Yeah, I loved the scene when they showed a changeling attending the wedding. It was , 'I'm not here to share the love, continue on.'
I kinda liked the 100th episode, especially with Doctor Whooves and his references.
Emma is a amazing character, I just like her, I don't really have a favorite in Megaforce.
-District 12: Katniss' Home- "Sounds good." Sakura said, smiling. Ron nodded, "I will do the same. Protect my loved ones, the people I care about." Closing her eyes, Sakura opened them and said, "Well, we should head back now. Here, my number." "Mine." Ron said, as they gave her their phone numbers. Sakura said, "I hope we will be able to fight together someday." -Command Center- "Right, it would be best since we're the only ones who know." Lily said, setting the Driver down. She turned and smiled, hearing Katniss' reason to work alone. She leaned against the control panel and thought, 'Well, our group does seem capable with those who been picked so far. I wonder what other surprises will appear.' -Hotel- Elsa smiled, "Yes, it's good to be with you all. Sorry to have caused such worry." Anna smiled, seeing her sister smile and be happy to be around people. -Remus' Home- Holding Riolu on his lap, Harry said, looking at his father, "So, think that this Zedd and Rita will send any monsters after us? Or any attacks from the Crystal Order?" "I don't know, but it's very possible." James said, thinking. Messing with his Lockseed, Sirius said, "Well, we'll have to stay on the alert out in the city and at the school." Remus nodded, looking at him.
Hey, everyone. Hope summer is great for you.
Megaforce & Super Megaforce, but yes that is Emma.
-District 12: Katniss's Home- "No, I'm not going to force you to join me and the others." Ron said, holding up his hand to stop her. "She and I are here, because she had a feeling about that attack due to her experience of fighting." "Yes, but we understand." Sakura said, "Even I started alone." "But the group won't hesitate to come and help you if you need it," Ron said, looking at Katniss. Closing her eyes, Sakura thought back to her battles. -Command Center- Lily smiled. "Well, he's right. We shouldn't force her. And I think that district will be happy to have her as their protector." "I wish she could have joined." Navi said. "She would have been a great help." "I understand, Navi." Lily said, smiling. She walked and picked the Birth Driver. "But everyone choose their own reasons for accepting their given powers and how they will use them." -Remus' Home- Reaching Remus's home, Harry called Eiji that Sirius won't be home that night. James let the Wilys run around in the backyard while he, Sirius, Remus, and Harry discussed the fight and thoughts on the next battle. -Hotel- When they reached the hotel, Elsa bowed at Yen Sid, "Thank you. We'll be fine." After entering the lobby, Anna looked at her sister, "Elsa, you okay?" "I feel bad that it's my fault everyone will see Harold as a criminal now." Anna hugged her sister to comfort her. -Narumi Detective Agency- Philip walked through the Planet's Bookshelf, looking through the shelves for what to read so he could pass the time until the next day. -Crystal Order HQ- Scoffing, Kazari said, "You should have expected something strange about them. How some of them wear clothes of the same color as the Rangers, maybe a weird excuse." He crossed his arms and leaned back. "And how ironic that their boss at that school is our leader."
-District 12: Katniss' Home- "Just about all of it." Ron said, taking a sip of the lemonade. Sakura smiled and sipped her lemonade, "But I was impressed. For your first time as a Rider, you adjusted to the situation quite well. It took me a while to adjust the power and the fights." "You mean, you're a Rider?" Ron asked, Sakura nodded, "I'm Kamen Rider Ichigo, the start of the Rider line, but that's a story for another time. I'll help when needed, but now it's your turn along with the other Riders." Ron felt his ears turn red, having to live up to such a legacy. -Nintendo Elementary- Walking back to Remus's house, James carried WilyKat on his back while WilyKit walked with Sirius and Remus, Kat asked," Hey, did you hear that rouge Rider earlier?" "Yeah, but I also heard that a new group of Riders stopped it." James said, trying to make sure that they didn't discover the truth of what happened earlier. -Flower Shop- "Alright. Thank you." Elsa said, she looked at Aerith, chaos, and Lenne. Bowing, she said, "Thank you for trying to understand. Here." She created three beautiful flowers and gave them to them. After they left, Aerith looked at the flower and smiled. -Crystal Order HQ- Kazari walked by Sunset Shimmer and Madame Gao, carrying something in his hand, he just gave a wave at the two of them as he changed into his Greed form. He entered Warren's office, "Hey, if we're going to have our own Rider, then you're going to need who they are and their weaknesses." He tossed the items on the desk, which were files of all the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers. "I'll use this to help on my mission, also I heard there are others who use similar Drivers like you, apparently." -Alice's Apartment- Alice stood in the kitchen, making food for dinner. "Hey, Blanca, can you ask Yuri to come into the kitchen?" Blanca barked and ran to Yuri, barking and panting happily.
-District 12 - Katniss' House- "Well, how do I put this?" Ron said, rubbing his hair. "I saw that fight. And I wish that I could have helped, give Thrax a piece of my piece for using me against my friend." He showed her his Driver and said, "I was the evil Rider that was running the city earlier today. But someone freed my mind. There are others like us, who use similar Driver. Though I'm the only one who has two of those Locks." He revealed the Blood Orange and Fresh Orange Lockseeds he had. He sighed, "I would be able to use this new one." -Command Center- Lily watched the confrontation between Ron and Katniss, not wanting to talk about what Hiccup saw. She did smile at Ron admitting his actions and wanted to redeem himself. "Wonder how Katniss will take to the news." She whispered to herself, as she held her Melon Energy Lockseed. -Nintendo Elementary- "Kit! Kat!" James shouted, waving at his adopted children as he and his friends went to the school to pick them up. Sirius looked at his friend and his children, he whispered, "So, we're heroes now to protect them......" "Lets just make sure that they don't find out that we are heroes along with their father." Remus said, smiling at James smiling as he held WilyKat and WilyKIt. -Narumi Detective Agency- "If Sochiki Narumi taught you anything about the magical world, then surely he would have taught you about Nicholas Flamel, the most powerful wizard and maker of the Philosopher's Stone." Philip said, leaning against a wall and looking through his book. "Harold was created through the use of a strange book, the Emgire Manuscript from a strand of Harry Potter's hair. But considering how he was raised, it's probably just some kind of misunderstanding." -Flower Shop- Seeing what was happening, Elsa sighed, looking away. Anna held her sister's hand and tried to comfort her, imagining how much Harold tried to help her. "Olaf and Hans are waiting at the hotel." Anna said, Elsa nodded, taking one more look at Harold. -Hospital- Listening to the report, Hermione sighed and turned off the TV. "I doubt that someone related to that wizard would do something like that." She turned and rubbed her hair. Looking at the books available, Hermione picked one and sat down, reading it. -Cardcaptors- "Maybe he isn't, and the police are just over-assuming." Kero said, taking a bite of the cake he had in front of him. Sakura looked through the Clow Book, sighing, "Too bad there's not a Clow Card to prove if he's guilty or not." "I know you want to help, but let them handle it, kid." Kero said before taking a huge bite of the cake. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine sat in her room, looking out her window with her sketchbook on her lap. She heard the report, but wasn't sure what to believe since her caretakers didn't really care about the news. She just sat at the table and sketched.
Just watched it. It was cool to see Gilda again and how they became friends.
Haven't seen it yet.
-Gringotts- "Yes, I'm sure you know a great deal of magical people here in Tokyo." Elsa said, following Harold to the flower shop so she could meet the owner and apologize for the all unwanted attention to the shop. She looked at Harold and hoped he would be alright now. -Flower Shop- Sighing as she rubbed her hair, Aerith saw someone enter the shop. "Welcome, Princess Anna." She said, surprised to see her. Anna nodded, "Yes. I came since I wasn't sure if Elsa would come here and I was too eager to see her again." "Well, have a look around while we wait to see if she comes by." Aerith said, Anna nodded, looking at the flowers. She smiled at how beautiful they looked, imagining all the love and care that Aerith put into making. She looked around and felt bad for the attention Aerith's shop was getting. After awhile, Harold, Elsa, and Yen Sid appeared. Seeing her sister, Anna smiled and hugged her sister, Elsa smiled and hugged her back. Anna looked at Harold and said, "So, this is the person who 'kidnapped' you?" "No! That's a misunderstanding!" Elsa said. "When I ran from the signing, I didn't know where I ended up and he took care of me. He only learned of my name when Officer Jenny came to look for me and tried to calm me down. He wasn't keeping me prisoner. Harold can verify what I said. Sorry that you're going to lose a hard worker." After thinking for a while, Aerith said, "How bout you stay here, Harold? I'll add some terms to your conditions. When you work in the shop, you'll be in the back and try to make sure that you're not seen by your family's enemies or whoever will want to know your family secrets. When there are no one in the shop, keep it closed unless it's urgent or until one of us come to work. Also, when you go out, have someone with you and wear something to cover yourself." "Can you all keep this secret?" chaos asked, looking at the others in the shop. -Command Center- Looking at Hiccup as he woke up, Lily thought and asked, "Hey, Hiccup? I can understand if you're still surprised by this. To be honest, I'm still surprised that I was picked, but maybe if you have like a pet or something, you can ask it to help us." "What?" Navi asked, Lily said, "Well, since Ron has that Mew and Harry has a Riolu, we're going to need all the help that we're going to need." -District 12: Katniss' Home- Sakura and Ron watched the fight, waiting until Thrax disappeared. Sakura nodded at Ron and he swallowed, walking to Katniss' door. "Katniss, it's me, Ron. Can I come in?" He asked, knocking on the door. -Hino Family Shrine- Rei nodded, continuing to sweep the entry way and greeting customers who came to the shrine for charms or to pray. -Tsukino Home- While Serena slept, Luna watched the encounter between Rini and Darien. She wondered what kind of person he was, the data on the secret base computer didn't have a lot of data on him or some of the other heroes.
He seemed to reference Robin Williams (may he rest in peace) as the Genie at one point.
Yeah, true.
Also, Celestia has a strange sense of humor.
Did that new MLP episode have a Metal Gear Solid reference?
-Tokyo Street- While walking, Ron saw someone ride up to him. It was Sakura, transformed with a helmet over her head as her hair was tied in a bun in the helmet. She looked at Ron and said, "Get on, I have a feeling that your former controllers sent someone new to handle one of our kind." "Uh, okay." Ron said, getting on behind her, "How do you know something's going on?" "I have done this for a long time, the feeling has become instinct," Sakura said, driving off with Ron holding on her uniform. -District 12, Katniss's Home- Appearing near Katniss's house, the Woman watched as Thrax approached Rue. She wondered if that girl was really one of the Armored Rider that Sagara picked in the race for the Golden Fruit. Watching, the Woman wondered if anyone would appear to help. -Command Center- Navi panicked as she tried not to disturb Zordon and Lily teleported into the Center, "Navi, Alpha, I think that Zedd and Rita weren't happy about losing Ron and sent one of their own. I just don't where." She looked at Hiccup and figured it was best to not bother as she figured out where they sent their son. She found and said, "District 12." "But that's where we have the signal of one of the Drivers." Navi said, Lily thought until she looked at the Viewing Globe and saw Sakura and Ron riding to the district. "Well, lets see what he does with that new Lockseed." -Gringotts- "Please, sir Yen Sid." Elsa said, lowering her hood. "I was afraid to go out and Harold didn't know who I was until Officer Jenny told him about me. I didn't even know that I was in a flower shop when I ran to that place. I admit, Diagon Alley is wonderful, and Harold is gracious to me. But please, Harold hasn't been here long and was trying to help me, so I will try to get accepted by the others on my own, just let Harold live peacefully in Tokyo, though he can't stay at the flower shop anymore." She sighed and looked at Harold, "Farewell. Here." She made a beautifully crafted ice flower and gave him it and the magic paper she had. "I'm sorry that we couldn't get to know each other more." -Hotel- Anna waited at the hotel, wanting to see her sister and looked out a window, humming to herself. -Hino Family Shrine- "Hello, Grandpa, Chad." Rei said, smiling at her grandfather and his Pokemon. "Sorry about your match. It sounds like you had fun though." -Tsukino House- Luna leaped onto the window still of Serena's room, laying down and looking out. -Flower Shop- Arranging some flowers, Aerith looked at chaos and he sighed. "I'm not used to finding those with magics and I don't know how far they are." He said, rubbing his hair. Aerith said, "Well, it was worth a shot." She sighed, holding some of the flowers she had.
-Flower Shop- Taking the arrest warrant, Aerith was surprised, she said, "To be honest, we don't know much about Harold. He was just renting a empty room in the upper floors. At the moment, he's out. And because of this, I don't know if he'll come back now." "But he didn't seem like such a bad boy." Lenne said, thinking about how much he helped him. Looking at them, chaos thought for a moment. Aerith sighed, "We don't have a way to contact him unless chaos can use his power to locate them." "I can't say for sure I will be able to find them. My powers are different from most magic." chaos said. "Just give it your best shot." Lenne said, chaos took a breath and the top part of his gloves shone as he closed his eyes and focused. -Diagon Alley- Putting the hood over her head, Elsa stayed close to Harold and admired the shops of the Wizarding World's marketplace. She wondered if he would be okay to live on his own since he seemed happier staying in the flower shop, working with Aerith, chaos, and Lenne. As they walked through Gringotts, Elsa still kept close to Harold and wondered who he meant as friends. Elsa tried to keep calm in the prescene of the goblins. -Hotel- Anna ran into the room and heard the news report, she was surprised there was someone else with powers. For some reason, she felt that Harold wasn't that bad of a person and kept quiet about that, she did sigh in relief, "Thank goodness." -Tsukino Home- After moving all her old things into Rini's room, Serena laid on her bed and yawned, "Man, I'm beat. I think I'm gonna take a nap." Luna sweatdropped and sighed, hopping onto the bed and looked out the window, wondering about Rini. -Hino Shrine- Rei calmly worked at her family shrine, sweeping the entry path and humming to herself. -Remus's Home- Seeing his best friend and their Pokemon asleep, Ron quickly wrote a note and quietly left the house. Stretching, Ron looked at the sky and held his new Lockseed, thinking about the fight and sighed. Feeling the Blood Orange Lockseed in his pocket, Ron sighed and walked down the street, rubbing his hair. He looked out at the peaceful quietness of the area, trying not to imagine if he had to destroy it. -Narumi Detective Agency- Listening to the report, Philip looked curious and entered the Planet Bookshelf to look up more information about Harold Flamel and the history of Nicholas Flamel.
-Tokyo Street- Even though Sirius and Remus were found out, they were welcomed as they were all newcomers for their powers. James still admitted that though with his age, he was picked to be a Power Ranger, though Remus said, "Well, you were always a teenager at heart, and you were skilled at martial arts." "By the way, that karate studio was meant for you to use, James." Nala said. "Oh, thank you, Nala!" James said, his eyes shining and smiling as he held her hands, she sweatdropped at him. Sirius looked at him and said, "Thus, proving our point." "I have a idea, while you resume your martial art teaching, us and the other heroes chosen by Zordon can use it as a training area," Remus said, James nodded, smiling. -Magical Trunk- As she clipped the cloak around her neck, Elsa looked at Harold, "I'm sorry about this, Harold. I didn't mean for you to be taken from your new home." She looked down and sighed, "I just keep causing problems." -Moon Palace- Rita and Zedd kept quiet as they listened, Zedd looked out and decided that it was time to pay Vrak and maybe his brother, Vekar, a visit. -Hino Shrine- Rei sighed and listened to the event at the university, smiling that he was fun with Chad. -Tsukino Home- Luna slept on the couch, purring softly while Serena was upstairs, moving her old items into Rini's room, trying to prove that she could do the chore given to her toward her little brother.