was dating someone who is rather into the calmness of the night and cliche things like that, then a nice outside dinner would be nice. If I was with one of those people who liked having (innocent) fun, like going laser-tag or something, then laser-tag. I'm an extremely adaptable person, as you can probably tell... Just no crazy party-guys that down alcohol like it's water or something...
Really? o-o So like, they tell you almost randomly? oAo But what if they tell you it's already tomorrow? D: Awwww. That's a feeling we all have to...
As much as MLP fans would like that, I don't think that's such a good idea. For one thing, it could end up being a waste of money if you really want it to become the kind of movie in theaters. Another thing is that the double episodes can already suffice as a movie. But the series does have the potential to become one I would think, considering the first two episodes ever, the first two episodes of Season II and of course, the season finale. Totally my opinion, though.
You don't know when your classes start? Tsk, tsk. :> Ah. It's okay! I was just wondering. :3 Still in the U.S? If so, that's one long trip. :))
Attention seeking maybe? Jealousy, maybe? Who knows. But I'd say just tell your parents you're getting a dog first before she gets her kitty. Hopefully, they'll listen to reason cause, from how it sounds, you have more of a right to keep the dog than she has to keep the cat. But there's also the fact that dogs, as far as I know, are harder to take care of than cats. While cats can entertain themselves, some dogs just can't, so you'll have to commit yourself to that dog too.
I don't even play a Shitake-load of games, and neither am I too addicted to them, but I find myself comparing my mind to a puzzle-platform, seemingly plot-less video game wherein the only possible goal is to try and understand myself more. A never ending video game, or such a long video game that it's taking me forever to get, with each level just becoming more difficult than the last. I'm always told "Oh, you understand yourself pretty well!" but in truth, I don't understand much of me at all. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever understand myself completely, if my life is long enough for me to do so, and just how much there is left to grasp. My mind is my own mind****, if that makes any sense.
Yes, yes it is. But it's declining so slowly, I'm assuming not much people actually see it declining. Of course, this is just the way I see it. When I look around the net, the most prominent reason I've seen is that it's been console-hopping. I've never actually realized how bad of an idea it was to console-hop until KH:3D came out because it called for a 3DS only and, let's be frank, there's not much for that handheld. I'm stuck debating with myself on whether I should get one just for KH3D and try to make the most out of it or just not get it at all. And it's frustrating. And of course, there's also the whole "KH is taking too long!" or "KH has too much games!" reason, but you have to remember the fact that the side-games are there to help us understand the plot-details or whatever dropped in each game. Though I will admit that Re:Coded could have been... Well, not necessarily done without, but maybe shortened. Or the important details being in some secret ending or something. As fun as it was, it became a second KHI and Chain of Memories. That's really frustrating... If I really had to put an expiration date on the series, maybe a year or so after KHIII comes out. Nomura would have to be pretty crafty with the next plot if he's going to revive the fanbase after that. And hopefully, KH will stop console-hopping, but I don't really see that happening. This is all just my opinion though. For all I know, Nomura will manage to turn this into some kind of Kingdom Hearts Universe like Marvel or something.
Ugh. I know right? I love going abroad and all, but I hate the feeling of coming back. It's so... Ugh. Tiring, saddening? XDD When do your...
I know right? So much fuss. You have to wonder, but I've a feeling it would be a bit disappointing. -.- XD! How's the States so far, anyways?
On an almost daily basis, I manage to identify myself or one of my traits with at least one character, but now that I'm finally asked/wanted to answer, I find that I have a hard time finding a character/s I truly resemble. That, and I had a huge mind block, haha. ;; But I suppose I truly resemble these characters the most. There could be a better choice out there, but as I said. Mind block. ;;;; Uchiha Itachi. (from Naruto) A man who is kind and caring, yet still leaves lots of room for just as much logic and calculation. Basically, he's a balance between both the "heart" and the "mind". He can be loving, as he was for his younger brother, and he can be merciless, as he was with pretty much the rest of his clan. He is also, above all, a patriotic man who is willing to sacrifice himself for those he is loyal to given that there is no other choice. He picks those he associates himself with rather carefully (or at least, the way I see it. Not much regarding social life was actually said on the poor guy...) and leaves a soft spot for them. The rest, he is polite. For those he dislikes, well... He possesses a short temper for them. He has a way with words; he knows how to use them to demoralize a person easily. This way, he finds no need to go physical on people so long as his words are enough to turn the situation in his favor. Along with his patriotism and willingness to sacrifice himself when need be, he has a good sense of justice, but his means of getting said justice aren't necessarily... Well... Truly right, given the setting of the series he's from. He weighs the pros and the cons and smothers his emotions when the choice requires him to. Also, Itachi is wise for his age, despite being only 21. How am I like the guy? I could easily replace every "he" and "this/the/a man" in those paragraphs up there with "me", "myself" and "I", and the two paragraphs will still be pretty accurate (except for the obvious and disregarding inevitable grammatical errors). I based this all off on my own analysis of myself and what I was told by other people regarding the more "serious" things. Itachi is from a series wherein almost all the main characters just get on my nerves and he is easily my favorite character. I suppose this is only so because I can relate to him so well~ Ventus (from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep) Need I enumerate? Oh well, I will anyway. Ventus is pretty much the epitome of happiness, of light, of everything sunshine and sunflowers, yet he still has the capability to be serious. He is innocent (or at least, a child at heart) in nature, yet he's still aware of the complexities of the world. He constantly looks at the bright side of things, always having a sense of hope while at the same time, providing said hope to others. He's charitable without realizing it, he's child-like without meaning to, and he's just downright adorable without exerting any effort. His sense of justice is, I would think, is similar to Itachi's, only a little more heroic and "being the better person"-like. There's also the fact that he's rather strong-willed. I mean, I don't remember Ven crying at all. And if he did, it wasn't like he was wailing or anything. Ven is also very honest, standing by his principles and avoiding conflict. So yeah, in addition to the first character, I also have this guy that I believe I relate to the most. I know they're both pretty opposite, and I'd love to explain, but I think I've just said too much, haha. ;;
Power: Troll Physiology Alignment: Lawful Cynical The energetic young boy who fights crime as a vigilante. This serene woman has slanted blue eyes that are like two pools of water. Her fine, straight, short hair is the color of ripe plums, and is worn in a businesslike style. She has a wide-hipped build. Her skin is white. She has a low forehead and a small nose. Her wardrobe is plain and severe, with a lot of white. Hahaha... I'm gender-confused.
I've seen you around. Wondered for a while why you didn't have any post counts, haha. Anyways, I'm sure you know your way around and stuffs and can manage on your own. Just read the rules and keep them in mind, yeah.
Really? You don't seem like it... :x Maybe one day, haha. TBH, I only want to go to see what goes on in there. I mean, people make such a big deal...
I look back and say multiple things; I was a b****, I was too promiscuous, etc. But above all, I was insanely stupid. -shudders- Oh God, why...
Judging from your new name (and thing there below your name... I don't know what that's called), you must watch Avatar! 8D /shot for stating the...
Yeah. The heat sucks, doesn't it? I have to live with that kinda weather everydaaaaaay. asdfghjkl;
Oh, you hate dresses too? XDD But isn't Prom an option? I mean, you make it sound like it's required. oAo;; Huhu. T.T Le States. How's it going?...