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  1. Princess Rapunzel
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    I guess I can ask you to be careful with Max's powers since I'm sure you have some idea of what it does to her. But anyway, I have a few characters to take.

    Name: Right Suzuki
    Description: A young boy with a huge amount of imagination and enjoys eating very delicious food. He and his friends are freshman students at Nintendo High, they are also known as the ToQgers with Right being the team's Red Ranger. Right is never seen without his jesery coat or a plait shirt around his waist.
    Occupation: Student/ToQ1
    Series Character is from: Ressha Sentai ToQger

    Name: Haru Tokashiki
    Description: Nicknamed Tokatti, Haru is the brains of the group and ToQ2, the Blue Ranger of the ToQgers. He is often seen pushing up his glasses with his thumb. As called by Right, Haru is considered the tactic leader of the group.
    Occupation: Student/ToQ2
    Series the Character is from: Ressha Sentai ToQger
    Name: Hikari Nonomaru
    Description: Another member of the ToQgers, Hikari is ToQ4, the Green Ranger. He's the calm member of the group, often seen messing with his kendama. Hikari is considered the second in commander and called the shadow leader of the group.
    Occupation: Student/ToQ4
    Series the Character is from: Ressha Sentai ToQger

    Name: Mio Natsume
    Description: The fourth member of ToQgers, Mio is ToQ3, the Yellow Ranger. She is the big sister-type figure of the group, caring for everyone and trying to consider the best decisions to pick though Right is the leader of the group. Along with Hikari, she is a strong and tough fighter.
    Occupation: Student/ToQ3
    Series the Character is from: Ressha Sentai ToQger

    Name: Kagura Izumi
    Description: Considered the youngest of the group, Kagura is ToQ5, the Pink Ranger of the ToQgers. Only behind Hikari and Right, Kagura has a lot of imagination, but she sometimes forgets reality when she uses her imagination.
    Occupation: Student/ToQ5
    Series the Character is from: Ressha Sentai ToQger
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    Oh, the same old Planet-type deck as before. I haven't really dueled much, what with school and looking for a apartment.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    I noticed and I see, Yusei. Same as ever, always trying to get stronger with your cards. I guess that is a good thing, I prefer my deck as it is.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    Well, I will try to visit more often. And thank you for your support.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    Hello everyone, your shy and quiet Akiza Izinski. I am hoping that you will vote me in the KH-V Awards as the best role-player. I didn't know that I was good enough that someone would nominate me for such a honor. I know I don't spend a lot of time here, but I still love to duel.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Music Room-

    Kira listened to Yen Sid and nodded, hoping that Vekar didn't have any plans to disrupt her practicing or her time with her friends. Nero just hoped that Dante and Vergil will allow him to practice in their apartment, if they didn't mind.


    -Girls Locker Room-

    Gia changed into her P.E. uniform, tying her hair into a ponytail. Taking off her necklace, Gia covered up her Gosei Morpher and hiding her communicator within her clothes, making sure it was muffled when it would sound.



    Watching Tommy set up the gym as a makeshift track, Fang said, "Take a break, Tommy. Let Kurokage handle this class." "Fang, just don't let that arrogance go to your head now you're a Kamen Rider." Tommy said, looking at her. "You have a major duty now." "I know, I know." Fang said, Tommy sighed and left the gym. Fang watched him as the students came in, Jake smiling as Gia stretched.


    -Drama Classroom-

    Kuja prepared his lesson for the first class while Hinako sorted out the papers on the assignments that Kuja had in mind for the class. She did wonder when Sakura would visit the school


    -French Classroom-

    Sirius started his French class by checking attendance, when her name was called, Emma raised her hand. She sighed as she listened as Draco say that he was present so proudly. 'It's just taking attendance, not being invited for audience with the royal family or anything.' She thought to herself.


    -Children's Card Game 101-

    "Alright, class is starting." Yami said, entering the classroom and starting attendance. Akiza sat calmly while listening to him take attendance of the students in the class.


    -History Class-

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione happily talked about what's been happening with them. Only hushed, they confessed to Hermione about their roles as Riders, Ron even admitted he was the rouge Rider but promised to use that new Lockseed that he got rather then the Blood Orange. Hermione told them that she knew a Rider but they needed to figure it out for themselves.


    -English Class-

    Noah took out his books for his class and sat quiet, listening to the attendance roll call. He kept quiet and waited for his name to be called.


    -Creative Art Class-

    Namine entered the Creative Art classroom and sat at her seat, taking out her sketchbook. She sat quietly, gently sketching in her sketchbook, her current sketch being about the Power Rangers.



    Philip sat in the Library, wandering the Planet's Bookshelf for random lookups. He wandered around the endless shelves, looking at the countless subjects and books that he looked at.



    Koyomi looked amazed and nodded, as they headed for their first class together. She sat in her seat with Haruto sitting next to her, listening to the attendance roll.


    -Modern History Class-

    Dante yawned as he watched the students enter his classroom while Billy waved at them. "Alright, everyone, stay quiet while I take roll call." He took the attendance roll call.


    -Remus' Home-

    While Lily worked on a new Driver, James was teaching Remus how to fight and protect himself now that he was a Rider. Remus told him that he might not be useful on the night of a full moon due to his 'condition', but James reassured him as long as he had his Wolfsbane ready, he would be fine.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Well, thank you, Carter, chaos." Aerith said, smiling. She quickly went upstairs to get her coat and told Beast that she would be gone for a while, before heading out with Carter.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel


    "Hey, John." Alice said, looking at him and waving at him. She walked up to him, smiling. "So, what do you want to do today, John?" She walked beside him on the sidewalk.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    Rei stepped out of the shrine, dressed in her school uniform. "Hey, I'm off to school, grandpa. Hope you and Chad have a lot to sell." She said, waving at them then left the shrine with her friends. Serena talked about going to the arcade after school, while Ami considered studying.


    -W Group-

    As the four of them walked to the school, Queen and Elizabeth talked with Hermione upon the latest gossip that they heard about the school while Philip kept quiet, holding his blank book and hoping that not a lot would happen during the day.


    -Nintendo Elementary-

    "Alright, you two have a good day." Remus said, patting the Wliys' head and smiling. Lily said, "And make a lot of friends. Try to outshine your brother." "Mom!" Harry said, embarrassed. Lily laughed and waved at them as they ran to the entrance. James looked at his watch and said, "Race you to the high school, Harry!" He took off and Harry followed, Remus and Lily smiled, watching father and son having fun together.


    -Nintendo High: Entrance-

    "Hey, Hiccup." Ron said, looking at Hiccup. Billy looked at Hiccup and waved, "Oh, yeah, here." He gave Hiccup his own communicator, "This will help you now you two are part of the group. Just come to me, Tommy, Dante, Thomas, or Kimberly if you need any help. We're Power Rangers and allies to the Riders and the Gokaigers." He waved at them as he went to put the communicators for Harry and Masaru in their lockers. Ron smiled, "Looks like high school life just got interesting."

    He looked at the gate as Hermione waved at Philip as he went to the library then Queen and Elizabeth went to their lockers, then James and Harry appeared, James smiling as he won the race and Harry sighed in defeat, listening to his father as he gave his punishment to become a student at his new karate studio when it was ready.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "Well, better face to my office." Lockon said, standing up and heading out. Tieria nodded, heading for the library. Yami headed for his classroom and then everyone headed for their own classrooms. Tommy and Kimberly waved at each other and headed for their respective areas.


    -Music Room-

    "Well, should head for first period class." Troy said, getting up and waving at Kira. Kira waved at them and went to her seat, getting ready for the class.


    -Dark Side of the Moon-

    Listening to his son about the Crystal Order's goal being to bring the Earth back to the united state it was as in the tales of this ruined kingdom. He nodded, "Then let us help them to the fullest of our abilities."



    Akiza walked with Kazu, heading for their first class together. She smiled, talking with him about what she thought of her classes since he was her friend.


    -Antique Shop-

    While walking to school with Haruto, Koyomi asked, "Haruto, what do you think that the Rider that went rouge? Think he will attack or that he will turn good and help you?"


    -Simba & Nala-

    While helping Nala fix up the karate studio for James, Simba kept quiet, thinking about his new duty as Kamen Rider Sigurd and Nala being the Yellow Power Ranger. He hoped that he could make to grips about his past and



    Luka happily ate her breakfast while Ahim sipped her tea and Doc ate, talking with Gai and smiled.


    -Flower Shop-

    "I was thinking about going to the trial, but the shop...." Aerith said, chaos looked at her and said, "Lenne and I can watch the shop, Aerith."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Kiriko Shijima
    Description: A member of Tokyo's Police. Though she is strict and a slacker for the rules, Kiriko is slowly showing that she is caring and tries to protect those she can. Kiriko was once a traffic worker before asking to transfer to the main office.
    Occupation: Policewoman
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Drive

    Name: Go Shijima
    Description: Kiriko's younger brother who is stationed over in America. Go is a freelance photographer who is also surprisingly very athletic and able to take good pictures. He is usually cheerful and friendly, but Go does have a serious side to his personality.
    Occupation: Photographer
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Drive
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    When Philip put in his hair clips in the side of his hair, he said, "All done." "Mou! Philip, we need to get you some new hair clips!" Elizabeth said, pouting at seeing Philip's hair clips. Queen pulled her ear and smiled, "Maybe later." "Alright, Shotaro, we're heading off." Hermione said, grabbing her schoolbag and waving at him. Philip said, "Just call if someone makes by with a case." "See you after school, Shou-chan!" Elizabeth said, waving at him.


    -Alice's Apartment-

    Alice put her shoes on and smiled as she looked in Yuri's room and saw Blanca trying to wake Yuri up. "How are you doing, Blanca?" She asked, smiling. Blanca barked, Alice patted his head. "Well, keep trying. I'm gonna head out." She turned and headed for the door.


    -Nintendo Elementary-

    Reaching the school gate, James smiled, "Ah~ Such good memories." "Yes. You, Sirius, and I all met here." Remus said, smiling. Harry smiled, "So did Ron, Hermione, and I." Lily smiled, seeing the three of them reminisce about their days here. Sakura roller-bladed up to the entrance and waved at the others who waved back.



    Stretching, Akiza looked around and waved at Kazu, "Morning, Kazu!" She ran to Kazu and smiled. "How are you doing this morning?"


    -Antique Shop-

    Koyomi put her dishes in the sink and cleaned her hands. She thought about the news of the rouge Rider and wondered if he became good so he could help Haruto.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "Oh, thank you, Mr. Hino." Haruka said, as she and the others each took one. Hotaru softly bit into hers and smiled, "It's delicious, thank you." Michiru smiled and patted her head. Serena ran up, "Morning, guys!" "Morning, odango head." Haruka said, smiling. Lita smiled, waving at her. Michiru looked at her watch. "Oh, I should get Hotaru to Nintendo Elementary, I'll see you all at school." She gently kissed Haruka's cheek and got Hotaru's hand, walking her to school.


    -Nintendo High: Teacher Lounge-

    Dante watched Rose get asked out on a date and grumbled, Billy looked at him and said, "Calm down. It will be fine." He looked over at Fang and Sirius, then got up and quietly set the communicators on their desks. He walked out to put the other ones in the shoe lockers of the younger members. Tieria looked at Lockon, "I still feel guilty about what happened to you. Now this...." "It's fine." Lockon said, holding his hand up. Tommy thought for a moment and looked at Kimberly, "Hey, Kim. How bout we go out tonight? We haven't done one in a while."

    "Sure, Tommy." Kimberly said. "Sounds like a good idea." Watching them, Setsuna smiled and looked at Serah and Snow, who were happily talking with each other while Yami was writing his class lessons for the day.


    -Nintendo High: School Entrance-

    Ron stretched as he entered the high school and went to his shoe locker. "Morning, Weasley." Seiya said, waving at him as he and his companions walked by. Ron looked at him, "Morning, Seiya-senpai." "Ron, there you are." Billy said, walking up to him. "Here." He gave him a communicator with a dark orange wristband. "This will help you when Zedd or Rita decide to bring out a monster." "Thanks, Billy." Ron said, looking at him. Before opening his locker, Ron watched as Ryotaro was hit in the head by one of the lockers on the way to his own.

    "He's supposed to be......?" Ron asked. Billy laughed, "Yeah, a Rider like you, but even though it's been a year, I'm still surprised at his bad luck."


    -Nintnedo High: Music Room-

    Kira sat in the music room with her team, trying to figure a song to write. Taking a look at the melody she had, Troy took the sheet music and sat at the piano. Emma looked at him and asked, "What are you doing, Troy?" "I want to try and help." Troy said, "I'll play the melody that she has so far and see if that helps." Opening the keyboard lid, Troy began to play.

    Everyone listened to how well he played the melody. Kira sat with Troy and looked at the sheet music, thinking and starting to write some lyrics that came to her mind.



    "Breakfast is ready!" Don said, coming from the kitchen and setting the food on the table. Ahim put some tea on the table and smiled as Luka sat down and smiled, taking some of the food and eating it.



    Exploring the other side of the Moon and being able to breath in space, Zedd found the ruins of what looked like a palace. During his research of Earth, he had found the tales of there once being a beautiful kingdom on the moon, but didn't believe it. Now that he had seen the ruins, Zedd believed the stories. He walked through the ruins, looking at them and wondering what happened to the palace as well as sensing a strong magic.


    -Flower Shop-

    "I see now." Aerith said, smiling. "It's nice to see you're full of so many surprises, Carter." Lenne smiled while chaos bowed at Lee, going to water the water lilies.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel
  12. Princess Rapunzel


    Elsa was preparing in her hotel room, being asked to testify in the trial. She didn't listen to the news and wondered how Harold was doing and if he was alright. 'There's a good reason i don't listen to the news.' She thought to herself, finishing her braid and standing. Anna stretched and looked as Elsa appeared.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione had been doing well since her capture and working hard as chief and landlord. She gave Shotaro a cup of coffee that she brew and smiled while Philip finished dressing, putting on a black vest along with the black ribbon and put his communicator on his wrist. Queen and Elizabeth came in, Elizabeth smiled, "Hey, Shou-chan, Philip-kun, Mione-chan!" "Morning, Queen, Elizabeth," Philip said, looking at them. Hermione looked at them, "Morning, you two. Philip and I are almost ready."


    -Alice's Apartment-

    Alice stood in her room, finishing up doing her hair by tying the blue ribbon. Blanca barked and ran into Yuri's room, barking loudly and licking his face to wake up. Blanca panted and smiled, getting closer to Yuri.


    -Nintendo Elementary-

    James smiled as he walked with his family and his friend as they took WilyKit and WilyKat to the elementary school. Harry carried his Riolu and smiled at his adoptive siblings. Only James, Remus, and Harry could remember the good days at the elementary school, the four older members of the group kept their transformation devices hidden so no one could know their power.


    -Teacher's Lonuge-

    Fang held her Lockseed, thinking about what to do now. Tommy had surprised everyone by wearing a black shirt over his usual white, but Thomas didn't seem to mind, wearing a black bandanna on his head. Dante didn't have his regular red coat on, revealing his black shirt, Snow let Serah wear his black coat and just wore his own black bandanna while the others just wore the ribbons. Fang twirled the Lockseed on her finger, catching it in her hand and sighed.

    Billy sat at his desk, putting the finishing touches on the comminucators for the other new members.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Luna was calmly drinking from her saucer of milk when Serena came in and grabbed a piece of toast, "Sorry, but gonna go. My friends and I promised to meet at Rei's family shrine and go to school together. I'll see you all later. Hope you have a great day at Nintendo Elementary, Rini." She patted the young girl's head and ran off.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    While everyone else was waiting for Serena, Rei sat in the innermost room, praying. She prayed for safety and tried to see what dangers would be about.


    -Akira & Michal's Home-

    Michal made breakfast for himself, Akira, and Shintaro who was visiting their home and wondered what was going to happen now. Shintaro sipped his coffee while Akira happily ate what Michal cooked for them.


    -Antique Shop-

    Koyomi ate her breakfast and waited for Haruto so they could head for school together. Wajima put her up in a simple ponytail and she straightened her school uniform.


    -Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm-

    Akiza made herself breakfast, biting into a piece of toast and poured herself a cup of milk. She put on her uniform and made sure that her hair clip in in, holding up her bangs and the strands of hair framing her face. Clipping on her deck holder last, Akiza grabbed her room key and headed out, running to meet Kazu.



    Hiding among the people in the street in his human form, Kazari held a cap over his head that hid his silvery white hair so the police won't know who he was.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Remus' Home-

    While everyone was asleep, Mew floated around Ron's room, looking at its trainer sleep and pondered what will happen now. Deciding to help Ron during the next battle, Mew closed its eyes and fell asleep.

    Remus sat in his room, looking at the moon as he held the Melon Lockseed. Though he had realized that the Melon on his and Lily's Lockseeds were based on the muskmelon, Remus didn't mind and knew he wouldn't be able to help during the full moon. He sighed, leaning against the window still. Remus smiled as he wondered what new adventures they would have with these new powers.


    -Tsukino Home-

    While Luna slept in Rini's room, Serena sat on her bed, looking up at the moon out her window. "Huh, wonder why I feel like my heart break and I feel so sad when I look at the moon?" Serena whispered to herself, feeling tears stream down her face.


    -Nala's Apartment-

    Waking up, Simba looked around and saw Nala in her lioness form, laying next to him, fast asleep and purring softly. Since he was in his lion form, Simba smiled and snuggled next to her. He looked at the desk where their transformation devices were, Simba did wondered if being Sigurd was the right thing to do after what happened with his father. He sighed and laid down, holding Nala.



    While Anna slept in her own room, Elsa was wide awake in her room, thinking about Harold and if he was going to be okay with the trial as well as no longer being stay with Aerith in her flower shop. She made a small bout of snow magic, smiling.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip was in the investigation room, trying to figure out what had happened recently. The whiteboard walls covered in all the facts and detailed that he had learned from the Planet Bookshelf. 'Why would Mione-chan be captured by Kazari?' He thought to himself, trying to figure it out.


    -Kengo's Home-

    Kengo watched Chibi Chib sleep in her room, gently holding a stuffed bunny doll while she slept. Though she did get on his nerves once in a while, Kengo smiled and rubbed her hair before getting up and heading to his room. He sighed and laid on his bed.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel


    Riding down on the street of the city, Sakura kept quiet, thinking back to her own fights when she had become Ichigo. She kept a steady pace on the street as she rode on her Cyclone, Sakura wondered what Tsukasa was doing and decided to keep quiet about the new Riders if they met again. Slowly increasing her speed, Sakura rode back to her home.


    -Remus' Home-

    After a delicious meal made by Harry, James, Lily, and Sirius, Harry sat in his adoptive siblings' room, looking over them with Riolu on his lap. He opened and closed the lock on his Lockseed, with a sigh, Harry wondered why he got a acorn while his friends and his father's companions, as well as his mother got better items. Rubbing his Riolu's head, Harry whispered, "Hey, Riolu, will you help me in my duty as a Rider?" Riolu smiled and nodded, looking at its trainer.

    While Mew floated around his room, Ron looked out his window, holding his Lockseed up in the air. He thought about what he could do to help his friend and the others to make up for his behavior. Mew gave a small mew and cuddled him. Smiling, Ron rubbed Mew's head.



    Taking her card key, Elsa nodded and went to her room. Though she admitted the room was nice, she kinda missed the big space in Harold's trunk with the magical runes. She undid her hair and undressed, stepping into the shower. She cleaned herself up and thought about Harold, how he might be doing.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Listening to Rini about being nervous and her thoughts on starting school, Luna smiled and mew softly, expressing her agreement. 'She seems like a sweet girl, a bit better than Serena in terms of personality.' She thought.


    -Crystal Order HQ-

    Kazari watched the two members getting the mark of the Crystal Order, he remembered when he had gotten his. Luckily, Kazari didn't have any senses so he couldn't feel the pain when he felt the brand on his hand. He crossed his arms and watched them, leaning against the wall.



    Riding around the city on his own motorcycle, Dante smiled, glad to be away from his brother and Nero for a while. With Rebellion on his back, Dante felt ready for any demon that would come at him because of his father.


    -Reunited Friends-

    While resting at Nala's apartment, the two put on special necklaces and changed forms, Simba had become a mighty looking lion while Nala had become a slender lioness, their fur being the color of their hair. They laid on the floor and nuzzled each other, happy to be together again after a long time.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Ron & Sakura-

    Holding on Sakura's coat as they rode back to Remus's house, Ron thought about what kind of abilities that his new Lockseed will have and sighed. Sakura kept a steady speed, feeling Ron's grip and smiled.


    -Command Center-

    "Well, I should get going too." Lily said. "Gonna get back and feed the boys. I know at least how James and Sirius are when they're hungry." She smiled and waved at them, teleporting away to Remus's home.


    -Remus' Home-

    Harry saw Ron come up on Sakura's Cyclone and walked to him, waving at Sakura after she let him off and she rode to her place. James played with the Wilys to avoid them see their mother appear in a flash of white light.



    "Alright, I understand." Elsa said, hearing about what might happen at the trial. "I'll try not to bias about him if that's happens." "Yeah, I'm happy that she's safe." Anna said. Elsa looked at them and said, "May I see my room? I would like to sit and rest after all that walking."


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip leaned against the wall of the agency, reading his book and felt his pocket, feeling Hermione's Mini-Memory she had made. He wondered how she was doing in the hospital.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Luna walked through the house and found the door to Rini's room slightly open, hearing the Star Locket's melody. 'I feel like I might have heard this melody before.' Luna thought before entering the room. She softly mew and hopped on the bed, rubbing against Rini.



    Standing on a roof of a building, Fetch looked out at the city and activated her power, flying off as she left a neon trail in the sky.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel
  18. Princess Rapunzel
  19. Princess Rapunzel
  20. Princess Rapunzel